  • Опубліковано 18 гру 2024


  • @BunnyFuFuuGaming
    @BunnyFuFuuGaming  4 роки тому +34


    • @ZayNJay-x1o
      @ZayNJay-x1o 4 роки тому

      BunnyFuFuu Gaming always lose,not like you video

    • @justingamboa4692
      @justingamboa4692 4 роки тому +2

      Bunnz can you ran mech pilot and have a two garen and do not turn it a 3 stars thats why you have a 2 garens

    • @jayrbalandra9734
      @jayrbalandra9734 4 роки тому

      Bunny whats the app/script on TFT again? with the items and everything..... i forgot I'm sorry T_T

    • @levins3353
      @levins3353 4 роки тому

      Bunnnyyyyyyy i really wanted your pc giveawaaay. im from PHI.

    • @azd6364
      @azd6364 4 роки тому

      eeh idk

  • @davrlegm3578
    @davrlegm3578 4 роки тому +41

    5:12 Thank you Mr Editor

  • @amvz_d_6708
    @amvz_d_6708 4 роки тому +69

    He doesn't know how to play the game btw... He's just insanely lucky in his videos...

    • @ethanlawrence8905
      @ethanlawrence8905 4 роки тому +1


    • @pabloreich7760
      @pabloreich7760 4 роки тому

      sooo true

    • @MrJsintic
      @MrJsintic 4 роки тому +5

      I think he serves the purpose of getting lucky for content. Only in other games you spend money and get lucky in "Suprise mechanics" I've never watched buns to learn how to play. I watch him because who else goes, for example, 9 blademasters? This is a niche that doesn't seem fulfillable in this genre yet here we are, watching someone win because they're lucky.
      He isn't horrible at the game, from just the few ranked videos I've seen he's a higher rank than i am and probably will ever amount to.

    • @duydao8381
      @duydao8381 4 роки тому

      :thinking: true

    • @khanhnguyenbao5962
      @khanhnguyenbao5962 4 роки тому +2

      In this game, lucky is a skill

  • @Chuaaaaaaaaaaaaa
    @Chuaaaaaaaaaaaaa 4 роки тому +17

    27:40 5 Star fizz

  • @AzyTabz
    @AzyTabz 4 роки тому +3

    5:12 Thank you for stopping the spread of COVID-19

  • @DeathLTU
    @DeathLTU 4 роки тому

    5:13 thank you editor!

  • @sssdennisss4944
    @sssdennisss4944 4 роки тому +3

    lol, this galaxy has 12.5% on pbe to appear..... it is written is patch notes

    • @amarion111
      @amarion111 4 роки тому +1

      sssdennisss I commented about that a few minutes ago I’m glad I’m not the only one who caught that lol

  • @Batu-1-2-3
    @Batu-1-2-3 4 роки тому +6

    26:03 damn she fine

  • @KoltVEVO
    @KoltVEVO 4 роки тому

    How much you guys wanna bet this galaxy is just in the test servers rn

  • @victorescobar7437
    @victorescobar7437 4 роки тому +2

    The editor the real mvp in this!

  • @san1v9
    @san1v9 4 роки тому

    Thanks editor for saving my ears ❤️

  • @steepykc
    @steepykc 4 роки тому +1


  • @r4gequ1t_cya
    @r4gequ1t_cya 4 роки тому

    Thanks for saving our ears dear Mr/Mrs editor

  • @domo99ify
    @domo99ify 4 роки тому

    Editor saved us from Bunnz coronavirus

  • @wermzucker1432
    @wermzucker1432 4 роки тому

    Bunz is so chaotic in this game lmao but he still managed to win

  • @amarion111
    @amarion111 4 роки тому +1

    Isn’t it a 12.5% chance, not 1%? Or was it different a week ago

    • @OriginalJDB
      @OriginalJDB 4 роки тому

      Autumn Marion that sounds closer to being accurate. I’ve played it twice in the like my last ten games.

    • @amarion111
      @amarion111 4 роки тому

      JDB i mean it’s what the patch notes say so Idk how 1% came up

  • @SuperMattyboss
    @SuperMattyboss 4 роки тому

    Which glasses does bunny use?

