I think there will be many unanticipated decks with this new expansion. There are many cards that are good on their own and the streamers probably didnt find their synergies yet. Something like Khadgar Mage
El Pablo I didnt mean that Khadgar mage will be a thing this expansion. Obviously it already is a meta deck and conjurers calling is played a lot. I meant Khadgar mage as an example for an unexpected deck, cause if I remember correctly, no big streamer/ youtuber really saw Giants with conjurers calling and hand mage coming in their expansion reviews
He was kinda correct on a decent amount of them, idiot. You probably thought Priest Quest will be a 5 star legendary when it was actually the Troggzor of the expansion.
Just for fun, I’m gonna score all the cards using Trump’s rating system! This is a continuation from the previous video. Common Jar Dealer: 1 Star Beaming Sidekick: 3 Stars Murmy: 4 Stars Injured Tol’vir: 3 Stars Serpent Egg: 3 Stars Fishflinger: 3 Stars Kobold Sandtrooper: 1 Star Temple Berserker: 1 Star Bug Collector: 1 Star Vilefiend: 1 Star Candletaker: 1 Star Golden Scarab: 1 Star Desert Hare: 2 Stars Bone Wraith: 3 Stars Wasteland Assassin: 2 Stars Phalanx Commander: 1 Star Faceless Lurker: 2 Stars Wasteland Scorpid: 1 Star Pit Crocolisk: 1 Star Anubisath Warbringer: 1 Star Living Monument: 1 Star Rare Questing Explorer: 4 Stars Neferset Ritualist: 2 Stars Quicksand Elemental: 2 Stars Generous Mummy: 1 Star Infested Goblin: 2 Stars Sunstruck Henchman: 1 Star Conjured Mirage: 2 Stars Khartut Defender: 2 Stars Wrapped Golem: 1 Star Epic Mogu Cultist: 2 Stars Dwarven Archaeologist: 1 Star Vulpera Scoundrel: 3 Stars Mischief Maker: 2 Stars History Buff: 1 Star Body Wrapper: 1 Star Mortuary Machine: 2 Stars Desert Obelisk: 1 Star Blatant Decoy: 1 Star Legendary Zephrys the Great: 5 Stars Siamat: 4 Stars Octosari: 2 Stars King Phaoris: 3 Stars Colossus of the Moon: 1 Star If anyone has any questions about my ratings, feel free to ask!
I think you're underrating some of the 2 drops, especially since there's very few good 2 drops in the game. Many of them will be run just because of that alone. Otherwise I agree with your assessment wholeheartedly.
Also: mass dispel, deadly shot, inner fire, polymorph, sacrificial pact (ya know, for all those jaraxxus control warlocks out there eks dee). If inner fire priest is still a thing in the next few expansions then Zephyrs will allow them to use up both inner fires for the sake of clearing minions for board control and then give you a 3rd when you have a lethal setup from health buff cards you've drawn since. Big oof
I really enjoy Trump's content, including his card reviews, but I honestly don't think I've disagreed with his star ratings across an entire expansion more than I have over this entire set. Not that I'm any sort of soothsayer that can predict the future or anything, I just think a lot of his rationale behind his ratings this time around are incredibly short-sighted. Think outside the box bro! lol. Though I do think he hit the nail on the head with his prediction on how powerful quest shaman will be. That quest looks quite scary and I think is a shoe-in for easy Tier 1.
I think because its not an end of hearthstone year rotation, so theres no expansion being rotated out, meta prediction are often alot less extravagant and new, except obviously strong decks like quest shaman. Trumps probably thinking whats good enough to beat the current dominating decks of conjurers mage, control warrior, token druid and secret hunter + the new cards theyre getting this new expansion.
@@baqua8749 you mean Siamat is not as good as ziliax right? Yes that's true, I too feel Ziliax is better because it has lifesteal and it comes turn 5 but honestly Siamat is also incredibly strong.
