I’m learning Arabic in USA. Here’s a helpful method I developed. I decided to first learn common thought strings and ‘think’ in Arabic. Day 1 of learning, If I’m hungry I think “I am hungry” in Arabic. Day 2 “I am hungry, I want x” with my thoughts becoming slightly more complicated each day. Same for bathroom and sleep and all basic functions. It’s been extremely effective to the point I now believe I could learn a variety of languages. Try it out, or develop your own system that works for you, but make sure you have a system you LIKE that’s fun. Don’t get discouraged, and don’t try to learn too much at once.
Fabulous explanation I'm an English Lecturer, and it's literally the first time for me to be fascinated by a native American explaining Arabic in this fluency .
Wow thank you so much! I am a German teacher lecturing mostly refugees from Syria. That’s very helpful. All the best from Vienna and please more of that!
Oh my God that is crazy, I literally just started learning Egyptian Arabic and watched this! Your video about the Arabic alphabet basically taught me how to read Arabic in a day, which I’d never imagined! Very optimal content as always my friend. See you soon!
I really love when I see a non-Arabic trying to speak, let alone teach, the language to others, even if the pronunciation is not as the native (which is normal).. Keep it up. Just a really very small correction, yet very important: in the minute 9:28 about the reply to the greeting, you pronounce it correctly but it's not written correctly (in Arabic). It should be "و عليكم السلام" not "و عليكم السام", (just the letter "ل" was missing), as the meaning will change from "Peace" to "Boredom". "And upon you be boredom" is the written reply. I know it was done by mistake and not intentional, but still it's always good to correct ourselves and to have people around us that help us to be better. Once again, keep it up, you're one of a few.
Hi there, Brian! Hercules here, from São Paulo - Brazil. My 1st foreign language that I learned ( on my own) was english and I get happy when listening to you and understand all. I realized that arabic you speak is "masrii". By watching your videos, my motivations get higher and higher. God bless you ❤🎉
فيديو رائع أشجعك على الاستمرار في تعليم اللغة العربية 🎉 لكن بخصوص كلمة you للأنثى فهي تُكتب (أنتِ) وليس (انتي) كما أن هناك فارق بين ألف الوصل (ا) وهمزة القطع (ء) فلا نكتب (انت) بل (أنت). بالتوفيق✨
He already stated that he’s teaching Egyptian Arabic. So what he wrote is valid in this context. This is exactly how we write it. We don’t use “Tashkeel” or any “harakat”
great job my friend ! its really an amazing work from you , good luck , i have just little note if you dont mind as i am an arabic teacher i want to mention that the pronoun huma in egypian arabic refers to plural but i standad arabic it refers to Dual which means 2 people and since the dialects are not witten languages so i hope that students will not use the arabic grammer you teach to learn the egyptian arabic 😁since there a big defirence with standard arabic thanx and good luck again
شكرا جزيلا على هذا الفيديو الرائع هذا الفيديو يحفز كل من يرغب في تعلم أي لغة ليس فقط للمتعلمين اللغة العربية مع اني متحدثة اصلية باللغة العربية الى ان فيديوهاتك بمثابة جرعة تحفيزية لتعلم اللغات من الجزائرI hope that all of you learn any language that you want
I am Arab and I think it is wonderful to speak more than one language, and for people who speak more than two languages, they have an exceptional ability to learn languages.
When i looking for a best method to learn English i found my self learn Arabic for an native American 😂 so it's very interesting for me and never seen before something like this but really i love it ♥️ so for who's want to learn the Arabic language i recommend you to start learn the basic language and when you decide to go at specific country you can discover by you self Colloquial dialect and♥️ شكرا♥️
You have such a positive energy and you''re an inspiration to all of us trying to learn a new language (not necessarly arabic). Thank you very much for all your videos. Greetings from Austria ❤
Maaaan! You seem like a Moroccan speaking Arabic. As an Algerian, I recommend speaking the Classical Arabic, it's more useful in any situation, whether travelling, reading or speaking. Each country has its own dialect, it'd be harder for to understand.
Haha thanks once again. My pronunciation is pretty and reading too. The grammer is not super difficult, but I like systems and algoritmes and the irregulars nouns makes arabic really hard because I takes a lot of repetition to remember them. Taskil isn’t even that hard either if you’re not focussing on Fusha but rather on spoken dialects. But thanks you very much for taking the time to explain is so kindly 🙏🏽
May the peace and mercy of God be upon you brother, thankyou for making this video.. I'm an Indian currently studying in my last year of college and i have some spare time and so i thought this is the time where i can start learning Arabic, i know 4 languages and 1 i learnt at school, English, Hindi, Marathi, Urdu and Sanskrit at a basic level... I'm really excited to learn my 6th language as Arabic💗
انت انسان رائع يا براين . لكن عندي رجاء حااار ارجوك حاول نشر الفصحة بين متحدثي الانجليزية لانها اكثر ثراء من العامية بكثير حيث لا توجد مقارنة بينهم متابعك من مصر
Have been going through a bunch of your videos, been loving it. I'd love to see more videos on Levantine Arabic, specifically the Lebanese dialect. You did touch on it in other videos, and those were super helpful, I have a bunch of podcasts/sites open now. But one or two dedicated videos on Levantine (especially Lebanese) would be amazing! At least just a collection of the best resources. I'm trying to learn Lebanese (after years of MSA, which I feel was generally not very helpful besides vocab) and I'll take all the help I can get haha. Thanks again, amazing videos!
