Some say, it is not what you know, but who you know that counts. In other words, Guanxi is all about the strength of your "social network". If you look at successful politicians, especially in America, it is all about Guanxi .. who you know. ... Yet, I think the reason Bruce Lee got into so many fights was because of who he knew. And so the others envied him, especially because he refused to introduce them to who he knew. And who did he know? Well, he would oft make a fist, and point with his thumb, and say, "I'm Bruce Lee". He knew himself, well. That was his, Guanxi.
Nice explanation!
I didnt know Peter Pan was Chinese 😲
Some say, it is not what you know, but who you know that counts. In other words, Guanxi is all about the strength of your "social network". If you look at successful politicians, especially in America, it is all about Guanxi .. who you know. ... Yet, I think the reason Bruce Lee got into so many fights was because of who he knew. And so the others envied him, especially because he refused to introduce them to who he knew. And who did he know? Well, he would oft make a fist, and point with his thumb, and say, "I'm Bruce Lee". He knew himself, well. That was his, Guanxi.
Peter pan