If the citizen had done the same to a police officer, he'd be charged with felony assault along with everything else they could think of to charge him. Ridiculous.
Of course he would because its illegal. Its legal for cops to punch a non compliant person in the face. Seriously dude are you that stupid you don't get that? Are you that guy that simply doesn't get why you're getting punch in the face when you don't comply? You're not that stupid are you? I watched the full video this guy had several chances not to get punched in the face. That's why these cops will be fine.
@@jeffcaffrey70 😂😂😂 u must have a cognitive limitation or something . Did u watch how the video dummy? He’s being charged by the DA. Did u hear what the police commissioner said? The fact is ur trying to appeal to the law while the judiciary seems to not agree with u. It’s hilarious that someone with a brain as smooth as urs is calling anyone stupid.
This is not a misdemeanor! This is a felony assault involving more than one cop. If it were civilians! Involved in this beating they would have been looking at some serious prison time. SMH
Isn't it a crime to hold someone down as your friend punches them? Why are cops never charged as accessories when they participate in a beating? Or conspiracy when they witness it but take no action?
Because the cops are told to behave like this . The courts protect the police because the courts are against citizens . There's corruption in the judicial system .
They have immunity for ☝🏾. For 2, the police union are a bunch of Freemason’s…..And 3, the judicial system makes impossible to argue racism in a court of law…….!
Because we the people accept it. I don't have the answers, but I'm sure there are people that do. We just have to stop accepting it as a people. The police are dirty.
A woman had to step in and defend this man against a cop holding him down another cop whaling punches on him. No one steps in and does anything until the woman tries to defend him. And the only action is to remove her from helping the guy. Do any of those cops have a conscience? If one have seen wrongdoing you are to stand up and do the right thing and stop it no matter who is doing it! What a wicked world we live in when those who are to up hold the law are so cruel and evil!
If citizens did what their right is according to a Supreme court ruling as far as cops being the wrong doers by abusing people and making unlawful arrest and harming people while being the wrong doers according to that ruling the citizens can stop the cop and use deadly force if need be. but that is def. a gray area in the courts simple because the courts 99% of the time go with the cops.
Once again , police covering their own , instead of helping this man . This rogue maniac officer should be fire for not only lying and making a false report but for assaulting a citizen while the other officer held him to be punched and tormented
@@mr_knowitall cameras help us, the majority, see the ugly truth that we need to take power into our own hands and make cops learn how to respect their place in society. ACAB, only good cop is a dead one.
These cops behaved like a typical street gang. Everyone involved needs to be charged. Until departments hold everyone accountable there is no way to trust any of them.
Well don't look like the camera's doing to much to bring justice.....seem like the only people they're working for are these dirty cops.....because justice was not served here
I love it they never tried to break it up until the lady tried to break it up then all they want to do is remove her from the scene so their fellow officer can continue to be the guy
Cop was armed and other cop was holding the victim. Both cops should be charged. The cop throwing blows with aggravated battery and the other with aiding and abetting, or at least being an accessory to a felony. If convicted then both lose their law enforcement license and the puncher should permanently lose his right to carry, purchase, possess a firearm. Because he betrayed public trust, he should be held to a higher standard of expectation. Which to me is much worse than most domestic violence cases where the spouse can be convicted and lose their rights just for simply touch the other and no weapon involved, yet they lose many of their rights and job opportunities for life. Doctors and lawyers can lose their licens. Military personnel can lose their careers, pensions and so on. If you touch a cop, you're charged with a felony
ever arrested in baltimore.....ask for jury trial, show this video and ask the jury, if the dept allows this, and no I repeat no, not one other cop tried to stop this cop, put in his report, or notified a superior, about this cops assaulting a civilian, can you trust what the police are saying now? jury ask yourself why were no charges filed against any other officer at the scene. they all witnessed the assault, did nothing and lied about it? what did the capt, chief, commissioner, Mayor, police oversight, internal affairs do about the other officers silence on this? nothing. we're they arrested for perjury on police report? no. why are we to believe anything an officer from this dept says? they can, will, and do perjur themselves with impunity.
I wouldn't ask for a jury trial. Jurors have proven they are incapable of making the right decisions. They allow their emotions, personal feelings, and biases (racial, prejudices, stereotypes, sexism, etc) to get in the way of objective reasoning and rational decision making. The criminal justice SYSTEM is a joke!
The one thing I have questions about is why are the people being arrested charged with assault on a police officer when the police themselves assault the person they are arresting as the person never laid a hand on the cop?
This cop should go to jail for a very long time , and never be reinforced as a police man ever again ! This is just fighting a person , not arresting him !
All that wind up punching must have been weak as water. The officer was trying his best to knock the guy unconscious but failed with numerous blows. That’s sad... that’s sad he was only charged with a misdemeanor. 😯
End qualified immunity. No more investigating yourselves. All law enforcement should have to take out their own personal insurance, just like health care providers.
