• @karlmoore1292
    @karlmoore1292 2 роки тому +195

    Love this. Had my van broke into in September broad daylight and took the lot, had witnesses and video evidence off the public and police didn’t do a thing. Hopefully this video will spread the word cause it’s heartbreaking to have this happen when it’s your livelihood. All the best merry Xmas

    • @SkillBuilder
      @SkillBuilder 2 роки тому +43

      Hi Karl
      Write to your MP and Crime Commisioner and tell them what happened. The police need a kick up the arse on this. We have to do more to register our anger at this.

    • @karlmoore1292
      @karlmoore1292 2 роки тому +12

      Too right we all need to somehow stick together, and bring the scum down. 👍 il do my bit hope everyone else can do the same.

    • @TheChipmunk2008
      @TheChipmunk2008 2 роки тому +24

      @@SkillBuilder I agree, i think if the police won't act, they (not the individual officers but the force as a whole) should be held liable as an accomplice after the fact
      Sadly my MP has actually blocked me, on twitter and email, coz i expected him to have a spine :(

    • @darrenmaloney761
      @darrenmaloney761 2 роки тому +20

      I'll do my bit... if I ever catch one I'll cut there damn hands off

    • @trikejunkie
      @trikejunkie 2 роки тому +16

      @@darrenmaloney761 THATS NOT RIGHT!!! crush every bone in their fingers and palms then they have to deal with pain daily -missing hands get prosthetics on the NHS ! crushed bones need treatment and can last for years -long enough for them to think long and hard about stealing tools.

  • @manonamountain
    @manonamountain 2 роки тому +22

    No different to folk saying those cockroaches who killed that little boy, or the little baby girl, should be hanged.
    Nothing will happen,nothing ever does, unless you diy. Park your van somewhere quiet, and kip in it tooled up.
    Soon enough, someone will force entry, and you put them in a wheelchair. The only way to deal with it really.

  • @bikerbobcat
    @bikerbobcat 2 роки тому +4

    HVAC service guy from America here. My truck was broken into once, fortunately only lost a little. My coworkers however have been broken in to multiple times and each and had thousands of dollars of their own tools stolen. Our company doesn't replace anything so we're just on our own. It's really hard, especially for those that lost high end tools costing weeks' or months' pay. Good luck and much love from across the pond.

  • @loafersheffield
    @loafersheffield 2 роки тому +166

    Dring, dring. Dring, dring.
    "Hello. Police? Yeah, someone's broken into my van and nicked my tools"
    We'll give you a crime reference number.
    "Hello. Police? Someone's just misgendered me on Twitter.
    We're on our way. Nee nah, nee nah........

    • @johnriggs4929
      @johnriggs4929 2 роки тому +19

      Nearer the truth than most people realise, too. 👍

    • @michaelteale6386
      @michaelteale6386 2 роки тому +10

      That about sums it up mate

    • @lloyd4011
      @lloyd4011 2 роки тому +7

      The Twitter job can be resolved at a desk. Stolen tools take a lot more resources.

    • @kevfquinn
      @kevfquinn 2 роки тому +6

      Hardly. Get a f*cking grip.

    • @m4inline
      @m4inline 2 роки тому +2


  • @robhayden5515
    @robhayden5515 2 роки тому +92

    Great ideas!
    If there wasn’t a market for stolen tools, the problem would disappear. So, if you’re a bit hard up for cash and someone offers you a deal on some tools that “fell off a lorry” and the price is too good to be true, then you are only contributing to the problem. If you buy someone’s used tools, try to make every effort to determine where they actually came from and if you suspect they are stolen, don’t buy them. Call the police instead!

    • @darrenpaulgreen
      @darrenpaulgreen 2 роки тому +9

      Totally with you on this. I’ve been the victim of break-ins twice, losing over £3k of tools on both occasions. But like most of you, I know many mates and colleagues that are happy to buy cheap tools that are clearly stolen. If you’re offered such tools, take a photo of the seller and call the police. Only when the market for stolen tools is removed will the thieves stop.

    • @jojacobs4355
      @jojacobs4355 2 роки тому +3

      Stolen tools are hardly new, so they most likely find their place on second hand markets. If you have ever tried to legitamately sell something on the second hand market, you know that potential sellers bid ridiculously low figures on your stuff. The “too good to be true” doesn’t go for the second hand market. So perhaps they need to seriously regulate the second market so sellers and what they sell are registered. This would also lower the profitability for those scalping goods in high demand and reselling with a serious markup without having to pay any taxes at all.

    • @stealthy3000
      @stealthy3000 2 роки тому

      The world ain't like that if tools are cheap anyone would buy them

    • @michaelwalker1145
      @michaelwalker1145 2 роки тому +1

      See second hand tools all the time at auto jumbles, lot of 110volt and battery powered.
      My money stayed firmly in my pocket.
      Watch out for the copy's of well known brands on the Internet..
      A good tip I got of one lad keep the batteries, charger and tool separately and take them out of the box they came in, keep the box but put a weight in it and don't forget to put a cheap tiny lock on it.
      Remember, they will grab the box,

    • @julianniemeyer1655
      @julianniemeyer1655 2 роки тому +1

      Except, of course, many do not get sold in UK but are taken "east".

  • @jncn1490
    @jncn1490 2 роки тому +30

    I’m in the USA , own a van Ford transit 250, loaded with framing tools. If that was prevalent over here, we’d be marching to Washington and demanding a law passed.
    I have a steel wall behind the front seats with a door locked. No slide doors, one passenger side double door and rear doors. Bars over the windows and the doors are chained together.
    Simple enough fix is to weld a “ L” shaped steel bar down the door on the inside and the door can’t be bent in half. Add a locking bolt going up into the frame and the door can’t be pulled open at all.
    It’s better to spend a couple thousand dollars on reinforcing your van walls and roof with steel then to loose tens of thousands of dollars in tools.

    • @SkillBuilder
      @SkillBuilder 2 роки тому +6

      Good advice. I actually think plywood may be a good liner because it is hard to cut through two different materials without making a lot of noise

    • @danielbuckner2167
      @danielbuckner2167 2 роки тому +1

      @@SkillBuilder Yup. When I built cave gates we used different materials to make breaches harder like 1" steel tubing with plasticizer modified cement inside. It was hell to torch through and same with a cu5 off tool. Using laminated materials makes breach of a vehicle much harder such as a couple layers of dynamat to really gum up snips on door insides and epoxy coated kevlar matting on the inside of panels where they might make a hole.

    • @joefrayling9263
      @joefrayling9263 2 роки тому +1

      @@SkillBuilder I've thought of this, I know we shouldn't have to but why don't we just reinforce our vans.
      Your video on van security was brilliant add to that a layer of sheet steel welded to the inside with a couple lengths of unistrut on the doors so they can't be bent out it's cheap enough and easy enough to do but makes it so much harder to get into the vans.
      None of this solves the problem ofcourse if we just did that then every trade would eventually be going to work in a tank unless something is done at the base level, however at least it would offer some extra protection until something is done about it.

    • @yensabi
      @yensabi 2 роки тому +1

      Ive seen vans that the scumbags have cut the roof open to get in and what they do is make a small hole in the panel and stick a boroscope camera in to see if there is anything worth nicking inside , if there is they will get in and take it......

