Pertama kali main game arcade Monster Eye 2 di Happy Time Lippo Mall Sidoarjo 💯

  • Опубліковано 17 жов 2024
  • Monster Eye is a 2014 Light Gun Game incorporated with a 5D dynamic theater experience in special arcades.
    In a premise similar to the Let's Go series, the players assume the role of a young vacationing couple, Jack and Betty, with their trusty tour guide Bruce, only for their holiday to go wrong after they're attacked by giant monsters. This time, the source of the monsters are a virus released from a crystal mine, infecting animals and turning them into giant, vicious monstrosities devouring all humans on sight.
    Monster Eye 2 is released in 2018, though instead of a sequel it's actually an Expansion Pack of the first game with extended stages and a new level.
    The Monster Eye duology contain examples of:
    Abandoned Mine: Near the waterfall stage, and its full of giant insects.
    Aim for the Horn: This is the only way to deflect attacks from the rhino beetle and stag beetle bosses, by shooting their horns and pincers enough times to knock them backwards and cause damage to their health. At the end of the battle, both beetles get their entire horns shot into stumps.
    Attack Its Weak Point: All of the bosses (and occasionally a few Giant Mook versions of enemies) can have their attacks cancelled by shooting at circled targets indicated on the screen. Doing so is also the only way of inflicting damage, as attacking anywhere else won't cause any harm and will have Jack and Betty getting hit instead.
    Bat Out of Hell: Bats, entire flocks of them, are a recurring threat in cavern areas, swarming over Jack and Betty by the dozens and causing damage to their health if not shot out of the sky in time. There's also a giant bat the size of an aircraft as a boss.
    Big Creepy-Crawlies: Giant insects are a recurring enemy type, including at least two kaiju-sized insect bosses.
    Big Damn Heroes: Bruce often intervenes when he is needed the most and helps out Jack and Betty.
    Bottomless Magazines: Jack and Betty are armed with machine guns that doesn't run dry of ammo, and doesn't need to be reloaded. The Plasma Cannon and automated Gatling Gun they obtain at certain points also contain infinite ammunition, but only lasts until the end of the stage before they're back to their default weapons.
    Clip Its Wings: The airbone bosses, such as the giant bat, the stag beetle and rhino beetle, will occasionally take flight as they try swooping on Jack and Betty, but their attacks can be cancelled by shooting their wings, which also inflicts damage to their lifebars.
    Cover Drop: The arcade flyer, and most arcade cabinets made for the game, will have the giant lizard boss' huge eye peering at the players. In the game itself this happens when Jack and Betty are battling the giant lizard - the Final Boss - and attempt to take cover inside a derelict building. The monster will peer an eye through a nearby hole, and Jack and Betty must shoot the eye enough times to damage the monster.
    Crouching Moron, Hidden Badass: Betty screams a lot about everything, but she is a player character, so she is very capable of kicking ass.
    Death from Above: Several of the bosses are taken out this way.
    The Giant Killer Gorilla, after being shot to a fraction of its health, will grab a passing unmanned airship as Jack and Betty tries escaping via aircraft. They'll need to shoot the airship to make it crash, and as it blows the gorilla boss is dropped to it's death - followed by the burning airship landing on it.
    The giant stag beetle and rhino beetle pursues Jack and Betty up a mine shaft, until both of them are disabled from having their horns shot off and heavy mining facilities collapsing pinning both beetles on the spot. Then the whole shaft crumbles as Jack and Betty gets out in time, and both beetles are pulped by girders, railings, crates and piles of heavy equipment falling on them.
    The giant bat monster boss pursues Jack and Betty, on a helicopter piloted by Bruce, across a valley. After shooting the bat's wings, head and chest causing adequate damage, Jack and Betty then shoots a rock archway, pinning the bat under tons and tons of rock into the water to it's death.
    Dual Boss: The rhino beetle and stag beetle monsters in the mines, who comes one at a time but later needs to be fought together.
    Everything Trying to Kill You: Thanks to a deadly virus turning regular animals into gigantic, savage beasts, Jack and Betty will be attacked by all kinds of wildlife throughout the game, including stereotypically benevolent animals like apes and gorillas.
    Feed It a Bomb: How the Final Boss, the giant lizard monster, is defeated. After depleting it's health bar until a fraction is left, comes the last Quick Time Event - pass that, and the following cutscene have Jack dropping a plasma nuke into the giant lizard's mouth, resulting in an explosion that finally kills it for good.
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  • @MmQoni
    @MmQoni Місяць тому

    Bro tidak tahu kalau aku juga ada di Jawa😊