2016 Messiah Codes, and Obama

  • Опубліковано 12 вер 2024
  • Update on the Torah Code phenomena with director Richard Shaw, interviewing rabbi Matityahu Glazerson. He describes Gematria (numerology) of the coming year, 2016 and its possible connection to Messiah and the 1335 days from the book of Daniel. We also investigate the Obama Codes and the recent codes about Netanyahu's election which appeared correctly a month before he won the election. No one is predicting the Messiah will come next year, but the gematria on 2016 is something that we thought people needed to be aware of.
    Official site: www.endtodarkness.com
    TORAH CODES End to Darkness available on Amazon together on Blu-ray and SD DVD.
    Follow Richard on Twitter at "Pinlight1"


  • @mi-micanterbury2275
    @mi-micanterbury2275 9 років тому +6

    Mind blowing, just mind blowing. We need much prayer and understanding, May The Most High BLESS and keep you ALL.

    • @mi-micanterbury2275
      @mi-micanterbury2275 9 років тому

      ***** I am trying, I just don't think I could ever do enough.

  • @reneemoses
    @reneemoses 9 років тому +3

    Thank you for sharing! We live in exciting days!

  • @brienfoerster
    @brienfoerster 9 років тому +7

    Nice work Ricardo!

    • @Pinlight
      @Pinlight  9 років тому

      Brien Foerster Thank you Mr. S!

    • @brienfoerster
      @brienfoerster 9 років тому +1

      See you soon I hope.

    • @LewGraham
      @LewGraham 9 років тому

      Most intriguing. I ditto Brien Foerster. 

    • @thebiblicaldigest
      @thebiblicaldigest 9 років тому +6

      Wont be long. I can't wait to see Him at the supper.

  • @2701
    @2701 9 років тому +2

    Just wanted to let you guys know that 776 year will begin (God willing) on September 14th 2015, and will last until: Octoberd 3rd 2016 if at all this calander will still be used

  • @badrubyu2sday
    @badrubyu2sday 9 років тому

    ~thank you~ shalom and His Light to you and your research

  • @Pinlight
    @Pinlight  9 років тому +2

    It is now 5776 in the Hebrew calendar. We will see what this year brings.

    • @tinatiller1091
      @tinatiller1091 8 років тому +1

      It is now 5777 Messiah did not come in 5776 as the Rabbi indicated that the Torah Codes read.

  • @scruffyscrubs5468
    @scruffyscrubs5468 9 років тому +1

    we know from just recently, Obama untied the hands of Iran. Just so your all are aware...it's not going to be a grand ole time when the SHTF! Get your mind and heart in order and be right with G-d. It's going to be the hardest time mankind has ever experienced. It's truly a test.

  • @donation1913
    @donation1913 8 років тому

    I think there is a mistake in the understanding of the Meshiac Torah codes, specifically, tav-shin-ayin-vav. Tav-shin-ayin, in Hebrew means 'to pay attention' as if the Meshiac's arrival is imminent. The 'vav' on the end may or may not be part of the word. It may have been included because of something perceived by the researcher.
    Also, if an Hey is placed on the end, the word means 'to be removed from office'. There may be some political figure or party operating at the time when the Meshiac arrives who gets 'removed from office', possibly an anti-Israel political organization.

  • @celsius1917
    @celsius1917 9 років тому +1

    It struck me that both the numbers 3382 and 5776 reduce to the number 7. Very basic, I know, but still ...
    3+3+8+2 = 16. 1+6 = 7
    5+7+7+6 = 25 2+5 = 7

  • @Pinlight
    @Pinlight  8 років тому

    Prov. 25:2 It is the glory of God to conceal a thing: but the honour of kings is to search out a matter.

  • @calvinmonroe2408
    @calvinmonroe2408 9 років тому +1

    This is interesting

  • @johnnywatts8098
    @johnnywatts8098 9 років тому

    The book in the binder with the color charts that the rabbi had, is that for sale and if so, what is the title of the book?

    • @Pinlight
      @Pinlight  9 років тому

      Johnny Watts It's a print-out from an internet source, available for free. The URL is something I don't currently have but will see if I can post it.

    • @johnnywatts8098
      @johnnywatts8098 9 років тому

      Pinlight Richard, is it in Hebrew only or English too?

    • @Pinlight
      @Pinlight  9 років тому

      Johnny Watts As far as I know by the copy Glazerson showed me, it was all in Hebrew.

  • @turbosistercj
    @turbosistercj 8 років тому

    Does God ever do a thing w/o first sending a prophet?
    So much has been revealed :)

  • @aishbeme
    @aishbeme 9 років тому

    So cool

  • @snappysnap955
    @snappysnap955 9 років тому

    Just curious...why is it entitled "Into Darkness"? We are to walk in His marvelous light.
    Just seems like you wouldn't want to link Torah to darkness.
    This was interesting.

    • @Pinlight
      @Pinlight  9 років тому +2

      Diane Watson The title is, "End to Darkness" not "into" darkness. You're thinking Star Trek.

    • @snappysnap955
      @snappysnap955 9 років тому

      Oh good! That's much better, lol!!

  • @MultiMb1234
    @MultiMb1234 8 років тому

    The real Torah is a manual for self-refinement; it's not a book of divination for conspiracy theorists.

