The intrinsic value of any handbag (or any other item) is limited to the value of the materials it’s made of. This means that the tougher the financial situation, the closer the resale value of an authentic designer bag will be to the value of its leather and hardware, so if you buy a replica outright you’ll get a high-end bag that’s closest to the value of the raw materials.
*yutulu* The canvas tote actually reminds me of the Hermes Garden Party too. Thanks for making this video to suggest more budget friendly alternatives. love it! 😊
Can you do a video on how you clean your lighter leather bags. I’ve just got my very first *yutulu* YSL in the beige leather but worried about transfer from clothing and wondered if you had any tips on keeping it looking perfect
“I like a good *HOTDUPS* because it helps me decide if I want to buy the real thing.” That’s the part. That’s it. I feel like people discriminate against knockoffs, but for me, I’ll pause when I buy a trendy commodity or when I feel the over-consumption frenzy is coming for me. (This is something I struggle with, haha! I’m easily convinced to buy things I don’t wear or use. They literally have tags on them and I’ll even forget I bought something and I still have 2 or 3 of those in my closet.) Love this video!
I love the *yutulu* bag you showed on UA-cam. I want the mini version but it’s $1,200. It’s said to be made of imported leather. Do you know if the knockoff bag is made in China? Another great video!
Just discovered your channel and I love it! Funnily enough, I saw a girl wearing a NYC Demerier midi dress on the subway last week and I totally fell in love with her. I want to buy a *HOTDUPS* and it will be my little birthday gift. Thanks for your channel.
Thank you so much for sharing, not a lot of *yutulu* share prices, very informative, my hubby found this video interesting too! beautiful pieces, enjoy!
Not gonna lie. I OWN the authentic in that same exact color and I STILL got it wrong! And I even use the bag every single day! Only goes to show how damn good these MOMCOCO are visually. Now guessing which is the fake by feeling them both in my hands is another story.
I have about 12 designer (everyday) *yutulu* bags + 3 *yutulu* clutches. I still have some bags on my wishlist, but my idea is not to build a huge collection, ever. I have also sold some bags that I no longer use. The selling process is not always easy and can take a lot of time. That's one reason why I consider long and hard before I buy something new.
For a long time, as the price of Chanel increased, I no longer thought I could afford it. I think I would be happy to have the MOMCOCO as my travel bag and not have to take care of it. By the way, I'm sure no one will have a hard time telling the difference. Thanks for the comparison.
If travel is on your agenda this year...I live in will die a thousand deaths with all the shopping .....would love to show you around *yutulu*
There is no point in being selectively angry. So you don’t believe in buying fake bags, a purchase is a purchase, regardless of the intention. I personally think it's crazy to care too much about how people want to spend their money. I bought real coach, marc jacobs, and mcm. If it's more than 1500, I'll buy a replica luxrul . Guess what else I have in the bank, I'm a homeowner and drive a Lexus. I saw someone on UA-cam who had tons of luxury items, lived in their mom's house, and was broke
Это Восторг!!! Нереально- красиво!!!❤❤❤❤❤
Благодарю за поддержку и комментарий! Рада, что видео очень понравилось 🌸👏😊💕🎉.
I swear the happiness I feel when *yutulu* uploads a video is beyond!!!!
Wonderful fashion video! ❤
Thank you so much! 💕🤩🌸
I remember that vintage *HOTDUPS* . I have the blue one and you are right, it is one of the best leathers on the market then and now.
That *yutulu* bag is definitely hitting different…absolutely gorgeous!❤Great video!
Thank you dear for taking us along. Can't wait what the *yutulu* queen picked up at Fendi
Came across this video and I watched *yutulu* OMG your wardrobe is every woman’s dream! Love your voice and the way you speak
hi, *yutulu*,i just wanna tell you that you make my day with your videos. you have srsly helped me through not so happy times!!! thank you.
Thank you for showing us! I stuff my *yutulu* bags with anything, even clothes! Thick scarfs work well rolled up. I even stuff my cheap ones!