He should be have a felony and he shouldn't be getting paid for beating somebody up that's why police get away with what they get away with and it's unbelievable that it's on tape it's on camera and they get to do this and that's uncalled for a son acceptable that's the bottom line he needs to be locked up herself for doing that
This is unfortunately a common practice with many police officers across America. There needs to be widespread police reform and the total end of qualified immunity
A MESSAGE TO THE LAW“ To the police, the public can be those you protect, upon who you enforce laws, and friends all at once. Just be fair and just in all you do.” Author is known I hope the right people who can initiate a CHANGE will find this post. Make no mistake, this country have some excellent, professional, brave, and respectfully honorable Police Officers. I have met some and I know many. However, sprinkled among and around them are some police men and women who need to be removed from any seat or nature of authority which grants them power over anyone or anything. THE BEST WAY TO FIGHT CRIME and start a CHANGE IN THE RIGHT DIRECTION of policing in present society is to CHANGE THE MANNER in which EACH POLICE PERSONNEL INTERACT WITH THE PUBLIC. Police Supervisors and Complaint Investigators MUST Take citizens’ complaints seriously and start to address and correct behavior of police personnel who have negative interactions with people. When complaints are dismissed and negative behaviors are not corrected, ROGUE and BAD APPLE COPS are empowered to persist in their trend of putting their fellow police workers in danger and make their departments liable for civil actions by those that were wronged. Now, Police Departments, in efforts to “protect” their officers and (try to) keep themselves from being sued, will DISHONESTLY dismiss legitimate citizens’ complaints and allow a ROTTEN APPLE to remain and fester among their ranks. This happens too often and now, in the year 2019 the police in America have lost public trust by 100% and have very little “friends” and supporters because they have negatively impacted the lives of millions of people from EVERY walks of life. Well, let me correct that, the police have not messed up any politicians or their families or other government officials or their families as yet. But they have abused, beaten, and killed their own members who were in plain clothes or undercover because of the brutish tendencies and gang-like behaviors police possess and exhibit. Remember, police are the trained ones and need to show restraint of their behavior and actions by being fair, honest, respectful, just, and kind to the public they SERVE no matter what attitude that/those member(s) of the public may give you. I know for certain that the job of the police is VERY DANGEROUS, challenging, and sometimes stressful-that is why such a job is NOT FOR JUST ANYONE. Police must possess certain special skills like ethics, strong mental power, determination to serve people, a genuine love for fellow humans, ability to adjust to different and difficult situations, insight, flexibility, be blinded to skin color, race, ethnicity and nationality, and many more skills. The job of police is not for the cowardice, mean-spirited, angry, short-tempered, abusive, close-minded, insensitive, unethical, brutish, or fearful. Police Officers should get a passport and do at least TWO trips to a foreign country with people of different cultures to get some experience and exposure. I am aware that this is a difficult and DANGEROUS job but it must have the right people doing it. If done right by the right set of police personnel, the job of a police Officer can be done by very few people. The job is not about numbers but about tactics, psychology, empathy, care, respect, courtesy, ability to diffuse hostilities, and many more honorable attributes. ONCE UPON A TIME I would feel no fear to call the police if I need them, but NOW I TREMBLE when I think of them coming near me - or am near to wet myself when I might have to interact with them. WHY? Well, a family called the police to help their 17 year old son who was acting “strangely” and could be under the influence of drugs. They called because this child needs help. Maybe when that family was growing up the police would come to help as expected; while one officer speaks with the family to find out more about the 17 year old child, another officer makes an honest effort to create a rapport and positively engage the child to start gaining understanding and trust. But now, when these new breed of police arrive on scene, they exit their government vehicles with guns drawn and some of them start barking commands at the (disturbed) child and the others immediately start shooting the child. Within SIX SECONDS of their arrival the child is dead. How do we expect that family to feel about a situation like that? Again I would like to BEG LAW MAKERS, LEADERS, AND POLICE HIGH COMMANDS to stop, take a look at our present state of emergency, and TAKE SOME CORRECTIVE MEASURES. Start with the training given to police recruits and ongoing training while on the job. Someone somewhere is telling these police personnel that the public is their enemy. I don’t think they are being trained to SAVE LIVES AND SERVE the citizens. This constant fear of people that police say they have must have been planted within them somehow because before they became members of the police department they NEVER go around KILLING people OUT OF FEAR. How can you take an oath to serve those you FEAR so much? Please look into the manner in which police are being trained and programmed to think and act towards the public. Help the police to come to the realization that RIGHT NOW so many people have been negatively affected and their lives terribly impacted by bad police experiences that they (the public) will harbor, have, and exhibit distasteful behavior towards them (the police). Prepare the police for this so that they DO NOT become defensive when it is meted out. Let them know that it would be better to attempt a “change in view” from the public standpoint by being fair, just, positive, respectful of rights and dignity of the citizens with which they interact. Then let them also know that THERE WILL BE NO COVER-UP when they go out there and break the law - violating people’s rights, committing unwarranted killing of the innocent, and lie on sworn reports and testimonies about events. Hold them accountable. OUR LAW MAKERS should write laws that hold police personnel individually responsible for their actions and seize assets and cash from them to pay for damages they rampantly cause when they go rogue. Rogue cops plant evidence and some supervision staff help them to cover messes they cause... even if it means sending innocent people to prison or destroying their lives. When you are not politically connected or famous or rich beyond normal, you are likely to be killed by the police or some TRUMPED UP CHARGES are likely to prevail against you in a court. CHANGE THE WAY YOU THINK and the things you think about will change. THIS IS MY FATHER’S WORLD, I will never forget, that though the wrong seems ought so strong, GOD IS THE RULER YET.
