Am I the A**hole 16 - SimplyPodLogical

  • Опубліковано 28 вер 2024


  • @Ray_Vun
    @Ray_Vun Рік тому +1430

    amy is the name of the female "love interest" in sonic. that's why the kid named it amy

    • @ayanamiiii
      @ayanamiiii Рік тому +103

      holy shit that’s adorable

    • @justcomments
      @justcomments Рік тому +35

      They aren’t always dating, though. Sometimes they are just great pals

    • @janellew7464
      @janellew7464 Рік тому +11

      mvp comment ⭐

    • @EmmaErsblabla
      @EmmaErsblabla Рік тому +50

      Came to say this! Kid really thought it through, just sticking to canon (y'know... if hedgehogs were hamsters lol)

    • @Gg2294.-.
      @Gg2294.-. Рік тому +16

      She should tell her that, and see the mom’s face knowing she can’t change the cannon of Sonic the Hedgehog lol😂

  • @kiarimarie
    @kiarimarie Рік тому +575

    The guy who dropped the dog...he at the very least completely and totally ruined his relationship with his daughter. She is never going to trust her own dad again and this will come up for years and years and years.

  • @Christina-hj4hh
    @Christina-hj4hh Рік тому +252

    We had a baby earlier this year and didn’t know if we were having a boy or a girl. We had settled on the name John for a boy. During my pregnancy, my sister’s cat, who had been missing for several months, was found and returned to her. He was also called John. We joked that if we did have a boy, he would be referred to as “John the human”, and the cat would just be John. Seemed fair as he was here first. We thought it would be hilarious. It never came to fruition though as we had a girl. But we were fully prepared for our son to share a name with his aunt’s cat 😂

    • @AnnaReed42
      @AnnaReed42 Рік тому +20

      My partner and I have a dog named Summer (she was his dog before we started dating). We also have a human friend named Summer, who we affectionately call "Not [partner]'s Dog." In fact, human Summer will usually volunteer that as her name if we're together and meeting someone new 😂

  • @jaqsre
    @jaqsre Рік тому +2087

    trying to force a child to change the name of their pet because you want it for your baby is insane. either YOU choose another name or you grow up and realise it’s a literal rodent 😭

    • @RoKer13
      @RoKer13 Рік тому +161

      Yeah is someone gonna tell her there are other girls named Amy too lol

    • @lizalove91
      @lizalove91 Рік тому +152

      Literally. Also it’s a MIDDLE name which is pretty useless

    • @londonmellow
      @londonmellow Рік тому +81

      especially since its a pet not leaving the house. its not a dog thatll come along to places so like why are u bothered by a - like you said A LITERAL rodent. that will only live 2-3 years

    • @basementdwellercosplay
      @basementdwellercosplay Рік тому +60

      If this happened in my family it would be a funny story
      "Oh sweetie did i tell you we named you after your sister's pet rat!"

    • @Sonnen_Licht
      @Sonnen_Licht Рік тому +30

      Amy's not even a unique or special name lol just pick another name for your daughter and let the literal kid name his pet

  • @catarinapires9864
    @catarinapires9864 Рік тому +220

    Hi! I’m just wanted to comment on the app of the first AITA post. At least in Europe there is a relatively known app that works like that which is called Too Good To Go, and I also use it every once in a while to get a cheap dinner if I don’t have a lot of groceries at home. Honestly I really like it, you get about 3 times the value of what you pay (like the post said), and a lot of restaurants, bakeries, and even supermarkets take part in it. The left overs are not food that was left on the plate 😅 it’s just food they had prepared to be sold that day but wasn’t, and since they cannot keep it for the next day, this way it is still not wasted.

    • @archlily4697
      @archlily4697 Рік тому +14

      Yes, I've also seen a bunch of packs made up from what was left at all you can eat buffets on too good to go.

    • @redblacklife
      @redblacklife Рік тому +19

      Yep, that's prob the app he used. Timing is just inconvenient and hit or miss in NYC unless you are in busy areas.

    • @mignonhagemeijer3726
      @mignonhagemeijer3726 Рік тому +7

      I love too good to go as a student. I buy stuff from a bakery ones in a while, put everything in the fridge or be creative and I'm good to go for a few months for no money at all!

    • @paigetardif2606
      @paigetardif2606 Рік тому +5

      Yes we have Too Good To Go here in Canada too! I love it! I especially like getting bags from bakeries or more specialty shops since you have a better idea of what kind of things you’ll get

    • @AlexaFaie
      @AlexaFaie Рік тому +2

      I love that its a thing over here too. Its not something I could use myself with my dietary needs, but I love that the option is there to help minimise food wastage.

  • @emilyjohnson-lerch3847
    @emilyjohnson-lerch3847 Рік тому +195

    hamsters only live an average of 3 years, so that's such a non issue 🤣🤣

    • @biteofdog
      @biteofdog Рік тому +20

      Also it makes for a cute story about the name years later.

  • @nupurnupur4764
    @nupurnupur4764 Рік тому +268

    I love how unhinged Cristine is in this episode 😂

    • @hapsate
      @hapsate Рік тому +4

      I live Cristine all the time :)

    • @Pastadudde
      @Pastadudde Рік тому +18

      "KILL HIM" lol

  • @babgirl4
    @babgirl4 Рік тому +52

    My German immigrant grandma spent holidays cooking and expected my mom too as well. When the food was done it was customary for the men to eat first. My amazing mom chipped away at this year after year! I remember her shoving me to the table when I was little saying things like, "The kids are hungry, time to feed them!" She helped in the kitchen to be kind untilllll a misogynistic comment came from one of the men like "Hurry up women, I'm hungry" usually from my grandpa. Then she was DONE! Sit down have a cold drink done! haha

    • @Nonshannonical
      @Nonshannonical Рік тому +13

      This made me think of my own mom. She was the daughter of Austrian immigrants, and definitely dealt with/refused to tolerate a lot of scheiße (much of which was sexism) particularly from my grandmother. My grandmother has always given special treatment to all the boys in the family (which was absolutely something she experienced from her own mother growing up), and while my mom didn’t have any sons, I know she wouldn’t have tolerated playing favorites with her kids because one was born male. Hell, she didn’t tolerate any favoritism with her four daughters, when my grandparents helped my oldest sister out financially, my mom advocated for us all to get similar help when we needed it.

