Do not ever give up your Guns America's, i live in Nigeria ans i can say the government here do whatever they want to it's citizens, the Nigerian army main purpose are to bully the ordinary civilians, so Americans never give up your right to defend yourself, and be ready to fight to defend that right to defend yourself.
So Americans, the number 1 first world country shouldn't join EVERY OTHER FIRST WORLD COUNTRY in their successful attempt at mitigating the gun crisis because third world Nigeria has a corrupt government?! What the F*ck is that logic?
As a Kashmiri i just want to say ,never ever give up your weapons.We gave up our war culture in return for peace and trade opportunity 500 years ago and are still suffering till date.
I live in Asia, im a civilian who carry a gun everywhere i go, everyday legally. There are ALOT of countries that allow gun ownership, i mean huge gun culture, but its not politicized like the US media. Lots of mass killings are done in places where guns are illegal, and many gun friendly countries are living peacefully. Infact most gun related murders are done in places where guns are strictly regulated or prohibited. Chicago, brazil, mexico, LA, NY etc etc. People are the problem, not the guns. Ask Switzerland.
@Wraithss it's just brain washing on both sides of the political spectrum. Americans are victims of propaganda and censorship and they don't even realize it.
One more thing, I started introducing firearms to my 2 boys as early as 4yr/o, they werent shooting, just coming to the range with me. One thing for sure, they respect firearms, they know it's nothing like the movies.
People protesting to disarm their population is just mind blowing to me. If they get what they want they’ll be the ones crying for them back when the government has full control
There gotta be an happy medium between having enough weapons to defend yourself and not having to much to avoid dumbass to force the others to do wathever they want
@@lucastoutcourt7991 bruh what are you talking about? All gun laws do is make people who are not the problem have to jump through more hoops to have them. There is no happy medium, the government needs to f__k off and stop making laws that infringe on law abiding American's rights.
That's definitely one way to look at it. I know this is exaggerated almost propaganda. Imagine me just as some one on this planet. Can some of good people like you educate folks not to do mass shootings ? there can be a range of options towards it. A point where the rights of people are withheld and things like school shootings stop would be really nice. Otherwise with that logic imagine a class of students and teachers and all have guns on them. The children are becoming victims think they should have the right to defend themselves, if you wont give them guns then ballistic armor won't hurt. Very respectfully Bro.. Just being totally honest and no malice in my heart. take care.
The scariest thing in the world is if they put an NFA registered 'silencer' on an 'assault rifle'-15 which was invented exclusively for assassins, because then you can't hear or see the gunshots and of course all AR-15's are full-auto and can fire thousands of rounds per minute with high capacity clips they don't even have to reload their ghost guns.
@@Player_Review you forgot the pistol brace attachment making the AR-15 "FULLY"-simi-Automatic and allowing it to shoot a higher caliber making it more deadly
@@Player_Review Even with a suppressor (silent) you can hear the shot. Subsonic ammunition will be well attenuated (depending on the caliber), but a crack is always audible, a supersonic bullet will remain very noisy (more than 70dB). Only in movies and games do weapons with silencers go plop-plop!!! But it's a lie. When firing several thousand bullets in a row, unthinkable, the barrel would heat up and end up twisting (by a few mm but it's enough)
no law breaker will bravely attack an establishment known for their pro gun policy, just let that sink in, and dont let a bunch of high schoolers tell you otherwise
They are nuts to get money out of gun manufacturing companies if there weapon is used in a crime. That is like me trying to sue Ford because someone used a Ford to commit a crime LMFAO
@@SjonnieTapper Yes I guess it does and I can't believe that those people are trying to blame a tool for a crime when it's the person who used the tools at fault lol
That seemed convenient for your narrative. You completely failed to explain that full auto is illegal and requires a series of procedures and processes to acquire. They are also prohibitively expensive, and only a small percentage of people have them.
If people cared about thier kids as much as a bank cares about thier money, you'd make the schools a lot less of an easy target. I grew up in rural Michigan and our school had multiple resource officers that would have died for us if they were called to.
WOW you watch this! Your big time famous y0utube gun content creator. They should "pin" your comment to the top. Thanks for everything you do to keep America strong in these times of adversity. Thank you.
