Auto Body Repair Facility of the Future- Customer Version
- Опубліковано 18 гру 2024
- View the repair process inside the auto body repair shop of the future. 3D Collision Centers in Conshohocken Pennsylvania has a facility capable of repairing 120 cars a week utilizing revolutionary European Symach repair equipment and 30 years of development. 3D is capable of repairing cars to OEM correct proceedures.
Very inspiring video guys ... Took me 30minutes to finish watching it while taking notes ... Thanks
beautiful shop.
Completely omits the insurance inspection cataloging damage and estimating the repair/replacement in hours per the auto repair manual which produces the written estimate authorized by the insurance company. Down draft air circulation is essential in the entire shop. Dry electrostatic paint booths were projected 20 years ago. It would be best to find this as part of the dealership that sells the $50,000 vehicles.
When I started , I had two stalls and my tools $165 tool box , its a science today
Can I jion work shop ashelper
You can guarantee when your car is one out of 120 others being rushed through that week, it certainly won't be getting due care and attention. These greedy shops are diabolical, you can't rush perfection
Ok boomer
Can I jion work shop ashelper
Can I jion work shop ashelper
@@sphdg Interesting comment... have you ever worked at a body shop??? Philip Roses' comment was absolutely spot on. Maybe you should focus on your Millennial or Zoomer side hustle. Or you know... do some more of your exciting rubiks cube racing.
@@AdilAdil-bo1ln I was solving those when I was 13 home boi
How much do you charge for a kids birthday party tour?
Amazing, where are you located? I would love to know more about the process, can I contact somebody?
looks fantastic!
Very nice video 🌴
Where do I apply.
Wow! You guys need to be in my hometown
Can I jion work shop ashelper
@@AdilAdil-bo1ln ?
where can i buy the blue shiny parts for the wall?
I saw that ford cab Uniside , used sheet metal is a no no ford says so
J Renzi the one @3:23 that’s most defiantly a used uniside
J Renzi most defiantly, pause the video at 3:23 right side of the frame , there is a cab that’s been sectioned leaned against the wall appears to be a 2009-2014 f-150 standard cab it’s white in color ,
busted. good eye Dan.
What a beautiful shop. Wish we had one in jersey like this . Would love to work for such a clean well driven shop
lol good eye that's hilarious
Biggest problem of Auto body shop is they are not use OEM parts and some of suspension parts are from savage yard vehicles.
There are fewer OEM certified facilities NOT because the cars became so complex but because the OEMs make sure there are very few of them so that they get a lot of money from licensing and parts. Modern cars are easy to repair and electronics diagnostic tools are abandunt. Even the most "sophisticated" cars use 4- or 8-bit processors from 1980s. It's all just manufacturers' insatiable greed.
بہت خوب
no talk about the UV technology ?
You are a Denter thats your job?
Can I jion work shop ashelper
Can I jion work shop ashelper
If your car leaks oil, repair it with a screwdriver in the shortest time and at the lowest cost
i wish i was working there
Can I jion work shop ashelper
Give me a job as an automotive painter?
Lol what they meant to say is to keep an eye on their workers to make sure they are working at all times
Just advertising and nothing else.
I bet they pay a shitty hourly wage and can’t find decent skilled people
Why do ya not have the door on the car when you’re painting it ?,,,ya dooofus/
Nothing but an ad