  • @halzrox
    @halzrox Рік тому +109

    In India the gender roles are steeped in that it becomes so difficult to untangle from it, however modern you are. I know a lot of my friends who rejected learning cooking or kitchen activities because it felt forced and the same was not expected of boys.
    When me and my friends moved out, or now living with partners, we did learn cooking, childhood favourites, essentials. It's not that we are not capable of cooking, it's the rejection of the expectation that girls should learn cooking as young as possible but the same is not applied for boys.

    • @mignonhagemeijer3726
      @mignonhagemeijer3726 Рік тому +26

      Also I have to add sometimes it feels like because women are expected to cook most meals it is more of a chore? Then less time and effort is put in it. Especially if you're also working or/and raising children. While men in my area tend to cook at special occasions or on weekends (like my parents in law). So it is more like a hobby or a flanting moment, hence it is generally nicer. So I feel like where I'm from (nl) it's less a active rejection thing, but rather gender roles still infuencing our daily lives.

  • @RealToWonder
    @RealToWonder Рік тому +277

    I was dirt poor during both my undergrad and grad, working 30-60 hours per week on top of going to school full-time. I never had nice clothes or expendable income. That being said, other people spending money frivilously has NOTHING to do with me. If someone wants to go spend $200 on a GUCCI t-shirt, that's on them. It doesn't make me feel any type of way. As long as that person can still feed themselves and isnt asking me for money, then it has nothing to do with me and it would be extremely rude of me to try to tell them to stop.

    • @revsei
      @revsei Рік тому +12


    • @mignonhagemeijer3726
      @mignonhagemeijer3726 Рік тому +8

      For me it is all about the Ethics about how those clothes are made. Those clothes are often made in the same or similar sweatshops. For that price you could try to be more sustainable, support local small busines or made sure there is less horrendous (child) labour practices slavery. I will 100% judge someone and make that (gently) clear when bought up in conversations. And I have started to someone I was sick of them flaunting their money in front of them and asked them to stop, because money (was, hopefully) a extremely stressful topic and someone bragging infront of you isn't nessecarily conducive for a nice chill atmosfeer.
      (Edit: forgive and ignore spelling mistakes, I'm a dyslectic non native speaker after a long hot day)

    • @RealToWonder
      @RealToWonder Рік тому +28

      @@mignonhagemeijer3726 someone bragging about their money is different than someone who is just buying a lot of expensive clothes and wearing them. Also, tbh, there are so many evils in the world we accidentally contribute to. From food grown from the hands of exploited workers to living in houses built by companies who turn around and tear more land away from established communities. It's nigh impossible to live a life completely free from harm. Besides, the clothes in Walmart are often made just as unsustainably as the clothes from Gucci. As long as the purchaser gets proper use out of them and gives them a new life when they're done, thats the most I'd ever ask of someone. Personally, I dont like these high-end brands and the "luxury" lifestyle influencers bc of the bullying and harm that tends to accompany it, but if this person isn't engaging in that, then I dont think they're doing anything wrong. I'm not going to heckle someone for buying Prada in the same way I'm not going to heckle someone who eats meat (I'm a vegetarian). We all have different battles we choose to fight. Fast fashion and luxury labels just might not be everyone's battle and that's okay. Life is long and hard. We don't need to make it harder on ourselves.

    • @nailsarelife
      @nailsarelife Рік тому +10

      It's, honestly, no one's business who buys what. I know I don't care what people do with their money. Yeah, there are ethics issues, but pointing that out isn't really going to change anything for most people because we all already know about sweatshops. It's like a vegan forcing their views on other people. Everyone is aware of what animals go through, but if somebody wants a burger, someone yelling at them for being cruel to animals isn't going to do much except make them buy two just to be a d*ck. Back to the story, though. The OP is just jealous and cares way too much about what other people do.

    • @vida2459
      @vida2459 Рік тому +2

      It’s like saying you’re dumb and unethical for shopping at the mall instead of Goodwill. We’re all overspending compared to someone else. If it offends you, it’s your problem.

  • @holonurse2497
    @holonurse2497 Рік тому +84

    I knew it was going to be a good episode when Cristine started with "we're looking at assholes". 😂

    • @909rasa
      @909rasa Рік тому +2

      The best intro ever 🤣

    • @kayenjee
      @kayenjee Рік тому

      Just her and the Super Simps looking at assholes

  • @lynnevetter
    @lynnevetter Рік тому +102

    Holy Hell! That guy has some nerve calling his wife the ah when he dumped their family member (pet) in the middle of nowhere!! I'd have serious concerns about the marriage after that. Yikes!

    • @SweetSauce2023
      @SweetSauce2023 Рік тому +4


    • @alis.b.4631
      @alis.b.4631 Рік тому +11

      it's manipulative behavior.

    • @rebeccaroberts8120
      @rebeccaroberts8120 Рік тому +11

      AND his 7 year old - disgusting morals.

    • @bottomofastairwell
      @bottomofastairwell Рік тому +2

      Serious concerns? For me that's grounds for divorce. I'm sorry, but just no. Nope, that's fine evil crap. I'm done

    • @lynnevetter
      @lynnevetter Рік тому

      @@bottomofastairwell well yeah, no doubt. But I couldn't want to tell a stranger online to get divorced. It feels icky. But for myself. Yeah, NOT gonna work. Lol

  • @lev4392
    @lev4392 Рік тому +14

    When I was younger I definitely refused to learn to cook for a “rejection of societal expectations” but then I realized how limiting not knowing basic life skills is. And it became very important for me to learn and be a self sufficient, full person. That said my (male) s.o. Is a much more talented chef then me. I think it’s the difference between doing something because you have to and doing something because you enjoy it.

  • @adoresessy101
    @adoresessy101 Рік тому +15

    Cristine yelling MURDER!!!! and then Ben saying KILL HIM!!! was SO funny lmao.

  • @michelleb1433
    @michelleb1433 Рік тому +7

    the app regarding the food waste is called Too Good To Go in case anyone's interested! the whole idea of it preventing food waste is that the food leftover at the end of the place's work hours would be thrown out anyways because they can't serve it the next day. so instead of it being thrown out it would be sold at a fraction of the price. i love using it and sometimes you don't luck out but you gotta read the reviews for that mainly because i've overall had a great experience. for example i got a bag from eataly(the italian grocery store here) with $36 worth of breads for $12 and it lasted us a whole month!

  • @whitneyellison
    @whitneyellison Рік тому +4

    As someone who does buy luxury goods, I stay far away from anything covered in the brand’s logos. It just seems tacky to me. Almost like turning a person into a walking billboard.

