Salt of the earth Mt

  • Опубліковано 15 січ 2024
  • salt of the earth - Wiktionary, the free dictionary
    Calque of Ancient Greek τὸ ἅλας τῆς γῆς (tò hálas tês gês) in the Book of Matthew, chapter 5, verse 13.
    salt of the earth
    1. (idiomatic) A person or group of people considered to represent the most decent and admirable parts of humanity.
    Websters 1913 Dict - Similitudes
    1. The quality or state of being similar or like; resemblance; likeness; similarity; as, similitude of substance. Chaucer.
    Let us make now man in our image, man
    In our similitude.
    20/10/2018 Message
    "Your understanding and interpretation is crucial in assisting man to understand what has been plainly understood by most is not always been the truth. Words contain many complex meanings, some of these are to mislead and misguide those from the truth. When you find a word or phrase within a religious text that causes you to stop and wonder, pray for the grace of understanding do not assume you will always interpret correctly. You have a gift no doubt, but we must never allow poor judgement to enter the equation. Some information is documented incorrectly in this text, this is man’s doing not God’s. You will know that to which I speak, you already know, look to the balance of the female equation, there is hidden the true divinity of Eve."
    "What you have done so far is within the divinity of truth, but it refers to whats to come, some of the stuff is tricky, about words, contain complex meanings, ask for the grace to understand.
    Female equation, there is a power and a presence that has yet to be uncovered. It has been stifled, the female equation is like looking at the characters, the female characters and that they add up to a power that needs to be revealed. Most of interpretation has come from a masculine perspective and this power has been stifled. So this is yet to be revealed. To really try and see and uncover what these women are representing"
    "Focus on the Holy Spirit is very crucial in opening up a new understanding of what has been promised to us (human race) - in connection with pledges: promises; relates to a covenant; salt of the earth a starting point: salt as sustenance: spiritual food"
    Genesis 1:27 (KJV)
    27 So God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him; male and female created he them.
    Isn't it time we understood this?
    Study Notes
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  • @aimee8969
    @aimee8969 5 місяців тому +1

    Loving your bible studies. I too was into new age for a long time mainly because I was trying to figure out what was happening to me physically. Since 2020 or before I have been feeling what I can only describe as energy coursing through me which causes dehydration and extreme exhaustion. Which led me to new age discussions around lightworkers as that really resonated with what I felt was happening to me. Do you have any insight into how this may be linked to scripture? I have been reading about the refiners fire, candlesticks and Jesus letter to Philadelphia which talks about that church in particular having little strength left.