I'm a police officer and after watching this can only hope that something else occurred prior to this that would've set the cop off i.e.: dude spit on him. Anything other than that I would have to say that he was out of order. It's a tough job dealing with assholes day after day putting up with bullshit. Believe me I know. But when it gets to the point that you're knocking the hell outta somebody like this dude did then it's time to step back and maybe reconsider the occupation. Maybe go do something else less stressful.
If a civilian spat on another civilian and the civilian who was spat on wailed on the spitter like this blue douchebag did he'd be facing felony charges and jail time. Would probably lose his job and would be lucky if he made bail.
@panama rasta: You are not a police officer if you believe that anything that happened prior to this justifies this. If you're a police officer you would know that once someone is in custody it's right duty and responsibility to protect that person. You would know that in CUSTODY MEANS IN THE "CARE AND CUSTODY ". All of you that believe this is justified should get the hell out of law enforcement and stop giving the rest of us bad names and reputations. If it wasn't for the intervention of that woman that man would be dead.
@@donpettway7284 So here’s the thing. Neither one of us was there to see from beginning to end what happened. What we have is a small portion of a video. I’ve learned from seeing other videos that I can no longer assume ANYTHING that’s not shown in its entirety. Prime example of this is the Philando Castile shooting. I just knew it was a bad shoot and I was talking trash about that Officer. That was until I was at a LE Conference and had a chance to see the entire video along with learning what the circumstances were from the time the call was dispatched to the very end where he was shot. I understand and do my job well. Been doing it for 21 years on top of serving 20 in the U.S, Marine Corps. I don’t need someone like you telling me what I should and should not be doing. My opinion is my opinion and I’m entitled to that. No one is giving anybody a bad name. It is what it is.
@@panamarasta your opinion is your opinion. You're entitled to it. My opinion is that police officers who can't or won't do their jobs in adherence to the constitution, who beat people who may or may not have done something before their were in custody give the rest of us bad names and poison our relationship with the public. Proof of that is the current low opinion and mistrust in law enforcement today. Law enforcement can not and will not be effective without the trust and support of the public. There's an apartment complex in my city where every apartment over looks the parking area. A police stomped on the head of 87 year old habdcuffed veteran in that parking lot. That man had committed no crime except disrespect of cop. A Sargeant ordered his immediate release and the cop was stripped eventually of his police powers, fired and the city agreed to an undisclosed settlement amount. This was that cops 4th questionable use of force. The first 3 had no consequences. The bottom line now is that every time the police drive into that parking their lives are in danger. Because every apartment overlooks the parking area, the people remained pissed and there is no way to know how many of those windows will be occupied by people with guns. ACTIONS HAVE CONSEQUENCES. What does people like me mean? People with 26 on the job who happen to disagree with you?
@@donpettway7284 I agree 100% with that. I dont know what city you work in but we have our share of problems here as well. I as a supervisor would NEVER tolerate some like what you described happening to an 87 year old. In fact, I would question why someone 87 would be in cuffs. The first questionable use of force he probably woulda been out the door. My entire point that you seem to miss is this. We weren’t there, the video is incomplete and there is no audio and we have no idea what the complete story was without all of the facts. That was my point. I’m not saying what the officer did was correct by any means. I’m still baffled by the fact your department allowed someone to commit questionable violations 3 different times with no consequences…If you ask me, stuff like THAT is what makes the rest of us look bad not me voicing my opinion on casting judgement without all the facts being known.
Now if he would have hit him back they would have tried to kill him .that's bs they need to be held accountable for anything that they do because all people ain't just going to let you sit by and abused they relatives somebody going to react and it's going to be bad
The Balitmore City Police Officer should be charged with Felony Assault also sue Baltimore city govt , police department and putatively will stop some of this outrageous conduct "Hitem in the pocket where it really counts"
I think anytime a cop is convicted of assault it should be a felony because they're armed in the commission of a crime, not to mention its almost always a gang assault on the victim.
Of course it's "tolerated" and it'll continue because the other officers involved were told they did nothing wrong. So it's ok to hold someone so they can't defend themselves as long as you're not the one throwing punches or kicks???? Seriously???