  • @kiarimarie
    @kiarimarie Рік тому +49

    I get Ben's thoughts on the cooking thing. People should be able to cook for themselves as just a general life skill. I think more young men cook now because they don't have a wife right away to do it and they want to eat nice meals. But a lot of young women (including myself here, at 33) feel less compelled for whatever reason, and don't want to be responsible for cooking dinner. I only started doing it because I quit my job and wanted to feel useful, and then kept doing it so I could be in control of dinner.

    • @nailsarelife
      @nailsarelife Рік тому +2

      I do feel like everyone should learn how to do the basics, at least. Just for sheer survival.

  • @haleyashwood6551
    @haleyashwood6551 Рік тому +12

    My sister-in-law loved the name Sophia for her daughter. However, our cousin has a 13 year old cat named Sophia. She named my niece Sophia anyway & it's all fine. No one gets confused about which Sophia is being discussed & no one is upset about her having the same name as a cat in the family.

  • @rchhcsupernova
    @rchhcsupernova Рік тому +11

    My bf was more exited about barbie than me. We went with his friends, 5 guys and me, it is always nice to know he and his friends are good men.

  • @tchaugn
    @tchaugn Рік тому +27

    You guys got me into AITA reddit and I have been so active over the last year or so lmao I love it. Brings so much insight into other people's lives, how people work, etc.

  • @dd-yl1sh
    @dd-yl1sh Рік тому +48

    My favorite kind of episode🩷

  • @Maggs-lp
    @Maggs-lp Рік тому +74

    If someone ever did that to my dog, I don’t even know what kind of things I would be capable of !! 🔪

    • @mary_catherine2554
      @mary_catherine2554 Рік тому +3

      I have a cat and my boyfriend knows I'd have a stroke if he got outside because he'd run away the moment something scared him. I don't know if I'd shut down or go into a blind rage.

    • @MeowHelloKitty
      @MeowHelloKitty Рік тому +4

      Same! I would totally lose it, and there’d be no question about whether I could stay with such an evil person. No freaking way! I would also press charges.

  • @teamarie123
    @teamarie123 Рік тому +14

    Now I really wanna give any future kids I have the "sonic the hedgehog" as a middle name.

  • @beccajean4418
    @beccajean4418 Рік тому +6

    I have an aunt that loves expensive brands and makes me and my mom feel like she thinks she is better than us because we like things that are not branded.

    • @CoachLouise
      @CoachLouise Рік тому

      I bought this $25 purse on Amazon because it was the right size, color , shape that I liked. Then someone started to gush about me having a designer bag...I guess mine is a knock off. Oh well. Life is strange. 😂 So do they think less of me for owning a knock off or not knowing I had a knock off?😊

  • @yeehaw3000
    @yeehaw3000 Рік тому +31

    Second story in: as someone who doesn’t always look at the screen when I’m watching (I’ll be cleaning or whatever) it’s so bothersome how Ben doesn’t read the full story. The context of why the OP was willing to walk to the bodega mattered, to skip over it just bc you personally don’t think it needs to be included (assuming) is just…odd. When I heard “bla bla bla” it prompted me to look at the screen and read myself and I’m glad I did. Please just take the couple extra seconds to read the full story. That is all. Or just have Christine do the reading. I don’t understand why he does this.
    Edit: also how he didn’t even read op’s last defense just trailed off during the second one “and….yeah”
    Like if you don’t wanna read the stories and are tired and just wanna wrap it up, don’t read them at all. It’s so genuinely strange to me how and why he does this.

    • @jamiebumbaugh
      @jamiebumbaugh Рік тому +4

      omggg it irks me too. he definitely misses out on key stuff a lot. 😭

    • @xxliew
      @xxliew Рік тому +1

      yeah this is why i unsubscribed tbh. haven't watched any of their content in a long time despite loving cristine bc ben is so tiresome.

  • @SarahCbyneedleandthread
    @SarahCbyneedleandthread Рік тому +1

    The leftover food thing is in Canada too. It’s not leftovers from a plate. Its leftover items from the day. Still good to eat. It’s called Too Good to Go and they have it in Ottawa too. I’ve tried some here in GTA. There is an app.

  • @itssmeeagain
    @itssmeeagain Рік тому +1

    The “food waste” is just left over food that was food made that day that would be thrown away. It’s fresh food from the day and no one has touched it, it’s just restaurants and food places want to make new food everyday, so the food unsold and would otherwise be thrown away is being sold at a discounted price to combat food waste

  • @RavensSarora
    @RavensSarora Рік тому +1

    On the smoking thing - I used to have to leave the office to go to another area to work in the building. On the way to the new area, all the smokers would go outside for a last cigarette before beginning the next stage and even though I didn't smoke myself, I'd go too as they were my colleagues and it was on the way down to next location anyway. Then on day I got in trouble for going outside for 5 minutes instead of straight to new location. I said I was at the designated smoking area with all my other colleagues and was told I didn't get the break because I didn't smoke.😂

  • @AshleyBromiley
    @AshleyBromiley Рік тому +2

    The app is called Too Good to Go. I usually use it at bakeries and get all their leftover pastries at the end of the day. A lot of restaurants pre-make a lot of things like soups so if there's leftover at the end of the day, this is a good way for them to sell it so it doesn't go to waste.

  • @EmmaErsblabla
    @EmmaErsblabla Рік тому

    on the discussion about brand names, I have an example of something I see more people being "okay" with being high cost/luxury brands, and I would love to know if this is just my observation or a general thing: glasses/frames!
    I've worn glasses for 20 years now, and every time it's time for new frames, I usually end up with something from Ray Ban, Gucci, Prada, Chanel, etc. This is I think kind of due to the fact that 1) my regular optometrist carries a lot of these brands (however they also carry cheaper ones), but moreso I think 2) their frames look - absolutely - fire. I usually roam around the entire store, picking frames off of each shelf, and I always land on something more high end where I actually feel like I look good and I want to wear them each day, now that I have to wear them to see.
    And generally, when I see people with glasses, I see the same logos from luxury brands. I also live in a city with high cost of living all around the board, so maybe that has something to do with it, but I feel like glasses might be the last category of "accessories" that isn't so stigmatised with "omg what a snob/show off, she's wearing Gucci glasses"
    My personal (maybe controversial) take on the matter: if you like it and can afford it, buy it, wear it. People who worry too much about another person's t-shirt or whatever costing 10x the amount of their own really seem like they might be missing some content in their own lives