You’re welcome. Yes, you have a little bit of accent , but overall, your Arabic is super super super great for a non- native Arabic speaker. Well done 🌹🌹 @@BrianWilesQuizzes
مكونتش عارفة انه لغتنا صعبة كدة 😂😂😂 بس براين بجد شكرا لتقديرك و حبك لثقافتنا❤❤ I didn't know that our language was so difficult 😂😂😂 But Brian, seriously, thank you for your appreciation and love for our culture❤❤
Thanks Brian. I recalled seeing one video that you highly recommended listening to podcasts. I'm a visual learner that wonder if there are movies or TV series I can learn daily conversations.
شكرا جزيلا على إجتهادك في تعليم العربية لغير الناطقين بها . المشكلة هي أن الشارع العربي أهمل اللغة العربية الفصيحة التي هي لغة القران الكريم. فالعامية غزت الشارع العربي مع الأسف الشديد مما جعلت عملية تعليم العربية صعبة، ولذلك نجد في عمل أخينا Rian, على جودته متخلل بالكلمات العامية كتابة ونطقا . دعوة لإخواننا العرب للعودة إلى لغتهم الأصيلة. شكرا
I speak five language and I consider to learn the sixth language, I thought sometimes in to learn Arabic why it is a difficult and interesting language. I'll probably begin to learn it on the next year or 2026. While I study and have no time, but I want to learn and to speak. I speak Greek, Turkish, English and my maternal tongue Spanish and Polish. Greeting the Arab friends.
I am a native Arab. I strongly recommend you learn standard Arabic. This will give the proper Arabic pronunciation and grammar. The dialects become easy to learn Not only that, you can listen to media, or read, all use standard Arabic You can use your standard Arabic anywhere in the Arab world. They understand you, and also admire you. Don't start by learning dialects. I have learned the standard English, Quee's English. And I use it every where.
@@Xy33zr I strongly disagree with this. If your goal is to speak with people, why not just learn to speak with people in the language they actually use? Sure, learning MSA makes learning a dialect easier, but learning ANY variety of Arabic makes learning any other easier. Again, might as well start with something people actually speak. That's like saying you should learn Latin before Spanish or french. Just starting with Spanish will probably be more efficient. Your English is very impressive of course, but no language is "proper". The best way to talk to people is to talk to them in their language. Not the language of books from hundreds of years ago. Those aren't reflective of the language of the current age. That's just my opinion though.
@@xoreign I respect your opinion. But the MSA is modern, as name implies. The old Arabic uses the same grammar, but vocabulary could be difficult. When you start with MSA the whole Arab world is open for you If you follow the opinion or those who have learned Arabic most recommend MSA first, unless your goal is to live in one country, then yeah, ok Egyptian dialect is the most popular and understood everywhere. There is an American guy named Brian, who speaks very fluent Egyptian dialect. You find in the UA-cam. But Arabic language is beautiful, rich and poetic. It will really be rewarding if you learn it. I myself try to use it as much as I can. I am from Yemen.
@@Xy33zr Of course it all depends on your goals definitely. It's just that people don't speak MSA in daily life. So yes, everyone in the Arab world can understand you with MSA, it simply isn't the most practical if you're trying to use Arabic. I actually see most people recommend starting with a major dialect because it gets you access to speaking partners immediately in a language that can be used in daily conversation. It's important to remember that Arabic dialects are very different, almost like different languages. You might want to speak to everyone, but I don't think that's really that important. If you learn any language you always need to make the choice of what people you want to talk to. In other words, you can learn MSA and technically talk to everyone in a dialect no one speaks daily, or, speak to less people but in a language that's actually used. I will always recommend just picking a dialect because it's basically the same as picking a language. If it's Egyptian, you even get all the benefits of learning MSA too. (Everyone can understand you in the Arab world, and it makes learning other dialects, even MSA, easier)
It was fantastic Brian, Could you make a video on how to learn Egyptian Arabic from scratch just by myself bcoz I'm fascinated by Arabic language but not sure where to start and along with that I live in a country where nobody speaks arabic.I would be glad if you do so.BTW love from India ❤
Im an arabic speaker and its my second language which my arab parents taught me as a child.. I believe the correct way to pronounce 'you' for male and female is inta (for male) and inti (female).. to other arabs out there, correct me if i am wrong lol.. however, i dont know if the way you are pronouncing it refers to egyptian arabic, but your arabic is pretty impressive though.
انا حاسه ان في يوم من الايام حضرتك يا استاذ براين هتقرر تدخل الاسلام إن شاء الله. وخصوصا ان حضرتك عشت مع المصريين والمسلمين بصفه عامه وعرفت قد ايه الاسلام جميل 🤍. ربنا يهديك للخير يا رب وينفع بيك الأُمه كلها.
(وعليكم السلام) وليس( وعليكم السام ) عند الكتابة .. كدة يبقى المعنى اختلف بين الكلمتين( السلام والسام ) فالسلام يعني(The peace ) أما السام فمعناه ( The angry or the death)
I am libyan...it is Egyptian dialect but If you want to learn Arabic, I would suggest the Jordanian dialect because it is the closest to Modern Standard Arabic in terms of pronunciation and vocabulary.