The woman help him because the cop was GOING to kill him the White cop hold the woman back but she still help him ,what are thise cop from are the from a nother planet??? The piranha world ????
police departments are quick to charge misdemeanors, but never really charge for actions, since to do so means that criminal cop can no longer be a cop
Ok taxpayers is that what you pay your protect and serve taxes for , whatever he did by video he didn’t deserve that and the blue line gang held him and watched , take qualified amunity away and you’ll see a 100% turnaround
A cop keeps getting paid after committing all those crimes let a lone being fired and jailed. WTF!!! That's not a double standard that's just pure ridiculousness. The Gov. wonders why the people are so distrusting. FILM FILM FILM ALL GOV EMPLOYEES AT ALL TIMES.
Sue the hell out of this cop and don’t stop until you get ever dime from him…..this sends a message that the citizens are tired of cops not being held accountable!
Just keep suing the police, police commanders, and the city for police brutality and misconduct. If enough victims of police crime sue for damages and civil rights violations maybe change in the police behaviour will occur? Police need to honour their oath.
If the civilian would have struck back, he would've been charged with a felony, but when cops do this, its only a misdemeanor?!! WTF!!! SOMETHING HAS GOT TO CHANGE!!
That was absolute GANG VIOLENCE! The other officers aided him . One held the victim’s arm making it impossible for him to shield himself in defense of the onslaught of blows directed at his face and yet another officer physically assaulted the woman who tried to use her body to shield the victim
Misdemeanor is shoving someone or bumping into them. Holding a guy down and punching repeatedly and he can't defend himself - THAT'S a FELONY!!!!!!!! Both cops need to be charged with a FELONY!!!!!!
This lawsuits should be (actually MUST) paid by the police union, or any police entity like police benevolent associations, and not, under any circumstances, paid with the city money. That way, affecting the police retirement money, this abusive (not to say stupid and low IQ) behavior would become less common. And I am not saying anything like defund the police, etc. or that any police officer cannot defend himself/herself weighing the case.
The woman had more balls than those so called good cops.
She actually cared about him as a human being and US citizen unlike the racist pigs..
Big ups to her
Tht was his girlfriend
That's how women should be 😐
You still believe in good cop bad cop.. Right
If the citizen had done the same to a police officer, he'd be charged with felony assault along with everything else they could think of to charge him. Ridiculous.
Rod: they'd probably be six feet under
@@debbieodle7282 Absolutely
Of course he would because its illegal. Its legal for cops to punch a non compliant person in the face. Seriously dude are you that stupid you don't get that? Are you that guy that simply doesn't get why you're getting punch in the face when you don't comply? You're not that stupid are you? I watched the full video this guy had several chances not to get punched in the face. That's why these cops will be fine.
@@jeffcaffrey70 Whats your favorite flavor of boot polish you fucking blue line bum !
@@jeffcaffrey70 😂😂😂 u must have a cognitive limitation or something . Did u watch how the video dummy? He’s being charged by the DA. Did u hear what the police commissioner said? The fact is ur trying to appeal to the law while the judiciary seems to not agree with u. It’s hilarious that someone with a brain as smooth as urs is calling anyone stupid.
This is not a misdemeanor! This is a felony assault involving more than one cop. If it were civilians! Involved in this beating they would have been looking at some serious prison time. SMH
If any of us did that, we would get some time in jail, no doubt. LOL
Good example of double standard.
All of them should be charged
and they pay not city
With both barrels ablaze ☝🏾😉
Isn't it a crime to hold someone down as your friend punches them?
Why are cops never charged as accessories when they participate in a beating? Or conspiracy when they witness it but take no action?
Cop always receive the most lenient charges. When's the last time you saw a list of charges against an officer?
Because the cops are told to behave like this . The courts protect the police because the courts are against citizens . There's corruption in the judicial system .
They have immunity for ☝🏾. For 2, the police union are a bunch of Freemason’s…..And 3, the judicial system makes impossible to argue racism in a court of law…….!
Because we the people accept it.
I don't have the answers, but I'm sure there are people that do. We just have to stop accepting it as a people. The police are dirty.
Qualified immunity
Charge the other cops too.
A woman had to step in and defend this man against a cop holding him down another cop whaling punches on him. No one steps in and does anything until the woman tries to defend him. And the only action is to remove her from helping the guy. Do any of those cops have a conscience? If one have seen wrongdoing you are to stand up and do the right thing and stop it no matter who is doing it! What a wicked world we live in when those who are to up hold the law are so cruel and evil!
I thought that you had to have brain in order to have a conscience.
If citizens did what their right is according to a Supreme court ruling as far as cops being the wrong doers by abusing people and making unlawful arrest and harming people while being the wrong doers according to that ruling the citizens can stop the cop and use deadly force if need be. but that is def. a gray area in the courts simple because the courts 99% of the time go with the cops.
@@elik.webber7630 ...That is why a man ought to have all their trust in the true, living, high and Holy God...
The world is not wicked, these cops are.
Once again , police covering their own , instead of helping this man . This rogue maniac officer should be fire for not only lying and making a false report but for assaulting a citizen while the other officer held him to be punched and tormented
This is why we need more cameras.
Why? This one caught everything and still didn't make a difference.
