Gente di mare - Italy 1987 - Eurovision songs with live orchestra

  • Опубліковано 18 гру 2024


  • @yvesbiscompte6691
    @yvesbiscompte6691 9 місяців тому +39

    between 1984 and now, Italy has produced at least a dozen of unforgettable songs. Unreal.

  • @michaelg8193
    @michaelg8193 Рік тому +47

    Best eurovision song ever. Should have won 1987 songcontest! Love from the Netherlands.

    • @David-bp5kd
      @David-bp5kd 2 місяці тому +4

      Sweden agrees

    • @lennarthoogerheide3473
      @lennarthoogerheide3473 11 днів тому +1

      Our jury gave 0 points back then (i guess their hearing aid was out of batteries..), but now finally 12 points from the Netherlands....

  • @concettaboenzi510
    @concettaboenzi510 2 роки тому +43

    Bellissima! Uno dei tanti capolavori del nostro amato e bravissimo Umberto Tozzi 😍

  • @meteguner2304
    @meteguner2304 2 роки тому +153

    After 35 years, I still enjoy this song like a teenager...

  • @naewsqrg
    @naewsqrg 3 роки тому +57

    Spettacolare. Una delle canzoni migliori di sempre presentate all'Eurovision secondo me...

    • @hamburgarmannen
      @hamburgarmannen 2 роки тому +1

      Ancora! You nailed it!

    • @romolonardi4563
      @romolonardi4563 2 роки тому +1

      Gente corsara che non c'è più! A me non risulta, da cinquantuno anni vedo corsari e corsare !

  • @carmenputscher4641
    @carmenputscher4641 2 роки тому +188

    My alltime favourite of all Eurovision songs! Why this did not win remains a mystery to me.

    • @foxtrot801
      @foxtrot801 2 роки тому +5

      Hold me now of Johnny Logan was amazing

    • @Orpheus.Machine
      @Orpheus.Machine Рік тому +2

      @@foxtrot801 Indeed, there was an even better song and performance 😃

    • @nocturne7371
      @nocturne7371 Рік тому +7

      This is still my favorite song from Italy all these years later

    • @thenewalex
      @thenewalex Рік тому +19

      Because it's Italian, other Europeans like to look down on us lol, but we don't really care, also it's not a love song. Its words (which I believe almost nobody have researched the meaning of) describe the profound feeling of those who were born near the sea and moved to the city for work ore other reasons, but miss the atmosphere of their seaside hometown. It's a feeling of freedom and they'll always carry it in their heart. This is a very common feeling for many Italians, those who were born in a city can't really understand it. A song that's not only about the technical performance, even though I believe that Raf has an interesting voice and Umberto is an incredible interpreter. Indeed nobody here remember who won, but we all know this beautiful song, and that's what counts.

    • @chouchoumuse2729
      @chouchoumuse2729 Рік тому +5

      This was by far the best song in 87. It's incredible they did not win. They did not even finish second. J. Logan's song was nothing special, just another pop song like thousands before or after it. Most people forgot about it.

  • @ronhoek69
    @ronhoek69 10 років тому +395

    Only third place in 1987 after winner Johnny Logan with Hold me now.
    27 years on, Gente di mare is still is a classic.

    • @itsmesia2469
      @itsmesia2469 7 років тому +16

      And still is.... and now we speak year 2017.... (May 18th)

    • @kivancozakinci6115
      @kivancozakinci6115 7 років тому +3

      Demiri eritmek

    • @juansoares8170
      @juansoares8170 7 років тому +2

      Including there's a version in Portuguese "Felicidade - Fábio Jr."

    • @RedYellowLion
      @RedYellowLion 6 років тому +40

      Gente di mare should have the been the winner of Eurovision 1987 !!!

    • @pudge9898
      @pudge9898 5 років тому +30

      Italy has been robbed at least 3 times

  • @christopher_ahs
    @christopher_ahs 9 місяців тому +9

    I'm from Sweden 🇸🇪 and this is one of mine 80's best songs! Though I can't Italian...

  • @unojohansson928
    @unojohansson928 2 роки тому +38

    Den bästa låten i eurovision genom tiderna! 👌👍🌹❤

  • @sabrinasergi6468
    @sabrinasergi6468 4 роки тому +42

    Che belli quegli anni!!!!
    Avevo solo 16 anni e fa molto piacere riascoltare questa canzone cantata proprio da loro dopo 33 anni.