  • @radiatamusic
    @radiatamusic Рік тому

    I am mostly situated in the camp that the vast majority of luxury goods are just regular quality things rebranded with a brand name to be more expensive and designed in a very unethical industry and often produced in unethical conditions, and thus should be avoided. The only encounter I have had with luxury that goes against that is a pair of pants I bought from a brand called Yema about 3 years ago. The design on the pants is very unique and interesting, and their brand name is actually relatively small on them, to the point that I didn't really remember until about a year after ownership that the brand name was on the pants at all, and because of their shape and the way they fit, I have worn them three or four times a week every single week since I purchased them. I really like how the leg grows consistently larger as it goes down so it has a very flowy light feeling, and I also like that they actually fit me. They are intended to be high waisted but because of my weird proportions and my height, they fall perfectly to the floor if I wear them on my hips like regular pants. While my stance has mostly remained the same after owning them, I have come to know that this is a type of subject that can have some nuance. the way I recommend for people to look at things is to think about how much you would wear it compared to how much it costs, and if the quality of those materials affects how much that value changes. For example, there are pants made with similar materials to the designer pants i own, but they don't fit me as well and don't have that same shape so not only would I desire to wear them less, but the lack of a good quality fit would cause them to wear faster, so even though the designer pants are way more expensive, they end up having a better ratio of cost to use for me. A Gucci t-shirt however, would not end up the same way. It's going to fit basically the same and be made of basically the same materials as a much cheaper t-shirt from a store like Target, so as a result, the cost to use ratio makes no sense for the Gucci t-shirt, and the target t-shirt is the more reasonable price point.

  • @daisymae3717
    @daisymae3717 Рік тому +2

    On luxury goods, there is two ways it can go. One way is the product is expensive because it’s high quality and a unique design and in that case it’s understandable. On the other hand lots of luxury items are made in the same sweatshops as fast fashion and just have a logo slapped onto them and that is frustrating. I can’t afford it either way but I don’t get angry if other people spend their money on it.
    Now as for nail polish (makeup too) while I love affordable drugstore products I’m way more likely to spend a little more money on a quality indi product than a luxury brand.

    • @tamsel814
      @tamsel814 Рік тому

      Exactly, as a child I wore relatively expensive jeans that had a logo on them. Not because I cared about the brands, but simply because I had a very unusual body type and this was the cheapest brand that had pants that fit me. Sometimes the quality of the item or your own circumstances are worth spending the extra money.

  • @maddalenaranieridare
    @maddalenaranieridare Рік тому

    in italy we have a similar app (it's not italian but i don't know where it's from) it's called "too good to go" and basically by selecting the restaurant you already know the type of food you can get. And it's not leftover from someone else, it's food that's gonna go to waste at the end of the day because it wasn't sold. Also supermarkets do this but with food that's about to expire.

  • @itscthuwu5125
    @itscthuwu5125 Рік тому +1

    $36 is like half an egg white in the US at this point.

  • @kbrown5523
    @kbrown5523 Рік тому +1

    My experience with smoke breaks was that smokers took their legally allowed breaks, but non-smokers often didn't take breaks at all. I always thought that that was weird. I've never had a job where smokers could just go take a break every 40-60 minutes. For context, I'm 57 years old and had jobs where you could actually smoke on the job, no need to even go on a break to have a smoke.

  • @SocksPropaganda
    @SocksPropaganda 6 місяців тому +1

    I looked up more comments from wife of the dog ditcher, good news is that she said she's piling up evidence to get a divorce and she seems 100% confident about leaving him!! She said it's not the first weird brazen thing he's done. So happy for her to leave him!

  • @uribove
    @uribove Рік тому

    Some more insight into the food app. My best guess is that it's "Too good to Go" and as somebody who applied for a coordinating job at TGTG I can tell you it is perfectly clean fresh food! (I didn't get the job so not sponsored)
    The way it works is: restaurants and food stands make predictions of how much they will sell based on previous data from the same week the last year and the last few weeks. If they overshoot those predictions the food must be thrown out at the end of the day because it's not allowed to be sold the next day because it will be too old, but that evening it is perfectly fine to eat and sell. To avoid having to throw it out at the end of service they use the app to either sell it at a 30 to 50% discount where you can pick and choose or even cheaper in a surprise bag format like in the post

  • @char_fenton
    @char_fenton Рік тому

    i've been in that same situation as the delta flight. same airline. it was an international layover, as ben speculated. they offered 500 first, then 1000, then 2000 and people finally took it. and it was just plain old money, not vouchers. the only reason i didnt was bc i was travelling alone as a woman, and had checked a bag already, so i didn't know how that would go. i also just wanted to get home. and the flight was already basically a red eye. it wasn't going to be cancelled though, just overbooked. i almost immediately regretted not taking it. i didn't realize we'd probably also get a hotel, my arriving airport could have held my checked bag, and was picturing myself having to stay alert/safe all night in the airport. RIP to the 2000 i coulda spent on holo taco amiright???

  • @briemme
    @briemme Рік тому +7

    Hard agree on the harmful heteronormativity take! Also, Cristine, I like your earrings

  • @laceycoenen1534
    @laceycoenen1534 Рік тому

    I think this is the first Tuesday I've listened to this podcast AND had tacos for dinner!

  • @Boops_a_leaf
    @Boops_a_leaf Рік тому

    My mom worked with HER BOSS who did that. She gave up and started taking her own. She would say SMOKE BREAK and just do nothing for5 mns

  • @marvahinspace
    @marvahinspace Рік тому +1

    36 dollars of BBQ in west village, NYC is usually like one person meal not sht load of BBQ.

  • @lost-my-way
    @lost-my-way 10 місяців тому

    The husband that left the dog -- calling his SEVEN year old an asshole too?? What the actual heeeeell. I would be terrified of this man and having him anywhere near my child. I hope she left him and took full custody of their daughter.

  • @marianeculek3261
    @marianeculek3261 Рік тому

    I lovvvve listening to you two. I am 52 and, honestly, am surprised how "adult" you both are on topics. I haven't been able to listen for a long time and have totally missed you❤

  • @damienberry974
    @damienberry974 Рік тому +1

    2000$ is literally what i make in a month for a GOOD work month, i would ABSOLUTELY take that 2000$ over coming home on schedule because that would give me a decent padding for my rent, groceries and utilities or give me the ability to take my partner on a nice date instead of what we always do which is stay inside and watch netflix. not to mention my partner is a decent enough person that he would tell me "oh sweet! you can put that towards so many things you needed to do!"