هذا مستوى متقدم لأن اللغة العربية تختلف عن باقي لغات العالم حيث تحتوي لغات العالم على المفرد والجمع فقط بينما تحتوي اللغة العربية على المفرد والمثنى أي شيئين ✌️ والجمع يعني ثلاثة أقسام مفرد و مثنّى وجمع والمفرد قسمين مذكر ومؤنث والمثنى قسمين مذكر ومؤنث والجمع ثلاثة أقسام جمع للمذكر وجمع للمؤنث ونوع ثالث يسمى جمع التكسير ويسمى بذلك لأنه يكسر البنية الأساسية للكلمة المفردة ويعيد ترتيب حروفها وهو الذي ذكرته أنت في تعليقك وقلت إنه يجعل الكلمة غير منتظمةويوجد نوع رابع إضافي يسمى جمع الجمع يعني يأتي للكلمة الجمع ويجمعها مرة أخرى ليدل على المبالغة في الكثرة، ولا أدري هل الترجمة توصل المعنى كما شرحته أم سيتغير ❤
Thanks for your answer. I did understand the systeem already, but now how to make the plural form when you know the singular form and it appears to be irregular. For instance بيت and the plural is بيوت and اود and اودي
@@tjerkreijntjes المثال الذي ذكرته أنت صحيح كلمة بيت الجمع بيوت ولها جمع آخر هو أبيات Abyat ولها أيضا جمع الجمع هو بيوتات byoutat ولكنك كمتعلم مبتدئ يكفيك معرفة جمع واحد وهو الأشهر (بيوت) وهو يسمى جمع التكسير لأنه كسر الشكل الأصلي للفظ المفرد و غير شكله طبعا الموضوع طويل ويحتاج لشرح كثير نأخذ مثال كلمة مؤمن لها جمع مذكر يعني خاص بالذكور وهو مؤمنون ولها جمع مؤنث خاص بالإناث وهو مؤمنات كلمة شجرة shajara 🌳 الجمع أشجار Ashjar وهو جمع تكسير وهي تعني ثلاثة فأكثر يعني more than 2 وهناك أيضا مثني يعني إثنتين ✌️🌳🌳 وهو شجرتين تنطق هكذا shajaratain مثال آخر ولد = boy Walad المثنى ✌️ولدين = 2 boys Waladain الجمع = أولاد = boys = Awlad مثال آخر طائرة🛩 تعني plain هذه مفرد = Ta ira المثني✌️ = طائرتين 🛩🛩= Ta iratain الجمع= طائرات =Ta irat 🛩🛩🛩 لا أدري هل انا اشرح بطريقة مبسطة أم سيئة المعذرة
Yes yes thanks, it’s clear but what is the systeem to make a word plural (2) or plural (more than 2). Is there a rule to learn that when you know the root of the word you know how to make the plurals so you don’t have to learn them all by heart😅. And thanks again for the explanation.
@@tjerkreijntjes هناك كلمات لها قاعدة تمشي عليها لتحويل الكلمة من مفرد☝️ إلى مثنى ✌️ أو إلى جمع 🖐 وهناك كلمات شاذة ليس لها قاعدة وهذه يجب عليك حفظ كل منه على حدة يعني تحفظها منفردة فالأمر في اللغة العربية ليس سهلا كاللغة الانجليزية تضيف s or es فتحصل على الجمع اللغة العربية من أصعب ست لغات في العالم لا بد من دراستها مباشرة على يد معلم لتعرف كيف ينطق الكلمات خاصة أن في اللغة العربية حروف ليست موجودة في الانجليزية مثل ( ق ، ع ، غ ، ض ، ظ ، ح خ ) لا بد من سماعها من مدرس وهناك أيضا حركات التشكيل التي توضع فوق وتحت الحروف مثل (ُ ُ ِ َ ً ّ ٌ ْ) هذه لا بد من سماعها من معلم ولا تكفي قرائتها من كتب شرح اللغة الخلاصة انه لا توجد قاعدة تنطبق على كل مفردات اللغة بل الغالبية العظمى هنا أنه لا قاعدة والكلمات التي تضمها قاعدة واحدة اقل من الكلمات الشاذة مثلا كلمة نور، = light = Nour الجمع أنوار Anwar كلمة غول = ghost الجمع = غيلان لاحظ أن الكلمتين متشابهتان في عدد الحروف وطريقة نطق الحروف الساكنة والمتحركة ولكن عند الجمع اختلف كل شيء لا قاعدة يا عزيزي الشواذ أكثر من المنتظم ولكن في قواعد النحو الأخرى القاعدة أكثر من الشذوذ والأمر باختصار يحتاج إلى ممارسة وتدريب مستمر وسوف تصل إلى مستوى متقدم جدا مع الوقت رأيت على اليوتيوب أجانب كثيرون يتكلمون اللغة العربية أفضل مني أنا العربي الأصلي وتعجبت منهم أشخاص من اليابان وفرنسا وروسيا والصين وأمريكا صاروا معلمين لغة عربية وهي ليست لغتهم الأصلية إن شاءالله ستكون انت واحدا منهم
عزيزي براين الفيديو جميل جدا وأنا هشاركه مع طلابي من متعلمي اللغة العربية إن شاء الله. عندي ملحوظة واحدة وهي وجود خطأ في الدقيقة 9:27. الجملة المكتوبة كرد على تحية السلام عليكم بها خطأ مطبعي، ومعناها الحقيقي مسيء جداً. أتمنى إنك تقدر تصلح الخطأ ده. وشكراً على مجهوداتك الرائعة!
Perfect keep going, but some notices : first: we should pronounce letter T with voule without whisper, second: they = humma with shaddah (small W) and in official Arabic they = هُمْ (hum)
hello mr.Brian i'm a big fan of you and i love your videos so much ... but can you make lessons on learning English language ? it would be nice of you if you did that and thanks ❤❤❤❤
Modern standard arabic is the best i know that learning the Egyptian dialect is useful for communication but learning the modern standard arabic is much more fun
I’m learning Arabic in USA. Here’s a helpful method I developed.
