As a multi-age (up to 15-18mo) classroom teacher, how would you recommend incorporating the “puzzle Ball” or anything else suspended, with older children who are interested in pulling up on a (unstable!) suspension frame or pulling on a suspended mobile object?
I wouldn't recommend having suspended objects or frames in a multi-age classroom unless you can figure out how to divide the room to keep the more mobile children away from them. Because young children likely won't be able to help themselves from being attracted to these objects, I would suggest installing some pull-up bars around the classroom and redirect them to use those for pulling up.
Thank you!
You're welcome!
As a multi-age (up to 15-18mo) classroom teacher, how would you recommend incorporating the “puzzle Ball” or anything else suspended, with older children who are interested in pulling up on a (unstable!) suspension frame or pulling on a suspended mobile object?
I wouldn't recommend having suspended objects or frames in a multi-age classroom unless you can figure out how to divide the room to keep the more mobile children away from them. Because young children likely won't be able to help themselves from being attracted to these objects, I would suggest installing some pull-up bars around the classroom and redirect them to use those for pulling up.