The charges never stick but mark my words theirs gonna b a law enforcement purge cuz even people that like cops r on the fence now
@@mr_knowitall cameras help us, the majority, see the ugly truth that we need to take power into our own hands and make cops learn how to respect their place in society.
ACAB, only good cop is a dead one.
Wow that was stupid. We don't need more cameras we need police reform. More cameras means less freedom.
No this is why we should all be armed
Felony also means that ahole can no longer own a firearm..in his case probably a good thing..all 3 other cops guilty too.
VN Dustoff all cops are the same good or bad they have to or they don’t last
These cops behaved like a typical street gang. Everyone involved needs to be charged. Until departments hold everyone accountable there is no way to trust any of them.
They behaved like kids not a street a gang
They aren’t even close to a street gang they look like kids
@@wealthycheckdotcom4154 they were always a gang. They wear tattoos worse that thugs. Not even professional or courteous anymore
If you call those cops street thugs your stupid I’m sry u need Jesus man what happened to being holy and not arguing they acted like kids
Agreed! They have a no snitching policy just like other gangs
The woman was the real peacemaker and stood Inbetween the cop and her friend. The DA should raise the charge
We need more cameras to protect citizens from corrupt cops and citizens whom violate the law
the cell phone camera has exposed serious malfeasance by police
Even on video alot of corrupt cops still get away with it
Well don't look like the camera's doing to much to bring justice.....seem like the only people they're working for are these dirty cops.....because justice was not served here
We need more cameras to protect citizens from criminals.
So a citizen is just supposed stand there and take that kind of beating from that crazy cop? Smh
Yea...Get some. Take that officer beating. It hurts, but fight back, resist you're dead. Reward goes to living relatives idiots. Just comply. Comply
You should Ask cop what happend before he make that
You should Ask cop what happend before he make that
That woman was big enough to save the guy. Good job lady.
the unfortunate thing is any settlement will come from the tax payer. and not the cop who caused the problem .
I love it they never tried to break it up until the lady tried to break it up then all they want to do is remove her from the scene so their fellow officer can continue to be the guy
Cop was armed and other cop was holding the victim. Both cops should be charged. The cop throwing blows with aggravated battery and the other with aiding and abetting, or at least being an accessory to a felony. If convicted then both lose their law enforcement license and the puncher should permanently lose his right to carry, purchase, possess a firearm. Because he betrayed public trust, he should be held to a higher standard of expectation. Which to me is much worse than most domestic violence cases where the spouse can be convicted and lose their rights just for simply touch the other and no weapon involved, yet they lose many of their rights and job opportunities for life. Doctors and lawyers can lose their licens. Military personnel can lose their careers, pensions and so on.
If you touch a cop, you're charged with a felony
ever arrested in baltimore.....ask for jury trial, show this video and ask the jury, if the dept allows this, and no I repeat no, not one other cop tried to stop this cop, put in his report, or notified a superior, about this cops assaulting a civilian, can you trust what the police are saying now? jury ask yourself why were no charges filed against any other officer at the scene. they all witnessed the assault, did nothing and lied about it? what did the capt, chief, commissioner, Mayor, police oversight, internal affairs do about the other officers silence on this? nothing. we're they arrested for perjury on police report? no. why are we to believe anything an officer from this dept says? they can, will, and do perjur themselves with impunity.
I wouldn't ask for a jury trial. Jurors have proven they are incapable of making the right decisions. They allow their emotions, personal feelings, and biases (racial, prejudices, stereotypes, sexism, etc) to get in the way of objective reasoning and rational decision making.
The criminal justice SYSTEM is a joke!
If a cop does not act against another cop committing a felony he is guilty to the same level.
It should be similar to UCMJ in the service.
It covers everything.
All that was soo unnecessary the police officer should be fired and put into prison bottom line
The one thing I have questions about is why are the people being arrested charged with assault on a police officer when the police themselves assault the person they are arresting as the person never laid a hand on the cop?
This cop should go to jail for a very long time , and never be reinforced as a police man ever again ! This is just fighting a person , not arresting him !
The cop is nuts. Protecting the public?
With pay???
I wish I could break the rules, caught on camera, and get a paid vacation.
If the judges keep giving short sentences to abusive police men hings will never change and people will die as a result of their brutal actions.
Charge him with a felony, fire him. No longer able to be an officer anywhere ever... Laws need to change for these cop criminals.
And the other cops just standing there watching? What about them?
Nothing more fearful than a cop who needs a paid vacation. SMH
We have investigated ourselves and cleared our buddy of any wrongdoing
All that wind up punching must have been weak as water. The officer was trying his best to knock the guy unconscious but failed with numerous blows.
That’s sad...
that’s sad he was only charged with a misdemeanor. 😯
Finally a perjury charge for lies on an official signed police report.
End qualified immunity.
No more investigating yourselves.
All law enforcement should have to take out their own personal insurance, just like health care providers.
It's about time.We need to see more of this when justified.
I was proud to see his big girl friend step in an she was fearless. Thank God neither one of them was shot.