    • @forsakethefoolish
      @forsakethefoolish  5 місяців тому

      Your information is a bit light on details and i can only go by what i understand from what you have shared.
      You won't find any real meaningful truth in the New Age in all its forms (their truth is coated in lies).
      Lightworkers target those who have endured hardship and trauma because they are an easy target to mislead. These targeted people are vulnerable, and lightworkers do not transmute darkness into light they are the very opposite they are the darkness feeding on your light. Much like a narcissist.
      2 Corinthians 11:14-15 (KJV)
      14 And no marvel; for Satan himself is transformed into an angel of light.
      15 Therefore it is no great thing if his ministers also be transformed as the ministers of righteousness; whose end shall be according to their works.
      I've had trauma and have endured hardship i know how seductive this new age teaching can be. But i also have had real experience of the Holy Spirit giving me knowledge and that has always been my measuring stick TRUTH.
      New Age at the end of the day is a business and they will turn on you like Gollum if they think you are trying to destroy their precious (money).
      Coming out of the New Age isn't a walk in the park. I personally went through a lot of spiritual attacks. There is a lot of sorcery/witchcraft being done in the new age with or without your knowledge/consent. Your just spiritual prey to them they don't care about you. Whilst it can manifest as something real and physical to you and what you feel is real and concerning, understand the lightworker/new age teacher has no doubt done this to you.
      Even a narcissist can leave you feeling extreme exhaustion by just being in their Prescence. It can be an ordeal to get out from their clutches as well.
      Whilst i don’t resonate with your exact experience, if this was of God it wouldn’t leave you dehydrated with extreme exhaustion. This should be your biggest clue something is being done to you IMO. Lightworkers are not going to help you understand what it is you have gone through. If you look into the foundations of new age you quickly realize they are worshipping another spirit that is not of God
      One of the earliest influences on the New Age was the Swedish 18th-century Christian mystic Emanuel Swedenborg, who professed the ability to communicate with angels, demons, and spirits. Swedenborg's attempt to unite science and religion and his prediction of a coming era in particular have been cited as ways that he prefigured the New Age.[52] Another early influence was the late 18th and early 19th century German physician and hypnotist Franz Mesmer, who claimed the existence of a force known as "animal magnetism" running through the human body.[53] The establishment of Spiritualism, an occult religion influenced by both Swedenborgianism and Mesmerism, in the U.S. during the 1840s has also been identified as a precursor to the New Age, in particular through its rejection of established Christianity, its claims to representing a scientific approach to religion, and its emphasis on channeling spirit entities.
      A further major influence on the New Age was the Theosophical Society, an occult group co-founded by the Russian Helena Blavatsky in the late 19th century. In her books Isis Unveiled (1877) and The Secret Doctrine (1888), Blavatsky claimed that her Society was conveying the essence of all world religions, and it thus emphasized a focus on comparative religion.
      To Emanual Swedenborg attempt to unity science and religion
      The bible calls science false knowledge 1 Ti 6:20
      To Hypnotist Franz Mesmer
      International Standard Bible Encyclopedia -
      Astrology -
      1. Methods of Soothsaying
      The forms of soothsaying mentioned in this catalogue are as follows: “One that practiseth augury” (meʽōnēn) is of uncertain etymology, but the rabbins connect it with ʽayin, “an eye”; literally therefore one who ogles, or who bewitches with the evil eye. “An enchanter” (menaḥēsh), sometimes supposed to be a snake-charmer, is probably one who fascinates like a snake; in other words a mesmerist or hypnotist. The word occurs in connection with Joseph’s divining-cup, and such cups were employed both in Babylon and Egypt, and their use was akin to the more modern crystal-gazing, the hypnotic state being induced by prolonged staring, as in the fascination ascribed to serpents.
      “A sorcerer” (mekhash-shēph) is one who mutters incantations or speaks in ventriloquial whispers, as if under the influence of the spirits of the dead. “A charmer” (ḥōbhēr ḥebher), is one who inflicts a spell by weaving magical knots. “A consulter with a familiar spirit” (’ōbh), denotes one who is possessed of a python or soothsaying demon. Such were the woman of Endor whom Saul consulted on the eve of the battle of Gilboa (1 S 28) and the pythoness of Philippi out of whom St. Paul cast the spirit (Acts 16:16-18). The word (’ōbh) means “bottle” and either indicates that the medium was the receptacle of the spirit or is a relic of the old tradition that genii (jinns) might be enslaved and imprisoned in bottles by means of magical incantations.“A wizard” (yidhʽōnī) means a wise man, “a knowing one.” The word in OT is always used in connection withi’ôbh, and denotes a man who could interpret the ravings of the medium. “A necromancer” (dōrēsh’elha-mēthīm) is one who calls up the spirits of the dead and has intercourse with them. “Consulting the teraphim” (Ezk 21:21) may have been a form of consulting the dead, if, as is probable, the teraphim were ancestral images, raised by superstition to the rank of household gods. The manner of consultation we do not know; but as an illustration of the use of the image of a dead person, we may remember that a modern medium will often ask for a portrait of a deceased relative for the alleged purpose of entering into communication with the departed spirit.
      It will be seen that these forms of soothsaying are allied to the arts which in modern times bear the names of hypnotism and mediumship. They are more briefly referred to in Isa 8:19, “When they shall say unto you, Seek unto them that have familiar spirits and unto the wizards, that chirp and that mutter: should not a people seek unto their God? on behalf of the living should they seek unto the dead?” Here again mediumship and spiritism are connected with the ventriloquial whispers and mutterings, which are supposed to be characteristic of the utterances of the dead.
      I think there are alot of new words you can now look up in scripture connected to soothsayer. What do you think?
      Madam Blavatsky the founder of the Theosophical society
      The new Schaff-Herzog encyclopedia of religious knowledge: embracing Biblical, historical, doctrinal, and practical theology and Biblical, theological, and ecclesiastical biography from the earliest times to the present day, 1908-1914, 1-12.
      II. Theosophical Society in America: The teachings are not new; they represent a body of traditions preserved from time immemorial. Reincarnation was taught in the earliest history of India and Egypt, in Greece even before Pythagoras; it is found in the teachings of Plato, Plotinus, the Cabala (q.v.), the early Christians, the Alexandrian Gnostics, Neoplatonists (see NEOPLATONISM), Paracelsus, and Giordano Bruno (q.v.). During the Middle Ages traces of it appeared in Freemasonry and among the Rosicrucians. In modern times, this wisdom-tradition was revived by Helena Petrovna Blavatsky (q.v.), who had been for years the pupil of great oriental adepts or sages. Aided by Henry Steel Olcott, she founded the Theosophical Society in New York City, Nov. 17, 1875
      Dig deep enough you will find new age and all its branches led by to the snake'serpent Devil and Satan. If you want more insight in scripture look at the words that describe the adversary and the ways he goes about his business and you will find correlation to the new age. All new age is, is relabelled or new names to make it harder to find the truth about it.