  • @bitterbold
    @bitterbold Рік тому +15

    One of Italy's finest Eurovision contest songs ever.
    Grande Umberto, grande Raf.

  • @benstevens3220
    @benstevens3220 3 роки тому +55

    Io amo l'Italia. Questa canzone avrebbe dovuto vincere!

    • @JustMe-Ib
      @JustMe-Ib 9 місяців тому +2

      Ha Vinto questa Canzone

    • @danielvanr.8681
      @danielvanr.8681 2 місяці тому

      Sunt de acord ! Salut din România ! 😊🙂🇷🇴

  • @davidluciardello7249
    @davidluciardello7249 4 роки тому +47

    Riascoltarla nel 2020 mi fa emozionare immensamente. Che canzone meravigliosa e che cantanti bravissimi. SPETTACOLO

  • @vasilikizoi7012
    @vasilikizoi7012 2 роки тому +116

    I still can't believe that so many juries ignored this masterpiece! Maybe wearing jeans and being unshaved were unacceptable at that time! But the song is an all time classic.

    • @justinhillenburg9286
      @justinhillenburg9286 Рік тому +2

      There were also audio issues.

    • @vasilikizoi7012
      @vasilikizoi7012 Рік тому +2

      I don't think that any audio issues can affect the singers powerful voice and the sweet melancholy of this fantastic song.

  • @stefanostefano2383
    @stefanostefano2383 Рік тому +28

    Una delle canzoni italiane più belle di sempre

  • @salvatoresoviero5686
    @salvatoresoviero5686 Рік тому +8

    Mi commuove riascoltare questa canzone bellissima. Due grandissime voci, orgoglio italiano. Poesia e musica.

  • @dennismijac8297
    @dennismijac8297 Рік тому +15

    The Italian language is the most beautiful in the world❤

  • @9vmarcus
    @9vmarcus 3 роки тому +29

    A noi che siamo gente di pianura
    Navigatori esperti di città
    Il mare ci fa sempre un po' paura
    Per quell'idea di troppa libertà
    Eppure abbiamo il sale nei capelli
    Del mare abbiamo le profondità
    E donne infreddolite negli scialli
    Aspettano che cosa, non si sa
    Gente di mare
    Che se ne va
    Dove gli pare
    Dove non sa
    Gente che muore di nostalgia
    Ma quando torna dopo un giorno muore
    Per la voglia di andare via (Gente di mare)
    E quando ci fermiamo sulla riva (Che se ne va)
    Lo sguardo all'orizzonte se ne va (Gente di mare)
    Portandoci i pensieri alla deriva
    Per quell'idea di troppa libertà
    Gente di mare
    Che se ne va
    Dove gli pare
    Dove non sa
    Gente corsara che non c'è più
    Gente lontana che porta nel cuore
    Questo grande fratello blu
    Al di là del mare c'è qualcuno che
    C'è qualcuno che non sa niente di te
    Gente di mare
    Che se ne va (Che se ne va)
    Dove gli pare
    Ma dove non sa
    Noi prigionieri di queste grandi città
    Viviamo sempre di oggi e di ieri
    Inchiodati dalla realtà
    E la gente di mare va

  • @joaodescalco8837
    @joaodescalco8837 2 роки тому +15

    Che duetto così bello! Checché ne dicano, gli italiani sono i veri re delle ballate pop. 💚🤍❤

  • @antonisastrovasas4926
    @antonisastrovasas4926 5 років тому +63

    Always nice to hear Italian songs. I think, one of the Best of a kind, ever!

    • @tonyparker4769
      @tonyparker4769 5 років тому +1

      Anch io,me too love logan song, no way he beats that

  • @JaneFokster
    @JaneFokster 5 років тому +235

    Still one of my all time favourite Eurovision songs.

  • @sandrinepierre9771
    @sandrinepierre9771 Рік тому +8

    J'adore le timbre de voix des chanteurs italiens . Quel charme ! UMBERTO TOZZI ❤❤❤❤

  • @helencazon2795
    @helencazon2795 3 роки тому +26

    Lo más bello del mundo!!! Canciones italianas como esta! Belle!!! Beautiful!!!!

