Why are these "nightmare times"? I keep hearing people saying that. Do you realize we're at the era with the lowest global rate of violence in human history, lowest global rate of poverty and starvation, highest average global quality of life, the peak in all human history of scientific and technological advancement, and lots of other things that makes this the best time to be alive? Sure, a lot of shitty things are going on that need drastic improvement, but that has _always_ been the case throughout history. The news just amplifies it and makes people more aware of it.
@Schrodinger When I hear that, I derive that whoever spoke is either simply ignorant or a religious fundamentalist like a JW who's impatiently waiting for an apocalypse. So yes, please don't say that. This is the brightest golden age ever (still pretty mediocre at times, I know, but it is!)
Bach really loved Vivaldi's works, the compination of melody and complexity in these transcriptions are heavenly , definitely the best music ever produced by humans
Oh, stop your "Bach really loved Vivaldi's works"! Bach wrote keyboard arrangements of concertos by Vivaldi (and other Italians, not just Vivaldi) simply satisfy the then current demand for keyboard arrangements of Italian concertos! He wrote them during his employment as court organist (and later concertmaster) to the co-reigning dukes of Weimar. Keyboard arrangements of Italian concertos were popular in Germany and the Netherlands, and Bach was not the only composer of such arrangements. E.g., Bach's Weimar cousin, J. Walther, also composed keyboard arrangements of Italian concertos.
@@herrickinman9303 Then how do you explain the obvious italian influence in the Brandenberg concertos? Bach's first historian said that it won't be an exaggeration if we said that Vivaldi taught Bach how to think musically . Vivaldi was one of the most famous composers in his time and his concertos were constantly copied and transcribed , besides , Vivaldi was the one who popularized the concerto form , Allegro - Andante - Allegro for example , and Bach used this form a lot !! There are many other examples in the composing technique as well , stop your " Bach is god " mentality , I agree that he might be the most genius composer of all time but that doesn't mean he figured everything out from scratch
@@alaaobaid3363 How do I explain it? Simple. In the early 18th century, the Italian concerto with its ritornelli was all the rage in Germany. Many composers in Germany, not just Bach, adopted FEATURES of the Italian concerto STYLE. Bach was composing masterpieces long before he ever came across a Vivaldi score. So the notion that Vivaldi taught Bach how to think musically is surely an exaggeration, even if Bach himself said it. Forkel, "Bach's first historian," had very limited knowledge of Vivaldi, so he was hardly in a position to claim "it won't be an exaggeration if we said that Vivaldi taught Bach how to think musically." Furthermore, Forkel's chronological frame is wrong. He lumps the Vivaldi arrangements together with Bach's studying the music of Frescobaldi, Froberger, Kerll, Pachelbel, Buxtehude, and others. Forkel is off by at least a decade, since the Vivaldi arrangements date from 1713-1714. And Forkel, like you, ignores the fact that Bach also made keyboard arrangements of concertos by other Italians, e.g., Alessandro Marcello, Benedetto Marcello, and Torelli.
@@herrickinman9303 Bach transcribed six concertos by Vivaldi , and just like this concerto he didn't modify anything in 3 of them and if that doesn't say he respected and admired Vivaldi then I don't know what does. And no italian composer used Ritornello technique like how Vivaldi did .
I first heard this as scored for two violins. If that was Vivaldi, then I go with the Vivaldi. However, kind of hard to imagine anything more effective than this organ version. Fantastic piece of music.
