Custom Huarache | How to Airbrush a Rainbow Fade | Angelus Paint

  • Опубліковано 18 гру 2024

КОМЕНТАРІ • 2,3 тис.

  • @xzav2000
    @xzav2000 8 років тому +444

    I love how detailed he goes into detail about what he's doing and really breaks down the steps he's taking. Would love a pair

    • @68990-o
      @68990-o 8 років тому +8

      Thanks man, just trying to make sure you guys are clear and confident if you try it

    • @jarenkilayko3910
      @jarenkilayko3910 8 років тому +5

      +Vaa Leuelu you do realize that its actually him

    • @dizzy1419
      @dizzy1419 8 років тому

      +Jaren Kilayko I don't think it is

    • @xzav2000
      @xzav2000 8 років тому +1

      +Arctic Strobe it is lmao. In the video he says his name and the name of the UA-cam page matches

    • @dizzy1419
      @dizzy1419 8 років тому +3

      That isn't proof?? Literally anyone could change their name to that

  • @OhhInk
    @OhhInk 8 років тому +397

    Favorite part was ripping the tape off. Satisfying af tbh

  • @akilahrogers3630
    @akilahrogers3630 8 років тому +922

    somebody is going to try to do this and mess up they huaraches

  • @denischabriddell986
    @denischabriddell986 8 років тому +1

    I love how you used all 7 colors of the rainbow.. I love rainbows.. God keeps his promises.. You are so talented. May God bless the work of your hands..

  • @rawshop
    @rawshop 8 років тому +51

    Bruh, Nike should signature a sneaker after you. You got madddd skills man.

  • @optimafootworks9554
    @optimafootworks9554 4 роки тому +3

    i've begun to prep and i'll begin airbrushing my 1st shoe this wknd ... videos like this are gold. thank you to your whole team for making these vids

  • @kennethhoward5127
    @kennethhoward5127 8 років тому +3

    as an artist, i definitely can appreciate the skill it takes to do this

  • @yahmami1799
    @yahmami1799 6 років тому +18

    I usually dont wear rainbow, but these huaraches are 🔥❌🧢

  • @washingtonkay
    @washingtonkay 8 років тому

    Nike needs to hire some you guys...the talent level and imagination that you bring to their often mundane products is amazing. This isn't even shoes anymore it's literally art work. Kudos my G.

  • @TCes153
    @TCes153 5 років тому +3

    I like how he explained techniques and details that a lot of other tutorials skip! Thank you sir 🙏🏼

  • @derekvigil2273
    @derekvigil2273 8 років тому +9

    Angelus honestly gives you everything you need to create the freshest custom shoestrogen. I love this site!

    • @thegreykraken770
      @thegreykraken770 8 років тому

      do you ship your products to the uk ???

    • @racheljohnson8704
      @racheljohnson8704 8 років тому

      +Angelus Brand (Angelus Shoe Polish) you.... ARE THE FUCKING MAN. THOSE ARE SOME FLY ASS SHOES

  • @angelmarin3641
    @angelmarin3641 8 років тому +6

    Oh point bro 😏👌🏼 as a little kid I would always do this to my sneakers but I had no confidence to rock them out and now I have extra confidence and now I can pursue this with the proper knowledge . Thanks .

  • @Davidgotkicks
    @Davidgotkicks 8 років тому +281

    This came out sick!! Gotta try this sometime

  • @nicholesmith7660
    @nicholesmith7660 8 років тому

    Wow, the quality of craftsmanship is something you don't see anymore. These are amazing!

  • @suchhun
    @suchhun 6 років тому

    That Paradise Purple is a beauty to look at.

  • @hotdogyea99
    @hotdogyea99 8 років тому +51

    "Reasonable nice" wtf are you taking about those are fire!

  • @nealmaguire
    @nealmaguire 7 років тому +415

    that moment when you realise you still have the other one to paint

    • @elpobrev9262
      @elpobrev9262 6 років тому +7

      Then just go to inshot n rotate it😂😂😂😂😂

    • @mlrd6622
      @mlrd6622 5 років тому +2


    • @hassanbakali526
      @hassanbakali526 5 років тому

      @@mlrd6622 qqq

    • @mlrd6622
      @mlrd6622 5 років тому

      ?... ok then...