  • @kati_ichigo
    @kati_ichigo Рік тому

    for the buying clothes one; it’s so obvious, to me at least, that no one in the post is working class lol this is the most london uni middle class issue i’ve ever heard. the lesser off people that op is saying “feel bad just by seeing someone wearing a designer shirt” probably don’t care that someone’s wearing a designer shirt at all, because they have way bigger issues to worry about like paying their bills or where they’ll get their next meal.
    i think that op could’ve approached this differently; there’s definitely a conversation to be had on how OPs friend should be more responsible with money, or how he’s buying into consumerist ideas. i think it’s a bit weird that op is trying to use working class students at their uni to take down their friend for a personal jealousy. instead, he could say something like “do you need all those clothes? maybe you should donate stuff you don’t wear as much, some people could really benefit from it” or “i’m worried about your spending habits, maybe you should pause on buying more clothes for today?”

  • @Anaid999
    @Anaid999 Рік тому +3

    Amy is the name of the pink hedgehog in sonic lol

  • @KamisKisses
    @KamisKisses Рік тому

    It's the older staff (particularly middle management "supervisors"), that usually track people's breaks. The stories I could tell.
    The man who threw away the dog should be in jail, I hope the wife leaves his ass because this is at the very least emotional abuse and manipulation. He can treat a living being like that?! Dude your kid isnt safe with him.

  • @kxblondie7483
    @kxblondie7483 Рік тому

    Incase anyone was wondering in the UK the food wastage app is called too good to go 😊

  • @nailsarelife
    @nailsarelife Рік тому +2

    Break Times: Just don't f*cking time other people's breaks or count how many they take. It's none of your business. If the higher ups have a problem, they can talk with whoever. OP was just immature in how he handled the co-worker's actions. Everybody Sucks.
    Sharing Food: I've heard this on another channel. It was worded differently on the other post, but I get the feeling she just couldn't afford to get something else. Maybe she was too embarrassed. In the other post, it sounded like her gave her options for spending her own money but he'd go buy her a granola bar. I dunno. He was harsh, but she had soup. It would be different, in my mind, if she had nothing. That's the risk you take in buying the surprise bags. If you're not willing to eat whatever you may get, don't buy them. Everybody Sucks here, too.
    An Amy By Any Other Name: Why is it a big deal? It's just a hamster. Mom is NTA.
    Dashcam Snooper: I'm not a snooper, and I don't usually condone snooping. However, he was acting pretty suspicious. Also, it feels like he wanted to get caught, at least on a subconscious level. Assuming he doesn't have 360° of camera angles on his vehicle, he probably could've done that out of the camera's view. Everybody Sucks, especially the husband.
    Sexist Family Tradition: Make a change. Get together with the ones who don't uphold the "tradition." Eventually, it'll die off anyway. This could make it happen sooner. 🤷 Also, yeah. Just stand up for her if they call her names and stuff. If you disagree with what is going on, start making an attempt to change things.
    No Branded Products: I, literally, don't care what other people buy for themselves. OP is creepy. He's jealous and cares way too much about what his "friend" butts with his own money. OP is the AH.
    Cash or Flight: I mean, to be fair, he said twice it looked like the flight would be cancelled. He also said that it did get cancelled. So, he would've been late either way. May as well make a few bucks and stay at a hotel for free while waiting for the next available flight. She's in a depressed state and is likely not reacting the same way she would if she wasn't in that state. I feel like he was justified in taking the deal. I hope they were able to talk it out. NTA
    Barbie Breakup: It sounds to me like it was a long time coming. I know absolutely nothing about the Barbie movie because I am avoiding it. It was shoved in my face for weeks, and I just can't handle much of anything related to it right now. Besides that, she had, obviously, been hoping he would get some sort of epiphany after watching it, but I guess it wounded his ego or something. Also, she's definitely more upset that he got petty and took sh*t than she is about the actual breakup. But yeah, it sounds like he isn't much of a catch anyway. Too much Andrew Tate, maybe? Anyway, NTA.

  • @ishouldbeworking9800
    @ishouldbeworking9800 Рік тому +1

    We have a similar pickup food app in Canada. It's called Too Good to Go

  • @H3lianthus
    @H3lianthus Рік тому

    I love how Cristine adopted the album names ideas mood ;D

  • @sammymullins2014
    @sammymullins2014 Рік тому +2

    My husbands job will not hire you if you test positive for nicotine on your drug test

  • @mcafeex311
    @mcafeex311 Рік тому

    @13:00 as I sit here eating my LUNCH, a bowl of chicken noodle soup lol

  • @SelfxMade32
    @SelfxMade32 Рік тому

    If a partner did that to my dog, I'm getting life in prison.

  • @hailyjohnson407
    @hailyjohnson407 Рік тому

    For the dinner one, I think if it was that they each chose and ordered their own food and she didnt want hers and wanted his instead, then she would be in the wrong for asking. In this case since it sounds like it wasnt just enough for one meal but that it was multiple portions at a discounted price, im more torn. Im very picky so I would probably never use a service like that unless it was at a restaurant that I liked more than 80% of the menu. But I think if my partner and I both ordered from a service like this and we each ordered from a different restaurant, I think it would be fair to split it if one of us got something we didnt like. Its still cheaper in the end than buying two meals you specifically wanted, from the sounds of it. But also, she did turn down the offer for him to get her a barbeque grab bag thing of her own, so I see where hes coming from.

  • @ceciliaalexander8881
    @ceciliaalexander8881 Рік тому

    Im sorry vut this Lululemon story at the end has me DYING 😂

  • @xoxoRonniexoxo
    @xoxoRonniexoxo Рік тому +1

    As soon as I saw your middle name was Raquel I thought of Raquel Welch…. But I only know that from watching too much Seinfeld

  • @cheyennedallman2085
    @cheyennedallman2085 Рік тому

    Instant divorce for abandoning the dog, how could you do that???

  • @shellfx3542
    @shellfx3542 Рік тому

    Cris woke up and chose violence 😂 laughed so hard this episode

  • @TamHuynh-xj6jn
    @TamHuynh-xj6jn Рік тому

    37:00 Don't stop the accent. That was amazing!!