  • @gaetanoroggio17
    @gaetanoroggio17 Рік тому +3

    Stupenda... Questa canzone è un capolavoro... Viva gli Anni 90❤❤

  • @dennismijac8297
    @dennismijac8297 2 роки тому +40

    This song will always be rememered as one of the great ones

  • @saranissen6210
    @saranissen6210 5 років тому +44

    My favorite Italian entry ever, love that song!!! :D

  • @evamaria_4390
    @evamaria_4390 6 місяців тому +5

    Ich war damals noch jung.
    Was für ein Lied. ❤ Ich liebe es immer noch ❤❤❤

  • @mariaangelesizquierdo6391
    @mariaangelesizquierdo6391 7 місяців тому +4

    Madre mía!! Si es mi Umberto,ni acordarme que participo en Eurovisión...una super fan de España.Viendo est en 2024..pedazo de canción como todas ellas.Grande Umberto..❤❤❤❤

  • @uruwis
    @uruwis 11 років тому +66

    I adore this song since the very first time... and always will!

  • @poseidonscreation1
    @poseidonscreation1 Рік тому +2

    Che stile Umberto!!Eppoi le sue canzoni...capolavori assoluti!!

  • @theformerflightattendant
    @theformerflightattendant 4 роки тому +27

    Still to this day I love this song.

  • @ozferozatay6629
    @ozferozatay6629 4 роки тому +82

    The real winner in 1987. A true classic. One of my all time favorites.

  • @elenaaristidou7528
    @elenaaristidou7528 Рік тому +4

    Total masterpiece by two unique voices!

  • @angelorecchiaaq
    @angelorecchiaaq 7 років тому +98

    Two of best italian singer and writer ever

  • @abrahansaezsanchez9191
    @abrahansaezsanchez9191 12 років тому +61

    Italy 12 points,de lo mejor de 1987 y de la Historia del festival,un gran himno a la gente que trabaja en el mar

  • @maxgeppinka4291
    @maxgeppinka4291 3 роки тому +5

    Una meraviglia questa canzone grazie mile 😍 complimenti FORZA ITALIA 😍

  • @alessandraabate5099
    @alessandraabate5099 2 роки тому +2

    Musica e testo senza tempo. Ogni volta torno ai miei 20 anni.. Un tuffo nei ricordi

  • @pandemits
    @pandemits 4 роки тому +8

    I was a big fan of ESC in the 1980s. Italy's were always the songs I didn't like at first, but I was finding my self loving to hear them after the song contest was done.

  • @mattswede
    @mattswede 2 роки тому +11

    One of the great songs of ESC. So far from how it is now.

  • @gianmariopoggi7781
    @gianmariopoggi7781 9 місяців тому +10

    Non capisco come mai questa meravigliosa canzone non abbia vinto...

  • @crystalp7242
    @crystalp7242 11 місяців тому +5

    0:24 Did he reference “Self Control” there? I know Raf originally wrote and recorded it, and then Laura Branigan had a huge international hit with it. (Coincidentally, she also had a huge hit with her version of “Gloria”, originally written and recorded in Italian by Umberto Tozzi.)

  • @thomashopfgartner8818
    @thomashopfgartner8818 2 роки тому +4

    THE summer song along all coasts of the world!! TOZZI top!! RAF, too!!

  • @nicolaingrassia5289
    @nicolaingrassia5289 5 років тому +19

    Gente di mare aurait dû gagner ...chanson superbe j’adore même en 2019 elle est encore tendance et les 2 autres chansons le 1er et la 2ème sérieux au oubliettes de la triche .tozzi et raf gente dû mare dans notre cœur vous êtes les gagnants et votre musique est géniale 👌

  • @mellymelmusik
    @mellymelmusik 4 роки тому +12

    One of the best ESC-entries ever!!!❤️❤️💜 So much better than the studio version!! They brang so much dignity to Eurovion❤️❤️❤️❤️

  • @undencem
    @undencem Рік тому +3

    Una delle canzoni italiane più belle di sempre. Uno dei tanti capolavori del nostro amato e bravissimo Umberto Tozzi

  • @djantonoxtun4451
    @djantonoxtun4451 4 роки тому +38

    Greetings from Belgium. For me, Italy could have won for all years. I do not realise how a country so rich in music has won only 1 Esc. Sea people, great love, Wolves and the Western shoe

