surah aljin meaning words by word in english and urdu|| quran sharif meaning in english and urdu.

  • Опубліковано 15 вер 2024
  • Surah Al-Jinn (Surah Al-Jinn) is the 72nd chapter (Surah) of the Quran. It comprises 28 verses (ayahs) and is classified as a Meccan surah, meaning it was revealed in Mecca before the Prophet Muhammad's migration to Medina. This surah is named after the "jinn," supernatural beings created from smokeless fire, distinct from humans and angels in Islamic belief.
    Overview and Themes
    Revelation to the Jinn:
    The surah begins with a group of jinn who hear the Quran being recited and are so moved by its message that they accept Islam. They acknowledge the guidance and truth of the Quran.
    Jinn's Testimony:
    The jinn describe their previous beliefs and actions, contrasting them with their new understanding after hearing the Quran. They declare the oneness of Allah and disavow their past worship of false deities.
    Relationship between Jinn and Humans:
    The surah addresses the misconceptions and myths about the jinn, emphasizing that, like humans, jinn have free will and are responsible for their actions. It also touches on the interaction between jinn and humans, warning against seeking their help or protection.
    Warnings and Guidance:
    The surah provides warnings about the consequences of disbelief and straying from the path of righteousness. It also emphasizes the need to follow the guidance of the Quran and the Prophet Muhammad.
    Prophetic Mission:
    It underscores the universal nature of the Prophet Muhammad's mission, which includes both humans and jinn. The Prophet is described as a warner to all beings, calling them to worship Allah alone.
    Day of Judgment:
    The surah concludes with reminders of the Day of Judgment, where all beings, human and jinn alike, will be held accountable for their deeds.
    Key Verses
    Verses 1-2: The jinn’s testimony after hearing the Quran, recognizing its profound message.
    Verses 3-6: The jinn recount their previous misguided beliefs and their new understanding.
    Verses 7-10: The jinn’s realization of the limitations of their knowledge compared to Allah’s infinite wisdom.
    Verses 11-14: The acknowledgment of the jinn about the diversity in their community, with some being righteous and others wicked.
    Verses 19-28: Emphasis on the Prophet’s mission, the oneness of Allah, and the final judgment.
    Surah Al-Jinn provides significant theological and moral lessons:
    Universal Message:
    It highlights that the message of Islam is for all creation, including both humans and jinn.
    The surah strongly emphasizes the oneness of Allah and the importance of rejecting all forms of polytheism and idolatry.
    It underscores that all beings, regardless of their nature, are accountable to Allah and will face judgment for their actions.
    Guidance and Warning:
    The surah serves as both a guide and a warning, urging adherence to the path of righteousness and cautioning against disbelief and misguidance.
    Misconceptions about Jinn:
    It clarifies common misconceptions about jinn, emphasizing their role as creatures who, like humans, have the choice between right and wrong.
    Surah Al-Jinn is often recited for its deep insights into the nature of jinn, the universality of the Quranic message, and the importance of monotheism and moral conduct.