Will Power Final

  • Опубліковано 18 гру 2024


  • @Daniel-et5eh
    @Daniel-et5eh 2 дні тому +56

    As a Chinese-American thank you for sharing the side of China not most see, to many people focus on the news but at the end of the day we are all people. Thank you for sharing this experience.

    • @willgadd2187
      @willgadd2187  День тому +1

      Yes! I've made some life-long friends in China with these trips, and a deeper appreciation for looking past the politics. Thank you for the comment, and here's to good people!

  • @EthanHeinrichs
    @EthanHeinrichs 3 дні тому +32

    Your off-the-charts stoke is infectious! Suddenly I'm interested in booking a trip to the Taihang Mountains. Such an epic film!

    • @gretabird7305
      @gretabird7305 3 дні тому +1

      Same and I've only ever done ice on top rope 😅

  • @KlaasEbel
    @KlaasEbel 3 дні тому +23

    Thank you for reflecting my experience with chinese people. I particularly like 'it's not us vs them'. We are together in this and as many Chinese are doing great things, as everyone else on the planet.

    • @willgadd2187
      @willgadd2187  3 дні тому +1

      True. We're all in this together.

    • @bulldogcoma420
      @bulldogcoma420 День тому +2

      My experience is that Chinese people themselves think far less about politics than North Americans. Controversy between governments need not extend to people who just happened to be born somewhere.

  • @jjburnes5176
    @jjburnes5176 2 дні тому +9

    Your videos got me into ice climbing and I grew up making dumplings exactly like that with my relatives. They are so proud that I “climb mountains” now. So surreal and wonderful to see these two worlds collide in this video

  • @tannerjensen4918
    @tannerjensen4918 День тому +3

    What a beautiful reminder of our shared humanity. Thank you for that!

  • @crossroad_Media
    @crossroad_Media День тому +1

    Will Gadd is the Ice Climbing Legend, and I as well as the entire filming crew that was part of this documentary were honoured to be part of such a cool project and experience. Will's commitment to push boundaries, educate people and explore the world all at the same time is inspiring and motivating and thats why I had a life long dream to film him on a climbing adventure somewhere in a remote destination in the world. For sure this project will always be one of my most challenging yet rewarding experiences. Thanks Will for bringing us on a trip of a lifetime.

  • @AlpineLifeProductions
    @AlpineLifeProductions День тому +4

    Absolutely one of the GOATs of adventure climbing and adventure lifestyle. Videos like these are truly inspiring. HeChuan was exactly right about the mental fortitude needed to do things like this.中国的山水真的好美,再说中国人好热心!加油 !

  • @lloyd-wang
    @lloyd-wang 2 дні тому +9

    No way bro, So glad to see my hometown lies right at the foot of the Tai-Hang Mountain!!
    Bro that's a great video! Great production!
    Sincerely Thank you for your video from the depth of my heart... For it has bring me back to my town, my mountain where I grew up and unable to came back to due to I'm studying abroad...
    Taihang mountains are great place to observe the view of a ancient mountain with so many history, Sun Tze's wrote so many stories 'bout it, too. Hope your stay here is a wonderful memory to you my Canadian Homie! 勇闯天涯!

    • @willgadd2187
      @willgadd2187  День тому +1

      Truly an amazing place, thank you for the note, and I hope you see it again soon!

  • @erikklumpp3464
    @erikklumpp3464 День тому +5

    This gives me hope. Such a fun video. Amazing climbing. Amazing people. Fei Chang Hao.

  • @MimirBorman
    @MimirBorman 13 годин тому

    Awesome video. Love how it shows people are just people and when we take the time to connect how much joy we can make from simple things

  • @Frantik33
    @Frantik33 День тому +2

    Will is the man. Another amazing trip

  • @steveharvey451
    @steveharvey451 2 дні тому +7

    Will, your bottomless enthusiasm is your super power! Keep sharing.