    • @dinopugliesedok
      @dinopugliesedok 3 роки тому +5

      Hi, we won twice: 1964 and 1990! Btw less than we deserve! Ciao 🇮🇹

    • @dmaestro1953
      @dmaestro1953 3 роки тому +1

      Bless you sir

    • @jlhabitan50
      @jlhabitan50 3 роки тому +3

      @@dinopugliesedok And now make that three. :)

    • @giovannimoriggi5833
      @giovannimoriggi5833 2 роки тому +1

      @maury zio se proprio ci mettessimo nell'obiettivo rischieremmo (ed è più che un rischio) di stravolgere la situazione fino a diventare pretenziosi come accade regolarmente per gli altri. Il punto non è vincere sempre (chissenefrega) ma portare la nostra musica di qualità, e per gli italiani la canzone migliore rimane quella che vince sanremo (e sappiamo bene che un unico vero vincitore a sanremo non c'è mai, e stesso discorso varrebbe per selezionare un pezzo da portare all'ESC). Fino ad ora, comunque, abbiamo s e m p r e fatto ugualmente la nostra porca figura. E non solo: così riusciamo anche a promuovere l'intero festival e la musica italiana in generale.
      Insomma: non serve rammaricarsi, perché non facciamo altro che adottare il miglior compromesso possibile. Ragionare competitivamente in arte non porta ad essere migliori, magari porta grandi numeri ma gran poca sostanza. Guarda la Svezia! O il Regno Unito, che è talmente competitivo internazionalmente che quando va all'Eurovision non ha più una identità.
      Gente Di Mare è una canzone bellissima, anche da mandare all'ESC, si è classificata come si è classificata, eppure siamo ancora qui a raccogliere consensi, senza neanche cantare in inglese! Non abbiamo proprio niente da lamentarci. Siamo fortunati da far schifo.

  • @elenabrandsma899
    @elenabrandsma899 2 роки тому +7

    Nostalgia all the way. In my mind the sun is always shining when I listen 2 this song. Beautiful song, love it ;)

  • @giovannapardi6579
    @giovannapardi6579 3 роки тому +5

    Grazie a voi per la bellissima canzone. Ciao.

  • @gothicagypsy9116
    @gothicagypsy9116 4 місяці тому +2

    Beautiful old song🇮🇹

  • @vjvjsvjevjesjje
    @vjvjsvjevjesjje 3 роки тому +14

    Very nice song. Its history and futur together.🇹🇷❤️🇹🇷❤️❤️🇧🇪🇪🇺🇮🇹🇮🇹🇮🇹

  • @xBrennyxx
    @xBrennyxx 3 роки тому +5

    Listen to this song so often and I’m 27. Love love love it 💗🙏🏼 and also Marco Borsato his version (Alles Kwijt). Tears always

  • @Bengtroslund
    @Bengtroslund 3 роки тому +7

    My favourite eurovision song

  • @jeffreyscholte4737
    @jeffreyscholte4737 6 місяців тому +2

    Last evening Umberto Tozzi was in the Johan Cruyff ArenA with De Toppers with his famous songs, including Gente di Mare, Giulia and 2 others. I had goosebumbs! He is amazing!🙏 This coming day i will be there as well with De Toppers again!

    • @giovannimoriggi5833
      @giovannimoriggi5833 5 місяців тому

      Well, it's Gloria, not Giulia :) Giulia is another great song from the same years by Gianni Togni. I suggest you to check it out

    • @jeffreyscholte4737
      @jeffreyscholte4737 5 місяців тому

      @@giovannimoriggi5833 No, he sang Giulia that is the name of the song! Read the sentence better😉

    • @giovannimoriggi5833
      @giovannimoriggi5833 5 місяців тому

      @@jeffreyscholte4737 Your sentence speaks of a wrong fact, I hope it is clearer now. I know he sang Gloria in that concert for sure, but moreover, he has no songs with that title 💀

  • @ΚυριάκοςΚωφίδης
    @ΚυριάκοςΚωφίδης 4 роки тому +32

    Listening this masterpiece ( one of top 5 songs of the contest ) i am thinking if this year's tragedy offers the chance to return to the real music in contrary to the rediculus sounds of the present...