I'm seriously curious. I hear everyone talking about getting rid of guns to protect the kids from mass shooting. Was there any mass shooting in Congress, Supreme Court, the White House, or police station? Why can't we secure our schools like we do for them? Seems much easier to secure the schools than to keep fighting to get rid of guns for so many years
Because it’s not about the kids, it never was. That was just emotional manipulation weaponized to get Americans to give up their guns.. I’m sure we both know why they really want us all disarmed.
There is NOTHING radical, extremist or obsessive about supporting the US Constitution and the Amendments to the Constitution. It’s our founding principles, short and sweet. 🇺🇸❤️
Same here I'm going to go layaway an HK MR762 Designated Marksman after watching this video. If you have AR15 already get a AR10 in 308 caliber. You can build one or get cheap one for 700 bucks. They will hit hard at 800-1000 yards the AR15 wont.
I'm in Colorado. They're about to ban everything. I've gone a little crazy the last few months. AR10, AK47, doing an old M16A1 clone, 8" 300 blackout AR...and like 5 more but I should probably stop now. I still might get an M14 before the ban starts. I already have so many ARs. Just glad I had some money saved for exactly this kind of thing. All they succeeded in doing is forcing people to buy guns they never would have before. My 75 year old neighbor just bought his first AR
I'm Canadian and I am a supporter of the NRA and I am also sorry and feel for the students at the school. But I am also curious what can the NRA do to help Canada and Canadians who's coward of a leader is trying to take away our right to own firearms
I always think gun bans in Canada are strange. You have so much wild land up there full of dangerous animals. I would never want to venture out into the wild without a large caliber rifle or handgun.
@@krazyivan007 Sure there is lots of big dangerous animals but they don't frighten me but walking in a big city in the States unarmed Now that frightens me
@@EnlightenedAtheistPhotog-mh1ty Yeah, that dude killed 36 people,(I believe that's correct) at Virginia tech with a Glock. I don't know if that's what you are referencing, but 36 is a bunch.
Hey Mr. COX- "Decided March 21, 2016 PER CURIAM. The Court has held that “the Second Amendment extends, prima facie, to all instruments that constitute bearable arms, even those that were not in existence at the time of the founding,” District of Columbia v. Heller, 554 U. S. 570, 582 (2008) - JAIME CAETANO v. MASSACHUSETTS, 2016. And Mr. Suri - as long as those limits are consistent with historical tradition, Bruen
With mental health a massive all over the world is a problem with them having the availability to have a gun l had a shotgun at 11 in the uk 🇬🇧 respect to you all across the pond 🇬🇧 🇺🇸
In Canada my Junior high school took a group of us students to a local private school to go shooting in the private schools underground shooting range which was unheard of even in those days
I just bought a new rifle today, although it is a traditional lever action 30-30 instead of a semi auto (although I plan on getting more of those too).
Wszyscy aktywiści z ruchu studentów zapominają że Ci ludzie którzy weszli do szkoły i zaczęli strzelać byli czymś sprowokowani. Zapominają że Ci ludzie wcześniej byli nękani, ośmieszani i drwili z nich. Fajnie się mówi o kimś lecz zapomina się o tym co samemu się robi.
Science recently has shown how constant shooting of guns, especially high caliber. Produces high pressure bursts which affects the brain, badly. Similar to boxers and contact sports participants.
TELL ME WHY YOU HAVE TO FIGHT FOR A RIGHT, or is it really just a privilege? A “ civil right” you can call it. That can be taken at will. Rights cannot be taken no matter what.
Mimo ze nie jestem obywatelem USA jestem zdania ze obywatel ktory jest nie karany i przeszedł badania psychologiczne to nie widze przeszkód do posiadania broni człowiek ktory chce zabic zabije nozem, maczeta, młotkiem ...
The Second Amendment - According to some “authorities”, this amendment does not broadly grant to citizens the right to keep and bear arms, but instead only allows arms to people who are to serve in a government-regulated militia. If all the amendment secured was the right to be a soldier in the military - a lonely, dangerous affair - could it really be considered one of the “greatest rights of mankind” worthy of constitutional protection? - The Know Your Bill of Rights Book, Sean Patrick, p. 21. (Heck, I could join the military or police force in every communist country in the world: and they don’t have a Second Amendment so it must mean something else).
