I love Muhammad Atyab...how beautiful this country is A land that does not love Muhammad is a barren land Hearts that do not love Muhammad are destroyed. And let every heart have a quorum of love for Muhammad. It is the pearl, it is the treasure... it is the nucleus, it is security and security, it is food and drink, it is truly the advancement of the soul... it is the answered prayer. And the love of Muhammad is good... How beautiful is that country
❤❤courage à vous nos frères musulmans 😎🤲🏻🤲🏻
MarcharAllah ❤❤❤ Calmly took us through great eulogy 🇳🇬 🇳🇬 🇳🇬
حبُّ طََهَ يُسْتًطَابُ ... حَبَّذَا ذَاكَ الْجَنَابُ
إِنَّ أَرْضًا لَيْسَ فِيهَا ... حُبُّ طَهَ لَيَبَابُ
وَقُلُوبًا لَيْسَ فِيهَا ... حُبُّ طَهَ لَخَرَابُ
فَلْيَكُنْ فِي كُلِّ قَلْبٍ ... مِنْ هَوَى طَهَ نِصَابُ
حُبُّ طََهَ يُسْتًطَابُ ... حَبَّذَا ذَاكَ الْجَنَابُ
فَهْوَ دُرٌّ وَهْوَ كَنْزٌ ... وَهْوَ لُبٌّ وَلُبَابُ
وَهْوَ أَمْنٌ وَأَمَانٌ ... وَطَعَامٌ وَشَرَابُ
وَهْوَ رُقْيُ النَّفْسِ حَقًّا ... وَالدُّعَاءُ الْمُسْتَجَابُ
حُبُّ طََهَ يُسْتًطَابُ ... حَبَّذَا ذَاكَ الْجَنَابُ .كثروا من الصلاة والسلام في يوم الجمعة على حبيبنا ونبينا ورسولنا وقائدنا وشفيعنا وقرة أعيننا وأسوتنا محمد أبا الــزهــــراء صلى الله عليه وســـــــــلم
Qu'Allah soit satisfait de toi ya Akhy
Bumped to it through my midnight love of tranquility, حبّ طاه رُقي النفس بِلا شكّ
Bismillahi beautiful my ikhwaniyyin
اللهم صلى على سيدنا محمد وعلى اله وصحبه وسلم تسليما كثيرا آمين يارب
جزالله شيخ الإسلام عنا
ما شاءالله بارك فيك
Repose en paix cheikh Abdallahi Dia 😭😭😭😭😭
سلام عليكم
صلى الله عليه وسلم
أخوكم من المغرب
يا مرحبًا
جزاك الله خير وحفظك ورعاك
Wallahi je m'abonne directement 😢😢
Dieuredieufé baye
Bravo mon frèr
الله أكبر جميل جدا
I enjoyed listening to this beautiful remembrance. May I please get a translation of it in English?
I love Muhammad Atyab...how beautiful this country is
A land that does not love Muhammad is a barren land
Hearts that do not love Muhammad are destroyed.
And let every heart have a quorum of love for Muhammad.
It is the pearl, it is the treasure... it is the nucleus, it is security and security, it is food and drink, it is truly the advancement of the soul... it is the answered prayer.
And the love of Muhammad is good... How beautiful is that country
الله الله الله ... أين هذ النّص الصّياغية . مِن فضلكم للإستفادة
Alhamdou lillah
Am in love with this may Allah bless them. Mashaallah your country?
❤❤❤ machallah
Ya allah akbarou
Allahou allah ñass
Encore une fois je suis fière de vous ♥️
Walahi sino ko sagam taw mbido wawi hon nii
Dieuredieufé baye