Carving a Lumberjack -Carving & Coffee #4

  • Опубліковано 18 гру 2024


  • @CliffManis
    @CliffManis 5 років тому +3

    I'm glad to hear that your parents are still living. I am over 80 years old also ... Over 80 is much different than the over 70 years. . . God Bless them. Be safe... Be well... I am proud to be here and in today's world. ... Watched all. thanks.

  • @alansiegel4081
    @alansiegel4081 3 роки тому

    A charming video with crystal clear exposition-very rare! Thank you.

  • @runetorshammare2972
    @runetorshammare2972 5 років тому +1

    I love your videos man. They make me forget about all the bad stuff in the world for a moment. Thank you.

  • @Ralphieisthegreatest
    @Ralphieisthegreatest 7 років тому +2

    Amazing! I never would have guessed that guy was hiding in that chunk of wood!! Thanks for sharing Doug!

  • @whittler0507
    @whittler0507 7 років тому +41

    Doug the way you create your easy style ..excellent video and great carving really make carving fun

    • @dougLinker
      @dougLinker  7 років тому +8

      thanks Gene I really appreciate that and am happy you take the time to watch

    • @22ceedee
      @22ceedee 7 років тому +5

      I love your stuff to Gene , I follow and enjoy both you and Doug and have learned a great deal from the two of you, I thank you both for sharing so freely and generously .

  • @Jeff-rc7ph
    @Jeff-rc7ph 7 років тому +2

    Awesome job, thanks for chillin with us.

    • @dougLinker
      @dougLinker  7 років тому

      thanks -glad you liked it

  • @peteroberts7334
    @peteroberts7334 3 роки тому

    Sorta looks like his maker !!! Great job Doug !!!

  • @liam4649
    @liam4649 7 років тому +9

    Nice spot, nice axe, nice long pour, and ROFLMAO "What is that noise?!?!?!?" it

  • @baldysanyokosuka5592
    @baldysanyokosuka5592 7 років тому +1

    Keep those carving and coffee videos coming Doug. You make a great carving companion.

  • @TheOldaz1
    @TheOldaz1 7 років тому +1

    Another great video and another great carving. The coffee looked good and the little guy even has the right eyebrows. Thanks Doug :-)

  • @scottfoster224
    @scottfoster224 7 років тому +2

    That old joke about the chainsaw, never gets old. My grandpa told it to me, and i just watched you tell it again. Smiling all the way. At 65 yrs. old, it is my grandsons favorite too. Like your videos. Glad I found your channel!!

    • @dougLinker
      @dougLinker  7 років тому

      thanks Scott - it's a terrible joke but I still laugh too :)
      thanks for watchin

    • @anitarussum4590
      @anitarussum4590 6 років тому

      Doug Outside ...I’m so gullible I thought it was true. ☺️

  • @todddavis2683
    @todddavis2683 6 років тому +3

    I gave a half hearted attempt at carving sometime ago. You've inspired me to try again. Thank you.

  • @janethartwig774
    @janethartwig774 5 років тому

    Every time I watch one of your videos, I’m transported into a James Fenimore Cooper novel. The music you chose is magical.

  • @kevinnichols2976
    @kevinnichols2976 7 років тому

    Thats an extraodinary talent you got there Doug

  • @minkos61
    @minkos61 7 років тому +1

    Awesome creation as always Doug !!! So glad you are keeping with the coffee and carving. I really do enjoy it, and always look forward to the next installment.

    • @dougLinker
      @dougLinker  7 років тому +1

      thanks Ernie-appreciate it

  • @smoekee
    @smoekee 7 років тому +3

    Hey Doug! Hope all is well. Carving and Coffee has become one of my favorite things to watch, I always look forward to them. Watching your videos got me into woodcarving, I'm awful but having fun! Thanks!

    • @dougLinker
      @dougLinker  7 років тому

      thanks man -very cool and glad you are trying.....practice makes perfect (I have yet to make perfect)

  • @insightvideo6136
    @insightvideo6136 4 роки тому

    Fantastic Doug! What a great video! Thanks!

  • @chezgab1347
    @chezgab1347 6 років тому +2

    Not sure if I'll ever carve myself (though your work is quite inspiring, who knows!), but I still like to keep your videos on in the background while working on crafts of my own. You seem like a real down to earth dude who is passionate about his hobby, and I appreciate your willingness and ability to share your gift with the world! Thanks for making great content.