@@mist1714 That depends on whether you think the difference between rush and charge is worth 4 stats. Cost wise pulling off siamat with all four abilities is more expensive. you have spend 2 mana on hero power as quest shaman making it a total of 9 mana. 1 mana more for four extra stats and rush instead of charge? I would say they are pretty equal seeing as you have to complete the quest to have him be even comparible to alakir ability wise.
Looking forward to playing Wild and using Octosari + Power Overwhelming + Baron Rivendare + Double Treachery. Seriously hope I open Octosari so I don’t have to craft it for a joke deck...
I’m playing with so many of these “1 star” cards. Colossus requires 1 damage, then 10 damage, then 1 damage, then 1 damage to remove! That’s pretty good! Especially with resurrect/cheat out mechanics.
King Phaoris + Paladin's Lens card (draw two card swap their cost): make Phaoris cheap, make a spell in hand very expensive, guaranteed 10 mana summon. High-rolly but I think it's an addition to many paladin decks that already run the lens, which doesn't come at any significant deck building cost
I find it hard to imagine that Quest Priest, if it winds up being a relevant deck, won't run Injured Tol'vir. A 2/3 Taunt for 2 with an extremely relevant upside?
Strongly disagree with the Siamat rating - no lifesteal, no magnetic, so it's just a big, flexible minion instead of the lifesaver Zilliax can be for some decks
Why is he rating Siamat so high? Compared to Zilleax he doesn’t have any synergy with other cards. And I imagine him being very hard to fit in anything since it’s certainly not a aggro card, and other decks look forward to complete their goals with cycling or aoe cards until they have their lategame setup.
Trump king phaoris only 2 stars? I think is pretty strong... In shaman is op with all the spell of hagatha and with shudderwock. It's like a n'zoth 2.0
Usually hagatha spells are not what you want and shudderwock is slow, this card gonna make the deck slower. Card itself is very good, you need to put in a working contest
@@TheEvilSanZ the cheap spell you can cast it pretty easily and even fill the board with some 3 cost minion is pretty strong even to force a brawl or a mass removal. I think shudderwock need some swing of the board. The fact that is pretty slow I don't think is a problem, shaman is already strong versus aggro decks (p. S. Sorry for my English)
The problem with it is that it floods your board for a push and that gameplan benefits minion decks the most but you need big spells for Phaoris' effect to be good and that conflicts with the proactive, minion-heavy gameplan, since you need to run big spells (instead). He might work with big spells that also build a board like Locust Swarm. I'm excited to try it in some kind of summon spell Hunter.
Trump! You started asking for the link way too late - I preordered as soon as it was available. I would have, though. I would have. It's added value for no cost!
I wrote this comment on the first video right before it was re-uploaded, so let me see if I can remember the gist: (Just my two cents on this format) I've said this before, on other recent expansion ratings from Trump, but it bears repeating; I don't think that calling these videos 'card ratings' works anymore. A more apt name would be something like 'meta predictions' or 'popularity possibilities.' Trump isn't rating cards based on power in or out of a vacuum, or within a deck build. He's just trying to predict what people are going to play. And yes, people say that doing that is a rating in itself, and I can kind of see their point. But is that really a 'card rating' now? Look no further than Questing Explorer. He says people are vastly overrating it; it's a bad card. Then he gives it three stars himself. Why? "To compensate for the mob mentality." That ISN'T a card rating anymore, that's a popularity guess! I would still be at least ambivalent on these if he would have said that, then rated it one or two stars. But to say it's overrated, then ADMIT to overrating it yourself, feels like a cop-out. At least be consistant on how you're doing your format. I'm not mad, just disappointed and a bit frustrated. Trump is only one of two Hearthstone players I still watch, and it's a bummer for me to stop being excited for reviews during reveal season. Again, just my two cents. =/
What's about. Zephyros rogue. With all the bounce effects. Burgle. and lackey package. Theory being if getting to play the perfect card increases your winrate by x% then what about playing it twice? Or n-times. "DUDE!! That guy topdecked THE PERFECT CARD EVERYTIME! NEVER LUCKY"
It might not be the perfect card so much when you're spending mana on bouncing a lot, but shadowstep is free and could make it crazy. Definitely one of those things people will have to try out. Is the perfect card so perfect, 5 of them in a weak deck can win the game?
