Evidently that definition is not used much anymore but I get the idea and it can still be helpful in describing music I think. Thanks for the comment and have a good one.
Thanks Bradley. Good to see you. Joe Zawinul released an album The Rise And Fall Of The Third Stream. It’s really worth checking out. I always wondered what the tile meant 👍
Whitey, I checked that album out. Yes, I would definitely call that third stream. It’s sounds good. At least Chick knew the meaning! Thanks for the comment.
Yes, Gil Evans was one of those guys that would add orchestra to many of Miles Davis records. A lot of those CTI records did that as well. John McLaughlin had one as well. Thanks Bradley. It's a nice change of pace for sure.
Dave, it is an interesting description and I see where he was coming from. In the Wiki article he also describes also what it is not. It gets a little murky. I think there should be a better term although I have no idea what it would be. Maybe “Clazzical”. Ha! That doesn’t sound good either. Anyhow, have a good weekend!
Yeah, in the Wikipedia article Schuller also lists conditions that would bar music from his description. So, yes Nelson and Wilson would be big band. I never hear the term nowadays but see where he was coming from.
Never heard the term "Third Stream". Thanks!
Evidently that definition is not used much anymore but I get the idea and it can still be helpful in describing music I think. Thanks for the comment and have a good one.
Thanks Bradley. Good to see you. Joe Zawinul released an album The Rise And Fall Of The Third Stream. It’s really worth checking out. I always wondered what the tile meant 👍
Whitey, I checked that album out. Yes, I would definitely call that third stream. It’s sounds good. At least Chick knew the meaning! Thanks for the comment.
If that’s the case, then the great Bill Evans did “fourth stream” back in 1966: “Bill Evans Trio with Symphony Orchestra”
3 + 1 = 4 !! Makes complete sense to me. 😅
Yes, Gil Evans was one of those guys that would add orchestra to many of Miles Davis records. A lot of those CTI records did that as well. John McLaughlin had one as well. Thanks Bradley. It's a nice change of pace for sure.
Dave, it is an interesting description and I see where he was coming from. In the Wiki article he also describes also what it is not. It gets a little murky. I think there should be a better term although I have no idea what it would be. Maybe “Clazzical”. Ha! That doesn’t sound good either. Anyhow, have a good weekend!
Interesting lp Bradley. What about Oliver Nelson and maybe Gerald wilson. But I guess that could be big band jazz.
Yeah, in the Wikipedia article Schuller also lists conditions that would bar music from his description. So, yes Nelson and Wilson would be big band. I never hear the term nowadays but see where he was coming from.
Interesting, I have never heard of that. So when Metallica recorded with a symphony, what would that be called, Fourth Stream Music
Hmmm….good question! Probably so. That guy made up his own definition so I think we can do the same. Ha!