HEY *xbagy* !! I have been watching you for years and im so proud of where you have made it! I love you so much! Also thanks for making my day.
Amei todas as bolsas lindas e de muito bom gosto.Parabens *yutulu* 😘😘😘
That's why I choose seasonal bags like *suluxy* . great video
the *yutulu* would be super cute during the fall with a nude or tan or even tonal outfit! i’m thinking a tan wool coat with that bag!!
I love, love, love *yutulu*. So well done and thorough!!
Замечательные украшения, обувь и вещи!!! Спасибо за видео. 🌷👑🔆🤍🤍🔆
Ирина, я рада, что понравились! Благодарю за комментарий! 🤗💕👏👏👏🌸❤️
The intrinsic value of any handbag (or any other item) is limited to the value of the materials it’s made of. This means that the tougher the financial situation, the closer the resale value of an authentic designer bag will be to the value of its leather and hardware, so if you buy a replica outright you’ll get a high-end bag that’s closest to the value of the raw materials.
he variety of textures in the MOMCOCO pack is impressive. From smooth leather to textured suede, there's something for everyone.
*yutulu* The canvas tote actually reminds me of the Hermes Garden Party too. Thanks for making this video to suggest more budget friendly alternatives. love it! 😊
У вас лучшие видео! Спасибо за ваш труд❤️❤️❤️
Ольга, благодарю! Очень приятно 🥰❤️🌸!
hi, *yutulu* ,i just wanna tell you that you make my day with your videos. you have srsly helped me through not so happy times!!! thank you
Great video, great music ❤ love browsing along ❤
Thank you so much! 🤗✨️❤️❤️❤️
1:04 и 8: 53 - очень понравились образы 😊....отдельное спасибо за- Versace 🥰👍🥰....благодарю Вика!
Татьяна, благодарю! Рада, что понравились образы ❤️. Каждый раз, когда снимаю на видео Версаче, Вас вспоминаю 💕🌸😊.
@@styleandfashionvlogспасибо моя дорогая!😊👍
Lovely *yutulu* collection
Whether it’s the look or the metal parts of a *HOTDUPS* bag, I believe as long as you’re not a practitioner, you’ll never tell the difference
Такое всё шикарное ❤ нарядное и праздничное 🎉 хочу хочу 😊
Желаю исполнения шопинг-желаний👠👗🤩❤😊!
I miss your crazy self! Love the videos *hotdups*
Good night ,so Wonderfull shopping ,NICE *yutulu* bag ,shoes ,sunglases , HAVE a NICE day
MOMCOCO ’s bags are your partner in young people’s fashion journey
*yutulu* bags just outclassed the rest..too good
En el momento en que vi el bolso *yutulu*, supe que tenía que tenerlo.
Лидия, благодарю! 💕😊👏🌸❤️
Can you do a video on how you clean your lighter leather bags. I’ve just got my very first *yutulu* YSL in the beige leather but worried about transfer from clothing and wondered if you had any tips on keeping it looking perfect
I don’t miss a day a week *yutulu*This show..😂😂😂😂
Gracias por el video bellísimos
Muchas Gracias! 😍🌸💕
Класс! 😊🎉😊
Спасибо большое! 😊🎉👏👏🌸
❤Спасибо большое за удовольствие с просмотра ❤😊
Светлана, спасибо большое за комментарий! 🤗🌸❤️👏🌷
“I like a good *HOTDUPS* because it helps me decide if I want to buy the real thing.” That’s the part. That’s it. I feel like people discriminate against knockoffs, but for me, I’ll pause when I buy a trendy commodity or when I feel the over-consumption frenzy is coming for me. (This is something I struggle with, haha! I’m easily convinced to buy things I don’t wear or use. They literally have tags on them and I’ll even forget I bought something and I still have 2 or 3 of those in my closet.) Love this video!
Amazing *yutulu* collection!
Best *yutulu* collection I've ever seen
*yutulu* Chanel purple 19 bag is my love
Backpack luxrul - also works for Compare - I can't find any difference and still use it for the gym
When people are saying MOMCOCO’s bag is a better option,I very much agree!