That's a clear felony charge
He should be have a felony and he shouldn't be getting paid for beating somebody up that's why police get away with what they get away with and it's unbelievable that it's on tape it's on camera and they get to do this and that's uncalled for a son acceptable that's the bottom line he needs to be locked up herself for doing that
Such a grotesque Police Department, can I see the trick behind it.
Every person in a uniform there should be charged with felony assault.
Cop was punching dude no other cops stopped him but when the woman stepped in to stop it that's when the other cop tried to stop her
Salute the woman who stepped in and blocked the thug from inflicting more damage.
He committed perjury,he need's to be fired loose the pension benefits and barred from the force for life. And barred for life from owning a gun.
This is unfortunately a common practice with many police officers across America. There needs to be widespread police reform and the total end of qualified immunity
I'm wondering why is it only 3 states have dropped qualified immunity but the other 47 has yet to follow suit makes me wonder! 🤔
He deserves every penny.
To the police, the public can be those you protect, upon who you enforce laws, and friends all at once. Just be fair and just in all you do.” Author is known
I hope the right people who can initiate a CHANGE will find this post.
Make no mistake, this country have some excellent, professional, brave, and respectfully honorable Police Officers. I have met some and I know many. However, sprinkled among and around them are some police men and women who need to be removed from any seat or nature of authority which grants them power over anyone or anything.
Police Supervisors and Complaint Investigators MUST Take citizens’ complaints seriously and start to address and correct behavior of police personnel who have negative interactions with people. When complaints are dismissed and negative behaviors are not corrected, ROGUE and BAD APPLE COPS are empowered to persist in their trend of putting their fellow police workers in danger and make their departments liable for civil actions by those that were wronged.
Now, Police Departments, in efforts to “protect” their officers and (try to) keep themselves from being sued, will DISHONESTLY dismiss legitimate citizens’ complaints and allow a ROTTEN APPLE to remain and fester among their ranks. This happens too often and now, in the year 2019 the police in America have lost public trust by 100% and have very little “friends” and supporters because they have negatively impacted the lives of millions of people from EVERY walks of life. Well, let me correct that, the police have not messed up any politicians or their families or other government officials or their families as yet.
But they have abused, beaten, and killed their own members who were in plain clothes or undercover because of the brutish tendencies and gang-like behaviors police possess and exhibit.
Remember, police are the trained ones and need to show restraint of their behavior and actions by being fair, honest, respectful, just, and kind to the public they SERVE no matter what attitude that/those member(s) of the public may give you.
I know for certain that the job of the police is VERY DANGEROUS, challenging, and sometimes stressful-that is why such a job is NOT FOR JUST ANYONE. Police must possess certain special skills like ethics, strong mental power, determination to serve people, a genuine love for fellow humans, ability to adjust to different and difficult situations, insight, flexibility, be blinded to skin color, race, ethnicity and nationality, and many more skills.
The job of police is not for the cowardice, mean-spirited, angry, short-tempered, abusive, close-minded, insensitive, unethical, brutish, or fearful. Police Officers should get a passport and do at least TWO trips to a foreign country with people of different cultures to get some experience and exposure.
I am aware that this is a difficult and DANGEROUS job but it must have the right people doing it. If done right by the right set of police personnel, the job of a police Officer can be done by very few people. The job is not about numbers but about tactics, psychology, empathy, care, respect, courtesy, ability to diffuse hostilities, and many more honorable attributes.
ONCE UPON A TIME I would feel no fear to call the police if I need them, but NOW I TREMBLE when I think of them coming near me - or am near to wet myself when I might have to interact with them. WHY? Well, a family called the police to help their 17 year old son who was acting “strangely” and could be under the influence of drugs. They called because this child needs help. Maybe when that family was growing up the police would come to help as expected; while one officer speaks with the family to find out more about the 17 year old child, another officer makes an honest effort to create a rapport and positively engage the child to start gaining understanding and trust. But now, when these new breed of police arrive on scene, they exit their government vehicles with guns drawn and some of them start barking commands at the (disturbed) child and the others immediately start shooting the child. Within SIX SECONDS of their arrival the child is dead. How do we expect that family to feel about a situation like that?
Again I would like to BEG LAW MAKERS, LEADERS, AND POLICE HIGH COMMANDS to stop, take a look at our present state of emergency, and TAKE SOME CORRECTIVE MEASURES.
Start with the training given to police recruits and ongoing training while on the job. Someone somewhere is telling these police personnel that the public is their enemy. I don’t think they are being trained to SAVE LIVES AND SERVE the citizens.
This constant fear of people that police say they have must have been planted within them somehow because before they became members of the police department they NEVER go around KILLING people OUT OF FEAR. How can you take an oath to serve those you FEAR so much? Please look into the manner in which police are being trained and programmed to think and act towards the public.