octosari is kinda good in zoo/aggro decks when your hand is empty just play it. If your opponent doesnt kill it you have a 8/8 in board wich is really good. 4*
who else is planning on a mega value singleton king phaoris shudderwock deck? hagatha plus king phaoris = instant board refill with all those “useless” spells clogging up your hand
I honestly think Trump should just switch to a 3-tier rating system, given how he hands stars out. It either won't see play, will see some play, or be meta-defining in his eyes. All else is just fluff to him, and almost always results in a ton of 1-stars, some 5 stars, and well, all the rest.
There's more meaning to his star system which is subjectively the best since it tries to not only account power level of a card but also it's playability and power level of the decks that you put it in. Just because rn results were so polarizing doesn't mean that you should reduce star system. Read the description if you want to know more what each rating means
I don't know, quest druid/shaman might just make the meta fairly unfavorable to bomb warriors. Which isn't to say it won't still be a good deck, just that it's not going to be prevalent enough to shut all the new archetypes out of the game by itself.
@@davidlovesyeshua My honest prediction is that bomb warrior is going to fall off after receiving some massive whooping from secret Hunter , token / quest druid, zoo warlock and battlecry shaman. Bomb is bad against hardcore early game tempo decks after all, and most of these tempo decks are especially brutal when it comes to making tempo plays.
Bold proclamation here: Siamat is bad. Argent Commander and Gilneas Royal Guard are nowhere near playable, especially in a control deck and 7 mana is too late for that kind of effect.
Trump: This set is INSANE! Also Trump: 1 star to 30 out of 45 neutral cards. I know some of them are just filler but jeez that is a lot of cards. And I'm kind of pissed because he downs taunt warrior and I feel it will be played at least a little.
Gloomy Lobster cuz this might be fun. And I don't like how Trump eithet praises a deck or downs it completely. Basically I just don't like how he gives a small number of stars to most of the cards.
I think Desert Hare has potential. It's neutral Mustard for Battle without the weapon and with beast tag. If Druid buff is in the meta, Desert Hare will be at least tried out so 2 stars maybe 3 stars.
Psst. The 1/4 weapon is worth about 1 mana, though it is weak. 3 1/1s is worth about 2.5 mana. Thus, 3.5 mana card, which rounds down to 3. Three 1/1s for 3 mana is not good, even if they ARE Beasts. Par example, one mana more and a secret can get you 7/7 worth of beasts in Hunter.
why are they releasing so many anti-aggro tools? the cards are in direct competition with each other so most won't ever get played, and it's not like face aggro is popular, hasn't been for ages.
This time with Beaming Sidekick! Turns out Trump never reviewed it so SPOILER I grabbed what he said from his top 10 video.
Sorry about that!
You should fire that Trump guy Jens, but thanks anyway!
Actually very seemless
You should link to the timestamp of it for people that already watched everything else
@@orangesilver8 3:46
Ahhh is that why it couldnt be watched for like 45 mins?
T H E 1 - S T A R M A N
Trump - "Is it Christmas yet so I can put up that ONE STAR on the Christmas tree ?!"
7:02 does no one see the typo on this card lul. "Or a pick a mystery choice"
I think there will be many unanticipated decks with this new expansion. There are many cards that are good on their own and the streamers probably didnt find their synergies yet. Something like Khadgar Mage
Maybe in this expansion Conjurer's Calling will finally see play? I highly doubt it though.
On average, trump reveiws trump reviews tend to tell us that usually undervalues more cards than he overvalues
El Pablo I didnt mean that Khadgar mage will be a thing this expansion. Obviously it already is a meta deck and conjurers calling is played a lot. I meant Khadgar mage as an example for an unexpected deck, cause if I remember correctly, no big streamer/ youtuber really saw Giants with conjurers calling and hand mage coming in their expansion reviews
JinnaiV2 Yeah. Trump said the same in the last Trump reviews Trump Reviews.
