中国.大理旅游~大理最全旅游攻略&从昆明怎么去大理&如何玩转大理&中国大理风光 &苍山 .洱海 .大理古城 .崇圣寺.三塔 .洗马潭 你最喜欢哪里?

  • Опубліковано 16 жов 2024
  • 友们好,欢迎来到我的频道,希望我的频道能给你带来一些美好!
    环游洱到大理湿地公园,湖洱海而投资建设的湿地生态公园,风景优美!大理古城,到大理古城的时候天空下着蒙蒙细雨,中国的大理古城位于云南省西部 ,古城又叫紫城。古城其历史可追溯至唐天宝年间,南诏王阁逻凤筑的羊苴咩城,为其新都。古城始建于明洪武十五年(1382年),大理古城在唐宋500多年的历史间古城是云南的政治、经济、文化的中心,在古城内分布了14处市级以上的重点文物保护单位,承载着大理历史文化、宗教文化、民族文化,是大理旅游核心区,设有大理古城景区,为国家4A级景区。 大理古城是每个来大理旅游的人都会到达的地方!在大理的最后一天我们去看了大理皇家寺院崇圣寺,观了云南标志性的古建筑三塔,崇圣寺三塔位于中国云南省大理白族自治州大理市大理古城西北1.5公里处的崇圣寺内,紧临214国道,距洱海西岸4800米,是南诏、大理国皇家寺院。中间最高的一座与崇圣寺大门构成景区中轴线。三塔矗立于崇圣寺大门前,寺东为千寻塔,即大塔,南、北为小塔,排列成三角形。大塔名曰千寻塔,全名“法界通灵明道乘塔”。建于南诏蒙劝丰佑时期(823年-859年),即唐长庆四年到开成四年。千寻塔高58米,为16层方形密檐式砖塔,塔内空心,置有似“井”字形交叉木骨架,可以攀登塔顶;塔身下部为石砌台基,高1.1米,上层台基为砖砌须弥座,高1.9米 ,属于典型的唐代建筑风格。本视频的上部分,将带你一起走进崇圣寺三塔近距离的欣赏三塔,下午我们一起登大理苍山,看海拔4000米的洗马潭,上云南大理海拔最高的厕所,大理苍山洗马潭索道,是全国最长的、也是苍山最长的索道,全长有5555米。索道设有3个站点,连接起3个景区。不仅是一条苍山观光索道,而且还是名副其实的"一道穿三景"的索道 ...希望我的视频让你了解更多的云南,看更美的云南风景......
    Hello friends, welcome to my channel, I hope my channel can bring you some good things!
    Today’s video is about the last day of our trip to Dali. Dali has many stories and attractions. On the last day in Dali, we went to see Chongsheng Temple, the Royal Temple of Dali, and the Three Pagodas, the iconic ancient building in Yunnan. The Three Pagodas of the Holy Temple are located in the Chongsheng Temple, 1.5 kilometers northwest of the ancient city of Dali, Dali Bai Autonomous Prefecture, Yunnan Province, China. It is close to the 214 National Highway and 4,800 meters away from the west coast of Erhai Lake. It is a royal temple of the Nanzhao and Dali Kingdoms. The highest one in the middle and the gate of Chongsheng Temple form the central axis of the scenic spot. Three pagodas stand in front of the gate of Chongsheng Temple. To the east of the temple is Qianxun Pagoda, the big pagoda, and to the south and north are small pagodas, arranged in a triangle. The big pagoda is called Qianxun Pagoda, and its full name is "Dharma Realm Channeling and Mingdao Pagoda". It was built during the Nanzhao period (823-859), from the fourth year of Changqing to the fourth year of Kaicheng in the Tang Dynasty. Qianxun Tower is 58 meters high. It is a 16-story square brick tower with dense eaves. The inside of the tower is hollow and has a "well"-shaped cross wooden frame. You can climb to the top of the tower. The lower part of the tower is a stone platform, 1.1 meters high. The upper platform base is a brick Xumizuo with a height of 1.9 meters, which is a typical architectural style of the Tang Dynasty. The first part of this video will take you to the Three Pagodas of Chongsheng Temple to appreciate the Three Pagodas up close. In the afternoon, we will climb Dali Cangshan Mountain to see the Xima Lake at an altitude of 4,000 meters. We will also go to the highest toilet in Dali, Yunnan, Dali Cangshan Mountain. Ximatan Cableway is the longest cableway in the country and the longest cableway in Cangshan Mountain, with a total length of 5,555 meters. The cableway has 3 stations, connecting 3 scenic spots. It is not only a Cangshan Sightseeing Cableway, but also a veritable "one pass through three sceneries" cableway... I hope my video will help you learn more about Yunnan and see more beautiful Yunnan scenery...
    #Dali Cangsheng Temple Three Pagodas
    #Cangshan Erhai
    #Dali tourism
    #DaliTravel Guide
    #yunnan scape
    #The origin of Ximatan
    #yunnan touris
    #foreigner in dali