  • @northernlightsrenovations1710
    @northernlightsrenovations1710 2 роки тому +23

    I live in Canada, and I have four video cameras in the front of my house pointed at my work truck and trailer. About once every two weeks one of these scumbags comes around between 1:00 AM and 2:00 AM with a hoodie on and a bag of tools over his shoulder. Fortunately, I also have some VERY bright lighting that is motion triggered. What I have notice on my video footage of these creeps is that as soon as the lights turn on they run away as fast as they can. So it seems that the lights are a bigger threat to them than the video cameras.
    By the way, I also have a security system that is motion activated. It will send me a text message if the trailer is broken into or if there is significant vibration. Additionally, the alarm system has two very loud sirens attached to it. One inside the trailer, and one outside under the axel (hard to see there). The outside siren is rather loud, so my hope is that this will stop them from further damage, should they break in, even with the super bright lights.
    Yes, this is a major problem here where I live in Canada as well. Personally I don't really think our elected officials give a rats a$$ about this and are not likely to take any interest. You will be lucky to get a form letter reply saying something like "we take this very seriously and will give it our utmost attention". Balderdash!
    We used to have community policing, but that was abandoned years ago. On a similar note, not once have I seen a police cruiser passing by on my video cameras, day or night. They are nowhere to be seen, except to hand out speeding tickets with their photo radar units. I assume that they are holed up in the all night cafe, sipping tea and eating crumpets. My suspicion is that the elected officials see the police as a profit center now instead of a cost center.
    Merry Christmas to all of you at Skill builder, and to the rest of my hard working brethren.

    • @flightographist
      @flightographist 2 роки тому +2

      Police in Canada are becoming "Revenuers", I recently had a pair of maniacs chase me home in two vehicles- right to my rural driveway in the corn-beans with no witnesses. When I got out of my car and headed for a special tool placed in my shed for just such a circumstance, they fled like scalded cats. The police would not attend or take information- just road rage they said. My personal regional inquiries, based on a unique auto, led me to the identification of the culprits who were low life reprobates from the closest small city, known to be the type that steals from autos and such. I sent a messenger to them to inform them that rather than pursue them criminally, I would pursue them through tort law and take their house, their cars, and their chattel in court- laughing all the way. They have not been seen in the area since. Find and pursue the tool thieves under tort law if the police and justice system won't do it for you in criminal court. Skill builder could organize an effort.

    • @northernlightsrenovations1710
      @northernlightsrenovations1710 2 роки тому +3

      @@flightographist I like the way you think! The biggest issue of course is identifying the low life reprobates. Even though my four video cameras have 'caught' them multiple times, they always seem to be wearing hoodies and they park their vehicle up the street so a license plate is not visible. However, I sleep in the bedroom above my garage with the window facing the street and my truck/trailer. I have special tools as well (wink wink) and am not afraid to use them should the occasion arise. I'm a law abiding individual, hard working, pay my taxes, don't owe a dime to anyone and NEVER steal from anyone.... yet my house has been broken into, my car windows have been smashed during a breakin, twice four sets of tires and wheels have been stolen from my property, a ladder was stolen, and my truck was vandalised (all on separate occasions). Do I have any respect for the police? Yes, but the politicians who drive their mandate are the lowest scum of the earth in my books.

    • @markrainford1219
      @markrainford1219 2 роки тому +1

      At least you can shoot the bast**ds!

    • @northernlightsrenovations1710
      @northernlightsrenovations1710 2 роки тому

      @@markrainford1219 You must live in the UK where they took away all your guns!

    • @markrainford1219
      @markrainford1219 2 роки тому

      @@northernlightsrenovations1710 😭

  • @skaterguy52
    @skaterguy52 2 роки тому +44

    Well done Roger, if you can use your audience to campaign this and we all get behind it maybe we can finally see change. 👍

    • @SkillBuilder
      @SkillBuilder 2 роки тому +8

      I do hope so, I really see some terribel cases where guys are almost suicidal.

  • @leeberry9666
    @leeberry9666 2 роки тому +3

    Well said Roger. We are all sick and tired of having our gear nicked.

  • @1real11
    @1real11 2 роки тому +13

    Excellent video Roger, with nicely summed up advice. My van was targeted twice this summer, first at night where the attempt failed, then a lunch time (at Asda Wembley) break in succeeding due to the damage sustained from the first. Thankfully the first attack served as a warning to me, and only my tools for the day's work were in the van. Even so, it was still over 2 days money lost, due to further damage to my van and the stolen tools. Clearly the morally deficient toerags who do this crime are of the opinion that our vans are fair game, and our tools represent an everyday essential to their otherwise pointless existance.
    Hopefully sufficient numbers get on board with this, ensuring the crime gets elavated back to the status it had when we were kids. Sadly, we live in a different world now, where our prisons are overcrowded, police struggle to deal with serious issues (some of their own), and our little country is overrun with undesirables.

  • @markharrison1884
    @markharrison1884 2 роки тому +4

    I'm not a tradesman but I'm 100% behind this initiative.

  • @RetiredandLivingthedream
    @RetiredandLivingthedream 2 роки тому +3

    When I lived in the U.K. and had my own Electrical business my van was broken into twice, a house I was working in was raided by 8 girls aged between 10 and 15 years old grabbing what ever they could put their hands on and ran out.
    I now live in Thailand I have no fear of my tools being stolen good quality tool safe everywhere very little crime here.
    This in its self is a great feeling. U.K. has lost the threat of punishment for crime committed.
    Good on you on your efforts something has to be done.

  • @kenquid8091
    @kenquid8091 2 роки тому +33

    Any type of theft leaves victims out of pocket and it should be punished. Unfortunately this country has gone down the route or not policing it and leaving it to the insurance companies to sort it out. Who's idea that was, I have no idea but the halfwit should be locked up for it. As for stealing tools, the basic things people need to do their job and earn a living, that is disgusting. I truly hope this video gets shared and people take notice of it but the real work needs to be done in our judicial system. The police don't give a damn anymore. They'd rather be checking your twitter account to see if you've hurt someone's feelings rather than do REAL police work. The judges don't want to send people to prison because they're overflowing already. Perhaps we stop jailing people for not paying for a tv licence and stop jailing people for hurting people's feelings online and stop jailing people for pathetic reasons we might have enough room for REAL criminals.

    • @hudeas195
      @hudeas195 2 роки тому

      👏🏼 (standing applause)

    • @kenquid8091
      @kenquid8091 2 роки тому +1

      @@chrishayes5755 Yeah, we're talking about working men, not mercenaries and this is real life, not james bloody bond.

    • @daveburgess9354
      @daveburgess9354 2 роки тому +4

      I put ip cameras and booby traps , only to be told by a police officer they would use the camera footage if I injured someone but apart from that the footage would be inadmissible in court and I would be prosecuted ,

    • @ateleskier7066
      @ateleskier7066 2 роки тому

      @@daveburgess9354 Yep. It's all about low-hanging fruit these days. Investigating and tracking the thieves: Difficult.
      Arresting you and passing you for prosecution using your own footage, including for a breach of the Data Protection Act (filming people without consent): Easy.

    • @loafersheffield
      @loafersheffield 2 роки тому

      @@daveburgess9354 I got rid of my van when the nipper came along. Since, I've worked out of an estate car. Not ideal, but if organised, a reasonable alternative. Can't put a toddler/booster seat, in the front seat of car or van. Missus and I had to share responsibility for running him to childcare as we both work. When I did have a van, I'd park up and every night put tools in my lock up, which is like Fort Knox. Even then, It was targeted twice. Smashed locks but nothing to nick. Thereafter, I didn't even lock it. Just rolled wife's car in front on the drive. Last week, I had to park in front of our house for 30 minutes, cos "She..who must be obeyed" was entertaining her mates and they couldn't be arsed moving for me. Guess what? Cameras everywhere, but front of house obscured by conifers.