I like how people have NO CLUE about firearms try telling people have been around them their whole lives what kinds are good and what aren't for home defense. It's beyond ridiculous. The AR15 does nothing special that makes it more dangerous than any other rifle.
Thanks to the NRA. Luckily we also have an association that campaigns for gun rights in Germany. But we are only allowed to have semi-automatic weapons with a maximum of ten shots. Pointless, but at least we are still allowed to have guns thanks to this association.
my son was 5 years old when I took him to the shooting range for the first time, now he is almost 7 and he shoots well both with handguns and with the AR15, and he really likes our father-son time when we do things that every man should be able to do, including shooting and safe use weapons, I did not mention that living in Poland, access to weapons is a bit more difficult than in the USA, but not impossible, personally me and my son love weapons and are huge supporters of having them, and as a responsible father, I teach my child handling weapons and handling them safely, weapons are not a forbidden topic at home, on the contrary, according to the principle, what is forbidden is attractive, what is common is not interesting, I can leave the gun on the table and it does not change anything for my child, it is as common as a remote control from the TV set, let him lie there and so what, if he wants to watch it or shoot it, he knows that he can ask me and I will show it to him or I will be happy to take him to the shooting range, most of the accidents involving the use of weapons are caused by the unawareness of its users, it is enough to enter at least if there was a mandatory weapon handling and safety course for new users, which would limit accidents, at least if weapons were taken away due to improper storage, stay in the safes and fight for your rights, get disarmed, just like the communists did in Poland in the 1980s
41:20 This reminds me of one of the shool "shootings" in Sweden. the boy did not have a gun, he had a sword, he did cut down 4 people and a teacher. all 5 died.. so no guns dont kills people, people kill people, and so do socialism and feminism. (read my earlier post here to understand what i am saying about socialism and feminism.
A box cutter supposedly took over the airplane that flew into the towers. Best not to imagine what even a small pocket knife could do. We need knives for cooking and utility and even they are under attack.
Believe me, it _is_ your guns. I'm from the Netherlands and we have unstable people here just as well but we have virtually no guns. There has been only 1 mass shooting (6 people dead in a supermarket) in our history. I'm 60 years old; I've never seen a real gun in my whole life; I only met one (1!) person a long time ago who was interested in guns. American (gun) culture is rotten to the very core. You can deny and deny, like many Americans have been done for decades up until this day, but denying won't solve the problem. Simple as that.
@@peewee678hahahahahahahaha man I said the same thing in a different comments. How can people still have trust in guns is absolutely wild. People can't be trusted, they make mistakes.
@@peewee678 believe me, it is not their guns. there has been a rifle on my grandfather's wall and it hasn't had a single mass shooting in hundreds of years. how do you explain that one? No it's not denial, enjoy what is happening in your country, THAT is the reason why. Enjoy your immigrants, enjoy your WEF and WHO with your bug pods, farmers rioting, vaccines, and police state. But denying someone their right to self preservation won't stop a single mass shooting. Simple as that.
" For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal ( guns !!! ) , but mighty through God to the pulling down of strongholds. Casting down imaginations, and every high thing that exalteth itself against the knowledge of God , and bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ ." Corinthians 10 verses 4 and 5
The dude from Colorado said we were able to fight the British because the constitution gave us the right to own guns. Didn't the constitution come after the Revolutionary War?!!
jak sie rozbroicie to kro was obroni ilu Amerykanów zginęło w 2ej wojnie w.wojnie i na wojnie straty muszą być lepiej mieć czym sie bronić niż bronić się jak nie ma czym
That restaurant is crazy, but be as it may, I will admit my fondness for what I dubbed the "Rifle range burger" which is a burger with mayo and a big slice of raw onion, as at one of the ranges I used to compete at, we used to grill up burgers after the match and they were never short of these ingredients.
The Right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed.
No problem with tank tops
You forgot the first part of the 2A: A well-regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state ....
@@cseymore The most important part: the 1700s definition of _well-regulated_ , not modern misinterpretation 😏
Inconvenience is not the same as infringement.