I decided to first learn common thought strings and ‘think’ in Arabic. Day 1 of learning, If I’m hungry I think “I am hungry” in Arabic. Day 2 “I am hungry, I want x” with my thoughts becoming slightly more complicated each day. Same for bathroom and sleep and all basic functions. It’s been extremely effective to the point I now believe I could learn a variety of languages. Try it out, or develop your own system that works for you, but make sure you have a system you LIKE that’s fun. Don’t get discouraged, and don’t try to learn too much at once.
هل هذا يعني انك يمكنك فهم ما اكتبه الان بدون ترجمة؟😮
أتفق مع وجهة نظرك.
حظا طيبا
Wow this is going to help me. I mean I know some words and phrases but I just cant put 1 and 1 together when trying to speak
That's great strategy at the end , " don't try to learn and know everything at once in the beginning take a small steps every day" 👌
Very good approach I think. It's about thinking naturally in the target language.
Fabulous explanation
I'm an English Lecturer, and it's literally the first time for me to be fascinated by a native American explaining Arabic in this fluency .
Thank you very much, Professor Dolly!
Brother, are you Muslim
@@BrianWilesQuizzesbrain you are wrong because
Are you hengry in Arabic انت جائع and not انت جيعان
@@Aalam_al_alaab There is a difference between dialects and some dialects have different words.
Wow thank you so much! I am a German teacher lecturing mostly refugees from Syria. That’s very helpful.
All the best from Vienna and please more of that!
You are doing Great sir!
Are Syrian Refugees going that far?
I’m a native Arabic speaker, and I must say that ur Arabic is perfect and the way ur teaching it is fun and amazing.
Thanks so much, George!
Oh my God that is crazy, I literally just started learning Egyptian Arabic and watched this! Your video about the Arabic alphabet basically taught me how to read Arabic in a day, which I’d never imagined! Very optimal content as always my friend. See you soon!
I am a purebred Egyptian, Saeedi, and Arab. I can teach you many things about Egypt and the Arabic language. Talk to me if you want. Goodbye.
Thanks so much- I appreciate it!!
@@BrianWilesQuizzes ده لغة الارهاب يا براين 😂😂 انا مصري وبقولك كدا
لغة الإرهاب وبتتكلم بيها، الله يهديك @@American20000
That's good, if you want to practice Arabic with anyone, I exist.
I really love when I see a non-Arabic trying to speak, let alone teach, the language to others, even if the pronunciation is not as the native (which is normal).. Keep it up.
Just a really very small correction, yet very important: in the minute 9:28 about the reply to the greeting, you pronounce it correctly but it's not written correctly (in Arabic).
It should be "و عليكم السلام" not "و عليكم السام", (just the letter "ل" was missing), as the meaning will change from "Peace" to "Boredom".
"And upon you be boredom" is the written reply.
I know it was done by mistake and not intentional, but still it's always good to correct ourselves and to have people around us that help us to be better.
Once again, keep it up, you're one of a few.
Thank you for pointing out this error- you are absolutely correct!
انا مصريه و لغتي الأم العربيه و دخلت اشوف الفيديو .. حقيقي أكثر من رائع .. بتتكلم عربي زينا بالظبط ❤
Is that lotion you selling?
I really want to understand why, as a native Arab, I listen to the video so carefully and repeat the pronunciation after him 🤣
أنا أستطيع مساعدتك . I can help you
Because you want to learn Egyptian?
Me too ✋😂
I’m interested in seeing how our language is perceived by foreigners
شكرا ليك جداً يا براين اخوك من مصر🇪🇬
بجد براين احسن واحد يعلم عربي و مصري بالذات حرفيا بيحسسنا بالفخر و بنعتبره احنا كمصريين انه مصري زينا ❤❤❤❤❤
Keep doing this kind of video it is really important for the Americans who wants to learn Arbic❤😊
@LingoTrek bro um Arab specifically Egyptian and I still live in Egypt
@LingoTrek thank you
المحتوى رائع وسهل لتعليم الأجانب العربيه وهي لغه القرآن أحسنت صنعا💙💫
لا متخفيش محدش هيتعلمها 😂😂
خليك في دينك
@@Abdullah3- اسمها خليك في دين امك
@@American20000 لا مش خايفين .. انت اللي هتخاف وانت بيتعمل منك بطاطس محمره فى جهنم 😂😂
كلمه دين مش كلمه عاديه عشان تستخدمها في الجمل دي@@الحياةبسيطة-و5
حقيقة افضل قناة للتعليم اللغة المنتشرة بين الناس 😊❤
Hi there, Brian! Hercules here, from São Paulo - Brazil. My 1st foreign language that I learned ( on my own) was english and I get happy when listening to you and understand all.
I realized that arabic you speak is "masrii". By watching your videos, my motivations get higher and higher. God bless you ❤🎉
Thank you so much!
@LingoTrek follow you on where? Which platform, please. God bless you.
@LingoTrek ok. Gonna do it right now
Yes, please make more of these! so succinct, clear, and helpful! Gives me the vision i need to move to the next step!
Okay will do- thanks for the comment, Cole!