  • @markdonoghue1013
    @markdonoghue1013 2 роки тому +10

    The police don’t care here is a crime number case closed. had my van cleaned out one night it’s heart breaking had to start all over again . Not the same tools i have bought over the years and had since I was an apprentice

  • @paulsampson1523
    @paulsampson1523 2 роки тому +13

    Got all my tools robbed over 10 yrs ago still upsets me today , l know it’s a pain I never leave any tools on my van , leave em in customer s house or in my garage.

  • @simonruddy8265
    @simonruddy8265 2 роки тому +21

    Roger, perhaps the Police should be doing regular trader inspections at car boots and trader events to make sure stolen tools aren't re-sold, and tool owners have foot to record all tool and serial number details so they can be traced. Tool owners should be using smart water also.

  • @Mrplumb1
    @Mrplumb1 2 роки тому +8

    Bigger issues going on at the mo, I’ve recently had £800 worth of tools taken out of my van. The police don’t care they are stretching themselves and the government are ineffective.

  • @Wavehead1773
    @Wavehead1773 2 роки тому +10

    Well done for highlighting this Roger. I was a police officer for 24 years and went to far too many TUMV's (Theft from unattended motor vehicle). The almost universal reaction from the victims was anger and disbelief that someone would steal a working man's tools as its not just the the tools that are taken, but the loss of earnings and disruption to running a business. Sadly the police are preoccupied with 'Threat Risk & Harm' offences and vehicle crime is not a priority so I doubt that writing to the Chief Constable or PCC would do much good. Good advice to mark your tools ...even better if you are able to remove the high value ones overnight ....not always practical for many and doesn't prevent the van from being broken into in the first place. I installed a secure lock box in my van and a cheap alarm in the rear.

    • @chrisslater7695
      @chrisslater7695 2 роки тому

      You can't stop crime only mop it up

    • @judgeroybean6930
      @judgeroybean6930 2 роки тому +2

      Sadly, I have to agree with Wavehead.When I joined the Met a Lifetime Ago, "Receiving" was viewed as being worse than the Theft. However, 30 years later ALL CRIMES including Robbery, Rape, GBH with Intent, Affray, Murder - had sentences severely REDUCED to keep Crims OUT of Prison, Penalties that worked IN MOST CASES like Borstal, Birching, The Cat removed because it scared the thugs and upset them. NOW, there are NO deterrents, that's why on a Demo or Protest now there are ALWAYS more Police hurt or injured than yobs. MP's to BLAME! Don't back Police, neither do Magistrates or Judges. Police understandably pi--ed off!

    • @charlieb6001
      @charlieb6001 2 роки тому +1

      I always etch my tools in at least two places. Been broken into twice and never got my tools back. Maybe they ended up in Eastern Europe?

  • @paulmaryon9088
    @paulmaryon9088 2 роки тому +15

    Brilliant rant, thanks Roger, I empty my van every night, and refill every morning, it's a pain in the arse and adds time to my day, let's all do something about this. Great vid , thanks again, and have a great Crimbo!!

    • @YoutubeHero666
      @YoutubeHero666 2 роки тому +1

      Trouble is they do it in the day aswell!

  • @robthesamplist
    @robthesamplist 2 роки тому +37

    The law should be if you get caught trying to disrupt someones way of earning a living specifically by stealing tools from a van then there should be a minimum sentence of 6 years. it sounds harsh but they will be out in 3. At the moment they will be out in a few months with zero deterrent..

    • @johnriggs4929
      @johnriggs4929 2 роки тому +4

      As far as I'm aware there used to be (maybe still is) a law preventing bailiffs from taking away someone's tools, if they were the tools of their trade - otherwise they couldn't earn a living and get out of debt. It should be classed an aggravating factor, when sentencing.

    • @phil2544
      @phil2544 2 роки тому +2

      Not much good if they don't get caught and sentenced

    • @robthesamplist
      @robthesamplist 2 роки тому +2

      @@phil2544 I agree, its hard when police stations have closed left right and centre.

    • @TheFool2cool
      @TheFool2cool 2 роки тому +2

      It's not the punishment that needs to be increased but the conviction rate, at the moment the punishment doesn't matter because the chances of being caught are practically 0. Increase the conviction and catch rate and you'll soon see thefts drop.

    • @TheTraditionalGolfer
      @TheTraditionalGolfer 2 роки тому

      @@TheFool2cool agreed nobody gets fed up of hearing about the lack of police officers!! The ones I've come across are absolutely useless literally don't give a toss about guys vans being broke into. Mines been done 6 times in the last 5 years and not once has an officer been out to investigate...they just give you a crime number and thats it.

  • @GavinLawrence747
    @GavinLawrence747 2 роки тому +7

    I'm going to leave a quote from Stephen Kings Shawshank Redemption here (If i'm ever in power, its my blueprint for criminal behaviour) :
    *In those days, you were taken care of in terms of absolute black
    and white. You were either guilty or innocent. If you were guilty, you were either hung or
    put in jail. And if you were sentenced to jail, you did not go to an institution. No, you dug
    your own jail with a spade provided by the Province of Maine. You dug it as wide and as
    deep as you could during the period between sunup and sundown. Then they gave you a
    couple of skins and a bucket, and down you went. Once down, the gazer would bar the
    top of your hole, throw down some grain or maybe a piece of maggoty meat once or twice
    a week, and maybe there would be a dipperful of barley soup on Sunday night. You
    pissed in the bucket, and you held up the same bucket for water when the gazer came
    around at six in the morning. When it rained, you used the bucket to bail out your jail-cell
    . . . unless, that is, you wanted to drown like a rat in a rain barrel*

  • @2tone2thebone.
    @2tone2thebone. 2 роки тому +4

    After 2 thefts and one attempted from my van I came off the tools at 37 years old ..I have pushed a pen for the last 20 years !

    • @SkillBuilder
      @SkillBuilder 2 роки тому +4

      This is an important point We won't attract new people if they have to put up with this crap.

  • @MiddletoM
    @MiddletoM 2 роки тому +19

    To be honest i have 0 faith in the police these days. I have been the victim of thefts and criminal damage on multiple occasions and each time they did absolutely nothing. Local MP's are just as bad, they ignore your messages/suggestions/concerns and just fob you off. I will however do my bit because every little helps but i wont be expecting anything to come of it.

    • @rob8978
      @rob8978 2 роки тому +6

      Police these days are more focused on easy prey. If we could somehow get tool theft classed as a hate crime then i'm sure the police would be very interested..

    • @markrainford1219
      @markrainford1219 2 роки тому

      @@rob8978 haha.

  • @bloggs692413
    @bloggs692413 2 роки тому +10

    this is one thing I am fearful of happening so I'm on board with anything that can be done to try to stop this gets my support!!!!

  • @jmcc7886
    @jmcc7886 2 роки тому +19

    I wish you success with this, excellent advice. Policing is moving from crime reduction to a political agenda; soon we won't be able to protest about anything without risking arrest under the new Police and Crime Bill 2021. Direct action is the answer but a lot of people seem to accept these crimes as a risk of the job. It's good to hear you're trying to change things and if enough people take action, then you will see less of these distressing thefts.

    • @botany500kojak
      @botany500kojak 2 роки тому +3

      Most of the public have no idea of the bills coming in which will turn the country into a police state.