  • @angelarosasciarra69
    @angelarosasciarra69 2 роки тому +4

    Quando si andava con i pezzi belli all Eurovision
    Grandi 👏👏👏

  • @domenicaabatriatico
    @domenicaabatriatico Рік тому +2

    Gli anni più belli immensa nostalgia gli anni 80...è rimasta solo la musica è ricordi immortali 📻🎶🎶🎶🏖🐚⛵⏳🚘🎹🎹🎹🎼👍🏻😃🖐🦋👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻❤

  • @fabricehaubois2442
    @fabricehaubois2442 3 роки тому +17

    Superbe chanson, superbe interprétation, grands artistes, merci à vous deux

  • @emanuelalorenzi3227
    @emanuelalorenzi3227 3 роки тому +5

    magnifici i nostri cantati sempre ci fanno sognare bravi😚

  • @thethailandtravellers
    @thethailandtravellers Рік тому +2

    I was 11 in '87😊, always loved this song!!❤

  • @nocturne7371
    @nocturne7371 9 місяців тому +1

    1987 was such a strong year in Eurovision. I like so many of the songs, this is my alltime Italian entry. It soothes my soul.

  • @queenmaggie987
    @queenmaggie987 3 роки тому +5

    One of my favourite ESC songs!

  • @ruibento7045
    @ruibento7045 4 роки тому +8

    I never forgot this song the eurovision was always in the month of May I left to America in the summer

  • @rianvandenboogaard4151
    @rianvandenboogaard4151 5 років тому +26

    This should have won. The sentimental vote had it, but the muscial voice should have chosen this. In my opinon this is the ultimate Eurovision song.

  • @nannasmor
    @nannasmor 9 місяців тому +3

    I liked this great song from denmark

  • @SuperJNG18
    @SuperJNG18 4 роки тому +25

    Still a classic entry. And in case you think there's any hard feelings, Johnny Logan and Umberto Tozzi have actually performed it together live a few times!

  • @EldaMengisto
    @EldaMengisto 4 роки тому +22

    Audio issues or not, this has to be my favorite 1980s Eurovision entry! From the lyrics to the gospel-influenced feel, it's a masterpiece through and through.

  • @Fasano-pp5gg
    @Fasano-pp5gg 4 роки тому +8

    Meravigliosi! Non ci sono parole...

  • @goodmorning3237
    @goodmorning3237 Рік тому +2

    What a song. 1987 I was for two month in Sardina with my Italian girlfriend and a VW bus. I will never forget this song and this time.

  • @syrkaros5815
    @syrkaros5815 4 роки тому +191

    When Eurovision was about talent and songs in national languages

    • @regy4419
      @regy4419 3 роки тому +11

      Indeed. Nowadays only a lot of stupid songs

    • @jlhabitan50
      @jlhabitan50 3 роки тому +19

      @@regy4419 "Zitti e Buoni", "Amar Pelos Dois", "Molitva"?

    • @hesp248
      @hesp248 2 роки тому +5

      @@jlhabitan50 "De diepte", "Stefania", "Soldi", "Shum", "Voilà"

    • @abraham2174
      @abraham2174 Рік тому +5

      And not political propaganda.

    • @georgegiapitzis8204
      @georgegiapitzis8204 6 місяців тому

      Now it’s all gay woke shit

  • @troie2145
    @troie2145 4 роки тому +4

    Favoloso ed al primo posto per noi tutti.🎼🎵🎶👏👏👏💕💗💕💗💕💗💕🇮🇹🇮🇹🇮🇹🇮🇹🇮🇹🇮🇹

  • @minobaldassarre7779
    @minobaldassarre7779 3 роки тому +3

    Grande duo, un pezzo fortissimo

  • @ruibento9840
    @ruibento9840 3 роки тому +8

    This song is a classic for me now

  • @deborafossi1912
    @deborafossi1912 4 роки тому +6

    Sempre bella, fortissima coppia, insieme spaccano

  • @luciaa4233
    @luciaa4233 3 роки тому +11

    Qué preciosidad de canción !!!

  • @minou284
    @minou284 4 роки тому +11

    Grazie Italia !!

  • @alexcarlsen4996
    @alexcarlsen4996 7 років тому +123

    Wonderful! One of Italy's best ESC songs. For such classics no fireworks, special light effects or glamorous dresses are needed in order to stand out!
    Gente di mare che se ne va
    dove gli pare dove non sa.
    Gente che muore di nostalgia
    ma quando torna dopo un giorno muore
    per la voglia di andare via.