  • @gongtan3077
    @gongtan3077 3 дні тому +9

    Really a cool journey. Congrats Will. Lin Zhou is a very vivid place for those outdoor activities. I had even spent my honeymoon there for paragliding with my wife as Lin Zhou is one of best place for paragliding in China.

    • @willgadd2187
      @willgadd2187  2 дні тому

      Love the area, great flying, rock and ice climbing, so much waiting to happen there! I need to go back and fly in the summer, looks epic!

  • @gobichai2704
    @gobichai2704 День тому +4

    Well done!!! River's a strong climber as well and he just sent the 6 north faces in the alps not long ago.

    • @willgadd2187
      @willgadd2187  День тому

      And 5.14 sport, and first ascent of the Christmas tree, he's a machine! On this trip his ankle was broken, now he's back infill form and crushing it, amazing human!

  • @virginiakramer9055
    @virginiakramer9055 2 дні тому +3

    Wonderful film. As always, you express the joy of climbing better than anyone!

  • @bobjones4827
    @bobjones4827 День тому +2

    Aewsome climb dude. I love these kinda films. Youve got a subscriber

  • @janvirt9916
    @janvirt9916 9 годин тому

    Well done guys, this was so cool to watch. Will is such a legend.

  • @brandondivine
    @brandondivine 2 дні тому +2

    I had a grin from ear to ear the entire time watching this. Your good mood and the lovely people shown in the video are simply infectious. Lovely video!

  • @bobjones4827
    @bobjones4827 День тому +2

    Your enthusiasm is contagious

  • @CGR-8342
    @CGR-8342 19 годин тому

    Amazing climb and what a joy to share how welcoming the Chinese people can be. Even without camera/movie crew you would have been met the same cheerful way.

  • @jingruiyu6854
    @jingruiyu6854 2 дні тому +2

    Great video! We need more communications like this between the Chinese and people of other contries. Lovely!

  • @mikewickett
    @mikewickett 2 дні тому +2

    Fantastic stuff Will and team - as always! This was an insta-watch and I have zero regrets. Your enthusiasm and stoke are so infectious.

  • @bueltge
    @bueltge 3 дні тому +4

    The laughter and joy are so wonderfully contagious! Thanks, Will.

  • @Chopinetto
    @Chopinetto День тому +2

    Legend, after watching your film. I will move to China.

  • @HaoyuWen-x2r
    @HaoyuWen-x2r 2 дні тому +4

    I am a climber from China, and I am happy that finally some famous climber came and visit after the pandemic lock up policy.
    River's diligent and nice, need to mention that he made fabulous hardcore FAs in China.
    Weather has became warmer, thus several good climbers fell on ill- developed ice in recent years, one of them is my friend. Also, need to mind that wilderness insurance is not fully reliable in China.

    • @HaoyuWen-x2r
      @HaoyuWen-x2r 2 дні тому +2

      Next time, check out Western Sichuan! ( I mean Garze, Jiulong, and Dege county) There is a lot of water ice potential, and it is also less likely to be too warm to climb.

    • @willgadd2187
      @willgadd2187  День тому +1

      Thank you for the note and information, and I'm sorry for your friend. Best to you and your climbing.

  • @FolksCallMeLuke
    @FolksCallMeLuke 20 годин тому

    I'm not used to cutting my dose of stoke with reverence, but this was honestly so endearing. Thank you.

  • @ronaldcrist6348
    @ronaldcrist6348 2 дні тому +2

    That was a dope adventure. Love will’s stoke.

  • @joedesimone1444
    @joedesimone1444 10 годин тому

    Hi Will, just found your your channel. It's awesome that you're still getting out there and pushing the limits on the raddest lines. This fantastic video brought back memories of your infectious enthusiasm back in the day when we were climbing at Rifle, Shelf Road, Flatrions, and the competitions. Instantly subscribed and can't wait for the next adventure installment.
    Climb safe and maybe next time you're in Boulder we could hook up for a chat over a beer. 🙂

  • @任大鹏-h2v
    @任大鹏-h2v День тому +2

    South Taihang Moutains also has a great trailrunning or hiking routes, specifically in the areas where not far from Linzhou.