That's good, if you want to practice Arabic with anyone, I exist.❤
@@BrianWilesQuizzes but you sound هم humu like huma in Arabic هما here هما for just two no more than two >>>
@@BrianWilesQuizzes ua-cam.com/video/hypOTU1GKx8/v-deo.htmlsi=nlA1wO0WUp7OScDI تحتاج انك تتعلم اكثر
I'm a Peruvian English teacher and I'm Learning arabic.Congratulstions your arabic fluency is awesome.
Man you rock. God bless. I can't imagine, how much effort you put in, to get your knowledge of the Arabic languages, on a Native speakers level.
فيديو رائع أشجعك على الاستمرار في تعليم اللغة العربية 🎉
لكن بخصوص كلمة you للأنثى فهي تُكتب (أنتِ) وليس (انتي) كما أن هناك فارق بين ألف الوصل (ا) وهمزة القطع (ء) فلا نكتب (انت) بل (أنت).
He already stated that he’s teaching Egyptian Arabic. So what he wrote is valid in this context. This is exactly how we write it. We don’t use “Tashkeel” or any “harakat”
هو كاتب بالمصري، ماعندناش تشكيل
great job my friend ! its really an amazing work from you , good luck , i have just little note if you dont mind as i am an arabic teacher i want to mention that the pronoun huma in egypian arabic refers to plural but i standad arabic it refers to Dual which means 2 people and since the dialects are not witten languages so i hope that students will not use the arabic grammer you teach to learn the egyptian arabic 😁since there a big defirence with standard arabic thanx and good luck again
your unique Arabic pronunciation is close to the real deal and yet it's do beautiful 🇩🇿
شكرا جزيلا على هذا الفيديو الرائع هذا الفيديو يحفز كل من يرغب في تعلم أي لغة ليس فقط للمتعلمين اللغة العربية مع اني متحدثة اصلية باللغة العربية الى ان فيديوهاتك بمثابة جرعة تحفيزية لتعلم اللغات من الجزائرI hope that all of you learn any language that you want
I am Arab and I think it is wonderful to speak more than one language, and for people who speak more than two languages, they have an exceptional ability to learn languages.
ارجع مصر واعمل فيديوهات فى مصر ، بحب فيديوهاتك فى مصر 🇪🇬❤️🇺🇸
استاذ عربي شاطر يا براين شكرا وربنا يباركلك عشان بتسعد الناس ❤
When i looking for a best method to learn English i found my self learn Arabic for an native American 😂 so it's very interesting for me and never seen before something like this but really i love it ♥️ so for who's want to learn the Arabic language i recommend you to start learn the basic language and when you decide to go at specific country you can discover by you self Colloquial dialect and♥️ شكرا♥️
Excellent teacher, he compares and differentiates the Arabic of Africa and Asia ❤❤
This is the video ,with these kind of videos i can fast learn arabic
That's good, if you want to practice Arabic with anyone, I exist.❤
@user-fs2qk8my8m really ,are u a arabic teacher
من الجيد يابراين نشر الثقافة والعلم❤❤❤❤
What an effort man!! Doing a good job.
Just found your page this is wonderful, really admire the numerous languages you speak. You explain in a very concise way. What a treat thank you 🙏
Thx brian this viodes really help me alot and as i always say u understand r thougts ❤
I'm glad to hear that- thank you, Esraa!
@@BrianWilesQuizzes no prblm mr brain ❤
شكرا يا براين لنشر اللغه العربيه العظيمه انا اتابعك من مصر 🇪🇬❤
Please make more videos related to learning Arabic. The way you explain is just mesmerizing. We look forward to such important Arabic lessons with you
You have such a positive energy and you''re an inspiration to all of us trying to learn a new language (not necessarly arabic). Thank you very much for all your videos. Greetings from Austria ❤
Thanks so much, I really appreciate that!
Thank you so much for breaking it down the way you have. It is super helpful!
براين فيديوهاتك حلوة اوى سعيد باهتمام الاجانب بلغتي المصرية 😄😄
Maaaan! You seem like a Moroccan speaking Arabic.
As an Algerian, I recommend speaking the Classical Arabic, it's more useful in any situation, whether travelling, reading or speaking. Each country has its own dialect, it'd be harder for to understand.
Continue sir I love your videos استمر يا سيدي 😊
انا بحبك اوي أخوك من مصر❤❤
الف شكر
انا مصرى وعايش فى لندن هل الكنه الامريكيه اسهل من اللكنه البريطانيه ممكن تعمل انجليش امريكى مقابل البريطانى @@BrianWilesQuizzes
Good job ❤
Haha thanks once again. My pronunciation is pretty and reading too. The grammer is not super difficult, but I like systems and algoritmes and the irregulars nouns makes arabic really hard because I takes a lot of repetition to remember them. Taskil isn’t even that hard either if you’re not focussing on Fusha but rather on spoken dialects.
But thanks you very much for taking the time to explain is so kindly 🙏🏽
May the peace and mercy of God be upon you brother, thankyou for making this video.. I'm an Indian currently studying in my last year of college and i have some spare time and so i thought this is the time where i can start learning Arabic, i know 4 languages and 1 i learnt at school, English, Hindi, Marathi, Urdu and Sanskrit at a basic level... I'm really excited to learn my 6th language as Arabic💗
الله يفتح عليك ياعم براين
Keep going Brain 🔥
المفترض إن دي لهجة مصاطب كوني راقية في تعبيراتك
Brian you should consider becoming an Arabic coach! I would sign up ❤❤❤
Wonderful Tutorial. Thank You😇
شعور جميل انى اشوف حد بيتعلم اللغه العربيه اتمنى لكم التوفيق والفوز بالجرين كارد للدول العربية وتنضمون للعالم الاول😂
انت انسان رائع يا براين .