El Pablo Conjurers Calling already saw a lot of play.
3:46 for the beaming sidekick
I think I prefer the longer more detailed reviews
I also find my self coming back to them to reflect on past metas and enjoying them a lot more
And laughing as Trump proves to be horribly wrong on many of them
He was kinda correct on a decent amount of them, idiot. You probably thought Priest Quest will be a 5 star legendary when it was actually the Troggzor of the expansion.
4:02 trump saying lowkey is the highlight of the video😎😎
Just for fun, I’m gonna score all the cards using Trump’s rating system!
This is a continuation from the previous video.
Jar Dealer: 1 Star
Beaming Sidekick: 3 Stars
Murmy: 4 Stars
Injured Tol’vir: 3 Stars
Serpent Egg: 3 Stars
Fishflinger: 3 Stars
Kobold Sandtrooper: 1 Star
Temple Berserker: 1 Star
Bug Collector: 1 Star
Vilefiend: 1 Star
Candletaker: 1 Star
Golden Scarab: 1 Star
Desert Hare: 2 Stars
Bone Wraith: 3 Stars
Wasteland Assassin: 2 Stars
Phalanx Commander: 1 Star
Faceless Lurker: 2 Stars
Wasteland Scorpid: 1 Star
Pit Crocolisk: 1 Star
Anubisath Warbringer: 1 Star
Living Monument: 1 Star
Questing Explorer: 4 Stars
Neferset Ritualist: 2 Stars
Quicksand Elemental: 2 Stars
Generous Mummy: 1 Star
Infested Goblin: 2 Stars
Sunstruck Henchman: 1 Star
Conjured Mirage: 2 Stars
Khartut Defender: 2 Stars
Wrapped Golem: 1 Star
Mogu Cultist: 2 Stars
Dwarven Archaeologist: 1 Star
Vulpera Scoundrel: 3 Stars
Mischief Maker: 2 Stars
History Buff: 1 Star
Body Wrapper: 1 Star
Mortuary Machine: 2 Stars
Desert Obelisk: 1 Star
Blatant Decoy: 1 Star
Zephrys the Great: 5 Stars
Siamat: 4 Stars
Octosari: 2 Stars
King Phaoris: 3 Stars
Colossus of the Moon: 1 Star
If anyone has any questions about my ratings, feel free to ask!
Siamat: 5 Stars *
4 uploads a day, incredible!
Thanks for including the rating for all cards right in the thumbnail
6:55 Drakonid Operative is crying
*Pro tip:* When you play Siamat, pick *Windfury* and *Taunt.* It's the best combo, only _T R U E _*_P R O G A M E R S_* will understand.
Also know as "asserting dominance" Siamat stance.
@@GrimmerPl _B M T I M E_
taunt taunt only
@@fish8535 you can't choose a choice twice.
Some of these 1-star neutrals are going to be big in wild.
Thank you Jens for all the uploads! :)
I think you're underrating some of the 2 drops, especially since there's very few good 2 drops in the game. Many of them will be run just because of that alone. Otherwise I agree with your assessment wholeheartedly.
Ah, the day we get the fabled neutral 2 mana 2/3 taunter, with upside no less, it's one starred. How far we've come.
I think Zephrys might be low-key insane considering it can, and WILL, pull bloodlust/savage roar when you need it, in any class.
Also: mass dispel, deadly shot, inner fire, polymorph, sacrificial pact (ya know, for all those jaraxxus control warlocks out there eks dee).
If inner fire priest is still a thing in the next few expansions then Zephyrs will allow them to use up both inner fires for the sake of clearing minions for board control and then give you a 3rd when you have a lethal setup from health buff cards you've drawn since. Big oof
I already preordered for 80, but you have been pushing packs at a Ben Brode level. Since you have a link I guess I'll get 50 more :P.