    • @Jayyy9494
      @Jayyy9494 4 роки тому +2

      Copy and paste. Amateur!

  • @taylorchanna
    @taylorchanna 7 років тому +4

    Suheel is legit! Love watching him

  • @irishiweredrunk22
    @irishiweredrunk22 4 роки тому

    Suheel has such a smooth delivery. Love watching him and custom sneaker creations!

  • @daviusthomas8695
    @daviusthomas8695 8 років тому

    Angelus is the best thing I ever seen . Getting to costume your shoes and making them better then ever .

  • @CloudWalka83
    @CloudWalka83 8 років тому +30

    Man i give you Mad Props on these kicks. They go hard.

    • @tomhilsonperrie
      @tomhilsonperrie 4 роки тому

      I literally have no idea what any of that comment means! I am far too old to be watching this video lol

  • @torianjenkins8754
    @torianjenkins8754 8 років тому +12

    I promise this was the greatest videos ive seen, and you are a true talent to this, and plus youve taugt me alot and i hope all others have thank you

  • @soleneg6819
    @soleneg6819 8 років тому +31


  • @austinprater5912
    @austinprater5912 8 років тому

    This shoe is dope by itself but then you add the rainbow fade and it just makes it 1000x better this was awesome man

  • @bigtub1101
    @bigtub1101 6 років тому

    Only clicked on this video because those shoes are absolutely beautiful! But watching the process was really cool

  • @snc62111
    @snc62111 6 років тому +3

    These are awesome. I did this to a pair of Reebok classic low tops.

  • @Da1Da1o1
    @Da1Da1o1 8 років тому +20

    wouldn't doubt if this became a release from Nike cause its really dope

    • @MonsterrUnderrBed
      @MonsterrUnderrBed 8 років тому +9

      This would be such a dope shoe to release for all of the Pride events going on lately. Dedicating a shoe to the LGBT community would be so admirable. Especially since that Orlando shooting and all the shit that's been going down...

    • @oldyoungin7763
      @oldyoungin7763 8 років тому

      +MonsterrUnderrBed thats gay

    • @abraxasalazam8884
      @abraxasalazam8884 8 років тому

      +MonsterrUnderrBed it's a shoe with colors on it... It doesn't mean you have pride. Having all the colors doesn't mean pride

    • @MonsterrUnderrBed
      @MonsterrUnderrBed 8 років тому +3

      Abraxas Alazam I didn't say that the shoe would give a person pride. I capitalized "Pride" for a reason... I'm referring to the Pride parades/marches/festivals/events that celebrate the LGBT (lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender) community. It would be a cool shoe to wear to one of those events since their community is represented by a rainbow flag. It's pretty common to wear rainbow themed apparel to a Pride event. Never said that it meant anything lol.

  • @vitcoktoria5355
    @vitcoktoria5355 8 років тому +87


    • @amber9394
      @amber9394 6 років тому +2

      "HECKA" lol imma start usin' that

    • @txmwxl
      @txmwxl 5 років тому


  • @D5TYLE
    @D5TYLE 8 років тому +1

    These shoes are amazing. Great for the summertime.

  • @asheroneandonly2639
    @asheroneandonly2639 8 років тому +1

    This is literally one of the best fade process I have seen. I saw other fades but they weren't as good or helpful as this video here. Loving it and thank for the help.keep up the good work.

  • @peterhill9406
    @peterhill9406 5 років тому +9

    I tried it it also came out sick

  • @ChibiChula
    @ChibiChula 8 років тому +21

    If the main shoe color was black instead of white I would have found a way to steal them through my tablet screen, lol. They are gorgeous!