GOA, gun owners of America don't ever send the NRA a penny
Facts 💯
firearms policy coalition also knows what there doing as well
THIS👌( ͡👁 ͜ʖ ͡👁)👍💯%❗
Is there still an NRA? Hardly anyone is a member anymore. My money goes to GOA and FPC.
Do not ever give up your Guns America's, i live in Nigeria ans i can say the government here do whatever they want to it's citizens, the Nigerian army main purpose are to bully the ordinary civilians, so Americans never give up your right to defend yourself, and be ready to fight to defend that right to defend yourself.
So Americans, the number 1 first world country shouldn't join EVERY OTHER FIRST WORLD COUNTRY in their successful attempt at mitigating the gun crisis because third world Nigeria has a corrupt government?! What the F*ck is that logic?
They are trying their hardest to get rid of law abiding owners but we still have hope. 💯🇺🇲💪
It's refreshing when you see people from different countries telling you to not give up your weapons ever
Don't worry, we won't. 🇺🇲
As an Irishman, you Americans can never have enough guns.
We Americans have or own almost half of the world firearms. We will never be disarmed by those who seek to control what we can say, think, or do.
its absolute insanity. western men are so weak.
How did you kick the English out of Ireland? With harsh words?
And Ireland has illegal guns and knives. We have LEGAL ARSENALS 🤪💯😌
As a Kashmiri i just want to say ,never ever give up your weapons.We gave up our war culture in return for peace and trade opportunity 500 years ago and are still suffering till date.
I live in Asia, im a civilian who carry a gun everywhere i go, everyday legally. There are ALOT of countries that allow gun ownership, i mean huge gun culture, but its not politicized like the US media. Lots of mass killings are done in places where guns are illegal, and many gun friendly countries are living peacefully. Infact most gun related murders are done in places where guns are strictly regulated or prohibited. Chicago, brazil, mexico, LA, NY etc etc. People are the problem, not the guns. Ask Switzerland.
But you can't tell people this and expect them to listen. No one reacts rationally or logically. its just one big roller coaster of emotions.
@Wraithss it's just brain washing on both sides of the political spectrum. Americans are victims of propaganda and censorship and they don't even realize it.
Exactly. Our problem isn't the guns. It's the demographics, the corruption and the immorality.
One more thing, I started introducing firearms to my 2 boys as early as 4yr/o, they werent shooting, just coming to the range with me. One thing for sure, they respect firearms, they know it's nothing like the movies.
America doesn’t “allow” gun ownership. It’s a right. The government doesn’t have the power to take it away.
People protesting to disarm their population is just mind blowing to me. If they get what they want they’ll be the ones crying for them back when the government has full control
lol! You’re so paranoid. Most civilised countries do not have the population armed and they are doing just fine.
These people want the government to tell them what to do and they are happy to comply
They're just stupid hippies
There gotta be an happy medium between having enough weapons to defend yourself and not having to much to avoid dumbass to force the others to do wathever they want
@@lucastoutcourt7991 bruh what are you talking about? All gun laws do is make people who are not the problem have to jump through more hoops to have them. There is no happy medium, the government needs to f__k off and stop making laws that infringe on law abiding American's rights.
If the government says : you don't need a gun . . .
Or fifty
Don’t force a vasectomy on me, because my neighbor has 12 kids.
The Constitution doesn't give us the right to be armed it simply recognizes that right given by our Creator
exactly its meant as a restriction on them not us
God The Father
God The Son
God The Holy Spirit
Less than 4 min in and they are spinning facts.
Free men are armed, slaves are not.
That's definitely one way to look at it. I know this is exaggerated almost propaganda. Imagine me just as some one on this planet. Can some of good people like you educate folks not to do mass shootings ? there can be a range of options towards it. A point where the rights of people are withheld and things like school shootings stop would be really nice.
Otherwise with that logic imagine a class of students and teachers and all have guns on them. The children are becoming victims think they should have the right to defend themselves, if you wont give them guns then ballistic armor won't hurt.
Very respectfully Bro.. Just being totally honest and no malice in my heart. take care.