@@andywomack3414sure you have good Musicals ears , compliments for your honesty and fairness. Indeed to many educated Listeners , the very geniality of BACH was to transcribe/copy Vivaldi Music to Organ , an instrument that can 'mimic' the sonorities of the violin ; Bach transcriptions for other instruments reach far less value, If any 😮😮😮 Nonetheless , BACH remains 'the Great' even and especially, if Musicians start naming these Masterpieces the proper educated way : VIVALDI-BACH 🎉🎉🎉
i'm all up in this channel like a bag of chips! every single video has blown me away! thanks for such gorgeous display of amazing talent and artistry. #GodBlessedBach
A bag of chips? Excuse me, as a swede I don´t understand the english way to tell something. But for me Bach is a lot more than a bag of chips. This said with a smile :-)
@@staffanolofsson8201 hahaha! the translation is that I am ADDICTED to this channel and i can't get enough...in America we clearly have an obesity problem because everyone eats more potato chips than they should ;)
Yesss , God knows . Fortunately WE TOO KNOW of this persisting creepy mendacious attribution ; the correct title should be VIVALDI 522 - BACH transcription for Organ 😮😮😮 Please stop this shameful misinformation
Man, Vivaldi was a striking composer at his times. Even so Bach arranged many Vivaldi's works into keyboard pieces, and I like his arrangement fou 4 harpsichords and string orchestra in A minor after Vivaldi"s Concerto for 4 Violins and string orchestra in B minor.
I agree, I rarely listen to it because it gets me very emotional. The Adagio of the D minor concerto is also very beautiful but a bit less moving in my opinion
Dear Matteo Bach gave the trascription of this concerto op III n 8 of Vivaldi as reported by various authoritative Bach' s biographers,in addition to other compositions of the Prete Rosso such as the Estro Armonico
Beste Reitze Smit. Ik heb dit werk van Bach door diverse organisten gespeeld . Ik vind deze interpretatie wel de allermooiste . Ik denk dat Bach het ook zo zou hebben gespeeld. Met een hartelijke muzikale groet 🖖 vanuit Hoorn Nh.
The Adagio has to be among the greatest pieces ever written. I first heard it scored for two violins and orchestra, possible a symphonic transcription. It would be worth trying to find that or something like it. Very effective in conveying the interweaving nature of the melodic lines. It might have even been credited to Vivaldi, or at least mentioned Vivaldi in the liner notes. This piece has resided in my memory for over 50 years. What a gift.
Vivaldi is such an underrated genius. Sad to see him less valued than later classical composers like Mozart, Schubert, Brahms and the list goes on. Honestly, I didn't find that majestic musical composition with anyone other than Vivaldi. If I would name the 2 greatest composers for me, indeed they are Vivaldi and Bach with a HUGE distance to any other ones.
Quelle interprétation magistrale de ce concerto de Bach d'après Vivaldi. J'ai beaucoup apprécié les tempi et surtout le choix des jeux choisis, en particulier pour le deuxième mouvement tellement aérien. L'orgue est magnifique. ❤👍👏👏👏
Excelente versión en órgano de este concierto para orquesta y continuo. Variedad en registros de acuerdo al movimiento abordado. Felicidades y gracias. Desde Puebla, México
Di solito non commento mai… ma questa volta non posso astenermi. Bella esecuzione. Tempo azzeccatissimo, abbellimenti al punto giusto. Brava Alessandra. ❤
I've got great admiration for organists. How they manage to play on two keyboards on different levels, as well as pedals, I don't know. What a perfect performance of a melodious work by first one, then another great composer. Thanks NBS! ❤
The art of transcription is the best! And Bach is great at it. Transcription allows one to enhance his/her/its opus and the final test is performing endurance of the transcription, its popularity and appeal too! It's a limitless field. Bach forever.
NBS scores a perfect 10 again, with this intensely sensitive performance by Reitze Smits, on this amazing tracker organ in Den Hague. Many thanks to all! Greetings from Canada!
The last Christmas of Covid, after working away from home for nearly two years, I was driving home to see family, listening to the radio. The traffic was light, the weather fine. As I passed through a big mountain cutting, emerging to see the magnificent homeland landscape bathed in winter sunlight, this piece exploded into life at around the 8:33 point. Magnificent to be served with some exquisite music at a very emotional time.
To say this is beautifully played seems woefully inadequate. Take the emergence of the second theme in the left hand in the last movement at 9.50: if there are words to describe the beauty of this music and the art of its playing in this recording, let them be written by another more gifted in poetics than myself!