    • @FeelgoodThreads
      @FeelgoodThreads 8 років тому

      Coulda kept goin and made em that way lol

  • @T33nXtasy
    @T33nXtasy 6 років тому +8

    I'm gonna do this I be looking the most lit in my school then

  • @ThemcpeMaster53
    @ThemcpeMaster53 8 років тому +1

    Ive never liked Huaraches but this custom changed my mind 100%

  • @Chopitlikecr7
    @Chopitlikecr7 6 років тому

    Best and eye catching thing I've every seen in whole entire life💯💯💯💯👌👌💪💪💪👌🖒🖒👌👌🤘👊👊🤘🤘🤘🤘👌💰💵💵💵💰💰💰💡💡💡💡💡💡💡👟👟👟👟👟👟

  • @Charmandarin
    @Charmandarin 8 років тому +69

    Could you do this on black huaraches?

  • @anjelyca865
    @anjelyca865 8 років тому +10

    How much would it be if I let you customize a pair of shoes

  • @LateNightDrew
    @LateNightDrew 5 років тому +4

    Finna do this to my pair. Seems like a good pair to wear for summer

  • @demarcusfleming6381
    @demarcusfleming6381 8 років тому

    Best custom huaraches I've ever seen...and this video was very useful...I think I'm gonna order the tools to try and see how it goes...!!

  • @plewni
    @plewni 8 років тому

    The color way is fresh and makes the clean crisp white **POP**

  • @Bulls-eye4795
    @Bulls-eye4795 8 років тому +4

    Is there anyway I could buy an exact pair of these customs in 10s? I love them so much. I hope you get back to me.

    • @FeelgoodThreads
      @FeelgoodThreads 8 років тому

      yup contact us, we make them after we finished this tutorial.

  • @LesBeanJai123
    @LesBeanJai123 8 років тому +156

    yo can i just pay someone to make these for me cuz this would be fire asf for pride next year
    ... if anyone customizes shoes fr hit me up plz

    • @FeelgoodThreads
      @FeelgoodThreads 8 років тому +19

      I did these and we do these for customers, please contact us at Thanks.

    • @FishingWithFOREST
      @FishingWithFOREST 7 років тому +1

      Jai123 a sun I'm a big shoe collector! I love shoes! All you gotta do is tell me what you want me to do! I gotcha fam!👌😝😆

    • @mikaylavlijter7045
      @mikaylavlijter7045 6 років тому
      They do custom huraches

    • @Hip2835461
      @Hip2835461 5 років тому

      I do customs on my IG

    • @cocaleaf2371
      @cocaleaf2371 5 років тому +1

      @@FeelgoodThreads you got an IG?

  • @cerenityobanner5218
    @cerenityobanner5218 8 років тому +3

    boy dem things look raw what city do you live so you can do my addias

  • @marlystlouis849
    @marlystlouis849 8 років тому

    Those shoes look really fresh and can go with any clothing.

  • @novaszim7902
    @novaszim7902 4 роки тому

    Is it bad that I still want these in 2020? Huarache’s are timeless!

  • @hecswazy
    @hecswazy 8 років тому +3

    How much ? And who can I contact for these

  • @thefairytail6368
    @thefairytail6368 8 років тому +10

    whats your contact info
    and how much will u charge if u were to customize some gym red 13's

    • @alexandramcgill8906
      @alexandramcgill8906 8 років тому +1

      Angelus Brand hey can u do my shoes like that how much will u charge

    • @xCeoAjay
      @xCeoAjay 8 років тому

      Angelus Brand hey do u sell them ??

    • @parrisnation667
      @parrisnation667 8 років тому


  • @rubycastillo6655
    @rubycastillo6655 8 років тому +55

    Probably would have been best to do a voice over so you could be protected with a mouth guard and not smelling the toxins that come from the paint. Chemistry professor always stressed to wear gear when doing something that might harm our bodies. Bad fumes is very dangerous to inhale.

    • @rubycastillo6655
      @rubycastillo6655 8 років тому +3

      ***** Oh lol, Just making sure lol

    • @mrbeastmode842
      @mrbeastmode842 8 років тому +5

      +ruby castillo that is very thoughtful and we'll noticed, I didn't notice that!