  • @AdamCraigOutdoors
    @AdamCraigOutdoors 7 років тому +10

    you do a really good job of explaining what you are doing and why. natural gift!!
    Thanks for sharing Doug!!

    • @dougLinker
      @dougLinker  7 років тому +2

      thanks Adam, nice of you to say

  • @sloanIrrigation
    @sloanIrrigation 7 років тому +1

    Awesome job on the woodsman! I've learned so much from your technique. Beautiful country there Doug. Thanks for sharing.

  • @timward2884
    @timward2884 2 роки тому

    Hi Doug. I saw a recent video and you had mentioned sycamore Sam and had to search for him . As usual it was enlightening. I’ve watched most of your videos and can see your styles have changed over the years . keep them coming !

  • @MarkAJ311
    @MarkAJ311 7 років тому +5

    Your carvings are so amazing Doug!

  • @knifebomber
    @knifebomber 7 років тому +1

    Once again, Doug.. You amaze me!! Awesome my friend, and thanks for sharing!!

    • @dougLinker
      @dougLinker  7 років тому

      Thanks Stephen , appreciate it

  • @01250123
    @01250123 7 років тому +1

    So glad you being able to get some more videos out really enjoy them

    • @dougLinker
      @dougLinker  7 років тому

      thanks -glad you get a kick out of them

  • @laurelvance5533
    @laurelvance5533 3 роки тому

    You have incredible talent. You make your master pieces look so easy.

  • @kasrailami4995
    @kasrailami4995 5 років тому

    Fantastic job. You are real artist.
    Well done Doug!

  • @outdooroperations1431
    @outdooroperations1431 7 років тому +1

    An absolute pleasure to watch - thank you

    • @dougLinker
      @dougLinker  7 років тому

      Thanks -glad you like them

  • @pld4me
    @pld4me 7 років тому +1

    Awesome job Doug. I love these videos.

  • @douglasjaquays4820
    @douglasjaquays4820 6 років тому

    Your attention to detail is amazing and makes your figures your own.

  • @dannyjames3437
    @dannyjames3437 5 років тому

    Doug I am having fun working on carving a lumber jack while watching this video. I have looked for the two raccoons while you were walking into the bush at your Mom & Dad's place where you grew up. I was only able to spot one about 6' up, & looking around from behind a tree at 0:16. Cute little fella !

  • @leonardprice3361
    @leonardprice3361 7 років тому +1

    Great video and project Doug...I always learn something from each one. Thanks for a great series, great make it so easy and I can tell you have a lot of fun...can't wait until the next one...

  • @jasonsemp
    @jasonsemp 7 років тому +1

    Very happy to wake up and see this in my notifications. I made myself a coffee and watched. Cheers!

  • @hoagyfire
    @hoagyfire 5 років тому

    just did this fellow today...whew ! it was work but I believe I learned a lot. Thanks for the coffee !

  • @beardyalhand
    @beardyalhand 7 років тому +1

    You're a cool guy Doug. I always look forward to a Doug Outside video to sit and watch with a brew

    • @beardyalhand
      @beardyalhand 7 років тому +1

      P.S How about carving a totem..? I mean a little one

    • @dougLinker
      @dougLinker  7 років тому +1

      thanks -appreciate that

    • @dougLinker
      @dougLinker  7 років тому

      that's an idea - would have to make a few before they were any good though haha

    • @beardyalhand
      @beardyalhand 7 років тому

      I've tried and failed a few times haha. You're the better whittler, it would be good to see how you went about it

  • @lesamos8900
    @lesamos8900 3 роки тому

    After watching your videos i bought some cheap knives and did my first little man iv just finished a magpie only seven little cuts so box of band aids came in handy iv bought some gloves for fishing that i now use, ill be 82 on the 22nd carving is verrrry adictive .thanks for the lessons

  • @davidreeder968
    @davidreeder968 7 років тому +4

    Such great skill. Time for me to pick up my carving Jack and brush up on my old skills. Thank you for the inspiration sir.

    • @dougLinker
      @dougLinker  7 років тому

      thanks David -appreciate that

  • @TheBluenoser76
    @TheBluenoser76 7 років тому

    Another great carving video, Doug. You make it look so easy!

  • @reltcl1995
    @reltcl1995 5 років тому

    Great job Doug keep on carving

  • @donaldburton6869
    @donaldburton6869 6 років тому

    Another fascinating video to watch! They all are come to think about it. This makes me want to run out and buy a carving knife and some bass wood. It's fun to follow you and all the varied things you do. Please keep them coming.