لكن عندي رجاء حااار ارجوك حاول نشر الفصحة بين متحدثي الانجليزية لانها اكثر ثراء من العامية بكثير حيث لا توجد مقارنة بينهم
متابعك من مصر
Your lesson is useful even to high school arabic students. Admire your passion and efforts. Much love ❤
Have been going through a bunch of your videos, been loving it. I'd love to see more videos on Levantine Arabic, specifically the Lebanese dialect. You did touch on it in other videos, and those were super helpful, I have a bunch of podcasts/sites open now. But one or two dedicated videos on Levantine (especially Lebanese) would be amazing! At least just a collection of the best resources. I'm trying to learn Lebanese (after years of MSA, which I feel was generally not very helpful besides vocab) and I'll take all the help I can get haha.
Thanks again, amazing videos!
Okay- I’ll see what I can do!
@@BrianWilesQuizzes Shokran, appreciate it!
That's good, if you want to practice Arabic with anyone, I exist.❤
مبسوطة لك بجد،برافوا، استمر🥰✨
😃Great stuff! Yes, please more videos like this! Shukran ya Brian
Thanks so much, Lucie! Okay will do!
Well Done, Teacher Brian Wiles 👍
Thank you very much!
That's good, if you want to practice Arabic with anyone, I exist.❤
اصحاب الثواني والدقايق يجمعوا انا بحب حضرتك اوي😊شرحvery very good
شكرا جدا يا معلم
اول مرة اشوف امريكي يقول يا معلم في السياق ده@@BrianWilesQuizzes
مستحيل واحد غير مصري واجنبي كمان يشرب اللهجة المصرية بالحرف الا لو تكحرت سنين في البلد دي😅
Please make more videos like this for egyptian arabic 😍🥰
I realy love your video's they are so helpfull for Arabic learners!! I hope many more will come 😍😍
Amazing 🤩
I’m impressed!
I’m a native Arabic speaker, and I teach Arabic, yet your Arabic pronunciation is better than mine. 😂😂
Wow what a nice comment! (Although I really doubt my pronunciation is on your level 😂😂) Thank you.
You’re welcome.
Yes, you have a little bit of accent , but overall, your Arabic is super super super great for a non- native Arabic speaker.
Well done 🌹🌹
this video is cool and a lot of social science keep going mrs Brian i follow you channel from Egypt
مكونتش عارفة انه لغتنا صعبة كدة 😂😂😂
بس براين بجد شكرا لتقديرك و حبك لثقافتنا❤❤
I didn't know that our language was so difficult 😂😂😂
But Brian, seriously, thank you for your appreciation and love for our culture❤❤
براڤو بجد يابراين انا اتعلمت بجد
اللغه الإ نجليزية سهل باطريق دي
❤ شكرا لك.❤
براين عاد إليكم من جديد🥳🥳🥳❤
Thank you so much sir I was looking for an Arabic language teacher and finally I found tou❤
Keep going if you need any help you can ask me
My favorite American + love you from Syria ❤❤❤
Thank you, Bassam!
Thank you So Much Teacher
Thanks Brian. I recalled seeing one video that you highly recommended listening to podcasts. I'm a visual learner that wonder if there are movies or TV series I can learn daily conversations.
شكرا جزيلا على إجتهادك في تعليم العربية لغير الناطقين بها .
المشكلة هي أن الشارع العربي أهمل اللغة العربية الفصيحة التي هي لغة القران الكريم.
فالعامية غزت الشارع العربي مع الأسف الشديد مما جعلت عملية تعليم العربية صعبة، ولذلك نجد في عمل أخينا Rian, على جودته متخلل بالكلمات العامية كتابة ونطقا .
دعوة لإخواننا العرب للعودة إلى لغتهم الأصيلة.
In 9:31, it should be عليكم السلام
And not عليكم السام ، because the latter has a negative meaning.
I speak five language and I consider to learn the sixth language, I thought sometimes in to learn Arabic why it is a difficult and interesting language. I'll probably begin to learn it on the next year or 2026. While I study and have no time, but I want to learn and to speak. I speak Greek, Turkish, English and my maternal tongue Spanish and Polish. Greeting the Arab friends.
Baraka Allahu fik yo soy español y hablo inglés italiano portugués y algo de ruso y árabe y hebreo si quieres podemos estudiar juntos.
I am a native Arab.
I strongly recommend you learn standard Arabic. This will give the proper Arabic pronunciation and grammar.
The dialects become easy to learn
Not only that, you can listen to media, or read, all use standard Arabic
You can use your standard Arabic anywhere in the Arab world. They understand you, and also admire you.
Don't start by learning dialects.
I have learned the standard English, Quee's English. And I use it every where.
@@Xy33zr I strongly disagree with this. If your goal is to speak with people, why not just learn to speak with people in the language they actually use?
Sure, learning MSA makes learning a dialect easier, but learning ANY variety of Arabic makes learning any other easier. Again, might as well start with something people actually speak.
That's like saying you should learn Latin before Spanish or french. Just starting with Spanish will probably be more efficient.
Your English is very impressive of course, but no language is "proper". The best way to talk to people is to talk to them in their language. Not the language of books from hundreds of years ago. Those aren't reflective of the language of the current age.
That's just my opinion though.
@@xoreign I respect your opinion.
But the MSA is modern, as name implies. The old Arabic uses the same grammar, but vocabulary could be difficult.
