if you ever play a game where you only can be four players, you should play with Meeows, Squirrel and Jihi. you four people are the funnies combo of this group
@@zenovia1004 talking shit about one of their friends is shitty. They're all pretty good friends and Delirious and Bryce are pretty close. Comments like these are unnecessary
I'm dying I haven't laughed like this in forever, the way u kept getting stuck on vampires and your friends too and your all screaming for help while just walking with a vampire on y'all is so funny!
i was watching cyberpunk edge runners and fell in love (platonically) with a character named Rebecca, her voice sounds familiar in some way and the very next day, i watch a toonz vid and i hear meeeow's voice, bingo, she legit sounds just like her!!! the actress name is Alex Cazares and meeeows is jamie lynn but either way i heard it and thought of meeeows and she should def cosplay as her!!!
This role is Seriously hilarious when being chased by countless thralls. It reminds me a-lot of the Dead Dozen game CaRtOoNz played with Gorilla & Delirious in 2018.
@@theashenogre8948 I know how it works. But since I lts new and it looked interesting when I watched it more woulda been nice cuz I may wanna buy it myself eventually. But yeah I wouldn't want him to play games he can't get views on.
last night I had a dream where I was with all of you guys playing "are you smarter than a fifth grader" at somebody's House. I shouldn't have watched squirrels video to fall asleep 💀
I liked it minus I feel there needs to be a bit better communication between the tralls especially if you now need to team up to kill. I hope the dev tweaks the range or something.
I love ya toonz but can ya plzzzz turn up volume on people in the game alittle bit I'll have my tv way to high just so I can hear who you interacting with
Kind of get why there's hate for that duo, but personally I don't see a problem with them at all. Love seeing everyone hang out and do some stupid stuff.
I really do respect how toonz didn’t rat out Kyle but instead let Kyle expose himself for the mummy that he is.
Because he wanted everyone, including kyle to have fun, what a good friend he is, and also for content for everyone smsvdmebdksb
Jihi's outfit is beautiful🤣 and Toonz killed it as Dracula also 17:04 that was a fantastic Kill from the mummy
Luv it when the crew gets together....♥️♥️ Luv this group!!!
Hell yeah. The best group.
@@lovinkilla except bryce and ria.i'm not gonna called them Perfect without this two.
@@zenovia1004 totally true!!!! 👌👏🏾 with his “WHO MURDERED MY WIFE!!” Statement 😂
Lmao I love how you kept sticking to Hylo, had me laughing so hard
Lol I wish we could hear people's reactions when your "hugging" them. Being able to hear Hylo would have been so funny.
if you ever play a game where you only can be four players, you should play with Meeows, Squirrel and Jihi. you four people are the funnies combo of this group
Nothing better than dinner and some CaRtOoNz!
Need a werewolf one and definitely need Van helsing
Bot 👆
Love this game mode, and the panic and suspicion it ensues in the group.
This is the Universal Classic Monsters cinematic universe that we have all been waiting for.
Literally one of my favorite things to watch on this channel😁
We need a full lobby! With everyone, those are my fav lol. Still love these tho!
I was just thinking missing rose and jihi rn
Jihi was there, some rounds she disappears bc of internet issues. Only Chosen and Rose wasn't there. I watched the full 2-3 hour session on Twitch.
Rocky is missing too
If i were you i'm not Including Bryce.
@@zenovia1004 talking shit about one of their friends is shitty. They're all pretty good friends and Delirious and Bryce are pretty close. Comments like these are unnecessary
I am a simple goblin. I see Toonz post a new Goose Goose Duck video? I click like before the video starts.
19:21 Toonz calling from his "Mummy" lol
The way thrall Toonz kept latching on Hylo killed me man
I'm dying I haven't laughed like this in forever, the way u kept getting stuck on vampires and your friends too and your all screaming for help while just walking with a vampire on y'all is so funny!
4:20 The way they just stick on like leeches 😂
Love you content man. Keep up the great work!
Jihi wins the costume contest!!
Toonz, you are going to give Meeeows a complex. I swear.
0:56 NoO CarTOonz PlEasE come BacK🥺🤣 so cute
I was just happy to see Jihi back.
"Ghoostie wait on me!"
Proceed to ditch Ghoostie...
Definitely need more of this
i was watching cyberpunk edge runners and fell in love (platonically) with a character named Rebecca, her voice sounds familiar in some way and the very next day, i watch a toonz vid and i hear meeeow's voice, bingo, she legit sounds just like her!!! the actress name is Alex Cazares and meeeows is jamie lynn but either way i heard it and thought of meeeows and she should def cosplay as her!!!