  • @kay6730
    @kay6730 4 роки тому

    riot have to add double bench galaxy

  • @VasileiosKyrtsoudis
    @VasileiosKyrtsoudis 4 роки тому +2

    Ult Garen at the normal game:1207 true damage
    Ult Garen at TFT 1207 magical damage🤔🤔

    • @MrJsintic
      @MrJsintic 4 роки тому

      If garen did true damage in tft he would have to be compensation nerfed so hard. The current units who do true damage (void buff) don't make insane value with it (as they aren't very good units), but super mech, depending on your mech level and items, ults 2-3 times per fight and can hit many more units. Something like this would probably influence the idea of ap garen with dcaps and perhaps jeweled gauntlet ie. Which some are already a decent build, would become ridiculous if you couldn't build d claw or bramble vest to try and stop it. Not sure if you think this is a good idea or you just now considered the change between the two. But no

    • @VasileiosKyrtsoudis
      @VasileiosKyrtsoudis 4 роки тому

      Bruhh how many hours do you play league of legends?😂😂

  • @toano6075
    @toano6075 4 роки тому

    Thank you for saving our ear when Bunz sneeze =))))

  • @noobrages
    @noobrages 4 роки тому

    "AN ITEM EVERY MINION" first minions drop champions. what the fuck

  • @fernandojosedoqueza7866
    @fernandojosedoqueza7866 4 роки тому

    Imagine getting Lots of spatula.
    Bunz: what trait? I have all of them.

  • @mundomundovich2265
    @mundomundovich2265 4 роки тому

    So. Any idea why the warmog popped off when he combined 3 star Fizz? They clearly stated that carousel items wont take priority now , its always battlefield, bench, carousel. Full items over components also. The only logical explanation (if you can apply logic to RITO coding at all) would be that the bench was full, and carousel unit was put on battlefield, and since all 4 items were full items, then 50/50 took place. What do you guys think? Is it PBE bug ? Spagetti RITO code? Works as intended?

    • @fistulahfist6668
      @fistulahfist6668 4 роки тому

      Mundo Mundovich bench was full so the fizz went on battlefield before combining, it’s why the 3* fizz was in bottom left

  • @mouadbahri1251
    @mouadbahri1251 4 роки тому +3

    I always feel something is missing in TFT finally found it "Flashback" it is

  • @kienphamgia9847
    @kienphamgia9847 4 роки тому

    Yes i love

  • @tronghieunguyen9451
    @tronghieunguyen9451 4 роки тому

    Luv u bunzzz

  • @marinoyt3976
    @marinoyt3976 4 роки тому

    Bunnz there is a poppy build where she can survive a level 3 overtime gp ult with a sorcerer comp find out if it's true

  • @DAKTARAS007
    @DAKTARAS007 4 роки тому

    😳👍 goooooood

  • @rafaeldealbuquerqueferreir9463
    @rafaeldealbuquerqueferreir9463 4 роки тому

    Last video: "OMG, over 100 itens. Ok, now Rito and bunzzz have gone too far""
    Rito and bunzzz on a new vídeo: *hold my itens, b*tch* LOL

  • @Cairdeil
    @Cairdeil 4 роки тому

    Mech Pirates

  • @xxtr3bonxxwitek999
    @xxtr3bonxxwitek999 4 роки тому

    5:17 u have darius with item

  • @lapin6031
    @lapin6031 4 роки тому

    Its only on PBE or ?

  • @adamwizardry1646
    @adamwizardry1646 4 роки тому

    Yoo bunnzz how are ya

  • @KoltVEVO
    @KoltVEVO 4 роки тому

    1:30 I’m sorry did he just call Leona/Poppy chrono?

  • @FeelTheFinger
    @FeelTheFinger 4 роки тому

    You did a really great job back there sir.🍺

  • @rndmguy0430
    @rndmguy0430 4 роки тому

    add some background music bunnyyyy

  • @leeash8496
    @leeash8496 4 роки тому +1

    it just like urf but on tft😂

  • @cyomatic2842
    @cyomatic2842 4 роки тому

    You gotta love riot. Lol

  • @Yuumi_is_afk_now
    @Yuumi_is_afk_now 4 роки тому +3

    Darius in tft broken.............. In normal league of legends too

  • @russellrothenburg9138
    @russellrothenburg9138 4 роки тому

    bunzzz.....kaisa with demo, ruunans, and swordbreaker...no one moves

  • @razvanpatrascu2765
    @razvanpatrascu2765 4 роки тому

    This galaxy is in PBE or it is in the game already?🤔

    • @amarion111
      @amarion111 4 роки тому

      Răzvan Pătrașcu it’s set 3 tft, came out publicly a month or so ago! The new carousels are also out as of a few days ago :)

    • @razvanpatrascu2765
      @razvanpatrascu2765 4 роки тому

      @@amarion111 I know that, i just don't know at that moment about that galaxy..