I really enjoy Trump's content, including his card reviews, but I honestly don't think I've disagreed with his star ratings across an entire expansion more than I have over this entire set. Not that I'm any sort of soothsayer that can predict the future or anything, I just think a lot of his rationale behind his ratings this time around are incredibly short-sighted. Think outside the box bro! lol. Though I do think he hit the nail on the head with his prediction on how powerful quest shaman will be. That quest looks quite scary and I think is a shoe-in for easy Tier 1.
I think because its not an end of hearthstone year rotation, so theres no expansion being rotated out, meta prediction are often alot less extravagant and new, except obviously strong decks like quest shaman. Trumps probably thinking whats good enough to beat the current dominating decks of conjurers mage, control warrior, token druid and secret hunter + the new cards theyre getting this new expansion.
"I think there's a card that is as good as Ziliax" oh I wonder what this is... Oh it was Siamat OMG?
I wouldn't say siamat is as good as siamat tho. A little to slow
@@baqua8749 you mean Siamat is not as good as ziliax right? Yes that's true, I too feel Ziliax is better because it has lifesteal and it comes turn 5 but honestly Siamat is also incredibly strong.
Can’t wait for the re-review of this one lol
if you are playing shaman quest, or you use spirit of the shark you can give siamat divine shield, windfury, taunt and rush.
Wud it be better than alakir in shaman?
@@mist1714 That depends on whether you think the difference between rush and charge is worth 4 stats. Cost wise pulling off siamat with all four abilities is more expensive. you have spend 2 mana on hero power as quest shaman making it a total of 9 mana. 1 mana more for four extra stats and rush instead of charge? I would say they are pretty equal seeing as you have to complete the quest to have him be even comparible to alakir ability wise.
You heard it here folks, Colossus of the Moon is going to be meta defining along with Living Monument
Gloomy Lobster Fear the Calling...
Could Quicksand Elemental become a tech choice in the Battlecry Shaman mirror match?
I actually thought of making a Mogu Rogue deck with replacing the pogos and a few others
Question: Does Questing Explorer still draw you a card after you've already completed your quest?
FirebyrdXX no, it’s only when you have the quest in play, unfortunately.
Looking forward to playing Wild and using Octosari + Power Overwhelming + Baron Rivendare + Double Treachery. Seriously hope I open Octosari so I don’t have to craft it for a joke deck...
Very timely reviews this time
Damn Jens had to re-upload for beaming sidekick
I’m playing with so many of these “1 star” cards. Colossus requires 1 damage, then 10 damage, then 1 damage, then 1 damage to remove! That’s pretty good! Especially with resurrect/cheat out mechanics.
King Phaoris + Paladin's Lens card (draw two card swap their cost): make Phaoris cheap, make a spell in hand very expensive, guaranteed 10 mana summon. High-rolly but I think it's an addition to many paladin decks that already run the lens, which doesn't come at any significant deck building cost
2:13 Eternal Servitude would like to know your location.
Wow Trump, 3 videos in one day! Now that's what I call some value.
That´s tempo not value. Value is consistent high uploads but this is a one time big upload.
@@arthena2130 :/ K
9:17 for 3 Mana 8/8 ?
cuz myra's costs 5. he's comparing the deathrattle to the myra's effect
I like how they’re repeating old mechanics, like giving Druid all the good cards
I find it hard to imagine that Quest Priest, if it winds up being a relevant deck, won't run Injured Tol'vir. A 2/3 Taunt for 2 with an extremely relevant upside?
The Fishflinger gives mage her mountain giant one turn earlier though
No wonder there's only *one* star in the title.
Siamat in quest Shaman tho?
Siamat THE new Zilliax !
Pit Crocoklisk in Battle Cry Shaman is Pre-Nerf Pyroblast WITH a 5/6 body.... just pointing that out
Khartut defender 1star? I get that it's not like 5stars but definitely 2 or 3...
Strongly disagree with the Siamat rating - no lifesteal, no magnetic, so it's just a big, flexible minion instead of the lifesaver Zilliax can be for some decks
conjured mirage is almost like if frost nova shuffled a copy of itself into the deck.
Octosari in Mechathun?
Why is he rating Siamat so high?