  • @corinnerenshaw3621
    @corinnerenshaw3621 4 роки тому

    Love the colors ! Great job ! :)

  • @charliedurham1954
    @charliedurham1954 6 років тому

    Good lumberjack, wonderful video 😃 thank you so much for your time and sharing your experience and talents 😎

  • @MarksTLC
    @MarksTLC 7 років тому +1

    Great video. I always look forward the next carving and coffee. I like that chair. Great idea. :)

    • @dougLinker
      @dougLinker  7 років тому +1

      thanks Mark -I just may bring a chair more often it seemed t work out wel

  • @btijoutdoors1531
    @btijoutdoors1531 7 років тому +1

    Love these carving and coffee videos, think I'll have to try my hand at this carving shindig

  • @Hot_Roj
    @Hot_Roj 7 років тому +1

    Great work as always Doug. Really enjoy this series. By the way the folks at Chipping Away are so nice and helpful, carving is a fantastic hobby to get into.

    • @dougLinker
      @dougLinker  7 років тому

      Thanks Roger -I was in this week myself

  • @stevestemler110
    @stevestemler110 6 років тому

    Thank you Doug for sharing your time and talents. Very relaxing to watch. Steve

  • @2duser2
    @2duser2 7 років тому +3

    Enjoy watching you carve. I have carved for years, learned all the cutting techniques, but still a blank piece of wood makes me break out In a cold sweat. I need to have something to Look at, to copy. You make impromptu art seam easy and I enjoy watching that. I also enjoy coffee and dogs so please keep up with the series.

    • @dougLinker
      @dougLinker  7 років тому +1

      Thanks man -appreciate it

  • @lynnmoore2664
    @lynnmoore2664 7 років тому +1

    Doug you have a very good channel! You always have great content to watch & very interesting projects as well! Thanks for sharing !

  • @ltmanonfire
    @ltmanonfire 7 років тому +1

    well done mate... certainly like your creativity, thanks for taking the time to make this!

    • @dougLinker
      @dougLinker  7 років тому

      thanks Landon -appreciate it

  • @scottbutler1229
    @scottbutler1229 7 років тому +1

    Doug .. Loved it your like Gene you make it look so easy. I follow both of you all the time and try and do what you do some is ok and some I use for my camp fire. Keep it going so I can. Thank you very much.

  • @flindersadventures
    @flindersadventures 7 років тому +1

    Looked like a great day out carving. Beautiful work as always brother

  • @RichardRamage1
    @RichardRamage1 7 років тому +1

    Another great video Doug...

  • @bradcoval4628
    @bradcoval4628 5 років тому

    You sure carve in some beautiful places. I really like how you say “just winging it”. Thank you for the videos!

  • @randallmacmartin5646
    @randallmacmartin5646 7 років тому

    Incredible! Love the carvings.

  • @mlarabee
    @mlarabee 7 років тому +1

    Loved the process. Very cool "Dougsman"

  • @CoreyFeagins
    @CoreyFeagins 7 років тому +1

    This is so cool! My favorite one so far, he looks awesome haha.

  • @geoffdixon9218
    @geoffdixon9218 6 років тому +1

    Great job Doug

  • @MarkFitzptrk
    @MarkFitzptrk 7 років тому +1

    keep them coming Doug, great videos

  • @cobsnob4239
    @cobsnob4239 7 років тому +1

    Thanks Doug for another great video. Just started carving and really enjoy watching you. Great carving and plan on trying a lumberjack myself. Keep them coming.

    • @dougLinker
      @dougLinker  7 років тому

      thanks man -glad to see you getting into it

  • @anitarussum4590
    @anitarussum4590 6 років тому

    I think the little woodsman is my favorite so far.

  • @atl17isfast
    @atl17isfast 7 років тому

    keep up the carving videos. learning a lot from your work. thanks

  • @isaakwhitt13
    @isaakwhitt13 7 років тому +1

    This series is awesome. Your carvings so cool, and I love the fact you do these in the woods, or at locations other than the shop.

  • @Erated78
    @Erated78 7 років тому +1

    That was a fun vid Doug, thanks buddy.

    • @dougLinker
      @dougLinker  7 років тому

      Glad you liked it -thanks

  • @kevinthewanderingwoodchuck2586
    @kevinthewanderingwoodchuck2586 6 років тому

    Thank you sir for starting me down the path of a new hobby. Well done my friend, thanks.