  • @claireli163
    @claireli163 День тому +2

    Cool climbing experiences!

  • @patrickdube6208
    @patrickdube6208 2 дні тому +2

    hi Will, I just discovered you, wow, I'm a new fan, congratulations for film, I started ice climbing near me and I love it but now I want more, salutation from Quebec

  • @andreasaeschlimann1645
    @andreasaeschlimann1645 2 дні тому +2

    really enjoyed that! Nice to see, Will is still a kid deep inside ;-) keep on climbing

  • @Chris-pm9sm
    @Chris-pm9sm 3 дні тому +14

    Brilliantly done, by far one of the best videos about climbing, I've ever watched.

    • @willgadd2187
      @willgadd2187  3 дні тому

      Cal and the whole team did a great job with it, thanks, I'll pass that along, means a lot.

  • @AlexOrlov3Darcherybeliever
    @AlexOrlov3Darcherybeliever 2 дні тому +3

    Well done my Friend! Keep crushing and climb epic lines! Such an inspiration to move and move fast!

  • @thecanadianadventureaddicts
    @thecanadianadventureaddicts 2 дні тому +2

    I absolutely loved every bit of this.

  • @booger5514
    @booger5514 2 дні тому +5

    Loved it!
    A pic of the firecrackers on your head NEEDS to become your new profile pic on your socials!

    • @willgadd2187
      @willgadd2187  День тому

      Ha! Not sure that's going to work for my safety speaking profile, but man it was fun :).

  • @grantwatson927
    @grantwatson927 2 дні тому +3

    Great film. So many "kid in a candy store" moments!

  • @merklyyyy
    @merklyyyy 2 дні тому +5

    This is such a sick film! I love the emphasis on the local people and culture, and the climbing looks rad too 😁

    • @willgadd2187
      @willgadd2187  2 дні тому +1

      It’s a great place with great people, thanks!

  • @calinavram9251
    @calinavram9251 2 дні тому +2

    Great film! I can't wait to go to Norway in Rjukan after Christmas to climb some frozen waterfalls. It's too warm right now...

  • @WeiL4i
    @WeiL4i День тому +2

    Stoke!! And there’s so much more in western China too 四川

  • @Antialles069
    @Antialles069 3 дні тому +4

    The Firecrackers got me so laughing so hard :D 10/10 Movie

  • @superdad942
    @superdad942 2 дні тому +2

    Amazing vid And next level narration and climbing! Hilti survivor lol

  • @OliverFetter
    @OliverFetter 2 дні тому +2

    Looks like an awesome trip Will!! Congrats on the FA. I would love to watch a video where you recount close calls & mistakes. I can't lie, I was super interested when I thought you actually needed rescued after that initial teaser... But of course not 💪💪 There's so much to learn from when things go wrong it would be incredible to hear some of your experiences in that realm. Cheers

  • @fab1000
    @fab1000 День тому +2

    freaking epic adventures!

  • @junnanzhang
    @junnanzhang День тому +2

    Great film!

  • @ghaznavid
    @ghaznavid 3 дні тому +3

    Really cool, thanks for sharing! I know what you mean about the news - I put off going to Pakistan for ages for that reason. Went a few months back, it's probably safer there than it is at home for me.

  • @paurocher
    @paurocher 2 дні тому +1

    Great movie!!
    What a collection of clims, ..., it's absolutely sick!!
    Thank you!!

  • @mcd123
    @mcd123 3 дні тому +2

    China has some awesome Ice Climbing spots. Hanhan as always making things flow easy! Nice to see some old friends!

    • @willgadd2187
      @willgadd2187  2 дні тому

      She's awesome, whatever problems there were she'd sort it all out somehow :).

  • @ethanfriedrich
    @ethanfriedrich День тому +4

    Because of Norman Bethune, a Canadian surgeon who saved many Chinese people’s lives during Japanese invasion of China in WWII, Chinese people have no issues with Canadian no matter what political tensions between governments.