Compared to Zilleax he doesn’t have any synergy with other cards. And I imagine him being very hard to fit in anything since it’s certainly not a aggro card, and other decks look forward to complete their goals with cycling or aoe cards until they have their lategame setup.
Quicksand elemental is one of the best cards. A must in zoo decks, it wins aggro vs aggro games on it own.
Trump king phaoris only 2 stars? I think is pretty strong... In shaman is op with all the spell of hagatha and with shudderwock. It's like a n'zoth 2.0
Usually hagatha spells are not what you want and shudderwock is slow, this card gonna make the deck slower. Card itself is very good, you need to put in a working contest
@@TheEvilSanZ the cheap spell you can cast it pretty easily and even fill the board with some 3 cost minion is pretty strong even to force a brawl or a mass removal. I think shudderwock need some swing of the board. The fact that is pretty slow I don't think is a problem, shaman is already strong versus aggro decks (p. S. Sorry for my English)
You are trading Tempo for Value and Tempo tends to be better than Value
The problem with it is that it floods your board for a push and that gameplan benefits minion decks the most but you need big spells for Phaoris' effect to be good and that conflicts with the proactive, minion-heavy gameplan, since you need to run big spells (instead). He might work with big spells that also build a board like Locust Swarm. I'm excited to try it in some kind of summon spell Hunter.
Trump! You started asking for the link way too late - I preordered as soon as it was available. I would have, though. I would have. It's added value for no cost!
why the Reupload?
In quest shaman you can get all Siamat options. A far better Al'Akir!
I wrote this comment on the first video right before it was re-uploaded, so let me see if I can remember the gist:
(Just my two cents on this format)
I've said this before, on other recent expansion ratings from Trump, but it bears repeating; I don't think that calling these videos 'card ratings' works anymore. A more apt name would be something like 'meta predictions' or 'popularity possibilities.'
Trump isn't rating cards based on power in or out of a vacuum, or within a deck build. He's just trying to predict what people are going to play. And yes, people say that doing that is a rating in itself, and I can kind of see their point. But is that really a 'card rating' now?
Look no further than Questing Explorer. He says people are vastly overrating it; it's a bad card. Then he gives it three stars himself. Why? "To compensate for the mob mentality." That ISN'T a card rating anymore, that's a popularity guess!
I would still be at least ambivalent on these if he would have said that, then rated it one or two stars. But to say it's overrated, then ADMIT to overrating it yourself, feels like a cop-out. At least be consistant on how you're doing your format.
I'm not mad, just disappointed and a bit frustrated. Trump is only one of two Hearthstone players I still watch, and it's a bummer for me to stop being excited for reviews during reveal season. Again, just my two cents. =/
I'm sad I read your bucket of poop. You seem more than a bit frustrated if you're willing to post this mess twice.
@@spasmae866 Just seeing if there were like-minded people. =)
What's about. Zephyros rogue. With all the bounce effects. Burgle. and lackey package.
Theory being if getting to play the perfect card increases your winrate by x% then what about playing it twice? Or n-times.
It might not be the perfect card so much when you're spending mana on bouncing a lot, but shadowstep is free and could make it crazy.
Definitely one of those things people will have to try out.
Is the perfect card so perfect, 5 of them in a weak deck can win the game?
There is a legend among us
3 videos in one day you're generous mr trump
that 2 mana heal minions to full will see play 4 star
octosari is kinda good in zoo/aggro decks when your hand is empty just play it. If your opponent doesnt kill it you have a 8/8 in board wich is really good. 4*
How would you ever reach turn 8 as an aggro deck?
@@notDundi all my games almost xd
I opened a golden Siamat out of my first pack so I'm chilling
Isnt serpent egg just a weaker neburian egg
yes, but nerubian egg was op
who else is planning on a mega value singleton king phaoris shudderwock deck? hagatha plus king phaoris = instant board refill with all those “useless” spells clogging up your hand
Zephrys looks so overpowered, as it's a card that can single handedly win a game... I expect it to be hall of famed
Colossus of the Moon and Living Monument
Desert Hare, bonus points: Specifically for Druid.
