People like Tonka and Mathew staples all in pav playing advantage accounts advertising similar to pokies sites online that programmed to win, but if normal player they are programmed other way so U win in chunks but lose overall and most of time they can adjust any account algorithm to lose any percentage of customer deposit they want distribute customer funds between people playing for site
People like Tonka and Mathew staples all in pav playing advantage accounts advertising similar to pokies sites online that programmed to win, but if normal player they are programmed other way so U win in chunks but lose overall and most of time they can adjust any account algorithm to lose any percentage of customer deposit they want distribute customer funds between people playing for site
Jimmy stapler
One player per hand? That’s straight collusion
Hes blind you dork.
There is no collusion here! Homie is blind
Seriously wtf is this lol
He’s blind - the guy on the bottom just says the action to him and the guy above acts
@ I understand. However some of the stuff he is saying is extra information than one player would normally get