    • @forsakethefoolish
      @forsakethefoolish  5 місяців тому

      Baker Encylopedia
      One who foretells events; a pagan practice, soothsaying was forbidden in Israel (Dt 18:10, 14). In Scripture, soothsaying was practiced by Balaam, Beor’s son (Jos 13:22) and King Manasseh of Judah (2 Kgs 21:6; 2 Chr 33:6); Jacob’s house was likened to the soothsayers of Philistia (Is 2:6); its practitioners were listed among the false prophets of Judah (Jer 27:9). During the NT times it was the source of a lucrative trade in Philippi (Acts 16:16).
      Attempt to influence or control people or events through supernatural forces. These forces are called upon by means of ceremonies, the recitation of spells, charms, incantations, and other forms of ritual. Magic was at one time considered to be a practice of unsophisticated primitive cultures only. It was viewed as the attempt of prescientific peoples to control events, the natural causes of which were little understood. Thus it is surprising to see a resurgence of magic in the present age, which is the most technically sophisticated in history.
      Some forms of magic are actually nothing more than sleight-of-hand “tricks” used primarily for entertainment. However, there are concepts of magic that seriously attempt to influence and control people and events by using supernatural powers. This serious magic is divided into two distinct categories, according to the goal sought. “Black magic” aims at causing harm and destruction to people or property. “White magic” is intended to benefit someone. Often white magic is used to undo the results of black magic.
      Today magic is usually explained in either anthropological or psychological terms. The anthropological view basically holds that magic is used to explain events which are beyond human comprehension. The psychological theories suggest that psychological forces, such as desire and wishing, can lead to wish-fulfillment, and it was the function of the magician to provide a symbolically suggestive setting for the event. It is generally held that magic is related to the cultural development of a people, but it should be noted that many of the historic and contemporary explanations of magic are grounded in an antisupernatural worldview.
      Several of these words are mentioned in Deuteronomy 18:9-14. The use of magical and occult practices by Israel is not permitted. The people of God are instructed to avoid magical practices because God provides them with his personal revelation through his prophets. Human magical practices lead to either false hope or false fear and therefore lead away from the truth of God.

      Keep your focus on God's truth. Be in the word diligently seeking to understand God. I hope this gives you instight into scripture.
      If there is any particular verse you would like me to do study on let me know.

    • @aimee8969
      @aimee8969 5 місяців тому

      Thanks for your reply. I am more interested in what the bible describes as going through the refiners fire as I feel this is what is possibly happening to me.
      “But who can endure the day of his coming? Who can stand when he appears? For he will be like a refiner's fire or a launderer's soap. He will sit as a refiner and purifier of silver; he will purify the Levites and refine them like gold and silver” (Malachi 3:2-3).

    • @forsakethefoolish
      @forsakethefoolish  5 місяців тому

      @@aimee8969 Verse study on Mal 3:2 video uploading now

  • @aimee8969
    @aimee8969 5 місяців тому

    Also these verses:
    Peter 1:6-7: at present for a little while if it is being necessary, having been put to grief by various trials, so that the proven genuineness of your faith, more precious than gold, perishing though being refined by fire, may be discovered to result in praise and glory and honor in the revelation of Jesus Christ. 1 Peter 4:12, ff: Beloved, do not be surprised at the fire among you taking place for a trial to you, as if a strange thing were happening to you...If you are insulted in the name of Christ, you are blessed, because the Spirit of glory and of God rests upon you... For it is the time for the judgment to have begun from the house of God; and if from us first, what will be the outcome of those disobeying the gospel of God?