  • @sambarnes2063
    @sambarnes2063 2 роки тому +44

    I’ve had mine stolen 3 times, they always take the power tools and leave the hand tools which is nice of them! I’m thinking about installing a cage in the van and electrifying it, should be simple enough with batteries we have nowadays.
    One thing I was disappointed at, there was no email sent to van manufacturers. These things should be able to be resolved by re enforced doors and manual key locks!

    • @yorkshirepud6676
      @yorkshirepud6676 2 роки тому +6

      Did you see the hole in the van they want in they'll get in what a set a scumbags they are...

    • @hdnparker
      @hdnparker 2 роки тому +5

      Police could not care less, like MPs. Its a lose lose on this issue.

    • @TheStevenWhiting
      @TheStevenWhiting 2 роки тому +2

      Just buy an electric fence kit they use to keep cattle in a field. Will hurt but not enough to be sued over and will give them enough of a shock they'll probably run.

    • @bryanporter3025
      @bryanporter3025 2 роки тому +1

      Zap the little toerags

    • @marklittler784
      @marklittler784 2 роки тому +1

      Try putting council pest control on the van lol

  • @mickgee3489
    @mickgee3489 2 роки тому +10

    This is all too often happening, a contractor I use had his van broken in to in a main street in London in broad daylight. The damage to his van was unbelievable they ripped out tool vaults and took the lot. Witnesses did in fact not do a lot in his case but some video evidence was available however, police didn’t do a thing. He needed to be assaulted and hospitalised for the police to put their donuts down and POLICE FFS. We all know they can do more. Insurance is a nightmare so most don't do it as they cant afford the overhead........ so wrong.
    Roger correct analysis at the end of the video spot on.
    Lets hope we make a noise on this Job. Merry Xmas.

    • @charlieb6001
      @charlieb6001 2 роки тому

      This isn't a plug. I had my tools insured with NFU through public liability insurance. They have always been brilliant and quick to pay up, just be sure to have receipts and/or photographs.

  • @alexp1054
    @alexp1054 2 роки тому +18

    A Saudi friend once told me he left his laptop in a park, went back the next day and hey presto it was just where he left it. Then he explained the crime for stealing is to have one's hand chopped off. I don't know if it's still that severe but what a deterrent! Here shoplifters often have free reign if it's a low value theft.

    • @TheStevenWhiting
      @TheStevenWhiting 2 роки тому +2

      Its a different culture so not really comparable. They also refused to allow women to drive for years so not the best country to look at.

    • @alexp1054
      @alexp1054 2 роки тому +3

      @@TheStevenWhiting Culture is immaterial. No one stole the laptop probably because they feared the consequences. The risk was disproportionate.
      Roger mentioned handling stolen goods was deemed a more serious crime than it is today, so fewer people risked it.

    • @edc1569
      @edc1569 2 роки тому

      You need enforcement, not draconian penalties.

    • @danielbuckner2167
      @danielbuckner2167 2 роки тому

      @@TheStevenWhiting maybe... its the same in Cuba though because the punishments are harsh. Women drive. They also are doctors, lawyers, prof6, and hold public office.

    • @mitchellkasdin1899
      @mitchellkasdin1899 2 роки тому +2

      I think that’s true. I know of someone from Iran that almost lost his hand👋🏼. He was a young kid at the time, the family pleaded to the authorities and he only lost three fingers instead. ☝️

  • @silvergrim
    @silvergrim 2 роки тому +60

    I really hope you get some traction with this, but I feel the van manufacturers have a massive part to play in this and pressure should be put on them to make these vans more secure. Even if they sell a "trade pack" which has better security as standard or whatever it may be, if it was a decent upgrade/deterrent I'd buy it. Vans are so easy to rip into and they just shouldn't be. I'm sure lots of us would love to drive a tank round all day but it's just not feasible.

    • @benjaminwilley3578
      @benjaminwilley3578 2 роки тому +2

      Have often thought the back of your van almost needs to safe within a safe. Looking at electronic locking gun safes?

    • @golf20v
      @golf20v 2 роки тому +9

      Totally agree on this. The fact that you can spend 20k on a brand new van, then have to spend even more fitting aditional deadlocks etc is rediculous.

    • @whatyousaidbud
      @whatyousaidbud 2 роки тому +3

      It would be pointless selling the vehicles with better security, they'd just take one for a test drive and pull it apart to see how it works, the answer is individual security, there needs to be about 20 very different options available, it's all about slowing them down and causing a scene.

    • @bertiewooster3326
      @bertiewooster3326 2 роки тому +1

      I carry a 1911 pistol I would not hesitate to pull the trigger after one verbal warning .

    • @whatyousaidbud
      @whatyousaidbud 2 роки тому +2

      @@bertiewooster3326 I think the main issue is when no one sees them.

  • @andrewdraper8336
    @andrewdraper8336 2 роки тому +6

    The first thing people in the trades need to do to combat this, is to stop buying stolen tools.
    When new or nearly new tools or any tool really are offered cheap
    the tools are probably stolen.

  • @5coobydont
    @5coobydont 2 роки тому +22

    “Go check in cash converters” was the response I got from the police after my van was done over. Those kind of resellers is the first place to start cracking down on.

    • @TheStevenWhiting
      @TheStevenWhiting 2 роки тому

      I've always said this. They are supposed to check if people come in with stuff, but pretty sure, I could be wrong, that they don't. Other private pawn shops would also be another place.

    • @SkillBuilder
      @SkillBuilder 2 роки тому +26

      We will put on some body cameras and see if we can sell them some tools. It will be interesting to see what they ask for.

    • @workingonthehouse8038
      @workingonthehouse8038 2 роки тому +3

      @@SkillBuilder that’ll be a good one to watch 🧐

  • @9421samuel
    @9421samuel 2 роки тому +6

    I had many of tools stolen. One thing that usually works for me is that I paint spray them all over, especially around difficult to get to places. The resale value goes down, which seems to make it not worth it for thieves. I know it's ugly, but it works. Proper tradesmen will almost never buy used tool, or sell it after heavy use. Time is money, you buy, you try. If it's good you use it until it's dead, if it's not good you return it to the shop.

  • @thetallcarpenter
    @thetallcarpenter 2 роки тому +33

    This is a really great video Roger, and everyone who has suffered tool theft MUST do as you suggest and write to their MP and Chief Constable, and not just dismiss this as something that is pointless and wont make any difference.

    • @SkillBuilder
      @SkillBuilder 2 роки тому +6

      Thank you Del. It would be great if you could make a similar video and also A&E, James at Plumber Parts, Robin and all the other channels that have some reach in the industry. It needs one big push from us all to wake up the police and government.

    • @tanja8907
      @tanja8907 2 роки тому +3

      🤣 write to mp's and chief constable's. What planet you on?

    • @tanja8907
      @tanja8907 2 роки тому +4

      @@SkillBuilder big push! You are aware of the jab genocide going on? As if they give a toss about tools being nicked.

    • @thetallcarpenter
      @thetallcarpenter 2 роки тому

      @@SkillBuilder I've sent you a text message Roger

    • @thetallcarpenter
      @thetallcarpenter 2 роки тому +1

      @@tanja8907 What have we got to lose bud🤔

  • @markhutchinson6087
    @markhutchinson6087 2 роки тому +13

    I think what is needed is a central tool registry that gets completed from sale and gets registered to a person/company in a similar way a vehicle is nothing as complicated but able to do a tool hpi check on a serial number to see if registered as stolen or not plenty of apps for vehicles why not cars and get big names involved like dewalt/makita etc

    • @gregorybergere
      @gregorybergere 2 роки тому

      Every Festool powertool has a unique number on a label and every original owner can be traced with that number. But the label is small and can be easily damaged.

