But.. I carefully took the wire rubber off, cut the data wires and the shielding, put some foil, extended the battery springs and put the ends of the wire inside to make them stuck.. Then I plugged in the controller and nothing happened. Later I plugged the kinect into the same port and it also didnt work! But it did before!
Something humorous about studying electrical engineering and then referring to videos like this
it actually works i played Call Of Duty Ghost with it and runs fine
would this work if you tried to connect it to a pc?
will it explode or caught on fire i did it but i am too scared to play any game with it
No Akhmed this isn't a bomb, you'll need to get your 72 virgins the old fashioned way.
@@Masterchief0521 how much time need to be charged fully???
@@cooparchive7857 it doesn't charge it draws power from the usb it just acts like a power cable
@@Masterchief0521 ok good but how much time exactly too pull off the usb cable ??? Like 5 minutes??? 2 minutes???
@@cooparchive7857 it doesn't charge it acts like a corded controller I wouldn't use this to charge batteries
I fried my XBOX360 usb ports using this method.
Than you did it wrong. Did you make sure the wires were on correctly?
Yep. Red on the left, black on the right...
Didn't touch
Guy Kazemeka then you did something wrong because I've used this myself.
But.. I carefully took the wire rubber off, cut the data wires and the shielding, put some foil, extended the battery springs and put the ends of the wire inside to make them stuck.. Then I plugged in the controller and nothing happened. Later I plugged the kinect into the same port and it also didnt work! But it did before!
There is this thing called a wire stripper
Didn't have one at the time, actually bought one after making this video