🙏.. this is Shiva temple - 6 pillars like pyramid temple.. Shiva has 1008 names avatars, Vishnu has 1008 names avatars, All Mother has 1008 names avatars🙏💐🕉❤️🙏.. so how many Leela (divine play) is going on now on earth? 😊
Hi in 1967-68, i was a child a round 7-8 years, i all ways run a round this temple, since i known that place is the secret no one know much about this temple, because prince siha nuk all ways come to prayed all most 2 time a month, this temple was protected by monk not a low some one come to visit much, that why no one know a bout this temple, the only a few people has known, Norodom siha nuk he kept some his important things in there for his place to prayed and wish what he want to do or to know, in 3 years i was been in there only2 time with sam dach Chhun Nat, all ways have the body gaud 24/7, but now every body can go in there and see what in side, before the only 1 of 100,000 people was known this temple, bye 👍👍🙏🙏🙏❤ Oh one thing i need to tell you! do not let pregnant woman get in there she might loos baby, before 100% yes, but now i don't know, sorry for my words sound not right or spelling, but i worry, i has been known by monk has been tole me that story when i was been a round there, chao chao or relative of som dach Houd Tath they will known about this story too.
សូមអរគុណដែលបានចែករំលែកប្រវត្តឯកាសារនេៈឪ្យដឹង។ អស្ចា្យមែន
គេបិទទ្វារហូត ចាក់សោរអត់អោយចូលមើលផង😢
ខ្ញុំទើបតែដឹងដែរ អរគុណច្រើនដែលបានចែករំលែក។🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏
សូមរីករាយនឹងសរសើរប្អូន ទាំងការនិយាយមានវគ្គមានឃ្លា លើកដាក់សម្លេងវោហាហ៍ស័ព្វបានល្អ ចង់បានអោយលោកប្អូនធ្វើការស្រាវជ្រាវផ្នែកប្រាសាទបុរាណនេះអោយបានច្បាស់នឹងច្រើនបន្តទៀតដើម្បីអោយកូនខ្មែរជំនាន់ក្រោយគាត់បានយល់ដឹងផង
អធ្យាស្រ័យផងលោកប្អូន បើមានការខុសឆ្គង🙏🙏🙏❤️️❤️️❤️️❤️️❤️️❤️️❤️️❤️️❤️️❤️️
🙏.. this is Shiva temple - 6 pillars like pyramid temple.. Shiva has 1008 names avatars, Vishnu has 1008 names avatars, All Mother has 1008 names avatars🙏💐🕉❤️🙏.. so how many Leela (divine play) is going on now on earth? 😊
It is Buddhist temple lol 😂
ខ្ញុំទើបតែដឹងអរគុណលោកពូដែលបានធ្វើបទបង្ហាញអំពីប្រាសាទមួយនេះ 🙏🙏👍❤️
Hi in 1967-68, i was a child a round 7-8 years, i all ways run a round this temple, since i known that place is the secret no one know much about this temple, because prince siha nuk all ways come to prayed all most 2 time a month, this temple was protected by monk not a low some one come to visit much, that why no one know a bout this temple, the only a few people has known, Norodom siha nuk he kept some his important things in there for his place to prayed and wish what he want to do or to know, in 3 years i was been in there only2 time with sam dach Chhun Nat, all ways have the body gaud 24/7, but now every body can go in there and see what in side, before the only 1 of 100,000 people was known this temple, bye 👍👍🙏🙏🙏❤ Oh one thing i need to tell you! do not let pregnant woman get in there she might loos baby, before 100% yes, but now i don't know, sorry for my words sound not right or spelling, but i worry, i has been known by monk has been tole me that story when i was been a round there, chao chao or relative of som dach Houd Tath they will known about this story too.
Thank you for your advise!🙏
@@yellowcat3182 YOU ARE WECOM FOR REPLY. FROM U S A .
ក្រសួងវប្បធម៌ គួរកត់ត្រានិងចងក្រងឯកសារទុកពាក់ព័ន្ធប្រាសាទបុរាណ .......នានា ហើយសហការជាមួយក្រសួងព័ត៌មានដើម្បីផ្សព្វផ្សាយទើបកូនខ្មែរឆ្ងាយជិតបានដឹង។
ខ្ញុំកៈរៈណារខ្ញុំបាទសុំ ខន្តិ ខ្ញុំ...មើលរូបចម្លាក់ប្រហែលរូបចម្លាក់ព្រះកោនាគមនោពោធិសត្ត
សរសេខុស ក៏ខំសរសេដែរ
@@imfollowingyou1920 បាទសូមអត់ទោសខុសត្រង់ណារដែរបាទជួយប្រាប់ផង
@@cheanglong1445 ខុសត្រង់គេសួរធម្មតាអែងឈ្លើយ
@@imfollowingyou1920 ឈ្លើយត្រង់ណារទៀតហើយ
@@cheanglong1445 អែងត្រូវហៅអាញថាលោកតា
ខ្ញុំជាខ្មែរម្នាក់ ដែលអត់ដែលដឹង .
.សូមថ្លែងអំណរគុណចំពោះការចែករំលែក 💓👍
ធាតុម្ដាយហ្នឹងប៉ាអ៊ុំនៅក្នុង ចេដីយ៍ជាមួយសំម្ដេចសង្សជួនណាត 🙏
ខ្ញុំរៀនតាំងពីឆ្នាំ១៩៨៣ធ្លាប់តែឃើញពីខាងក្រៅ.ព្រោះកាលនោះនៅក្មេង.ហើយក៏គិតថាជាចេតិយ៍សម្តេចសង្ឃអង្គណាមួយហើយបានជាធំម្លឹងៗសូមអរគុណប្អូនRum duol tvដែលបានបង្ហាញ
44⁴ ³³³ As
@@imfollowingyou1920 សួចេញមកគា្មនសុជីវធម៍អីតិច👊ខ្វះពាក្យសួឬ?
@@imfollowingyou1920 ចុះហ្អែងដែលសួអញនឹងអាយុម៉ានដែរអាឡប់👊👊👊
ប្រសាទនេះបានកសាងឡេីងនាសតវត្សរ៌ទី៥ឬទី៦ ពេលនោះមានជ្វាឈ្លានពានប្រទេសខ្មែរ បានព្រះនាងកែវព្រាំពីរពណ៌ទ្រូវជាប្អូនបង្កេីតរបស់ព្រះបាទគូលេនរាជសូត្រធម៏អោយរន្ទះបាញ់ជ្វាងាប់អស់ទៅ នាសម័យនោះខ្មែរគោរពសាសនាព្រះសុមេរុឬព្រះពុទ្ធកោនាគមនោ មិនមែនព្រះពុទ្ធសមនគោដមទេ ទេីបតែនៅសតវត្សរ៌ទី១៥ ថៃបារាំងវាយដំបង្ខំអោយខ្មែរបំភ្លិចសាសនាព្រះកោនាគ ដុតគម្ពីអក្សរសាស្ត្រខ្មែរចោល ហេីយបង្ខំអោយខ្មែរគោរពសាសនាព្រះពុទ្ធសមនគោដម
អរគុណៗ អូន ថ្ងៃណា ទំនេរ ឆ្លៀតចូល ក្នុង មើលឃើញច្បាស់ម្ដងធ្លាប់ចូលតែមិនបានដើរមើលសព្វទេចូល តែកុដិដាក់ចង្ហាន់ប្រគេនសង្សហើយចេញហើយមិនបានដើមើលសោះដល់ដឹងចឹងចាំឆ្លៀតមើលហើយ