    • @markhutchinson6087
      @markhutchinson6087 2 роки тому

      @@gregorybergere hi Gregory yes an bit easier for festool but if Jo blogs was looking to purchase any tool Inc festoon how could they check if any markers on them for being stolen ?? Nothing really at least if something like this in place then if a serial number has been tampered with then def steer clear also all these sale sites should have the serial numbers added to the listings for a trail yes does not stop car booters though

  • @projectlivesey5629
    @projectlivesey5629 2 роки тому +2

    Great video Roger and addresses a vile subject that needs fixing. Collectively we have to push for change like you say.
    I’m fortunate enough not to have suffered from this crime but to hear other peoples experiences pisses me right off.
    I’ll be contacting my MP and police and hopefully every subscriber does the same.
    Happy Christmas 🎅

  • @roberthenderson83
    @roberthenderson83 2 роки тому

    Thank you guys for bringing this to the foreground

  • @marksmith383
    @marksmith383 2 роки тому +7

    I'm a site manager now but as a sub contractor I had 3 different vans done, I learned the only way was take all my kit out every evening after work and leave the van unlocked..

    • @Lloyd1885
      @Lloyd1885 2 роки тому

      I used to do the same, someone said I wouldn't have a chance with the insurance if something happened, who are they going to believe, me or some lowlife tool thief?

    • @charlieb6001
      @charlieb6001 2 роки тому

      Not practical if you live in a block of flats or have no parking near your house.

  • @goosie1180
    @goosie1180 2 роки тому +3

    Had my van broken into 3 times. The last cost me over £5000 worth of tools.
    Couldn't work till I replaced them.
    So 5k down plus a week's wage gone. Police done the usual f all.
    Have now left the trade for good as I'm fed up with being robbed by theives and customers alike.
    I now work 7am till 3pm. No stress no hassle with a better family life

    • @charlieb6001
      @charlieb6001 2 роки тому

      A good result. And I bet you aren't bogged down with H & S crap either.

  • @colinmiles1052
    @colinmiles1052 2 роки тому +1

    Good rant Roger.I think this is THE MOST DESPICABLE CRIME, stealing a bloke's tools. Builders suffer but Tree Surgeons probably even more so. The Thieving Bastards deserve to have their hands cut off but as you say, in this country they just seem to get away with it due to lack of Police resources (or interest). Good luck with your campaign.

  • @tinytonymaloney7832
    @tinytonymaloney7832 2 роки тому +7

    Had my tool box stolen off the back of the van in the 90s while I was loading up one afternoon. I had to replace them and spent over £400, I couldn't believe it.

  • @rockymount2393
    @rockymount2393 2 роки тому +41

    One of my work colleagues, carpenter mate had his 2yr old Ford Transit Custom (fitted with tracker) filled with both new tools & tools his father had given him (before he died) stolen from Basingstoke on Sun 5th Dec at midnight. Long & short of it, high speed police chase driving towards Camberley at 2 a.m. in morning, when van enters large Travellers "Safe Haven" Camp. Police immediately call off chase and do absolutely nothing 😈 Mate & his boss (using tracker info) Drive to camp and can see the his van (together with a menagerie of other vehicles .... some burnt out). Police tell them NOT to go in camp & instead to Claim on Insurance 😱 Thing that p!$$es me off, is if it had been me or you who had committed this crime, the police would have been over us like a rash & rightly "thrown the book at us". So one rule for one group & another for us!!!..... & meanwhile we're all paying increased Insurance Premiums 😨 Like Roger said, "Time to Act" 👍

    • @SkillBuilder
      @SkillBuilder 2 роки тому +7

      The same thing happened to us. My DeWalt saw was stolen from the site. My mate Steve chased them and got the van registartion. The police traced the number to the travellers camp and told Steve it would take four days to get the liason officer to accompany them by which time the tools would be long gone.
      The police said the very same thing "Claim on the Insurance".

    • @mrright8794
      @mrright8794 2 роки тому +11

      Surely there is a case against the police here due to the fact that they have failed to carry out their duty. Start a compensation claim from the police.

    • @garethpalmer4934
      @garethpalmer4934 2 роки тому +2

      I was recently told the same thing by a local (Devon) plant hire company. They had a tele-handler stolen overnight, and it was tracked to a ‘traveller’ camp. Police didn’t do anything…. Mind blowing. It’s no wander crime is so high when they’re more worried about painting their squad cars with rainbows, than enforcing the law.

    • @highdownmartin
      @highdownmartin 2 роки тому +3

      A friend was talking about some network south East gennies getting nicked and turning up in a traveller site right next to railway ( that’s how they spotted them, from the railway line). Police did fuckall

    • @m4inline
      @m4inline 2 роки тому

      Right. Now. I am not in the UK. When you say travellers camp, are you guys talking about Roma gypsies or like just those English travellers, hippy vans of acid heads drifting around, or what?

    @ENGINESHOPJOE 2 роки тому +10

    This is going on in the United States as well. We need to combat this in an organized law abiding manner. The Police here seem to be complacent on this issue as well.
    In my opinion if our elected officials who drive the justice system just look the other way they need to be voted out and replaced with people who care and share our values. It starts at the top and
    when they find themselves voted out of their job maybe they will wake up and figure out they work for us.

    • @bikerbobcat
      @bikerbobcat 2 роки тому

      Unless we have sacks of money to "lobby" them with, politicians outside our community don't care about us unless we get loud enough to embarrass them and threaten the sacks of money from other people and corporations. It won't help break-ins in the dark of night, but at least in some places we're allowed to be armed. Good luck out there. Much love (and lost tools) from the DC-area.

      @ENGINESHOPJOE 2 роки тому

      @@bikerbobcat You hit the nail on the head. They feather their beds and buy their seats. Make laws to protect themselves.
      With the way things are headed economy wise, hopefully enough people may finally say enough is enough.

  • @greenreaper1985
    @greenreaper1985 2 роки тому +28

    One of the best ideas to combat van theft is a half decent camera. After my van got broken into I bought a eufy wireless battery camera. It's 2k motion activated recording with absolutely no monthly fees. Eventually the guy came back, noticed it and ran. The cameras can be set up to alert you of any movement in the night, so you get a chance to dish out some justice. If anyone wants help setting up a eufy camera system I'd be happy to help, it's not only saved my van but it's also helped get some sanity back. I found myself just watching out of my window half the night waiting for my chance

    • @galvanizedgnome
      @galvanizedgnome 2 роки тому +5

      Product adverts are getting sneaky

    • @greenreaper1985
      @greenreaper1985 2 роки тому +8

      @@galvanizedgnome nothing sneaky about this, I promote eufy as it literally saved my livelihood. Almost exactly this time last year my van was broke into, it cost me my Christmas but I just about managed to afford to replace my gear and keep working. He returned in late January and the camera scared him off. One £200 camera saved me over £4k. It was the best money I've ever spent, so although I don't have any financial stakes in eufy, I do fully trust and respect the power they have given back to the every day man

    • @Chris-pv2ht
      @Chris-pv2ht 2 роки тому +2

      I have the Reolink 2K Argus 3 Pro with solar panel, no extra costs no worry about batteries going flat great camera also have other cameras too. Dead easy to set up as well long as you have wifi. Nothing to do with company just a homeowner thats always vigilant

    • @greenreaper1985
      @greenreaper1985 2 роки тому +2

      @@Chris-pv2ht the reolink stuff is pretty incredible, especially the NVR kits that record 24/7, they're pretty much unrivaled in my opinion. I went for the eufy cams over the reolink ones for 2 reasons, at the time of purchasing (I'm not sure if they've changed it now) you couldn't set up motion detection zones. So if your camera does happen to overlook a road or neighbours drive you're constantly going to get notifications when they're not needed. Secondly the night time footage which although is 2k drops to around 6-7fps making the footage very choppy. Any camera that doesn't charge a monthly fee and is totally wireless gets a thumbs up though

    • @g.johnson3119
      @g.johnson3119 2 роки тому +2

      I have two eufy cameras installed following recommendation from an alarm engineer I use. I sleep much better as anyscum up to no good will activate my phone alerting me in real time. Best purchase I ever made and in case anyones thinking it …. I have no affliation with Eufy.