  • @nannda5854
    @nannda5854 4 роки тому +2

    man i love your content, but why you always do space pirate

  • @doris4989
    @doris4989 4 роки тому +1

    I feel bad for everyone else that played hah

  • @DumbKouki
    @DumbKouki 4 роки тому

    Is this on PBE OR LIVE

  • @takumifujiwara300
    @takumifujiwara300 4 роки тому +1

    This is the worst comp to play since you can only give the mech 3 items lol

  • @minhnguyen-fk7lh
    @minhnguyen-fk7lh 4 роки тому +1

    i hate this
    i see this galaxy 13 time and now so bored :(

  • @osamaal-khanchi8433
    @osamaal-khanchi8433 4 роки тому


  • @WitheringAurora
    @WitheringAurora 4 роки тому

    Are these on the PBE????

  • @justingamboa4692
    @justingamboa4692 4 роки тому

    Bunnz can you run for two mech pilot and do not make it 3 stars then you have a 2 garens

    • @jonahtetrick2840
      @jonahtetrick2840 4 роки тому +1

      No, it randomly selects 3 mech pilots on the field and makes the mech from them

  • @kuubenz1585
    @kuubenz1585 4 роки тому

    is that PBE or LIVE?

  • @VicenteG98
    @VicenteG98 4 роки тому

    can you put 2 mechas in the map?

    • @CrashByDaylight
      @CrashByDaylight 4 роки тому

      If you have 2 fizzs 2 Annies and 2 rumbles you should be able to do this

    • @lliw253
      @lliw253 4 роки тому +1

      no. if you were to put 2 annie 2 fizz and 2 rumble on the map it would randomly choose 3 of them and turn them into a mech. the other 3 will just sit there. this is because the mech bonus trait reads " selects 3 random mech pilots and they combine into a supermech" meaning only 3 of the 6 mech pilots you put on the board will combine

    • @CrashByDaylight
      @CrashByDaylight 4 роки тому +1

      @@lliw253 oh thanks for correcting me.

  • @belhadjala8479
    @belhadjala8479 4 роки тому

    outro song please

  • @TungNguyen-jz2gs
    @TungNguyen-jz2gs 4 роки тому +3

    why I cant never meet this galaxy, can u show me how, or it just going ramdon?

  • @thugtrippin
    @thugtrippin 4 роки тому

    wtf that vanguard armor

  • @nickieb2636
    @nickieb2636 4 роки тому

    I feel like I saw a spoiler.......

  • @pavlecvetanovic
    @pavlecvetanovic 4 роки тому

    Can you please never go Mech pilot cause it is boring??

  • @bobasaur0012
    @bobasaur0012 4 роки тому

    Is it PBE?

  • @DanDan-vq7bc
    @DanDan-vq7bc 4 роки тому +1

    What’s eacon of whatever he’s saying

    • @galha5349
      @galha5349 4 роки тому

      DanDan econ^ it’s a short for economy. Basically each of those little helmets represent 10 gold. for example when he says “I got 2 econ” he means he has 20 gold. It’s actually the most common strategy play tft “for econ” which means sometimes selling champions and keeping loose streaks or win streaks that will benefit in terms of gold :)

    • @DanDan-vq7bc
      @DanDan-vq7bc 4 роки тому +1

      Thanks man... mostly for not calling me retarded XD

    • @DanDan-vq7bc
      @DanDan-vq7bc 4 роки тому

      @Galha, also how do you unlocked ranked... I accidentally did tutorial again

    • @galha5349
      @galha5349 4 роки тому

      DanDan it’s fine man, everyone has the right to learn! I don’t actually remember how I unlocked it because it’s been a long time xD, I don’t even remember existing tutorials

  • @derricklindsey140
    @derricklindsey140 4 роки тому

    Hey so I play this on iPhone. Anyone know why I can’t buy season pass?

    • @stalts1
      @stalts1 4 роки тому

      At the moment you can only use the shop through PC client. After you buy the pass on PC you will be able to unlock all through phone. No in game store tho

  • @j3llyb3ann34
    @j3llyb3ann34 4 роки тому

    Is this pbe?

  • @marcelselmanovic5421
    @marcelselmanovic5421 4 роки тому

    Why did he go for the darkstar item at the end??

  • @Nee_2x
    @Nee_2x 4 роки тому +1

    I'm so early it says no views, 4 comments(I only see 2 comments), and 0 likes

  • @maximpomerants8655
    @maximpomerants8655 4 роки тому

    #first comment

  • @davemaster1106
    @davemaster1106 4 роки тому

    Wait but he’s so bad...

  • @tsifsa2000
    @tsifsa2000 4 роки тому

    So bad