  • @freepete1
    @freepete1 3 дні тому +2

    ​​I remember this from a festival i subscribed to a couple years backs I think! Was the only reason I subscribed. It's 42 degrees c here in Adelaide today, it's helping me cool down :D

  • @doughobbs7706
    @doughobbs7706 3 дні тому +1

    As always Will....just spectacular!

  • @biubiubiubiu1867
    @biubiubiubiu1867 2 дні тому +1

    such a cool film! Linzhou is actually my home town, did not know it has some nice ice climbing routes there!

  • @jacklee7343
    @jacklee7343 3 дні тому +2

    woooww this is an awesome documentary as well! I live in Shanghai, China and would love to see more of this!!!

    • @willgadd2187
      @willgadd2187  3 дні тому

      Love Shanghai! What a city. Will try for more, the South African piece is a bit like this one, at least I had a great time there too!

  • @rodgermckeon
    @rodgermckeon 3 дні тому +2

    Excellent, Will!!

  • @czwzmz
    @czwzmz День тому +2

    Wonderful video! A silly question from me who’ve never tried ice climbing, is it required to have goggles to protect eyes when climbing up, to protect from ice debris hitting the eyes 😮

    • @willgadd2187
      @willgadd2187  День тому

      Thanks! I've gone back and forth on eye protection for ice. In general the pieces are small enough and move slow that your eye can react, but that's what everyone says before an eye injury isn't it? I'll think about this, wonder what the eye accident injury rate is? And if it's you then one is more than enough...

  • @derekcraig3617
    @derekcraig3617 2 дні тому +3

    that smog looks intense

  • @sirwilliamkarl5591
    @sirwilliamkarl5591 3 дні тому +2

    Nice work Will.

  • @8murphster8
    @8murphster8 2 дні тому +3

    That was TRUCK!

  • @Zheng-xi5gx
    @Zheng-xi5gx 2 дні тому +2

    Nice vid

  • @payphonexie
    @payphonexie 2 дні тому +2

    Welcome to China,one day we can search for more beautiful ice in Tibet!

  • @MountainMan629
    @MountainMan629 День тому +2

    Very nice video and incredible ice! How did you do the filming? Did you climb everything twice?

    • @willgadd2187
      @willgadd2187  День тому +1

      A really good team, drone, some things twice or three times, and everyone working together.

  • @HawaiiGirlAdventures
    @HawaiiGirlAdventures День тому +2


  • @AydinProductionsLtd
    @AydinProductionsLtd 2 дні тому +2

    I remember when you did this!

  • @jireland8824
    @jireland8824 2 дні тому +2

    This is awesome. Can't wait to see how China develops as a climbing destination. Anyone have beta on the current trad areas there?

    • @willgadd2187
      @willgadd2187  День тому

      So many possibilities! Liming is the most well-developed trad area that I know of, but the granite potential is endless too!

  • @christophergearin751
    @christophergearin751 День тому +2

    I bet that the rescue team came to rescue the drill, not Will & River.

  • @aasheniles
    @aasheniles День тому +2

    This is a great film! Question though: How in the heck did you drop the drill?! Did the carabiner unclip from the tether somehow?

    • @willgadd2187
      @willgadd2187  День тому +1

      Thanks, and on the drill drop I screwed up somehow, which I do regularly :). One thing I've learned in the last 40 years of doing this is that what we often call "human error" is more just normal human behaviour.

    • @aasheniles
      @aasheniles День тому

      @@willgadd2187 You are the man and continue to inspire! Keep on keepin' on!

  • @InterwovenElements
    @InterwovenElements 3 дні тому +2

    Well this was wholesom.

  • @timothyvslarsen
    @timothyvslarsen 2 дні тому +2

    Good grief that last pitch was epic!! What an adventure! Do you know if anyone has made second ascents since you visited? (I am assuming this was before Covid?)