  • @Waldhandwerk
    @Waldhandwerk 7 років тому +3

    Really nice! All the best Doug.

  • @TheCarrmar
    @TheCarrmar 7 років тому +1

    He looks just like you Doug... Nice Vid. Thank you.

    • @dougLinker
      @dougLinker  7 років тому


    • @TheCarrmar
      @TheCarrmar 7 років тому

      Just a thought, could you do a cook/chef next Doug, big hat, spatula etc... if you put it up for sale, I would like to purchase it. Thanks again for your entertaining vids. Marcus.

    • @TheCarrmar
      @TheCarrmar 7 років тому

      Just had a thought Doug, why not carve a Woman (dressed of course). Oktoberfest barmaid springs to mind.

  • @tomandalbert
    @tomandalbert 5 років тому

    Carving & Coffee great start to the day!

  • @MrF4tty
    @MrF4tty 7 років тому

    I love it. One of my favorites.

  • @privatepuffer
    @privatepuffer 7 років тому +1

    Outstanding series. Keep them coming. I have been carving for years but mainly spoons and bowls and such. Think I might give these little guys a shot; looks like fun!

    • @dougLinker
      @dougLinker  7 років тому

      thanks -I have been thinking of giving spoons and bowls a shot myself :)

  • @HamsterLife_EnglishLearning
    @HamsterLife_EnglishLearning 7 років тому +1

    Beautiful woods there. Lol cute joke on the noise of the saw. Great job as always with your carving. The little man is so cute and wow less then 40 minutes to make him.
    Great job! It does look like you some what for sure Lol.

    • @dougLinker
      @dougLinker  7 років тому +2

      thanks Jude -that would be 40 minutes edited down.i was in that bush for about 6 hours haha

  • @creativewoodworker4300
    @creativewoodworker4300 7 років тому

    I hope I can do this good when I get my batch of wood that's coming. Thanks for sharing. I think I like this one the best so far, out of the 3 I have watched.

  • @pcmiller2710
    @pcmiller2710 7 років тому +1

    Love it Doug!

  • @bradleysmith8377
    @bradleysmith8377 7 років тому +1

    That some amazing work there, great work!

  • @mecheng2001ca
    @mecheng2001ca 7 років тому +1

    This is fantastic. Your videos have inspired me to pick up a new hobby!

    • @dougLinker
      @dougLinker  7 років тому

      that's great to hear Andrew -give it a try

  • @stuartgoodrich7712
    @stuartgoodrich7712 7 років тому +1

    Great video. I cant wait to try my hand at carving.

    • @dougLinker
      @dougLinker  7 років тому

      thanks Stuart -give it a go

  • @kekoamaunakea4473
    @kekoamaunakea4473 4 роки тому

    I swear I saw this because I remember when you started the “Carve & Coffee “ series or kinda series short lived though it was “🛸Carve&Coffee down”! Lol!🚒Thanks for the years of enjoyment...

  • @allynshadowens8116
    @allynshadowens8116 7 років тому

    Very talented! Keep up the good work.

  • @MartyLJ57
    @MartyLJ57 6 років тому

    Nice project Doug.

  • @hoagyfire
    @hoagyfire 5 років тому

    I just noticed your painted version had a collar and mine didn't. I rewound and noticed in the bush yours didn't have one either... now I know why mine doesn't, hahaha, I'm just following along like a little sheep..baaaaa ! Thanks again for all your vids.

  • @maidatoyoartiles5919
    @maidatoyoartiles5919 6 років тому +1

    Beautiful talla en madera y beautiful lugar, encantador video. Congratulations

  • @gregoryhare6550
    @gregoryhare6550 5 років тому

    Hi Doug i have been seeing some guy's carving from wood and I'm going get some carving knives some i can start carving and i have played around with power tools and knives for a long time and i have all ways tryed to carve some wood when i was a kid and on and off but now I'm a lot older and now I'm going to get some carving knives and wood and I'm going to make some fpr my wife and i and i like to thank you for giving me some inspiration to get back into carving wood. PEACE

  • @lorisb1513
    @lorisb1513 7 років тому +1

    Very nice Doug.

