
  • Опубліковано 15 вер 2024
  • Culturally, as so-called "Black" people, we are known to greet each other as royalty. "Peace King; Peace, Peace" we say even in the hoods, ghettoes, and projects. It is those with Knowledge, Understanding, and Wisdom that are the true Royals who, with discernment, SERVE the community by sharing knowledge and bearing the fruits of wisdom borne of applied understanding. Thus, the teachers (though themselves are perpetual students, as learning continues until our last breath) are Kings. Thus, "the man that knows something knows that he knows nothing at all"...the Master Teacher is truly the Master Student who, although having authority to guide others, is truly himself as student, serving as he is being led in and through his perpetual search for more knowledge, understanding, and wisdom. Interestingly, this is affirmed by our sages and Rabbis of antiquity:
    In Tractate Gittin 62a:14, we read:
    § With regard to the matter of doubling one’s greeting, the Gemara relates that Rav Huna and Rav Ḥisda were once sitting when the Sage Geneiva passed by alongside them. One of them said to the other: We should stand before him, in his honor, for he is a son of Torah. The other one said to him: But should we stand before an argumentative person? In the meantime, Geneiva approached them and said to them: Peace be upon you, kings, peace be upon you, kings. They said to him: From where do you know that the Sages are called kings? He said to them: As it is written with regard to the Torah in the book of Proverbs: “Through me kings rule” (Proverbs 8:15).