Video Canción Zamora Chinchipe Pulmón de la Madre Tierra Fuente de Agua y Vida.mpg

  • Опубліковано 21 бер 2010
  • Salvador Quishpe Lozano - Prefecto
    Greetings from Zamora Chinchipe, Lungs of the Mother Earth, Source of Water and Life for all our friends everywhere. We greet you with the music of our waterfalls and rivers, like the Nangaritza and the Bombuscaro. We greet you with the songs of our birds and our Amazonian forests, of our Lakes of the Compadres in the heights of Podocarpus National Park and from the Condor Biosphere Reserve. Our greeting is carried on the song of the wind and by the high paramo grassland headwaters of the Yacuambi River and its wetlands, its waterfalls and those of the Yacuchingari River. We extend an Intercultural and Plurinational greeting from the Mestizo people, the Puruhaes, the African-Ecuadorians, the Shuar and the Saraguros who live in this Amazonian province. Our greeting goes out in the name of the nine counties and 26 parishes of Zamora Chinchipe, but above all, it comes from the 100,000 inhabitants who work here and share this beautiful and wonderful land, full of life, located in the southern Amazonia portion of Ecuador, in South America.