    • @Kejie_wang
      @Kejie_wang 17 годин тому

      In fact, there are very few ice climbers who come to this mountain area, but a large number of hikers come here every day.

  • @thinkingman7215
    @thinkingman7215 2 дні тому +2

    Love it

  • @glgco2532
    @glgco2532 2 дні тому +2

    Rescuers got to meet Will fng Gadd one of the worlds best

    • @willgadd2187
      @willgadd2187  День тому

      They were really dialled, impressive!

  • @JonasPersi
    @JonasPersi День тому +2

    He is like Owen Wilson on steroids

  • @torn1975
    @torn1975 2 дні тому +2


  • @Rototo1771
    @Rototo1771 День тому +1

    What's your carbon footprint bro? There will be no ice climbing for my daughter because of you

    • @willgadd2187
      @willgadd2187  День тому +1

      I wrestle with this a lot, and fundamentally I agree with you. There's deep irony in flying in jets to go ice climbing when that action will have a negative impact on ice climbing in some areas. But to me the bigger issue is the impact our current civilization will have on the lives of others in the future. So I buy high-quality and personally vetted carbon offsets, work for free on research projects, and hope that it's all a net positive. But you're not wrong here at all, and I have daughters too.

  • @Craigsoutdooradventures
    @Craigsoutdooradventures 2 дні тому +2

    Amazing, I need to learn to ice climb.

    • @willgadd2187
      @willgadd2187  2 дні тому +1

      You should! I have a few videos up to help with that too :).

    • @Craigsoutdooradventures
      @Craigsoutdooradventures 2 дні тому

      @ good Ice Climbing starts with good feet… my evening is looking Gadd 👊

  • @Mrwhomeyou
    @Mrwhomeyou 3 дні тому +3

    I wanna go climb in china!

    @SWISSPOWERJET 3 дні тому +3

    this is adventure climbing like i like - on my channel you will find more of that as well - thanks Will

  • @MimirBorman
    @MimirBorman 16 годин тому

    That's why we buy Hilti!

  • @mitchellmcaleer2969
    @mitchellmcaleer2969 2 дні тому +1

    @36:46 strange to see trash scattered around on the face of the cliff

    • @willgadd2187
      @willgadd2187  День тому

      This is fortunately changing very fast in China. In the more well-developed climbing areas like Yangshuo it's super clean at the cliff, but unfortunately like highways in North America today some people maybe don't get why littering is a problem.

    • @mitchellmcaleer2969
      @mitchellmcaleer2969 23 години тому

      @@willgadd2187 good to see you ooot and abooot having fun.

  • @randyherp7887
    @randyherp7887 3 дні тому +2

    Stefan Hinkelmann hat das n Jahr früher free solo ohne Eispickel geschafft.

  • @pirminborer625
    @pirminborer625 День тому +3

    Chinese rescue team publicity stunt 😂

  • @KOM-jh
    @KOM-jh 19 годин тому

    The crux always seems like the heinous approach!🙄

  • @GeoffreyGonzales
    @GeoffreyGonzales 18 годин тому

    Will Power Final Final YT Version 6

  • @punkcuzi6749
    @punkcuzi6749 21 годину тому

    Unbelievable..For the first time, climbing is being used as "soft" political propaganda..

    • @DuduTheDoraAmon
      @DuduTheDoraAmon 17 годин тому

      Yeah, totally. You dedicate your life to a career in search and rescue, and after 20 years, your big moment is meeting a UA-camr. Finally achieving your dream of becoming a propaganda prop.

  • @user-nw2si7hu3u
    @user-nw2si7hu3u 2 дні тому +2

    Chinese people are wonderful they deserve a better government CCP is corrupt beyond words and has failed them miserably it’s so sad. I’m glad you had a chance to experince the real China and real Chinese people bless them all. ❤ great movie ❤

    • @Kejie_wang
      @Kejie_wang 17 годин тому +2

      The Chinese people live a happy life under the leadership of the government. You don‘t have to worry about these problems.