When you start with MSA the whole Arab world is open for you
If you follow the opinion or those who have learned Arabic most recommend MSA first, unless your goal is to live in one country, then yeah, ok
Egyptian dialect is the most popular and understood everywhere.
There is an American guy named Brian, who speaks very fluent Egyptian dialect. You find in the UA-cam.
But Arabic language is beautiful, rich and poetic. It will really be rewarding if you learn it.
I myself try to use it as much as I can. I am from Yemen.
@@Xy33zr Of course it all depends on your goals definitely. It's just that people don't speak MSA in daily life. So yes, everyone in the Arab world can understand you with MSA, it simply isn't the most practical if you're trying to use Arabic.
I actually see most people recommend starting with a major dialect because it gets you access to speaking partners immediately in a language that can be used in daily conversation.
It's important to remember that Arabic dialects are very different, almost like different languages. You might want to speak to everyone, but I don't think that's really that important. If you learn any language you always need to make the choice of what people you want to talk to. In other words, you can learn MSA and technically talk to everyone in a dialect no one speaks daily, or, speak to less people but in a language that's actually used.
I will always recommend just picking a dialect because it's basically the same as picking a language. If it's Egyptian, you even get all the benefits of learning MSA too. (Everyone can understand you in the Arab world, and it makes learning other dialects, even MSA, easier)
جامد يا براين عاش Good Job ❤
It was fantastic Brian,
Could you make a video on how to learn Egyptian Arabic from scratch just by myself bcoz I'm fascinated by Arabic language but not sure where to start and along with that I live in a country where nobody speaks arabic.I would be glad if you do so.BTW love from India ❤
Thanks, Samiya- I’ll see what I can do 👍
مين هنا مصري وجاي يتفرج علي الفيديو فضول مش اكتر😂👇
اه والله ونا كماان
معاكم 😂 لكن سعودية
انا والله 😂😂
من سوريا 😁
أنا أعتبره تدريبا على الإستماع 😊
انا الوحيده الي عربيه 😂😂 وعارفه كل الكلام ده😂😂 +
ممكن تثبيتتتتت❤❤
إن شاء الله تكون أكبر قناه لتعلم اللغه العربيه في العالم❤✨
This video was amazing thank you
We say (عليكم السلام)
and it’s mean peace
not(عليكم السام) because meaning is death
حقيقي انت معلم ممتاز يا براين ✨
Im an arabic speaker and its my second language which my arab parents taught me as a child.. I believe the correct way to pronounce 'you' for male and female is inta (for male) and inti (female).. to other arabs out there, correct me if i am wrong lol.. however, i dont know if the way you are pronouncing it refers to egyptian arabic, but your arabic is pretty impressive though.
انا حاسه ان في يوم من الايام حضرتك يا استاذ براين هتقرر تدخل الاسلام إن شاء الله.
وخصوصا ان حضرتك عشت مع المصريين والمسلمين بصفه عامه وعرفت قد ايه الاسلام جميل 🤍.
ربنا يهديك للخير يا رب وينفع بيك الأُمه كلها.
برافو براين ❤
i'm an egyptian , and I learn English if anyone wants to practice or only have a conversation we can do it together 😊
I think the best thing u can educate to the beginners is the classic arabic so they can easily adapt to the other dialects
I need someone who is a native English speaker, to learn English. And of course I will teach him/her arabic as well!
(وعليكم السلام) وليس( وعليكم السام ) عند الكتابة .. كدة يبقى المعنى اختلف بين الكلمتين( السلام والسام ) فالسلام يعني(The peace ) أما السام فمعناه ( The angry or the death)
I am libyan...it is Egyptian dialect but If you want to learn Arabic, I would suggest the Jordanian dialect because it is the closest to Modern Standard Arabic in terms of pronunciation and vocabulary.
Love your video's Brian! Is it possible to shine some light on singular and plural nouns and their irregulairity? That's so puzzeling
هذا مستوى متقدم لأن اللغة العربية تختلف عن باقي لغات العالم حيث تحتوي لغات العالم على المفرد والجمع فقط بينما تحتوي اللغة العربية على المفرد والمثنى أي شيئين ✌️ والجمع
يعني ثلاثة أقسام مفرد و مثنّى وجمع
والمفرد قسمين مذكر ومؤنث
والمثنى قسمين مذكر ومؤنث والجمع ثلاثة أقسام
جمع للمذكر وجمع للمؤنث ونوع ثالث يسمى جمع التكسير
ويسمى بذلك لأنه يكسر البنية الأساسية للكلمة المفردة ويعيد ترتيب حروفها وهو الذي ذكرته أنت في تعليقك وقلت إنه يجعل الكلمة غير منتظمةويوجد نوع رابع إضافي يسمى جمع الجمع يعني يأتي للكلمة الجمع ويجمعها مرة أخرى ليدل على المبالغة في الكثرة،
ولا أدري هل الترجمة توصل المعنى كما شرحته أم سيتغير ❤
Thanks for your answer. I did understand the systeem already, but now how to make the plural form when you know the singular form and it appears to be irregular. For instance بيت and the plural is بيوت and اود and اودي
المثال الذي ذكرته أنت صحيح كلمة بيت
الجمع بيوت ولها جمع آخر هو أبيات Abyat
ولها أيضا جمع الجمع هو بيوتات byoutat
ولكنك كمتعلم مبتدئ يكفيك معرفة جمع واحد وهو الأشهر (بيوت) وهو يسمى جمع التكسير لأنه كسر الشكل الأصلي للفظ المفرد و غير شكله
طبعا الموضوع طويل ويحتاج لشرح كثير
نأخذ مثال
كلمة مؤمن
لها جمع مذكر يعني خاص بالذكور وهو
ولها جمع مؤنث خاص بالإناث وهو
كلمة شجرة shajara 🌳
الجمع أشجار Ashjar وهو جمع تكسير وهي تعني ثلاثة فأكثر يعني more than 2
وهناك أيضا مثني يعني إثنتين ✌️🌳🌳
وهو شجرتين تنطق هكذا shajaratain
مثال آخر
ولد = boy
المثنى ✌️ولدين = 2 boys
الجمع = أولاد = boys = Awlad
مثال آخر
طائرة🛩 تعني plain
هذه مفرد = Ta ira
المثني✌️ = طائرتين 🛩🛩= Ta iratain
الجمع= طائرات =Ta irat 🛩🛩🛩
لا أدري هل انا اشرح بطريقة مبسطة أم سيئة
Yes yes thanks, it’s clear but what is the systeem to make a word plural (2) or plural (more than 2).