  • @SoaringEagle54
    @SoaringEagle54 7 років тому +2

    another GREAT VID. thanks

  • @adrian719
    @adrian719 7 років тому +2

    Another fantastic video as always. Keep up the great work Doug! :)

  • @TheWildsourdough
    @TheWildsourdough 7 років тому +1

    Hey Doug- Another great Video. Missed you- but I know life always has a way of throwing curves at your time. LOVE my Helvies- got four of them, they are excellent carving tools !
    Be Well- and keep on with these Coffee and Carving Videos.

    • @dougLinker
      @dougLinker  7 років тому

      Awesome -glad you like them, they really are great

  • @hippiehiker8134
    @hippiehiker8134 7 років тому +1

    Your carving videos have given me the motivation to finish the project I started back in the summer.found The same piece of wood twice while hiking the Appalachian trail near were I live in could say it found me and wants me to make it. anyway love the videos enjoy watching them ✌bro

    • @dougLinker
      @dougLinker  7 років тому +1

      awesome -glad to hear it Matt

  • @BushtreckBoosh
    @BushtreckBoosh 7 років тому +2

    I really like the lighting in the felling scene.

    • @dougLinker
      @dougLinker  7 років тому +1

      thanks! although, I can't really take any credit for it haha

  • @truenorthcarver
    @truenorthcarver 7 років тому +1

    Another enjoyable video. So relaxing to carve outside. You're right, he does look like someone but I can't place him..

  • @aviationlover1418
    @aviationlover1418 7 років тому +1

    that's really cool I like the way you made the axe.
    keep up the good work!!

  • @dr05guitar
    @dr05guitar 7 років тому +1 the axe!

  • @glenmckelvey5952
    @glenmckelvey5952 7 років тому +1

    Great vid Doug . The first time I hear that chainsaw joke was in the early 70s when I was a kid . My father told it except it was a dumb Frenchmen in the joke . Brought back some memories . Great series .

    • @dougLinker
      @dougLinker  7 років тому

      if I had gone the French route my wife might slap me haha (northern Ontario Frenchie)

    • @glenmckelvey5952
      @glenmckelvey5952 7 років тому

      Doug Outside
      Lol . I live in Quebec but my wife is German so I'm save on that joke .

  • @imunique7469
    @imunique7469 7 років тому +1

    Nice Lil Doug, good to see another video from u Doug.

  • @dean7215
    @dean7215 7 років тому +1

    Keep an coming. Love this series😏

    • @dougLinker
      @dougLinker  7 років тому +1

      thanks -as time allows :)

  • @TheStarfirelily
    @TheStarfirelily 7 років тому +1

    :D ... loved every bit of this video! Reminds me of someone too. Turned out very nice indeed. Thank you for the video, well done Doug.

    • @dougLinker
      @dougLinker  7 років тому +1

      thanks! -appreciate it

  • @peteswright
    @peteswright 7 років тому +1

    Great again Doug! Well done mate. You seem to be comfortable with the larger pieces now. The stropping was a good reminder to us that it needs doing to keep that edge. Hate it when the wood gets "chewy" due to slight dullness, causing extra pressure and dull cuts. Take the beard off and suppose it could resemble little Joe a bit but, Don't know! would need skinnying down too. It'll come to me lol. ATB from the Uk.

    • @dougLinker
      @dougLinker  7 років тому

      thanks Pete -I should of showed the stropping in other videos too

  • @scottbutler7293
    @scottbutler7293 7 років тому +1

    I got to see it and love it you and Gene, Lynn, And Granpas hands keep me going excellent work I love it keep going . Thank you

  • @lorenzofagan
    @lorenzofagan 7 років тому +1

    Man, that is beautiful

  • @shanks_swe7787
    @shanks_swe7787 7 років тому +1

    Damn great piece of work as always Doug and the colors u chose was just spot on! Wished it was easier to get hold of basswood around here where I live, looks like a dream to cut with.. The pine I'm using can be abit tricky from time to time.

    • @dougLinker
      @dougLinker  7 років тому +1

      thanks, appreciate it.Pine can suck sometimes and yet if you get the right piece its can order basswood online and have it shipped if you are willing to pay for it

  • @randybradley9953
    @randybradley9953 4 роки тому

    Great job doug

  • @wendysalter
    @wendysalter 7 років тому

    Big Mr Doug and Little Mr Doug! Excellent :)

  • @campfiretrickery
    @campfiretrickery 7 років тому +1

    very kool nice work , and coffee that's a good day .

    • @dougLinker
      @dougLinker  7 років тому

      +campfiretrickery thanks!