Gudetama is a cartoon character created in 2013 by the Japanese company Sanrio, a perpetually tired, apathetic anthropomorphic egg yolk. The name "Gudetama" is a portmanteau or blend word of the Japanese words for lazy and egg.
You are pronouncing gudetama correctly. And I see someone else commented that it is a cartoon character created back in 2013 I believe it was. Really enjoyed watching your video, great content!🎉🎉🎉
Gudetama is a cartoon character created in 2013 by the Japanese company Sanrio, a perpetually tired, apathetic anthropomorphic egg yolk. The name "Gudetama" is a portmanteau or blend word of the Japanese words for lazy and egg.
Hey Tracy! Merry Christmas from England 🎅❤
Hi 😊 Merry Christmas to you too ❤
You are pronouncing gudetama correctly. And I see someone else commented that it is a cartoon character created back in 2013 I believe it was. Really enjoyed watching your video, great content!🎉🎉🎉
thanks for watching 😊
Gudetama means lazy egg I believe.
Gudetama is just a character created by Sanrio. He's known as the lazy egg! Lol.
Looks like it's wrapped in a towel.
Gudetama is a cartoon character created in 2013 by the Japanese company Sanrio
Gude = Lazy, Tama = Egg
Gudetama = Lazy Egg
You pronounced it correctly.
It means lazy egg
You need try the dance machine next time
🤣🤣 🤣 I wouldn't last long
I think that was an edamame (soybean) not a pickle lol
I think it’s holding edamame not a pickle.