Is there a rule to learn that when you know the root of the word you know how to make the plurals so you don’t have to learn them all by heart😅. And thanks again for the explanation.
هناك كلمات لها قاعدة تمشي عليها لتحويل الكلمة من مفرد☝️ إلى مثنى ✌️ أو إلى جمع 🖐
وهناك كلمات شاذة ليس لها قاعدة وهذه يجب عليك حفظ كل منه على حدة يعني تحفظها منفردة
فالأمر في اللغة العربية ليس سهلا كاللغة الانجليزية تضيف s or es فتحصل على الجمع
اللغة العربية من أصعب ست لغات في العالم لا بد من دراستها مباشرة على يد معلم لتعرف كيف ينطق الكلمات خاصة أن في اللغة العربية حروف ليست موجودة في الانجليزية مثل ( ق ، ع ، غ ، ض ، ظ ، ح خ ) لا بد من سماعها من مدرس
وهناك أيضا حركات التشكيل التي توضع فوق وتحت الحروف مثل (ُ ُ ِ َ ً ّ ٌ ْ) هذه لا بد من سماعها من معلم ولا تكفي قرائتها من كتب شرح اللغة
الخلاصة انه لا توجد قاعدة تنطبق على كل مفردات اللغة بل الغالبية العظمى هنا أنه لا قاعدة والكلمات التي تضمها قاعدة واحدة اقل من الكلمات الشاذة
مثلا كلمة نور، = light = Nour
الجمع أنوار Anwar
كلمة غول = ghost
الجمع = غيلان
لاحظ أن الكلمتين متشابهتان في عدد الحروف وطريقة نطق الحروف الساكنة والمتحركة ولكن عند الجمع اختلف كل شيء
لا قاعدة يا عزيزي
الشواذ أكثر من المنتظم
ولكن في قواعد النحو الأخرى القاعدة أكثر من الشذوذ
والأمر باختصار يحتاج إلى ممارسة وتدريب مستمر وسوف تصل إلى مستوى متقدم جدا مع الوقت
رأيت على اليوتيوب أجانب كثيرون يتكلمون اللغة العربية أفضل مني أنا العربي الأصلي وتعجبت منهم
أشخاص من اليابان وفرنسا وروسيا والصين وأمريكا صاروا معلمين لغة عربية وهي ليست لغتهم الأصلية إن شاءالله ستكون انت واحدا منهم
عزيزي براين
الفيديو جميل جدا وأنا هشاركه مع طلابي من متعلمي اللغة العربية إن شاء الله.
عندي ملحوظة واحدة وهي وجود خطأ في الدقيقة 9:27. الجملة المكتوبة كرد على تحية السلام عليكم بها خطأ مطبعي، ومعناها الحقيقي مسيء جداً.
أتمنى إنك تقدر تصلح الخطأ ده. وشكراً على مجهوداتك الرائعة!
Thank you so much for uploading this
بالتوفيق يا براين ❤❤❤❤
Bro no way! Laskey from Person of Interest!! Love that show and loved you acting!
Also love this video!!
Haha that’s me! And thanks 👍
You are so talented MashaAllah
Thank you my friend! And thanks for watching 👍
Perfect keep going, but some notices : first: we should pronounce letter T with voule without whisper, second: they = humma with shaddah (small W) and in official Arabic they = هُمْ (hum)
تحفة والله بجد شاطر👏🏻😂❤
Well that was fabulous!
Ana uhibbu lughotul arobiyyah, hiya lughotun qodiimatun wa lughotun jamiilatun
Indii itsnaani kitaabaani, humaa kitaaban sahlaani.
Wa khomsatu kutubin, hiya kutubun jududun.
شكرا ❤
It is very awesome to see a native American teaching our Arabic language to Americans ❤❤
Thank you, I hope this video encourages more people to learn Arabic!
لو سمحت يا برين متنسناش عاوزينك تعلمنا الانجليزي انا في B2 و نفسي اتعلم من اهل اللغه❤❤😊
hello mr.Brian i'm a big fan of you and i love your videos so much ... but can you make lessons on learning English language ? it would be nice of you if you did that and thanks ❤❤❤❤
Yes, I'll try to do this soon
حبيت طريقة شرحك جدا
More from this kind of videos please, you are amazing😊🎉
I really appreciate that, Timba (and friends)!
That's good, if you want to practice Arabic with anyone, I exist.❤
Modern standard arabic is the best i know that learning the Egyptian dialect is useful for communication but learning the modern standard arabic is much more fun