2:22 "assault" rifle yeah I can already tell where this "documentary" is going
The scariest thing in the world is if they put an NFA registered 'silencer' on an 'assault rifle'-15 which was invented exclusively for assassins, because then you can't hear or see the gunshots and of course all AR-15's are full-auto and can fire thousands of rounds per minute with high capacity clips they don't even have to reload their ghost guns.
@@Player_Review you forgot the pistol brace attachment making the AR-15 "FULLY"-simi-Automatic and allowing it to shoot a higher caliber making it more deadly
@@Player_Review Even with a suppressor (silent) you can hear the shot. Subsonic ammunition will be well attenuated (depending on the caliber), but a crack is always audible, a supersonic bullet will remain very noisy (more than 70dB).
Only in movies and games do weapons with silencers go plop-plop!!! But it's a lie.
When firing several thousand bullets in a row, unthinkable, the barrel would heat up and end up twisting (by a few mm but it's enough)
ar-15 ?
@@Lodai974 Brother it was a satire comment to make fun of how anti-gun people think guns work.
When are we going to blame the criminal instead of the inanimate gun? The gun is a tool that a criminal used for the wrong purpose.
Violence isn't caused by firearms. Violence is a human problem.
The town of *Rifle* Colorado was originally named *Rifle Creek* because someone found an old rifle in a creek.
Come and take it! If you wanna take it. We have a problem not educated young people on firearms!
I am pro American and pro 2a, but this documentary is NOT, 👎
That was blatantly obvious as soon as he said assault rifle
Pure propaganda.
Facts! 💯🇺🇲
Not really 😂
@doxoxo779 yes really 😂
And you're a goddamn communist
This is the right of every human being to bear arms for protection or any legitimate purpose.
no law breaker will bravely attack an establishment known for their pro gun policy, just let that sink in, and dont let a bunch of high schoolers tell you otherwise
They are nuts to get money out of gun manufacturing companies if there weapon is used in a crime. That is like me trying to sue Ford because someone used a Ford to commit a crime LMFAO
That happens everyday in america lol
Yes I guess it does and I can't believe that those people are trying to blame a tool for a crime when it's the person who used the tools at fault lol
Same as shooting a guy and blaming Smith and Wesson for making the gun lol 😂
That seemed convenient for your narrative. You completely failed to explain that full auto is illegal and requires a series of procedures and processes to acquire. They are also prohibitively expensive, and only a small percentage of people have them.
Always understand who's making the documentary, or it'll be like Kim Jun Un making a documentary about N.Korea
If people cared about thier kids as much as a bank cares about thier money, you'd make the schools a lot less of an easy target. I grew up in rural Michigan and our school had multiple resource officers that would have died for us if they were called to.
I'll *NEVER* give up my guns. I'll meet my maker protecting my rights, and I'm not *EVEN* kidding. I bought another one yesterday.
im in missouri and most here fill the same way and i know for fact 90 percent of kentucky does also
Imagine thinking only the government and police should have guns.
I think only military and law enforcement should have certain weapons.
Access to weapons of war should be restricted.
@@benjijarman Stop thinking, you obviously aren't equipped for that. the powers that be can control us...speak for yourself coward
@@Emily-ou6lq Are you really so triggered by opinions that differ to your own? Grow up.
@@benjijarman Your opinion is profane and trigger pullers will call you out on it.
WOW you watch this! Your big time famous y0utube gun content creator. They should "pin" your comment to the top. Thanks for everything you do to keep America strong in these times of adversity. Thank you.
I'm seriously curious. I hear everyone talking about getting rid of guns to protect the kids from mass shooting. Was there any mass shooting in Congress, Supreme Court, the White House, or police station? Why can't we secure our schools like we do for them? Seems much easier to secure the schools than to keep fighting to get rid of guns for so many years
I am so happy I’m not the only one thinking that
Because it’s not about the kids, it never was. That was just emotional manipulation weaponized to get Americans to give up their guns.. I’m sure we both know why they really want us all disarmed.
This is not our story this doc sux
AIPAC, NRA isn't your favorite story?
Is that supposed to be a question?
@@chicorodriguez3964 sorry mate.