“Previously on The Walking Dead”
Hope to see this all month!
I want more of this mod!!!!!😂😂😂😂 loved this❤❤an how everyone reacted
This role is Seriously hilarious when being chased by countless thralls. It reminds me a-lot of the Dead Dozen game CaRtOoNz played with Gorilla & Delirious in 2018.
Flawless vampire victory, Toonz! 🧛♂️Please please please post more of the Trick or Treat GGD! 🧛♂️🎃👻💀🦆
that whole session was hilarious i was dying!!! Great GGD videos Toonz!!!
Toonz Vampire mummys what more could we ask for let's go
I watched this live!! Meeows was streaming.... the chat was tossing love to jihi... just got done watching grounded
I think thralls should have an arrow that points to the mummy or vampire so they know where to drag people
I love the goose goose duck content. But NGL I was hoping for more grounded content. Game looked super fun (despite the giant spiders)
He'll spread the Grounded content out. He looks at the views and interactions on his vids to see if they are worth it as a series
@@theashenogre8948 I know how it works. But since I lts new and it looked interesting when I watched it more woulda been nice cuz I may wanna buy it myself eventually. But yeah I wouldn't want him to play games he can't get views on.
So glad to see Hylo back!
Ria why u gotta pull up on me with the squad is the best thing I have heard
It's always Hylo toonz is attached to 😂😂😂
last night I had a dream where I was with all of you guys playing "are you smarter than a fifth grader" at somebody's House. I shouldn't have watched squirrels video to fall asleep 💀
Omg soo good! I love this!
I wish voice chat worked with villagers as a thrall.
Loved how squirrel snatched Kyle 🤣🤣🤣
This takes you got shit on to another level 😂😂😂
I love this game mode lol.
The only thing I don't like is when they spawn kill the Thralls tbh.
I love how this dude’s outro song has stayed THE EXACT SAME for as long as I have watched him
Crop Dusting Mummys
this crew is amazing 🤩
Literally see this before it reaches a minute and UA-cam on crack again. LETS GOOOOO!
This game is the best. Keep up the awesome work.
Omg I wanna see Alex view for the ending 😂😂
Late but awesome and I hope you get 4Million
Oh the Halloween slasher infection game mode is back
More grounded please
Did i just hear Chrono saying "jeg skjønner ikke" at around 1:42? 😂🇳🇴
Play more horror games for October
This was so funny
I wonder if you threw someone into the furnace as a thrall or whatever would they comeback still?
Hide N Shriek 2022 PLZ
I liked it minus I feel there needs to be a bit better communication between the tralls especially if you now need to team up to kill. I hope the dev tweaks the range or something.
Mod needs a little tweak... slowed movement per thrall attached.
How the heck they even play with that No Fun Allow named BRYCE and Ria? Who Is invited these Devils ?
Yooo toonz what's up?
Cartoonz you should play Summer of 58
Cult of the Liam game /game Request
I love ya toonz but can ya plzzzz turn up volume on people in the game alittle bit I'll have my tv way to high just so I can hear who you interacting with
Ok Kabuto talking about getting reanimated
Hey cartoonz
Wait so you can't kill the mummy
You should replay man of medan and little hope with delirious as they games got updated and have new scenes, dialogue and new endings!!
He doesn't replay story games. Also him and Delirious have different schedules nowadays
Too bad we didn't get to see toons playing mummy
Cartoonz are are u going to play the new god of war
yooooooooooooo plays, I request theee to play horror games w/ friends
Whoever’s reading this I pray that whatever your struggling with or worrying about is going to be fine and that everyone has a fantastic day!
Shut it bot
They seemed to be over the drama 🥺💗 yay
Yo is Bisscute Jihi? She sounds so similar lmao
If You talking about hylo, her voice could be similar if she's on helium.
Is it just me or did meows character look bald? 😂
Where i can see Hylo pov from moments where Cartoonz grab her? 🤣
Yooooooo wsp
I miss jihi
Wait its been a year already😨
30 min gang
why such a short vid?
So when will the Bryce/Ria hate begin again? Since others dislike them playing with Cartoonz group on GGD
Kind of get why there's hate for that duo, but personally I don't see a problem with them at all. Love seeing everyone hang out and do some stupid stuff.
Mmmm...,Ahhh...,(I'll Love Seeing Thee As A Vamp,Sire...)...👹😈🤟,I'll Will Draw You As A Vamp' Soon...😅👹😈,Hahaha...👹😈🧛🧛🧛🧛
This is the Universal Classic Monsters cinematic universe that we have all been waiting for.
Cult of the Liam game /game Request