    • @addquoteshere8758
      @addquoteshere8758 7 років тому +9

      ruby castillo u do realize that's only for spray paint right?

    • @XneNXnlyLimitless
      @XneNXnlyLimitless 7 років тому

      Shut up

  • @shanteparker4885
    @shanteparker4885 8 років тому +1

    These are pretty , love how you designed these shoes all the right colors too so in love with these !!

  • @blakexratcliff3673
    @blakexratcliff3673 8 років тому +1

    That's so cool! I've been wanting to know how to do a fade custom for ages! Thank you!

  • @ComradeSpectre
    @ComradeSpectre 8 років тому +6

    can i an send you my new harruches for you to paint

  • @lovelyh.969
    @lovelyh.969 8 років тому +38

    Ayee LGBT shoes😊💕

    • @coldladywinter6209
      @coldladywinter6209 6 років тому +45

      Lovely H. Just a rainbow.... Not every rainbow have a connection to LGBT.

    • @darkshadow8557
      @darkshadow8557 6 років тому +3

      Lovely H. This doesn’t represent gays

  • @ashleysanchez3030
    @ashleysanchez3030 8 років тому +5

    I thought they were called hurricane

    • @ashleysanchez3030
      @ashleysanchez3030 8 років тому +1

      I made those for my boyfriend (chrishtin ortaga) we are like a power couple I mean we are both good looking and dress very well well back to what I was saying he looked dope

    • @elpobrev9262
      @elpobrev9262 6 років тому

      Lol u answered ur self

  • @twrecks116
    @twrecks116 8 років тому

    Suheel does Clean Work!! Angelus....Keep him Around!!!

  • @kim99may
    @kim99may 3 роки тому

    ❤️🌈❤️Favorite shoe and painting yet! Well done and great details in the explanation.

  • @destroyakira
    @destroyakira 5 років тому +4

    How much is he selling these for I want and need them 😂

  • @danii_coyy
    @danii_coyy 8 років тому +5

    the Qrew kicks song haha

    • @BS-cg6px
      @BS-cg6px 8 років тому


    • @stunnah26
      @stunnah26 8 років тому

      you do realize its easy to access royalty free music, not Qias' track.

    • @juice24kidflash
      @juice24kidflash 8 років тому

      Dumbass they own no rights to that instrumental, so how does it make it theirs haha

    • @SinghWhips
      @SinghWhips 8 років тому

      check out my channel for the full song

  • @miadorsey3881
    @miadorsey3881 8 років тому +12

    but waat happens wen u go to the club and it ☔💦

  • @taniyacarpenter2471
    @taniyacarpenter2471 8 років тому

    I love the way you did these huaraches.

  • @darrelbansah634
    @darrelbansah634 8 років тому

    This color transitioning is amazing.

  • @cristianmadrid7470
    @cristianmadrid7470 8 років тому +4

    if I pay you would you do them for me

  • @lemons3186
    @lemons3186 8 років тому +7

    nice shoes too bad i spend my money on paint and art stuff, cool profile tho

  • @xaviansosa5940
    @xaviansosa5940 8 років тому

    The color fade is crazy sick

  • @julianmadrid71
    @julianmadrid71 8 років тому

    Those are the best huaraces I've ever seen

  • @ali3scobar600
    @ali3scobar600 8 років тому

    these are one of the best shoes iv'e ever seen. I LOVE ANGELUS BRAND!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • @chinguuminseok5005
    @chinguuminseok5005 6 років тому

    Huaraches NEED to step up they game cuz a girl needs to get these ASAP!

  • @soulbrother3299
    @soulbrother3299 2 роки тому +1

    Not to fund of the rainbow but that shoes hard!! Plus it would match different outfits..great job!!

  • @jasminetindall7421
    @jasminetindall7421 8 років тому

    Something new something different definitely love them

  • @WtfytyR
    @WtfytyR 8 років тому

    I have no favorite color but I love ombre!!! no mater what color is mixed into each other😍

  • @xxalmightyxxxxpandaxx4726
    @xxalmightyxxxxpandaxx4726 8 років тому

    beautiful and clean rainbow fade.