There is NOTHING radical, extremist or obsessive about supporting the US Constitution and the Amendments to the Constitution. It’s our founding principles, short and sweet. 🇺🇸❤️
Watching this made me want another AR
Same here I'm going to go layaway an HK MR762 Designated Marksman after watching this video. If you have AR15 already get a AR10 in 308 caliber. You can build one or get cheap one for 700 bucks. They will hit hard at 800-1000 yards the AR15 wont.
I'm in Colorado. They're about to ban everything. I've gone a little crazy the last few months. AR10, AK47, doing an old M16A1 clone, 8" 300 blackout AR...and like 5 more but I should probably stop now. I still might get an M14 before the ban starts. I already have so many ARs. Just glad I had some money saved for exactly this kind of thing.
All they succeeded in doing is forcing people to buy guns they never would have before. My 75 year old neighbor just bought his first AR
Just one?
I'm Canadian and I am a supporter of the NRA and I am also sorry and feel for the students at the school. But I am also curious what can the NRA do to help Canada and Canadians who's coward of a leader is trying to take away our right to own firearms
I always think gun bans in Canada are strange. You have so much wild land up there full of dangerous animals. I would never want to venture out into the wild without a large caliber rifle or handgun.
Sure there is lots of big dangerous animals but they don't frighten me but walking in a big city in the States unarmed Now that frightens me
@@jbrobertson6052 I wouldn't want to do either unarmed.
Yay Second Amendment ! Without arms we would still be British. 🇺🇸❤️🇺🇸 God Bless America 🇺🇸🙏
God Save The King
Wouldn't it be great to actually watch a NONE BIASED 2nd Ammendment documentary !
This is obviously NOT one !!
Bullshit and lies. Spinning the truth about firearms and crime statistics.
blaming guns is like blaming food for making people fat
Let us disarm the criminals first 👍
Most mass murders are done with handguns. That's one lie of many.
Deadliest school shooting was with a handgun too.
@@EnlightenedAtheistPhotog-mh1ty Yeah, that dude killed 36 people,(I believe that's correct) at Virginia tech with a Glock. I don't know if that's what you are referencing, but 36 is a bunch.
Foreigners wouldn’t understand. It’s just our way of life🇺🇸🇺🇸
It's our culture, same as any other nation
It’s just your way of life and your way of death. 😂😂 greetings from Europe
@@TheFuechslein dangerous freedom is better then comfortable tyranny
@@TheFuechslein One of the many reasons I escaped that hellhole known as Europe!
My country could and has kicked your countries ass! What do you have to say about that little Johnny?!?!?!? @@TheFuechslein
Hey Mr. COX- "Decided March 21, 2016 PER CURIAM. The Court has held that “the Second Amendment extends, prima facie, to all instruments that constitute bearable arms, even those that were not in existence at the time of the founding,” District of Columbia v. Heller, 554 U. S. 570, 582 (2008) - JAIME CAETANO v. MASSACHUSETTS, 2016. And Mr. Suri - as long as those limits are consistent with historical tradition, Bruen
There's nothing wrong with the world it's some of the people that's in it
I am Canadian and I am curious what can the NRA possibly help Canadian's out
Nothing, the American NRA-ILA is strictly for the US, however, there might be gun groups in Canada.
Get everyone to vote Castro out, that’s a start.
Americans need no permission or license to bear arms!🇺🇸🍻✌🏻
Don't see nothing wrong owning Guns
"God made man, smith and Wesson made man equal"
Want to stop gun crime? Then don’t allow those who can’t be trusted with guns to roam our streets unsupervised.
Even me as filipino I kept my 2 guns even not registered made from Danao, 1 automatic and 1 pistol, I love guns and no one can stop.
If you exclude gang related gun crimes, America actually has low gun crime.
I’m very proud of gun rights in America. I own over 20 guns. I’m a 12 year Army veteran with a secret security which took me 3 days to get
With mental health a massive all over the world is a problem with them having the availability to have a gun l had a shotgun at 11 in the uk 🇬🇧 respect to you all across the pond 🇬🇧 🇺🇸
Anyone who wants a gun can get a gun. Anywhere in the world! So laws are not going to stop the crazy.
How difficult could it ne to hold an AR or rifle correct?
In Canada my Junior high school took a group of us students to a local private school to go shooting in the private schools underground shooting range which was unheard of even in those days
I'm for the U.S Constitution. Are you?