Help the police to come to the realization that RIGHT NOW so many people have been negatively affected and their lives terribly impacted by bad police experiences that they (the public) will harbor, have, and exhibit distasteful behavior towards them (the police). Prepare the police for this so that they DO NOT become defensive when it is meted out. Let them know that it would be better to attempt a “change in view” from the public standpoint by being fair, just, positive, respectful of rights and dignity of the citizens with which they interact. Then let them also know that THERE WILL BE NO COVER-UP when they go out there and break the law - violating people’s rights, committing unwarranted killing of the innocent, and lie on sworn reports and testimonies about events. Hold them accountable. OUR LAW MAKERS should write laws that hold police personnel individually responsible for their actions and seize assets and cash from them to pay for damages they rampantly cause when they go rogue.
Rogue cops plant evidence and some supervision staff help them to cover messes they cause... even if it means sending innocent people to prison or destroying their lives. When you are not politically connected or famous or rich beyond normal, you are likely to be killed by the police or some TRUMPED UP CHARGES are likely to prevail against you in a court.
CHANGE THE WAY YOU THINK and the things you think about will change.
THIS IS MY FATHER’S WORLD, I will never forget, that though the wrong seems ought so strong, GOD IS THE RULER YET.
70million is just about right...bankrupt the city!
The woman was the only one trying to keep the peace.
Why are the Other Cops Not Charged ?
Never Expect Honesty from Police 😂
We need to police the police
This suspension with pay a no no when police caught on camera beating a victim so viciously ,he shouldn't be even on the Force.
Young Lady Bravo 🙌🙌🙌🙌🙌🙌🙌♥️🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸
Suspended WITH PAY,,,what bullshit,,,,a paid vacation in other words , he'll do it again !
He called the cop an Uncle Tom. It's so easy to be a tough guy when your Victim can't fight back or isn't allowed to.
Again nothing was going on until the police showed up. Then the violence starts. Seeing a pattern here.
I'm a police officer and after watching this can only hope that something else occurred prior to this that would've set the cop off i.e.: dude spit on him. Anything other than that I would have to say that he was out of order. It's a tough job dealing with assholes day after day putting up with bullshit. Believe me I know. But when it gets to the point that you're knocking the hell outta somebody like this dude did then it's time to step back and maybe reconsider the occupation. Maybe go do something else less stressful.
If a civilian spat on another civilian and the civilian who was spat on wailed on the spitter like this blue douchebag did he'd be facing felony charges and jail time. Would probably lose his job and would be lucky if he made bail.
@panama rasta: You are not a police officer if you believe that anything that happened prior to this justifies this.
If you're a police officer you would know that once someone is in custody it's right duty and responsibility to protect that person. You would know that in CUSTODY MEANS IN THE "CARE AND CUSTODY ".
All of you that believe this is justified should get the hell out of law enforcement and stop giving the rest of us bad names and reputations.
If it wasn't for the intervention of that woman that man would be dead.
@@donpettway7284 So here’s the thing. Neither one of us was there to see from beginning to end what happened. What we have is a small portion of a video. I’ve learned from seeing other videos that I can no longer assume ANYTHING that’s not shown in its entirety. Prime example of this is the Philando Castile shooting. I just knew it was a bad shoot and I was talking trash about that Officer. That was until I was at a LE Conference and had a chance to see the entire video along with learning what the circumstances were from the time the call was dispatched to the very end where he was shot. I understand and do my job well. Been doing it for 21 years on top of serving 20 in the U.S, Marine Corps. I don’t need someone like you telling me what I should and should not be doing. My opinion is my opinion and I’m entitled to that. No one is giving anybody a bad name. It is what it is.
@@panamarasta your opinion is your opinion. You're entitled to it.
My opinion is that police officers who can't or won't do their jobs in adherence to the constitution, who beat people who may or may not have done something before their were in custody give the rest of us bad names and poison our relationship with the public.
Proof of that is the current low opinion and mistrust in law enforcement today.
Law enforcement can not and will not be effective without the trust and support of the public.
There's an apartment complex in my city where every apartment over looks the parking area.
A police stomped on the head of 87 year old habdcuffed veteran in that parking lot. That man had committed no crime except disrespect of cop. A Sargeant ordered his immediate release and the cop was stripped eventually of his police powers, fired and the city agreed to an undisclosed settlement amount. This was that cops 4th questionable use of force. The first 3 had no consequences.
The bottom line now is that every time the police drive into that parking their lives are in danger.
Because every apartment overlooks the parking area, the people remained pissed and there is no way to know how many of those windows will be occupied by people with guns.
What does people like me mean?
People with 26 on the job who happen to disagree with you?
@@donpettway7284 I agree 100% with that. I dont know what city you work in but we have our share of problems here as well. I as a supervisor would NEVER tolerate some like what you described happening to an 87 year old. In fact, I would question why someone 87 would be in cuffs. The first questionable use of force he probably woulda been out the door. My entire point that you seem to miss is this. We weren’t there, the video is incomplete and there is no audio and we have no idea what the complete story was without all of the facts. That was my point. I’m not saying what the officer did was correct by any means. I’m still baffled by the fact your department allowed someone to commit questionable violations 3 different times with no consequences…If you ask me, stuff like THAT is what makes the rest of us look bad not me voicing my opinion on casting judgement without all the facts being known.