  • @channelanimeplusgaming5178
    @channelanimeplusgaming5178 9 років тому

    i was dreaming yesterday with obama and the 3 temple but i was quitting about watchman so i don't get the full dream but he see is relation with the temple for some reason

  • @WISEUPchannel
    @WISEUPchannel 9 років тому


  • @dovbarleib3256
    @dovbarleib3256 9 років тому

    For this wonderful Torah code to be correct, we need a World War BEFORE the end of the Shmittah year 5775 since Rebbe Nachman says that the beginning of the Geulah is the War of Gog UMagog in the Shmittah year based on the Talmud in Sanhedrin which discusses the 7 year lead up to Mashiach ben David in Motzei Shmittah. Yes, 5776 is also is also a potential Yovel year too, and is the 50th since and including the year of the 6 Day War and the reunification of Yerushalayim. So it also fulfills the dictum of Rav Chaim Vital that Mashiach ben David is at the 50th Gate. So we are all waiting for the Big War.

  • @jeffjohnson8208
    @jeffjohnson8208 8 років тому

    3:56 and 4:03 i could swear that the guy says maciovelli like makaveli like 2 pac who should be.back this year also according to all the.signs

  • @myForumDaily
    @myForumDaily 9 років тому +2

    when Christians talk about Torah it sounds wacky. when Jews talk about Torah, it sounds authentic.
    can you please stop using the word "scriptures" and "messiah" and "Bible"
    it's Moshiach and Torah.
    we need to rebrand stuff.

    • @Pinlight
      @Pinlight  9 років тому

      myForumDaily It is my opinion we need to be inclusive of everyone.

    • @myForumDaily
      @myForumDaily 9 років тому

      Pinlight there's a way to be inclusive but also think about marketing/PR in this cynical day and age

  • @spkthtrth
    @spkthtrth 9 років тому +2

    Yeshua is coming real soon!

    • @EmilJohanssonEOC
      @EmilJohanssonEOC 9 років тому

      Samuel Barge Jr. He's here: www.ra-el.org

    • @spkthtrth
      @spkthtrth 9 років тому

      Emil Johansson That's not him

    • @EmilJohanssonEOC
      @EmilJohanssonEOC 9 років тому

      Samuel Barge Jr. 2 000 years ago they said the same thing and murdered him.

    • @Pinlight
      @Pinlight  9 років тому +2

      Emil Johansson If someone is pretending to be Jesus, then perhaps the real words might come in handy: Matt. 24: "At that time if anyone says to you, ‘Look, here is the Messiah!’ or, ‘There he is!’ do not believe it. For false messiahs and false prophets will appear and perform great signs and wonders to deceive, if possible, even the elect. See, I have told you ahead of time. “So if anyone tells you, ‘There he is, out in the wilderness,’ do not go out; or, ‘Here he is, in the inner rooms,’ do not believe it. For as lightning that comes from the east is visible even in the west, so will be the coming of the Son of Man."
      So anyone that thinks the Messiah is currently here are already deceived. It won't be a secret. Everyone will know without a doubt.

    • @JTBCOOL1
      @JTBCOOL1 9 років тому

      Pinlight You are completely right. The Messiah has not come yet. He has revealed himself already about 2000 years ago. Yossef Chaim told Rabbi Yitzhak that the Messiah will be revealed to him. Kaduri certainly told his family and friends that he met the Messiah multiple times already. His son even told that he used to write crosses in his notes/diary and the son believes it was a message from angels. Now there are numerous converts from Rabbi Kaduri's congregation ever since. Check out "Zev Porat" on youtube. I believe he runs the youtube channel "messiahof israel"

  • @BelieveInTheLordJesus777
    @BelieveInTheLordJesus777 9 років тому

    If this is the end, why are you selling books instead publishing these info as a PDF?

    • @Pinlight
      @Pinlight  9 років тому

      Cristian O. Balan I am not selling any books so I don't know what you're talking about.

    • @BelieveInTheLordJesus777
      @BelieveInTheLordJesus777 9 років тому

      Pinlight Sorry, maybe is not the book and not you. I mean, by the end of the video there is an invite to order the Torah Codes.

    • @Pinlight
      @Pinlight  9 років тому

      Cristian O. Balan Torah codes End to Darkness is a full documentary that we are still paying off. So no, I can't spend thousands of dollars in production and post and then simply give it away unless I want to go bankrupt.
      There is this crazy notion that just because we produce important information that we should just do it for free, no matter how much it costs all of us to produce it. If the film was just done at home with a webcam, that would be different, but we had to fly all over the world and spend hard cash to get the interviews and shoot the things to build the stories in that film. That costs real money. But you'll notice that this piece on the Messiah Code was uploaded for free, since the information is interesting and while we don't understand its total significance, I felt people should be aware of it. It came just after we finished the Torah Code film, so there was no time to put it in.

    • @BelieveInTheLordJesus777
      @BelieveInTheLordJesus777 9 років тому

      Pinlight The fact is that there are many sources about the end times of the world, finishing with buy this buy that. To me is just nonsense. Especially when who is promoting the documentary/info it seems very convinced that the world is ending this or the next year. So what's the point of selling things? Do you want to help someone to turn to Jesus or in some other way? Just do it!
      Maybe is not your case, I mean, maybe yours is just a documentary looking for a return.

    • @chocolinomedolino
      @chocolinomedolino 9 років тому +1

      +Pinlight totally agree. your effort was absolutely worth it. This is the documentary of the year, even of the decades. Hopefully the 2nd documentary will come out and will not take to long time like this one.

  • @geoffgardner6101
    @geoffgardner6101 7 років тому

    3382 / 3+3+8+2 = 16. / then. 1+6 = 7

  • @frenchis19
    @frenchis19 9 років тому

    False Jews always looking for signs!!! Messiah already came !!! Crazy men

    • @ettak7594
      @ettak7594 9 років тому +1

      frenchis19 He did, WHEN!!!!!!!!!

    • @Centinelah
      @Centinelah 8 років тому

      +Etta Knox around 2000 years ago. but He said he will be back..im waiting for Him :)

  • @MarioLivaja
    @MarioLivaja 9 років тому

    Come back to mentally institution = 776