An Introduction To Star Races: Aldebaran | Galactic History

  • Опубліковано 30 сер 2022
  • Taurus is a constellation which contains the star system of Aldebaran. The fixed star Aldebaran is situated at 9.47 degrees of Gemini. Within the chart, it has an orb of 2.3 degrees. If any of your planets are conjunct or opposite Aldebaran within this particular orb, then you are a Aldebaran starseed.
    Aldebaran is one of the 4 Persian Royal Stars. It is known as the "Watcher of the East" and is associated with the blue ray of Archangel Michael. This ray is associated with the element of Earth.
    The system of Aldebaran is 65 light years away from Earth and is home to three main civilizations: the Jadaii Anunakene ("Janosians"), Jadaiahil, and the Jadaii Nemessi.
    The Janosians are an Annunaki colony from a planetary system known as Kora 361. It is a terraformed blue planet with 4 moons and a subtropical climate.
    The Jadaiahlil carry Ahel lineage and are one of the many colonies exiled from the Lyran wars.
    The Jadaii Nemessi are 9th dimensional light beings. They were never interested in interacting with those on Earth, but maintain a close connection with local Annunaki colonies.
    Aldebaran starseeds carry the energies of divine truth, justice and leadership within their energy fields. Being so connected to the energies of truth and integrity, they can veer towards perfectionism. Because of this, they often feel inclined to ensure that there is no deceit. Along with Nihal and Sirian alignments, having Aldebaran strong in your chart is indicative of bearing Indigo soul status.
    The information and galactic artwork in this video was taken from the book, A Gift From The Stars: Extraterrestrial Contacts And Guide Of Alien Races by Elena Danaan.
    My Aldebaran Alignments:
    Conjunct Ascendant
    Opposite Saturn