The prosecutor needs to be fired for not doing his job this is obviously felony assault
Now if he would have hit him back they would have tried to kill him .that's bs they need to be held accountable for anything that they do because all people ain't just going to let you sit by and abused they relatives somebody going to react and it's going to be bad
Can't feel bad when bad things happens to police if they don't get the same punishment 🤷🏾♂️
The Balitmore City Police Officer should be charged with Felony Assault also sue Baltimore city govt , police department and putatively will stop some of this outrageous conduct "Hitem in the pocket where it really counts"
I think anytime a cop is convicted of assault it should be a felony because they're armed in the commission of a crime, not to mention its almost always a gang assault on the victim.
Of course it's "tolerated" and it'll continue because the other officers involved were told they did nothing wrong. So it's ok to hold someone so they can't defend themselves as long as you're not the one throwing punches or kicks???? Seriously???
only in america can a cop assault someone and get a paid vacation for doing so
Oh really, you got any proof of it being different in other countries?
Only in America can you ask for 70 million dollars for getting punched.
The fix is in. Would the other officers have watched him beat the guy to death. I usually side with the cops but not on this one.
Suspended with pay, misdemeanor. Right!
That woman that stepped in to help her man has more balls than any of them police officers there
criminals do much worse to innocents and get way less severe punishments. this officer is good in my books
Love the amount but no one's wellness is worth less than the $70 million criminal police officers have to be held accountable
So what happened with this incident since this happened so many years ago? You know I'm going to google it, but you can still reply?
The woman help him because the cop was GOING to kill him the White cop hold the woman back but she still help him ,what are thise cop from are the from a nother planet??? The piranha world ????
police departments are quick to charge misdemeanors, but never really charge for actions, since to do so means that criminal cop can no longer be a cop
Much respect for the woman standing up!
Ok taxpayers is that what you pay your protect and serve taxes for , whatever he did by video he didn’t deserve that and the blue line gang held him and watched , take qualified amunity away and you’ll see a 100% turnaround
Hey do anyone have an update on this case??
no accountability they are soposed to be held at higher standards than us so why are charges between us and them differ so much
Absolutely disgusting. All should go to jail for a long time.
Any time a cop punches someone like this that isn't punching back should automatically be fired.
Courtney Bryant is such a beauty.
And on topic, only despicable power hungry failures in life become cops.
He needs to be in jail felony and his family left on the street homeless penniless all sales of property paid to the victims they have abused
It's felony assault and there still talking it down.
A cop keeps getting paid after committing all those crimes let a lone being fired and jailed. WTF!!! That's not a double standard that's just pure ridiculousness. The Gov. wonders why the people are so distrusting. FILM FILM FILM ALL GOV EMPLOYEES AT ALL TIMES.
Sue the hell out of this cop and don’t stop until you get ever dime from him…..this sends a message that the citizens are tired of cops not being held accountable!
Just keep suing the police, police commanders, and the city for police brutality and misconduct. If enough victims of police crime sue for damages and civil rights violations maybe change in the police behaviour will occur? Police need to honour their oath.
The lawsuits are a lost cause they just keep raising our taxes to fill the void violence is the solution on a large scale
Damn cowards! Hes a liar and a crookes cop who deserves jail time and never to be allowed to wear the badge again.
If the civilian would have struck back, he would've been charged with a felony, but when cops do this, its only a misdemeanor?!! WTF!!! SOMETHING HAS GOT TO CHANGE!!
Get Everything you can. Demand Felony charges.
Call for the Feds to investigate. I bet those charges will get right then
6 years max
That was absolute GANG VIOLENCE! The other officers aided him . One held the victim’s arm making it impossible for him to shield himself in defense of the onslaught of blows directed at his face and yet another officer physically assaulted the woman who tried to use her body to shield the victim
😳 Woooow!!! When will it stop?
Remember kids, cops are heros.
Retaliate Catch them one by one
Misdemeanor is shoving someone or bumping into them. Holding a guy down and punching repeatedly and he can't defend himself - THAT'S a FELONY!!!!!!!! Both cops need to be charged with a FELONY!!!!!!
Sue all the arresting officers and make sure they pay for the suit, and not the taxpayers.
People need to start fighting back. These 👮 take it to far
Was the only win the pig had in any type of altercation or fight in his life. Do you see the way this cop swings, like a sloth in slow motion..."
My man’s reached WAYYYY back to find them uppercuts lol
This lawsuits should be (actually MUST) paid by the police union, or any police entity like police benevolent associations, and not, under any circumstances, paid with the city money. That way, affecting the police retirement money, this abusive (not to say stupid and low IQ) behavior would become less common. And I am not saying anything like defund the police, etc. or that any police officer cannot defend himself/herself weighing the case.
Should hire that woman to be a police officer, she's got more integrity and balls than all 3 of them tyrants.