"Felucia, known as Galush prior to the formation of the Galactic Republic, was a colorful, humid jungle planet located in the Felucia system of the galaxy's Outer Rim Territories. The headquarters of the Commerce Guild, its primary agricultural export was the valuable crop nysillin, which was largely farmed by the native Felucian tribes. Its important strategic location along the Perlemian Trade Route and the planet's nysillin crops made it a major battleground throughout the Clone Wars."🤓
"Felucia, known as Galush prior to the formation of the Galactic Republic, was a colorful, humid jungle planet located in the Felucia system of the galaxy's Outer Rim Territories. The headquarters of the Commerce Guild, its primary agricultural export was the valuable crop nysillin, which was largely farmed by the native Felucian tribes. Its important strategic location along the Perlemian Trade Route and the planet's nysillin crops made it a major battleground throughout the Clone Wars."🤓
🥉 The pet rancors are a nice bonus too.
Those droid gunships certainly pack a punch
And I really like how they look!
The invasion of Felucia has begun!
🥇 The droids will march on the surface!