You don't know how much I searched for this documentary, I don't know why they removed it from UA-cam.
The 2A isn't about HUNTING! it's to defend our FREEDOM from TYRANNY!
I just bought a new rifle today, although it is a traditional lever action 30-30 instead of a semi auto (although I plan on getting more of those too).
Cool learn to reload its easy and makes shooting cost 75% less. 4 stage Lee is cheap like 300bucks.
@@bigslinking I have a Lee Classic Turret press. I'm going to have my cousin who reloads help me get started.
I’m in the UK
You must support your 2A
Never stop fighting for your 2A
I have nothing
can’t protect my family, Don’t be me
Wszyscy aktywiści z ruchu studentów zapominają że Ci ludzie którzy weszli do szkoły i zaczęli strzelać byli czymś sprowokowani. Zapominają że Ci ludzie wcześniej byli nękani, ośmieszani i drwili z nich. Fajnie się mówi o kimś lecz zapomina się o tym co samemu się robi.
Trying to make people who own and support firearm ownership look bad. The Swiss love their guns too.
Science recently has shown how constant shooting of guns, especially high caliber. Produces high pressure bursts which affects the brain, badly.
Similar to boxers and contact sports participants.
TELL ME WHY YOU HAVE TO FIGHT FOR A RIGHT, or is it really just a privilege? A “ civil right” you can call it. That can be taken at will. Rights cannot be taken no matter what.
I'm so glad that there wasn't a single can of Bud Light, push-up bra or a pair of Nike shoes harmed in the filming of this documentary.
The question should be why is are the mass shootings more frequent? Why don’t they have the doors locked and metal detectors in schools ?
I love America 💪🏿
This is not our story
Good girl, if your carrying a gun open carry you should always use a retention holster.
America is the safest most secure country in the world because of guns we will never be invaded or loose a war like Ukraine is dealing with.
Mimo ze nie jestem obywatelem USA jestem zdania ze obywatel ktory jest nie karany i przeszedł badania psychologiczne to nie widze przeszkód do posiadania broni człowiek ktory chce zabic zabije nozem, maczeta, młotkiem ...
Ahuevo 👍🏼👍🏼👍🏼
Ahuevo 👍🏼
The Second Amendment - According to some “authorities”, this amendment does not broadly grant to citizens the right to keep and bear arms, but instead only allows arms to people who are to serve in a government-regulated militia. If all the amendment secured was the right to be a soldier in the military - a lonely, dangerous affair - could it really be considered one of the “greatest rights of mankind” worthy of constitutional protection? - The Know Your Bill of Rights Book, Sean Patrick, p. 21. (Heck, I could join the military or police force in every communist country in the world: and they don’t have a Second Amendment so it must mean something else).
America is the last free nation on planet earth
@@johnwalker4642 then leave
I second, “Bullshit”
@@rockit3422 than get out.
Since they disabled the feature 👎
I like how people have NO CLUE about firearms try telling people have been around them their whole lives what kinds are good and what aren't for home defense. It's beyond ridiculous. The AR15 does nothing special that makes it more dangerous than any other rifle.
Thanks to the NRA. Luckily we also have an association that campaigns for gun rights in Germany. But we are only allowed to have semi-automatic weapons with a maximum of ten shots. Pointless, but at least we are still allowed to have guns thanks to this association.
This is nothing but a nra hit piece
my son was 5 years old when I took him to the shooting range for the first time, now he is almost 7 and he shoots well both with handguns and with the AR15, and he really likes our father-son time when we do things that every man should be able to do, including shooting and safe use weapons, I did not mention that living in Poland, access to weapons is a bit more difficult than in the USA, but not impossible, personally me and my son love weapons and are huge supporters of having them, and as a responsible father, I teach my child handling weapons and handling them safely, weapons are not a forbidden topic at home, on the contrary, according to the principle, what is forbidden is attractive, what is common is not interesting, I can leave the gun on the table and it does not change anything for my child, it is as common as a remote control from the TV set, let him lie there and so what, if he wants to watch it or shoot it, he knows that he can ask me and I will show it to him or I will be happy to take him to the shooting range, most of the accidents involving the use of weapons are caused by the unawareness of its users, it is enough to enter at least if there was a mandatory weapon handling and safety course for new users, which would limit accidents, at least if weapons were taken away due to improper storage, stay in the safes and fight for your rights, get disarmed, just like the communists did in Poland in the 1980s
41:20 This reminds me of one of the shool "shootings" in Sweden. the boy did not have a gun, he had a sword, he did cut down 4 people and a teacher. all 5 died.. so no guns dont kills people, people kill people, and so do socialism and feminism. (read my earlier post here to understand what i am saying about socialism and feminism.