  • @ChoppingtonOtter
    @ChoppingtonOtter 2 роки тому +3

    I used to work in the law system. There is plenty law in place. The massive weak spot is the courts. Police can lock them up 10 times but as long as the courts let them walk nothing will change. You can make more laws, bigger sentences all you like... but the courts will NOT use them. I always remember being in court when a self employed plumber was in giving evidence, 2 career doleys/petty criminals had stolen his tools. He lost loads of work etc etc. Do you know what the court said? ... Because these 2 were on the dole they didn't have enough money to pay him back so they got some commu.ity service and the poor guy is left there looking like " what just happened"?. THAT is the problem.

  • @zapbrannigan9770
    @zapbrannigan9770 2 роки тому +18

    Saturday night our site got broken into. I lost a festool battery, 2 chargers and a festool dust extractor. Other guys lost more. The police came around and basically said nothing will be done which they confirmed today by phone. Luckily for me I got my extractor back as on the off chance we kicked in a bin store used by some homeless junkies and found some of the missing tools including my extractor. The police still want nothing to do with it. This follows the side door of my van getting peeled open 2 years ago and £7500 loss of tools 3 years ago. On every occasion the police have completely washed there hands of it. I applaud your stance on this but no matter how many MP’s flap there gums on this issue the police will do fuck all.

  • @bdizzle7633
    @bdizzle7633 2 роки тому +15

    I for one roger would just like to say THANK YOU for this video and appreciate the time you guys must be putting into this 🙌🏼.I see a lot of people writing “that will never work” but there needs to be a start no matter how small it is and anyone who’s had tools stolen will know anything is better than that feeling/situation. So let’s all do our bit send letters and in the meantime use peoples ideas on here UV paint etc which is great.! What’s the alternative we just keep accepting that this is going to keep happening to us and all the younger generations we are trying to get into our world.? If we highlight this more than ever before maybe just maybe we might make some progress and that in any sense is only a good thing.. thanks skillbuilder it’s appreciated 👍🏻

  • @nickwf70
    @nickwf70 2 роки тому +2

    Like so many things that go on in society, you get the feeling that corporate influence on our government is in control. They could stop most of this crime if they wanted to.

  • @beatonthedonis
    @beatonthedonis 2 роки тому +2

    If nobody bought stolen tools, there wouldn't be any stolen tools.

  • @alicanbe1
    @alicanbe1 2 роки тому +14

    Signage on your work van or truck is a magnet for thieves. Keep your work vehicle incognito. Been in the handyman business for 5 years now, carry around a lot of tools and no theft yet. Petitioning your elected officials saying "something must be done" is meaningless. Tougher laws don't deter these thieves. Prevention is key and that's on us. Tracking these bastards done and effecting some justice is hard too, but very satisfying when you nab them. Don't have them arrested, they'll be out in a day. Deliver justice then and there and set an example for other thieves. Just my 2cents.

    • @kevinlawes591
      @kevinlawes591 2 роки тому +4

      A lump hammer is called a lump hammer for very good reasons 😉

    • @thomasobrien8850
      @thomasobrien8850 2 роки тому +1

      well said👍👍

    • @Lloyd1885
      @Lloyd1885 2 роки тому

      Problem with jetting out your own justice at home is the scum know where you live.

  • @oliverturner128
    @oliverturner128 2 роки тому +3

    I work in Local Government and your local Community Safety Team will often be much easier to work with if your area is impacted by this type of crime rather than going direct to Police/Government. (edit) And to add to that, make sure to report any theft to the Police. Without those reports, the analysts who prioritise types of crimes won't see that it is a big issue.

  • @got2bharmony
    @got2bharmony 2 роки тому +2

    Well done Roger, solid advice. We have got to start positive action using groups like this. It is no good just getting angry. Marking goods especially engraving will help. Good luck everyone, this is a serious problem that needs to be addressed.

  • @paul222148
    @paul222148 2 роки тому

    Great video, my street was visited by tool thieves recently so this message hit home. I wrote both letters as suggested and got a good response from my MP; also marking all my tools! Keep up the good work; Merry Christmas 👨‍🔧

    • @SkillBuilder
      @SkillBuilder 2 роки тому

      Thanks for sharing! It is good to know that some people are trying to help make things better for us all.

  • @vinnysurti
    @vinnysurti 2 роки тому +6

    Great video, Positive message 👍🏽 ………However,… Apparently there are loads of “TOOLS” in parliament!

  • @phillipjefferies7443
    @phillipjefferies7443 2 роки тому +8

    As a thought. For those with iPhones, buy a set of AirTags and hide them deep in the tool cases and if possible in the tool themselves. If they get stolen, you will know the location and then you can go to the police with this? Effectively we are going to them with a solution.

  • @chrisblurton6117
    @chrisblurton6117 2 роки тому +2

    Excellent Video Roger! I had my van and tools stollen in April this year and the police did absolutely fck all! They basically told me that I have insurance so they knew I’d recoup some of the costs but as we all know with the tool cover and the down time/ cancelled jobs, costs soon mount up to a huge financial loss! The only time I heard from them was when I reported it missing. This needs to change like you say and I’ll be firing off all the relevant emails once again in a hope that if we all do this together then the government, police and local authorities might finally take action! Merry Christmas to you all let’s make 2022 a safer one 👊🏼

  • @refurbandbuild9492
    @refurbandbuild9492 2 роки тому +1

    Good to see someone has taken the batten on this. The biggest issue is a distinct lack of police officers on the beat and the police have far worse crimes to investigate. My son in law is a police officer and they are vastly understaffed thanks to Theresa May cutting the force by 20,000. His advice to me was make the van as secure as you can.

  • @Thereishope664
    @Thereishope664 2 роки тому +4

    Anyone that buys these tools from a boot sale is complicit in this and they know full well too. The lowest form of pond life.

  • @eliotmansfield
    @eliotmansfield 2 роки тому +3

    marking the tools with door no and postcode in very big letters that are melted embossed into the plastics - did this with PC’s years ago when they were getting stolen every night. The big trade counters should offer this for free on any tool purchased or a small fee for any walk-ins

  • @bigmonkey999888
    @bigmonkey999888 2 роки тому

    Merry Christmas and a happy new year to you all from Steve, Beeston, Leeds

  • @Jopacob
    @Jopacob 2 роки тому +1

    Good points. You let the little things go and society all starts to break down

  • @stakkerhmnd
    @stakkerhmnd 2 роки тому +4

    My mate who works for the council reckoned wheel barrow and shovel was nicked from the back of his council Transit flat bed. So he couldn't do no work all afternoon. Was meant to be spreading a bit of gravel around the community centre's car park.
    Turns out he never actually loaded up the wheel barrow and shovel in the first place! Was still back at the depot!