    • @rob5197
      @rob5197 4 роки тому +3

      You damn right no ballets no coreography no gimmicks no zombies just what is supposed to be singer / S and nothing else __ì actually like this song __ ì wanted WOGANS opinion though

  • @gerhardjecminek2365
    @gerhardjecminek2365 3 роки тому +4

    Super UMBERTO

  • @annesfteland2206
    @annesfteland2206 8 місяців тому +1

    Never forget this song, a winner in my heart...🥰🥰

  • @andreaj.9531
    @andreaj.9531 3 роки тому +35

    I think the real winners are the songs that live on through the years and become classics, so every competition can have many winners (for me at least) Gente di mare is one of my favorite Eurovision songs and it has also become a classic xmas song in Iceland :) also one of my favorite xmas songs

  • @cristinabordon3562
    @cristinabordon3562 2 роки тому +1

    Che gioia riascoltarla dopo tanto tempo

  • @ruibento7045
    @ruibento7045 4 роки тому +13

    I didn't know a lot of Italian but some words stayed in my mind

  • @maroman38
    @maroman38 8 місяців тому +2

    I neighbouring countries this was a big hit. Still is.

  • @Christophevalere
    @Christophevalere 8 років тому +149

    C'était la meilleure chanson de l'eurovision 1987. L'Italie aurait du gagner cette année.

    • @MsErikdeking
      @MsErikdeking 4 роки тому

      Eh non, irlande

    • @sohelzibara8166
      @sohelzibara8166 4 роки тому +4

      je suis d'accord avec vous. C'est une chanson sublime.

    • @mezzo4268
      @mezzo4268 3 роки тому +3

      Oui l'italie devait gagner comme en 2015, 2017 et 2019

    • @Christophevalere
      @Christophevalere 3 роки тому +1

      @@mezzo4268 Pour 2015 et 2019, entièrement d'accord avec vous mais pas pour 2017.

  • @fededeluca-colombo8338
    @fededeluca-colombo8338 7 місяців тому +2

    Italy Always sings in his language at Eurovision ❤ 🇮🇹 🇮🇹 and now com'on Angelina❤ la Noia

  • @chencalderon4252
    @chencalderon4252 4 роки тому +8


  • @eziobertoli7545
    @eziobertoli7545 3 роки тому +2

    Un duo che ha fatto canzoni stupende.abbinamento giusto

  • @olivenys3994
    @olivenys3994 3 роки тому +49

    Les meilleurs les Italiens !!!!!

  • @DingDimlewitz
    @DingDimlewitz 3 роки тому +114

    When they talked about the last Italian Eurovision winner I tought it was this one. They should have won.

  • @milenpetrov6454
    @milenpetrov6454 4 роки тому +7

    Great great song

  • @travisbickel06
    @travisbickel06 5 років тому +28

    Ils méritaient la première place. L'histoire retiendra que Gente di mare est depuis devenu un classique. Le vainqueur et les seconds sont depuis passés aux oubliettes.

  • @gagilaki9110
    @gagilaki9110 Рік тому +2

    Divna pesma, koja je tek mnogo posle Evrovizije postala popularna🇷🇸🇮🇹❤

  • @rwbgolden
    @rwbgolden 5 років тому +12

    Love this song!

  • @marias.8981
    @marias.8981 2 роки тому +3

    Great timeless song! 🌊💕

  • @VirginiaAngelaBeyer-y9e
    @VirginiaAngelaBeyer-y9e Рік тому +2

    Una amica tedesca ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤very very nice applause un poco italiano

  • @angelomorandi310
    @angelomorandi310 3 роки тому +14

    Che orgoglio andare all'eurofestival con un capolavoro simile

  • @piahansen4179
    @piahansen4179 6 років тому +16

    Best song ever from ktaly

    • @rob5197
      @rob5197 4 роки тому

      Gigliola Cinqetti best ever : Non ho l'età -

  • @gerystein670
    @gerystein670 11 років тому +15


  • @MacJunk
    @MacJunk 3 роки тому +5

    What a classic...

  • @Erwwzu
    @Erwwzu 4 місяці тому +1


  • @gilsonveritas5225
    @gilsonveritas5225 Рік тому +2

    No Brasil essa bela canção tem uma o cantor Fabio Junior...FELICIDADE