A box cutter supposedly took over the airplane that flew into the towers. Best not to imagine what even a small pocket knife could do. We need knives for cooking and utility and even they are under attack.
Just in the nick of time boom my favorite documentary.
Such an unbiased documentary. Sarcasm implied.
Welp, looks like Steven Kling challenged the NRA and ran against the 2A…and lost. LOL
It's not our guns but how we allow certain people that are loosely unstable and this is where we need to build our forces
Believe me, it _is_ your guns. I'm from the Netherlands and we have unstable people here just as well but we have virtually no guns. There has been only 1 mass shooting (6 people dead in a supermarket) in our history.
I'm 60 years old; I've never seen a real gun in my whole life; I only met one (1!) person a long time ago who was interested in guns. American (gun) culture is rotten to the very core. You can deny and deny, like many Americans have been done for decades up until this day, but denying won't solve the problem. Simple as that.
@@peewee678hahahahahahahaha man I said the same thing in a different comments. How can people still have trust in guns is absolutely wild. People can't be trusted, they make mistakes.
@@peewee678 Stomme, typische hollandse socialist. Believe me, I know them when I see them. Jij bent een domme geindoctrineerde regerings slaaf.
@@peewee678 believe me, it is not their guns. there has been a rifle on my grandfather's wall and it hasn't had a single mass shooting in hundreds of years. how do you explain that one? No it's not denial, enjoy what is happening in your country, THAT is the reason why. Enjoy your immigrants, enjoy your WEF and WHO with your bug pods, farmers rioting, vaccines, and police state. But denying someone their right to self preservation won't stop a single mass shooting. Simple as that.
@ecchiboi2874 lol they just go on stabbing sprees and car attacks. Wake up!
Minäkin haluaiisin pyssy -miehen kaveriksi tänne Suomen🇫🇮porvooseen.
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broń = wolność
Is this another STUPID anti-gun video?? it seems like it base on the comments.
That woman in no way represents the average American, this makes me look at your documentaries a bit differently.
Which one are you referring to?
Why is it so hard to recognize INDIVIDUAL RIGHTS?
This is a hit piece. Plain and simple. It's clear that anti gunners made it.
" For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal ( guns !!! ) , but mighty through God to the pulling down of strongholds. Casting down imaginations, and every high thing that exalteth itself against the knowledge of God , and bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ ."
Corinthians 10 verses 4 and 5
Five minutes into this you could tell it’s an anti gun bias hit piece.
You will never get my guns
The dude from Colorado said we were able to fight the British because the constitution gave us the right to own guns. Didn't the constitution come after the Revolutionary War?!!
Robbie Parker was a crisis actor who was laughing & joking when he was unaware that the camera was already rolling.
That guy referring to limits, he should go review the Bruen rulling.
it's not the gun that kills somebody it's the person that's holding it so what does that say about some people paranoia breeds paranoia
jak sie rozbroicie to kro was obroni
ilu Amerykanów zginęło w 2ej wojnie
w.wojnie i na wojnie straty muszą być
lepiej mieć czym sie bronić
niż bronić się jak nie ma czym
That restaurant is crazy, but be as it may, I will admit my fondness for what I dubbed the "Rifle range burger" which is a burger with mayo and a big slice of raw onion, as at one of the ranges I used to compete at, we used to grill up burgers after the match and they were never short of these ingredients.
Would they still protest at the NRA if the crime was committed with an illegal firearm?
Completely one sided, quite unrealistic and once again accomplishing nothing. Perhaps people should focus on solving homelessness instead?
This is quite a woke documentary. It is clearly against the second amendment in it's tone. Shameful really.