    • @stakkerhmnd
      @stakkerhmnd 2 роки тому +1

      @Charles Vane I know it's such an oxymoron!

  • @highdownmartin
    @highdownmartin 2 роки тому +3

    Quite right about receiving and handling being as bad as stealing!!

  • @m6j159
    @m6j159 2 роки тому

    All power to you, Roger & Skill Builder. Thank you for another year of great content - have a smashing break. Here's to 2022 with more great content and a successful campaign💪💪👍

    • @SkillBuilder
      @SkillBuilder 2 роки тому +1

      Same to you and thank you for your support

  • @crm.carpentry
    @crm.carpentry 2 роки тому +2

    Thank you, Rodger and the skillbuilder team. This is something that we all feel. Been a victim myself. Ill do my bit. Hope this works 🙏 merry Xmas everyone

  • @bradleydavies60
    @bradleydavies60 2 роки тому +4

    Chippie here. Had my van broken into last Friday, at 2pm. Went home for dinner before going to another job. Was only in the house 20 minutes came back to the van with the side door cracked open and all tools gone. They even took boxes of winter clothes. Even helped themselves to a bucket load of fixings. Only thing left was a brush and 1 knee pad. Police said they’ll hand it to an investigation team and will only contact me if they have a lead. Waste of time calling them

    • @TheFool2cool
      @TheFool2cool 2 роки тому +1

      Always call them and get a crime number, at least it adds to the statistics if we do start to campaign. You'll also need the number for any insurance claims, which of course will put your premiums up so we end up paying for our loss over many years to come.

    • @james7477
      @james7477 2 роки тому +1

      Unlucky Bradley Davies. Had my van done over years ago and was devastating>
      I don`t anymore, but if I did still carried tools these days I`d keep photos and purchase invoices as proof of ownership, and join local facebook stolen items groups to try and make them too hot to handle. I appreciate that a lot of them are probably leaving the country though :-(
      Hope you get back up and working again ASAP.

  • @thedrvn
    @thedrvn 2 роки тому +7

    Oh please! You cannot look at outside forces to deal with the problem of theft. Self defence is and will only ever be the solution. Once you stop with the victim mentality and take charge of your belongings BEFORE a theft takes place you'll find you might avoid being robbed in the first place. Most people that store their tools in their van don't even have even a basic after market lock or alarm sensors fitted!

    • @SkillBuilder
      @SkillBuilder 2 роки тому +4

      That is simply not the case and it doesn't help that you blame the victims. I spent a thousand pounds on van security and I know a lot of people who spent more and still got robbed when they cut the van open.

  • @TheMJPalad
    @TheMJPalad 2 роки тому +2

    Thanks Roger! Good info right here :)

  • @Baldavier
    @Baldavier 2 роки тому +1

    Lots of hard work gone into this well done

  • @tooler731
    @tooler731 2 роки тому +3

    Way to go Roger! This seems to be a world-wide problem (certainly first world anyway) and it is long past due that someone takes a stand and makes a lot of noise. Governments have no problem regulating you (almost) out of business or collecting licensing & permit fees... Taxes they'll almost conk you on the head for - But when it comes down to protecting the tools you use to make a living, or any of your property that you've worked and sacrificed for - they put great effort into making excuses and none into stopping it. Cheers to you and I hope you make a big enough noise that nobody can fail to hear.

  • @mikeselectricstuff
    @mikeselectricstuff 2 роки тому +23

    I think laser marking might be helpful - maybe as a service from a van that visits wholesalers etc. with a laser you can quiclky and indelibly mark plastic and metal in multiple places, more effectively than any sort of pen.
    Pet RFID tags (chips) are another option, small enough to put inside most tools, and the readers are already widely available.

    • @jonwelch564
      @jonwelch564 2 роки тому +4

      There are phone apps to read and write RFID tags, you don't need a reader.

    • @Jester-Riddle
      @Jester-Riddle 2 роки тому +14

      Laser Marking Tool Thieves on their foreheads would also be an idea ... !

    • @allothernamesbutthis
      @allothernamesbutthis 2 роки тому +5

      manufactures should at least put those tags in the bodies for people to use on their phones.

    • @m4inline
      @m4inline 2 роки тому +2

      I could think of lots of interesting uses for high powered industrial cutting lasers, in these circumstances

    • @mandismith89
      @mandismith89 2 роки тому

      @@allothernamesbutthis nope because they know if they are stolen then they get to sell you another

  • @cuezed
    @cuezed 2 роки тому +2

    I will do this this week. Had my tools stolen out my van on my drive in August. Had 2 dreams of my van getting nicked since then including last night. Didn't realise how much of a mental effect this could have on me

    • @SkillBuilder
      @SkillBuilder 2 роки тому +2

      Sorry to hear that and know you are not alone, a lot of people have suffered and it is hard to pick yourself up and carry on. That needs to be said. Please send us a short video on your phone to say how it has affected you. We want to present MPs with this.

  • @MrDjpete1
    @MrDjpete1 2 роки тому

    I'm in ...Stronger we stand together!!

  • @tomobrien8417
    @tomobrien8417 2 роки тому +8

    About 20 years ago my van was done twice over a weekend.1st friday night 2nd sunday night after i repaired it, 2 weeks later got a call from a mate tools were being sold in the back of 2nd hand shop in east london.went in did not say a word but there were my tools went back 30mins later mob handed and took everything this man hads even though most was not mine, Called old bill they could not give a flying fig,i ended up with shit loads of tools that some poor fucker had lost

  • @plummetplum
    @plummetplum 2 роки тому +6

    Good, I'm not even in the trade and I've got a few mates who's vans have been broken into. It's disgusting, these lowlifes don't really care about the impact this can have on a tradesmen. Most tradesmen aren't rich, it's out of order.

  • @Tomukas
    @Tomukas 2 роки тому

    Wow!!! Great video Roger!!!

  • @BrianSmith-ow9gy
    @BrianSmith-ow9gy 2 роки тому +1

    Must be heart breaking. Up at the crack to go to your job only to find your van's been done and you've got to spend all day with the police, insurers and buying replacements (if you can afford to). This is a serious crime and deserves a higher priority/response from the police.

  • @stevetdavies41
    @stevetdavies41 2 роки тому +11

    Roger, we all have mobile phones, it is easy to take photos of the serial numbers as well as marking up tools. Good evidence of ownership.

  • @duplicitouskendoll9402
    @duplicitouskendoll9402 2 роки тому +3

    I work for a large company and we've had more than a few instances where employees stole their own tools, caused damage to their own vans and got a crime reference number, or simply said "I'd left it unlocked by accident". They know the police won't investigate, they know once the company has a crime reference number they claim on insurance, they know they won't have to pay for it themselves if they "left the van unlocked by mistake". This went on for years with certain people until a pattern was noticed and somebody took the opportunity to check out what they were selling on their facebook marketplace... It's not evn like they weren't earning good money - they stole because they could, not because they had to. Maybe insurance needs to stop paying out for stolen tools unless you have some serious security on the van. Perhaps manufacturers of expensive tools could start putting trackers in the cicuitry, in a place it can't be removed without destroying the tool. Kind of like how we tag our dogs, a way of police or pawn shops or anyone else to scan items and verify if they're stolen or not. A little RFID chip would cost peanuts.