  • @LilithJenovax
    @LilithJenovax Рік тому

    I love Ben's take on album names

  • @breanna8612
    @breanna8612 Рік тому

    Ben is killing me today 😂

  • @urtelamsodyte
    @urtelamsodyte Рік тому

    We have a similar app called too good to go, and where I live it is mainly baked goods like bread pastry and you can by a whole bag worth for practically nothing because they have to throw out baked goods any the end of the day anyways so why not sell it for a discount

  • @notmandy
    @notmandy Рік тому

    2000 dollars can definitely buy me out of temporary semi depression

  • @EVISims
    @EVISims Рік тому

    I'd say hummus is also one where Ben spends a lot of money on haha

  • @Purplepotion
    @Purplepotion Рік тому

    The man that dropped the dog is a stereotypical narcissistic personality disorder case... wtf. They usually get jealous of their own children or partners pet cause they don't get the same attention and they want to compete with them... then they gaslight you and lie and then make you feel like the abuser and them the victim and manage to manipulate you to feel bad and apologise...

  • @Lentilchips
    @Lentilchips Рік тому

    Omg the stolen hoodie comeback 😂

  • @ArielCam
    @ArielCam Рік тому

    The hamster one made me laugh. If that’s not pregnancy hormones I don’t know what is.😂

  • @nataliatc1
    @nataliatc1 Рік тому

    Its insane how someone can be so right and so wrong about things in the same topic. And its so real how two intelligent people who actually use logic can be so far apart in their opinions about some other things, each of you with good reason in favor and some bad one against it. And what its healthy its that you know ehat to handle these conversation, but of course there is room for improvement in the ways that you (and everyone ) disagree with each other. Sometimes your opinions are nuch closer together than you think, language is a blessing but it has a limit and that is where some disagreements lay, in the not being able to fully express or to understand, at least to a higher level, what the other person is saying.

  • @Ariha011
    @Ariha011 Рік тому

    There’s so many Holo Taco polishes I want but I wanna wait til a sale, will the next sale be Black Friday/holiday season?

  • @RitualCat
    @RitualCat Рік тому

    If a person that I love and trust, like a husband, did that to my dog, oh there would be violence

  • @Edgygamertags
    @Edgygamertags Рік тому +1

    Pleasantly surprised by the notification 🤠💚
    Happy to see y’all

  • @lizalove91
    @lizalove91 Рік тому

    We have that food app in Chicago and one time we got a bunch of caramels from a chocolate shop and a bunch of buns from an Asian bakery for super cheap

  • @lyssalee8563
    @lyssalee8563 Рік тому +3

    "You can call a lady hamster Sonic."

  • @allurajane4979
    @allurajane4979 Рік тому

    the fact that he took the time to go all the way to another state to abandon this dog because he hated it that much is crazzyyyy

  • @ddos87
    @ddos87 Рік тому

    keeping it 100 though, Lululemon lasts forever. there is a cost barrier but it is long term way less expensive than cheaper clothes that dont last as long. i have articles of clothing from five years ago and it looks brand new. tell me what article of clothing of any brand like that? honestly, tell me because i would like to consider their clothes as well.

  • @christinathea5737
    @christinathea5737 Рік тому

    I weirdly resonate with the last AITA. Problem is Ive been living w my bf for 4 yrs and i have (no money) no where else to go and we got a cat (soon 2nd cat) and Ive grown emotionally dependent to him. I just started out in the whole 9-5 adult life...
    Barbie really put me through a whole rollercoaster of emotions

    • @jer9grant
      @jer9grant Рік тому +1

      I hope you stay safe and are able to move in either with a good friend or a supportive partner.

  • @jesslikescoffee24
    @jesslikescoffee24 Рік тому +5

    The solution to the gf participating in the sexist kitchen tradtion is malicious incompetence. Just be so bad and useless that the other women get annoyed and just tell her to sit out.

  • @troll5725
    @troll5725 Рік тому

    For the guy and girlfriend cooking fiasco. If his family are this bad and you're old enough to have a serious girlfriend, perhaps you need to set some boundaries with your family. Even if they're not said out loud, distancing yourself by missing these events yourself, it won't seem so bad if your girlfriend doesn't go. And then only meet certain members alone with your girlfriend because there would be no group that needs food prep.

  • @Priya-ti4fe
    @Priya-ti4fe Рік тому

    Petition for Cristine to speak in British all the time

  • @LoveableNiki
    @LoveableNiki Рік тому

    Barbecue: I understand where OP is coning from because I love food. However, I could not imagine doing this to my SO. Well, I could years ago...but SO is always sharing food with me. So I, in turn, could not fathom not sharing with SO. In addition, OP makes more than GF. OP could have ordered food from another place, and they share the barbecue and the additional food. Seems kinda mean on OP's part.
    Definitely agree if this was a coworker...too bad, so sad.

  • @Nina-hf5jj
    @Nina-hf5jj Рік тому

    34:35 cris: “wait is this fucking play about us”

  • @bhelliom3
    @bhelliom3 Рік тому

    The audacity to ask someone to stop wearing the clothes they want to wear because you can’t afford it is just *blowing my mind*. I exclusively thrift for my clothes and when people ask me where I got my vintage pieces I’m excited to tell them because I love demonstrating that you can find high quality goods secondhand, but I would never dream of shaming someone for buying shit they can afford just because I can’t. If I had the money every company I support would be “ethical” as far as they can be in this capitalist Hellscape, so my shit would be expensive because they’re paying their employees more than a living wage and source their materials from farms and factories that do the same. I’m fairly sure the brands this dude is supporting aren’t vetted like how I vet my clothing brands (maybe, who knows), but that doesn’t change the fact that it’s his money, and unless he was supporting a human trafficking ring I really couldn’t care less how he spends it. I’m not gonna stress myself out and make my life shorter caring about someone who isn’t really hurting anyone. If they’re hurt by his choices then they need to do some self-work and learn to focus on how *they* live their life instead of trying to control people around them.

  • @themustar601
    @themustar601 Рік тому +1

    You abandoned our elderly dog in a field? Then called me pretending to be upset about it?! Out. Get out before you become a bad smell in the shed.

  • @JoannaMae1
    @JoannaMae1 Рік тому +946

    The way I would divorce the husband in the dog story SO FAST. My jaw dropped!

    • @alis.b.4631
      @alis.b.4631 Рік тому +46

      right? poor dog could have died.