  • @bhapampa
    @bhapampa 8 років тому

    Damnnnnnnnn son! You guys killed me with the rainbow fade man. Damn!

  • @theprincessbrat99
    @theprincessbrat99 8 років тому

    Awesome custom it makes me believe anything can happen

  • @shihtzupuppydog6452
    @shihtzupuppydog6452 8 років тому

    clear, concisse, and wow the colors!

  • @sheenagriff
    @sheenagriff 8 років тому

    I customize shoes and I must say this paints the best

  • @philrichmond7567
    @philrichmond7567 7 років тому +1

    I did this exactly and my Huaraches look sweet. I get great comments all the time and even offers to sell them.

  • @InterfaceMastery
    @InterfaceMastery 8 років тому

    These are dope for the summer time

  • @donovan007007
    @donovan007007 8 років тому +1

    Those are great!.... love that green!

  • @Jqtsh
    @Jqtsh 8 років тому

    Best tutorial i have ever seen in my life

  • @coles4218
    @coles4218 8 років тому

    I love all the work they do. About to start purchasing my materials from their website

  • @mydemon
    @mydemon 5 років тому

    The guy cares so much, it's amazing to see

  • @kyleeskicks2619
    @kyleeskicks2619 8 років тому

    Sick! So cool you guys are doing this, ya'll have the best quality custom shoe paints.

  • @Bleu_Goddess
    @Bleu_Goddess 8 років тому

    these shoes are awesome. love the colors..definitely would rock these.!

  • @shijuanajohnson7324
    @shijuanajohnson7324 8 років тому

    Very creative patient cool. I would love a custom pair deadpool inspired kicks by him. Awesome work.

  • @juan6god904
    @juan6god904 8 років тому

    I like the customs, looks like a original idea, keep up the good work

  • @kittychrisy2142
    @kittychrisy2142 6 років тому

    0:07-0:23 should be a video by itself 😍

  • @jam.d123
    @jam.d123 6 років тому +2

    Man I wish I had the skill you had, keep it up man!

  • @b.e.r.nnetwork8251
    @b.e.r.nnetwork8251 4 роки тому

    These are fire! I would def get my girl these if they sold them.

  • @aaliyah2791
    @aaliyah2791 5 років тому

    i freaking love huaraches omg you got to be really talented to do that

    • @aaliyah2791
      @aaliyah2791 5 років тому

      omg i am such a big fan thank you for liking my comment angelus shoe polish!!!

  • @bossking0182
    @bossking0182 8 років тому

    Love the colors nice job angelus

  • @adolfarenal3906
    @adolfarenal3906 8 років тому

    Best custom i have seen!!

  • @delroywashington3185
    @delroywashington3185 6 років тому

    LONDON CALLING , the bolloxs mate ! top diamond GEZZER!

  • @MintaBoggs
    @MintaBoggs 8 років тому

    Wow! watching you make this was amazing!

  • @twrecks116
    @twrecks116 8 років тому

    you do Good Work Bro!! Angelus....keep Suheel around!!

    • @68990-o
      @68990-o 8 років тому

      Ya Angelus, Twrecks116 said so!

  • @l.v.3620
    @l.v.3620 8 років тому

    I just LOVE this Shor, and the way it is done. The look is so Perfect!!

  • @reneehughes7860
    @reneehughes7860 8 років тому +1

    Brilliantly done.

  • @afroninjawrld
    @afroninjawrld 8 років тому

    That's some nice blending!

  • @mahaleylandon6408
    @mahaleylandon6408 7 років тому +1

    I want these so bad like I'm in love!!😍😍

  • @jessicain9210
    @jessicain9210 8 років тому

    Wow those are super cute!!!

  • @DavinciDames
    @DavinciDames 8 років тому

    Nice Custom this is proper to the max🔥👌

  • @Mookgoinhard13
    @Mookgoinhard13 8 років тому

    Great shoe all around well painted custom