As you say, no reason to add any blocking. The ratio for direction the catch is made runs right at 50/50. When they smell another beaver, i.e. castor, they are on high alert as they might get into a fight. Since their eyesight is so poor they are very wary. That said, they often don't like a tight spot if they think they might get ambushed by another beaver. So they go around, mark over the castor, then satisfied all is well will turn and take the easiest, shortest route to the big water, which is right into the trap. Castor sets are like a beaver magnet, as they run very hight percentages. Can't beat the Lefler frames. Makes setting a breeze and keeps the trap off the bottom.
That was a great set buddy! Nice beaver too! Thanks for sharing my friend!
Great video great set. Thanks
Love using H-stands. Great great great for those little channels with a good chance of getting otter too! Keep up the great work
Great spot. Good video
Hope you continue doing videos! I just found your channel and like it a lot! Keep it up man!!
If you've got all those sticks through the springs of the 330, what the point of the H-stand ??
great catch on that beaver
As you say, no reason to add any blocking. The ratio for direction the catch is made runs right at 50/50. When they smell another beaver, i.e. castor, they are on high alert as they might get into a fight. Since their eyesight is so poor they are very wary. That said, they often don't like a tight spot if they think they might get ambushed by another beaver. So they go around, mark over the castor, then satisfied all is well will turn and take the easiest, shortest route to the big water, which is right into the trap. Castor sets are like a beaver magnet, as they run very hight percentages. Can't beat the Lefler frames. Makes setting a breeze and keeps the trap off the bottom.
Why are you not making videos anymore
Dont ever come on my land EVER
You don’t have any land