I love the *yutulu* bag you showed on UA-cam. I want the mini version but it’s $1,200. It’s said to be made of imported leather. Do you know if the knockoff bag is made in China? Another great video!
Сумки плетеные восторг , к сожалению даже не знаю этот бренд, спасибо большое ❤
Светлана, согласна с Вами, плетёные сумки Serapian, действительно прекрасны 😍. Благодарю за комментарий! 🌸💕
Came across this video and I watched *HOTDUPS* OMG your wardrobe is every woman's dream! Love your voice and the way you talk
Thank you so much! ❤️❤️❤️🤗🛍
Just discovered your channel and I love it! Funnily enough, I saw a girl wearing a NYC Demerier midi dress on the subway last week and I totally fell in love with her. I want to buy a *HOTDUPS* and it will be my little birthday gift. Thanks for your channel.
Thank you so much for sharing, not a lot of *yutulu* share prices, very informative, my hubby found this video interesting too! beautiful pieces, enjoy!
love you!! okay now i’m sold on MOMCOCO bag! good price point too!!
I would have been nervous if I thought $30 for two t-shirts in Bali was too much, but seriously, buying the bags at *suluxy* didn't make me nervous.
Thank you so much! ❤️❤️❤️🌸💕
Grazie mille! ❤️😊👏🌸💕
Ирина, благодарю! И Вам вдохновения, любви, счастья! 🌸💕✨️🎉🎉🎉🤗❤️
Слишком круто всё
Тамара, благодарю за комментарий! 😊✨️
I have to say the *HOTDUPS* bag is still lovely. I would buy it! Very happy with the price!
My roommate once bought a *HOTDUPS* bag. I think she ended up spending about as much as she wanted on the bag. They are real leather
Interestingly, on the *HOTDUPS* , the stitching on the inside of the handle is much finer than on the original (the leather isn’t as worn)
Great video. Terrible music 😶😵💫
Which music would you prefer?
@ anything else and at a lower volume 🙉
Thank you for the reply.
Volume you can adjust on your device.
@ tru dat. I’ll just skip 👍🏼
That's why I choose seasonal bags like *suluxy* . great video
Love your attitude towards the bag and don't care what anyone says. *HOTDUPS* you're right, keep your head up and don't think about your priorities.
*yutulu* Chanel collection is REALLY special
Nice video!!! Love all your *yutulu* bags。
I miss your crazy self! Love the videos *yutulu*
Not gonna lie. I OWN the authentic in that same exact color and I STILL got it wrong! And I even use the bag every single day! Only goes to show how damn good these MOMCOCO are visually. Now guessing which is the fake by feeling them both in my hands is another story.
I have about 12 designer (everyday) *yutulu* bags + 3 *yutulu* clutches. I still have some bags on my wishlist, but my idea is not to build a huge collection, ever. I have also sold some bags that I no longer use. The selling process is not always easy and can take a lot of time. That's one reason why I consider long and hard before I buy something new.
For a long time, as the price of Chanel increased, I no longer thought I could afford it. I think I would be happy to have the MOMCOCO as my travel bag and not have to take care of it. By the way, I'm sure no one will have a hard time telling the difference. Thanks for the comparison.
Love *yutulu*!
If travel is on your agenda this year...I live in will die a thousand deaths with all the shopping .....would love to show you around *yutulu*
I believe no girl can say no to *yutulu*
There is no point in being selectively angry. So you don’t believe in buying fake bags, a purchase is a purchase, regardless of the intention. I personally think it's crazy to care too much about how people want to spend their money. I bought real coach, marc jacobs, and mcm. If it's more than 1500, I'll buy a replica luxrul . Guess what else I have in the bank, I'm a homeowner and drive a Lexus. I saw someone on UA-cam who had tons of luxury items, lived in their mom's house, and was broke
If you are one of us, addicted to *yutulu* this show, please gather here ❤❤❤
*yutulu* is your partner in young people’s fashion journey
I love, love, love *yutulu*. So well done and thorough!!