    • @mary_catherine2554
      @mary_catherine2554 Рік тому +44

      Same!! I didn't realize how this would be the number one deal breaker for me until I heard this story. I would have said watch me choose the dog as I walked out to pick it up and never looked back.

    • @MeowHelloKitty
      @MeowHelloKitty Рік тому +38

      Yeah, that was pure evil. I would be absolutely heartbroken if my dog disappeared! 💔😭 I would definitely lose it if someone did that to my fur baby. You would be dead to me. I feel like he should be arrested for doing that. How traumatic for the poor little senior dog, plus it could have easily died. That was SO WRONG and he should face consequences!

    • @nattcattt
      @nattcattt Рік тому +20

      That story was insane. Grounds for divorce certainly

    • @WYIN98
      @WYIN98 Рік тому +22

      And it was a SENIOR DOG, wtf

  • @nicolenurczyk1595
    @nicolenurczyk1595 Рік тому +1157

    Divorce the husband who left the dog, and press charges for animal cruelty. How could you ever live with that monster again after that.

    • @marianneconverse4824
      @marianneconverse4824 Рік тому +125

      I love how Ben suggested that was an instant divorce, and Simply went straight to criminal charges. Yes, kick him out of your life AND lock him up.

    • @rinniroo
      @rinniroo Рік тому +45

      I don’t even know how he could live with himself after that! But I guess monsters are gonna monster. I’m glad they got their dog back but man, what a betrayal. 😢

    • @b.c.9358
      @b.c.9358 Рік тому +56

      Apparently OP was looking for a lawyer and doesn't trust him anymore.

    • @emma199307
      @emma199307 Рік тому +28

      @@b.c.9358I don’t blame her, I wouldn’t trust him either.

    • @kimpearson496
      @kimpearson496 Рік тому +25

      It's obvious that she is in a abusive relationship she needs to get out

  • @is_just_diana
    @is_just_diana Рік тому +648

    I love how Crirtine choose violence today LOL

    • @milla4898
      @milla4898 Рік тому +58

      The threatening whisper of “put poison in the food” made me do a double take 😂

    • @Pastadudde
      @Pastadudde Рік тому +24

      she must have seen the (good-natured) comments on previous AITA podcast episodes about her not really picking a side maybe. so she went, "you want SimplyNotNiceLogical? I'll give you SimplyNotNiceLogical" lol

    • @ania5038
      @ania5038 11 місяців тому

      I would choose violence too if someone did that to my fur babies!

  • @melonaise
    @melonaise Рік тому +538

    Everyone should be allowed to take a 5-10 minute walk every couple hours. It's good for your body and mind. Doesn't matter if you're smoking, walking, chatting with a friend. As long as you get your hours in and your work done!

    • @peacechickification
      @peacechickification Рік тому +91

      As a former smoker, the fact that this seems to be a radical notion blows my mind. As smoking goes down we shouldn’t be removing breaks, we should be encouraging similar breaks just for everyone.

    • @h33-q8w
      @h33-q8w Рік тому +32

      That's the thing. You can take 5 or 10 minute breaks even if you don't smoke. It's just that smokers have an internal alarm that goes off. People who don't smoke dont have that, but they can still get up and go out or get a snack or something. It's their own fault for getting butthurt if they don't take advantage 😅

    • @sabinajoh
      @sabinajoh Рік тому +18

      @@h33-q8w So you're not working at a place where bathroom breaks are punished?

    • @youtopea
      @youtopea Рік тому +5

      ​@@sabinajohI mean, op isn't, his post stated the company doesn't care about that, so I don't see why that's all that relevant

    • @pomegranate818
      @pomegranate818 Рік тому

      ​@@h33-q8wmost jobs actually don't allow this. i wish they did, it seems like a much healthier & more comfortable work environment.
      where i live some places award extra holiday days to non-smokers to both encourage people to quit smoking & to reward all that extra working time non-smokers have done over the year (usually 2-3 extra holiday days).

  • @SweetSauce2023
    @SweetSauce2023 Рік тому +587

    About the gf cooking for the whole family. It is a test of if the new gf is submissive or not. It's a test to see if the older man can push her boundaries. Those people have misogyny written all over their bodies, and it is wrong for that OP trying to push her gf to do that.

    • @madebymarian
      @madebymarian Рік тому +77

      ​@@SavantAudiosurfI see your argument, but women can also be sexist when they have internalised it. So the fact that it comes from women (which is not the way I interpreted the post) does not change things.

    • @nailsarelife
      @nailsarelife Рік тому +36

      It seems like there's been a similar story in one of the earlier podcasts, and in that one, the women were definitely the ones ostracizing any other woman who didn't help cook. It's internalized misogyny, and the newer generations need to take a stand no matter who's calling the shots, so to speak.

    • @Angel-ts8rc
      @Angel-ts8rc Рік тому

      It’s dangerous, and the consequences of living in a patriarchy. It’s also stupid, cooking is not feminine or submissive

    • @hashtagmate
      @hashtagmate Рік тому +13

      It was really annoying to hear ben defend that it literally *IS* that deep

    • @beevie4081
      @beevie4081 Рік тому +1

      Maybe they could host a second family feast with the roles reversed. That way the women at the grandpa's estate can blast their music, learn new cooking techniques, and get to know each other with full knowledge that next month they'll be waited on. There are nice aspects to cooking together to build family bonds.

  • @me_ggg_an
    @me_ggg_an Рік тому +158

    I have never seen Ben look happier than when he talked about naming his hypothetical child's middle name, Sonic the Hedgehog. 🤣😂

  • @zo4196
    @zo4196 Рік тому +195

    Just want to underline how traumatising it was for the husband to the elderly doggo on the dog themselves. They're loving creatures, and abandonment can have extreme emotional ramifications on dogs and other pets just like with humans

    • @biteofdog
      @biteofdog Рік тому +25

      Abandonment is just evil in general, I hear about animals being dumped and it's depressing.

  • @eltk_
    @eltk_ Рік тому +201

    That poor dog is approaching the last few years of life and that sick man ABANDONED IT IN A FIELD? BECAUSE IT LIKES TO SIT IN HIS LAP? The fact that he yelled fetch as a distraction to drive off!! Thank goodness she was brought to a shelter but imagine what a traumatizing experience that must be. And she very well could have been injured or killed out there.
    Kick that guy out of the house. Abandon him in a field out of state.