Highlander Quest shaman is rly good
I have seen the future
You know you have a good expansion when 1/2 the cards are even viable
I honestly think Trump should just switch to a 3-tier rating system, given how he hands stars out. It either won't see play, will see some play, or be meta-defining in his eyes. All else is just fluff to him, and almost always results in a ton of 1-stars, some 5 stars, and well, all the rest.
There's more meaning to his star system which is subjectively the best since it tries to not only account power level of a card but also it's playability and power level of the decks that you put it in. Just because rn results were so polarizing doesn't mean that you should reduce star system. Read the description if you want to know more what each rating means
Conjured mirage is pretty good on priest right? You play it turn 4 then silence it, the nect turn you divine spirit 2x then inner fire for 40 damage
I was wondering why I kept seeing this in my recommendations
the one-star show by Trump
The injured tol vir ismt even injured. He is just furry material
This set is crazy. Talk about power creep
Can't wait for all these new and exciting decks to be made unplayable by a bomb warrior that runs 2 new cards.
I don't know, quest druid/shaman might just make the meta fairly unfavorable to bomb warriors. Which isn't to say it won't still be a good deck, just that it's not going to be prevalent enough to shut all the new archetypes out of the game by itself.
My honest prediction is that bomb warrior is going to fall off after receiving some massive whooping from secret Hunter , token / quest druid, zoo warlock and battlecry shaman. Bomb is bad against hardcore early game tempo decks after all, and most of these tempo decks are especially brutal when it comes to making tempo plays.
Rating this expansion by Trump in nutshell:
"1 star 1 star 1 star, oh, good card for quest shaman or murlock shaman - 5 star"
i don't have so many dust to craft all 1 star card >_< p.s. and zero arena analitiks
why Siamat is so good and pit crocolisk is bad?
The one star man!
Trump any non legendary neutral card: 1 Star not good in deck but if good then card good
That's all you need to really know about Trump's review ability.
Bold proclamation here: Siamat is bad. Argent Commander and Gilneas Royal Guard are nowhere near playable, especially in a control deck and 7 mana is too late for that kind of effect.
Don't tell him about prismatic lens king phaorus
Mogu-is a meme. 1 star.
Rogue, warlock and shaman
"Seems legit"
The reupload man!
Trump out here like a food critic
Trump: This set is INSANE!
Also Trump: 1 star to 30 out of 45 neutral cards.
I know some of them are just filler but jeez that is a lot of cards. And I'm kind of pissed because he downs taunt warrior and I feel it will be played at least a little.
Maros 188 probably in wild but in standard it just doesn't look like it comes even close to the other warrior decks
Why play a deck with both less consistency and payoff when you could play normal Control Warrior
Gloomy Lobster cuz this might be fun. And I don't like how Trump eithet praises a deck or downs it completely. Basically I just don't like how he gives a small number of stars to most of the cards.
Quicksand elemental into rush warrior
"1 star when you caompare it to..." lmao, all cards are shit when you compare it to cards that are way better.
o n e s t a r
I think Trump could rename his star ratings to the binary "yes/no"
7 mana 3/12 sounds good.
Of course, if he rates that many cards 1-star he's bound to be wrong on something.
I think Desert Hare has potential. It's neutral Mustard for Battle without the weapon and with beast tag. If Druid buff is in the meta, Desert Hare will be at least tried out so 2 stars maybe 3 stars.
Psst. The 1/4 weapon is worth about 1 mana, though it is weak. 3 1/1s is worth about 2.5 mana. Thus, 3.5 mana card, which rounds down to 3. Three 1/1s for 3 mana is not good, even if they ARE Beasts. Par example, one mana more and a secret can get you 7/7 worth of beasts in Hunter.
It's worse than microtech controller (unless the beast tag matters).
Everything 1⭐
The reupload man
why are they releasing so many anti-aggro tools? the cards are in direct competition with each other so most won't ever get played, and it's not like face aggro is popular, hasn't been for ages.