  • @davidatkinson2167
    @davidatkinson2167 2 роки тому +2

    I once worked on a site where one company sprayed all its tools pink. Yes pink. They never lost anything. Mind you one chap did lose some tools but the person that took them sustained s broken leg and the chap got his tools back. Things are slightly different now.

  • @tomg3213
    @tomg3213 2 роки тому +1

    Thanks for keeping this a relevant topic Roger.
    Had my van broken into twice within the months of Dec-Jan, couple years back (once at home and the other in the carpark a well known Screw&Fixing store at 11AM). Store refused to show the camera footage to anyone other than the Police who even though they were informed, never came to check it.
    About 7to8K in the space of a month plus X2 side door repairs.
    Thought of taking the police to court for indirect encouragement as it stands as nothing more than a message that if you steel from tradesmen, there will be no repocussions.

    • @SkillBuilder
      @SkillBuilder 2 роки тому +2

      Hi Tom
      Please write to your local crime commissioner and tell them your story. The police should have checked that footage. It is terrible that they are effectively on strike.

    • @bushtuckertrialsofa6674
      @bushtuckertrialsofa6674 2 роки тому +1

      @@SkillBuilder "effectively on strike".? Get a grip.

  • @Droningonuk
    @Droningonuk 2 роки тому +5

    One time of day you went to prision for receiving stolen goods now the police don't give a toss if your the one nicking them!

  • @r1273m
    @r1273m 2 роки тому +16

    Police don't have time to help working guys. They're too busy looking into "crimes" where people's feelings have been hurt. Got to get your priorities right.

  • @svenevans4983
    @svenevans4983 2 роки тому +1

    As a member of several groups of van dwellers on Facebook,I'm chipping in my two pence worth.every week dozens and dozens of vans,mobile homes and live in vehicles dissapear every week.It's unbelievable how so many vehicles simply vanish from the face of the earth.. The police seem can this be happening in our super surveillance,automated number plate recognition society? Were are they all going? What's driving it?
    How come the cops know nothing? Who is doing all the thefts?

  • @fastman05
    @fastman05 2 роки тому

    Brother in law had is 3 month old van broken into, tools stolen and van damaged over night at home 3 days ago.

  • @paulgray7203
    @paulgray7203 2 роки тому +7

    Hi Roger
    They did my van twice haven’t replaced tools yet can’t afford makes ones heart bleed that these scum bag do this and get away. Very good video thanks

  • @johnwaby4321
    @johnwaby4321 2 роки тому +3

    The citron dispatch van is very easy to break into as well .got mine broken into I couldn't belive how easy it was the van manufacturers need to do there bit as well.

    • @Lloyd1885
      @Lloyd1885 2 роки тому

      Trouble is manufacturers will charge premium prices for adding security measures that should be fitted as standard

  • @TheDesperado46
    @TheDesperado46 2 роки тому +1

    Great video, had builders in my place this week and delays to the job as two separate teams had their vans broken into at the travel lodge in ealing! Why doesnt travel lodge take their customers security seriously.
    Fortunately the second team had left their tools with me.
    Im keen to support in anyway possible.

  • @vincentneep4868
    @vincentneep4868 2 роки тому +1

    I think more could be done in making vans secure like you said. Also maybe an addition to the proceeds of crime act to cover stolen tools specifically. Police routinely touring car boot sales and asking the questions of the tool “traders”. Having to register as a tool trader with the council or police. As you say put pressure on them from as many directions as possible to make it harder for them to operate. Good video Roger keep up the great work.

  • @alan3995
    @alan3995 2 роки тому +6

    Flare in the back that gets set off when door is pulled , hard to steal what they can't see , smoke won't harm anything in the van , also a 12gauge perimeter alarm , nice and loud. They're legal in the UK

  • @pigswillbepigs
    @pigswillbepigs 2 роки тому +9

    Great idea, wish you well, with heavy heart, it won’t get off the ground. (Only been robbed once) take my power tools out every night since. Might be an idea to put a window in the back to Tommy the thief can see there’s nowt and doesn’t damage the van like can opener.

  • @notrut
    @notrut 2 роки тому +1

    Nothing's changed since the 80s/90s when I worked for a large utility company fleet ...
    Van Crime and tool theft was a daily occurrence. Best alarm is a Jack Russell Terrier.

  • @Tensquaremetreworkshop
    @Tensquaremetreworkshop 2 роки тому +1

    The real criminals are the ones who buy the tools- they know they are stolen.

  • @mickgreen8672
    @mickgreen8672 2 роки тому +3

    They did my van two weeks back It was a Sunday night
    They got away with all my cordless tools

    • @SkillBuilder
      @SkillBuilder 2 роки тому +1

      Sorry to hear that Mick. Please write to your crime commissioner and MP to tell them about it. They need to know how widespread this is.

  • @hydrohobbyist
    @hydrohobbyist 2 роки тому +3

    Central database of serial numbers and provenance to be mandatory on all contracts where possible. Let’s face it, these tools will often land back in the hands of trades. Cut out the demand, kill the supply.

  • @TheDullMansClub
    @TheDullMansClub 2 роки тому +2

    With regards to added van security, dont only put an alarm in, if parked close to your house set up a wireless camera inside, if not get a trail camera that only records movement, also get a movement activated flood light. Theres lots you can do, a mate of mine set up a solar panel on his roof & a single battery thats not connected to any van electrics, which runs several devices including an extremely loud house type alarm that would hurt the ear drums of anyone entering. With the tech thats available today, setting up decent security to protect your stuff and your van can be done for around a few £100's, its not going to totally prevent it, but it can be a very good deterrent. Mates van was touched not long after his install, but has never even been looked at since

  • @russelljbriscoe
    @russelljbriscoe 2 роки тому

    Just found your podcast , can I just say FANTAStIC .
    Love you Roger & the gang , in a manly way obs . 😁

  • @robmurray2190
    @robmurray2190 2 роки тому +3

    Good vid
    Totally agree with your analysis
    I’ve use a electric glass scriber to etch my company name post code and my mobile number all over the batteries & power tools. I use a van vault ,and always use the aftermarket deadlocks even if I’m in and out of van multiple times in the day. I see it that if they Nick my tools they won’t come back in a months time because they will be etched up and harder to sell at these boot sales.

    • @charlieb6001
      @charlieb6001 2 роки тому

      My tools were always etched in at least two places. Never saw them again. Last time I was robbed they took the van vault and used bolt croppers to cut the chain holding my chop saw. Hope the lowlifes got hernias for their trouble.

  • @versatec1
    @versatec1 2 роки тому +3

    Forget your local MP they couldn't give a s***

  • @topquark6919
    @topquark6919 2 роки тому +2

    This is on the increase, because the criminal fraternity KNOW the police will do NOTHING. That is, of course, unless you catch one of these scum bags, and 'hold' on to him until the police arrive. Then YOU will face criminal charges, for somehow infringing the criminals 'human rights'. It's a sad reflection, of the times we live in. The criminals appear to have more 'rights' than the victims of crime.

  • @rigley8830
    @rigley8830 2 роки тому

    Great video Roger. I decided to go another route after having my van cleaned out 3 times in 4 years, I now live in New Zealand 🇳🇿. You can leave your van open for a week with the keys in and it will still be there, at least where I live 😀