    • @MeowHelloKitty
      @MeowHelloKitty Рік тому +10

      Amen! Pure evil! 😭🤬

    • @revsei
      @revsei Рік тому +14

      That story pissed me off so much!!!! I hope she divorces him. UGH

    • @chatnoir9038
      @chatnoir9038 Рік тому +9

      To think how that poor dog trusted and loved him... For him to betray her like that 😞 Absolutely unconscionable. I hope he isn't let near that dog ever again.

    • @AriannaGi
      @AriannaGi Рік тому +3

      That made me think of the movie Strays and that man deserves the ending to the guy in Strays 👀💩

  • @jessicafarewell5429
    @jessicafarewell5429 Рік тому +124

    I used to have a foster dog who was named Arlo. My brother also named his new son Arlo. We thought it was funny, end of story lol.

  • @Petitfleur_
    @Petitfleur_ Рік тому +236

    Since I don’t see any comments mentioning it, Amy Rose is Sonic’s… love interest? Ish? Anyway she’s the main female character from the Sonic franchise so I assume that’s why the son decided to name her Amy instead of Sonic 15:00 🦔

    • @leahgroess5361
      @leahgroess5361 Рік тому +40

      Exactly this, and even more reason that the kid would be upset to have to rename it, it already IS a different Sonic character!

    • @STRcircaFKR
      @STRcircaFKR Рік тому +4

      Ooooh ty for the context

    • @Holonessie
      @Holonessie Рік тому +43

      They could tell the sister-in-law that - even if the kid renames his hamster her baby will still share a name with an animated hedgehog 🤷🏼‍♀️😂

  • @mossthebryophyter
    @mossthebryophyter Рік тому +320

    I've been hearing about women using the Barbie movie as a litmus test for the men that they date and she's truly better off without that guy. Imagine thinkint it's sane to steal half of all the blankets, all the batteries, the phone chargers and also ignore any messages from concerned family and friend

    • @biteofdog
      @biteofdog Рік тому +68

      It's bizarre behavior for sure, but I'm glad they broke up, he sounded immature and insecure. Also, the whole outrage over the Barbie movie from the manosphere guys is so sad to see, it shows how lonely and miserable they are, I hope it is a good push for some of those guys to realize how detached they are from reality. Life is all about learning about yourself, having passions/hobbies, being around great people, and feeling comfortable about yourself with all the life experiences you have whether you are a male or female. If something doesn't work out, it's not the end of the world, it's just time for a new wonderful chapter in your life.

  • @somethinunameit637
    @somethinunameit637 Рік тому +235

    Sexist family tradition: I think it's incredibly rude and off putting that the first time OP's gf meets the family they expect her to do chores. Like what?

    • @bladepanthera
      @bladepanthera Рік тому +12

      Yeah I found that weird, if anything I'd expect people who've been around the longest to do the work! Not that that is right either, mind you. Chores should be distributed fairly, or at least juggled around groups over a series of events. Too many times my grandmother has been relegated to the kitchen whilst the rest of the family sit on their arses.

    • @nailsarelife
      @nailsarelife Рік тому +16

      I love to cook, but I wouldn't want to be part of that family. He can kick rocks if he's unwilling to help take a stand against that crap.

    • @Angel-ts8rc
      @Angel-ts8rc Рік тому +5

      It’s not just rude, it’s dangerous!!

    • @DeviBuster
      @DeviBuster Рік тому +2

      It's such a horrible tradition, and expecting someone to not only cook at someone else's house but to also expect her to do so the first time she meets the family?? I wouldn't go either!

  • @shannonfallon668
    @shannonfallon668 Рік тому +701

    About the family where all the women "need" to cook for the men: The hunting example isn't really a fair comparison. The problem in the Reddit Story is not about having to go through an unpleasant or morally objectionable task, it's about allowing yourself to be "put in your place". A man who is forced to go hunting despite moral oppositions would definitely have something to complain about, but no one is going to see him as being lesser than the women in his life because of it.
    In this situation, where the women are forced to serve the men because they are women and are ostracized if they refuse, it is NOT about the activity of cooking. It's about men believing women should serve them, and it's about those same men punishing any woman who will not accept that role for herself. If the girlfriend goes along with this tradition, the "good first impression" of her will be that she is willing to be subservient to the men who want her to be so. And that is going to last long after the meal is over.
    I agree with Cristine that the male poster in this situation should go cook with the women to stir things up, and I think he should do so even if his girlfriend doesn't come with him. That would make a statement to the family that he sees women as equals and that he's refusing to go along with sexist traditions any longer. He should also apologize to his girlfriend for trying to make her go along with this in the first place.

    • @shannonfallon668
      @shannonfallon668 Рік тому +58

      @@SavantAudiosurf Yes, that's very true. It's quite possible many of the women in the family are sexist as well. But it's unclear to me if others believe it's wrong but are just unwilling to take a stand. On second thought that could be true of some of the men, but I suspected it more of the women since it's stated that some of them do refuse to cook (the ones who are able to "get away with it").

    • @SurprisedPikacheesecake
      @SurprisedPikacheesecake Рік тому +32

      just throwing it out there that men do get ragged on for not "manning up" all the time and i could totally see a guy being knocked down a couple pegs for refusing to hunt in a hypothetical situation where it's a family tradition among the men.

    • @shannonfallon668
      @shannonfallon668 Рік тому +85

      @@SurprisedPikacheesecake That's very true, but it's still different. Being told to "man up" is forcing someone to meet a certain gender norm, but it isn't forcing someone into a submissive role.

    • @thefatefish
      @thefatefish Рік тому +27

      You put into words what I think is sometimes so difficult to describe, great comment

    • @qest6889
      @qest6889 Рік тому +6

      @@SavantAudiosurf demand someone cooks to bond sounds insane/counter productive. why would bf push for it which this is about if he is the ahole, so that's irrelevant.

  • @BubbleBas
    @BubbleBas Рік тому +196

    The sudden poetic twist of "So furious was I" to convey a petty quarrel was so hilariously out of place, that it had me im stitches 💀

    • @elan825
      @elan825 Рік тому +8

      Maybe OP is German, that sentence structure makes 100% sense in German, even colloquially.

    • @chatnoir9038
      @chatnoir9038 Рік тому

      ​@@elan825I thought so too!

    • @helenaap2042
      @helenaap2042 Рік тому +2

      @@elan825that DOES sound a lot like a dispute germans would have

  • @eceiren
    @eceiren Рік тому +75

    Why isn’t anyone talking about how GOOD Cristine looks 😭💙💙💙