Vivaldi sied à l'orgue , l 'alan et la gaieté de l'italien se parant d'une profondeur et d'une gravité à certains moments dû au génie de Bach ! Et NBS toujours au top , évidemment ! Merci pour ces partages quotidiens qui illuminent nos vie !
What a marvelous piece, beautifully played on a wonderful instrument. Bach knew exactly how to exploit the acoustics and space of a big, stone church. Vivaldi's influence shows up all over in Bach's writings and he put it to good use here. I once had the privilege of taking lessons on and having access to a Metzler instrument, which like the organ in the video has no electric anything besides the blower. Seeing the long stop drawbars here reminded me of it! Thank you for sharing this beautiful performance.
Obviously, these are Bach's transcriptions- that hardly needs restating. What I was trying to convey (and apparently failed miserably in that endeavor), is how much Vivaldi's influence shows up in many of Bach's organ works that were most definitely his own. E.g. Aspects of his Toccata, Adagio and Fugue in C major, BWV 564 Aloha.
Great ORGANIST great Organ 😮😮 ACKNOWLEDGED !! 🎉🎉 If ONLY they could dismiss attributing 'tout court' to BACH what's not his own 😢😢 it's CREEPY and uneducated to only 'furtively' mention it in the footnotes; the Title goes 'VIVALDI_BACH arrangement for Organ' 🥰😜🤪 as simple as that 🏵️🏵️🏵️
Bach komt bij Vivaldi en luisterd naar deze meester. Na afloop loopt hij naar hem toe en vraagt .... mag ik de partituur? .... dan maak ik een fantastische bewerking voor orgel. En zo hebben wij het rijkelijke genoegen om hiernaar te mogen luisteren en te genieten.
After listening to Bach for years (well over 70 for me); two things become prime in the interpretation, other than the music. One in the clavier (keyboard) work and the other one (which I especially appreciate), the pedal work. Both are well illustrated here in close-up. Too many organ videos concentrate only on the artist!,
0:07 Allegro
4:08 Adagio
7:37 Allegro
Wow.... Amazing!
……how do you have a 2 year old comment on an 8 hour old video….
@@hiera1917 Unlisted video
@@hiera1917 because Bach is timeless
@@hiera1917 Most videos are available on their website and are released later.
This is epic. Bach and Vivaldi. There's nothing better...
It is a big honour that I can listen the beautiful play with clear sound just front of my computer…
Haha or in my headset
Thanks to the technological ingenuity of the human race, we can almost have the universe experienced in our homes.
Un these times of nightmares, Bach Society uplifts our souls.The organist just superb,thank you!
Why are these "nightmare times"? I keep hearing people saying that. Do you realize we're at the era with the lowest global rate of violence in human history, lowest global rate of poverty and starvation, highest average global quality of life, the peak in all human history of scientific and technological advancement, and lots of other things that makes this the best time to be alive? Sure, a lot of shitty things are going on that need drastic improvement, but that has _always_ been the case throughout history. The news just amplifies it and makes people more aware of it.
The world is descending into darkness and authoritarianism. God help us all!
When I hear that, I derive that whoever spoke is either simply ignorant or a religious fundamentalist like a JW who's impatiently waiting for an apocalypse.
So yes, please don't say that. This is the brightest golden age ever (still pretty mediocre at times, I know, but it is!)
@@Schrodinger_ wadiyatalkinabeet
On top of the answers it's Bach's retranscription from VIVALDI
Vivaldian Bach = Superb
Bach and Vivaldi’s music was touched by God
Bach really loved Vivaldi's works, the compination of melody and complexity in these transcriptions are heavenly , definitely the best music ever produced by humans
Oh, stop your "Bach really loved Vivaldi's works"!
Bach wrote keyboard arrangements of concertos by Vivaldi (and other Italians, not just Vivaldi) simply satisfy the then current demand for keyboard arrangements of Italian concertos! He wrote them during his employment as court organist (and later concertmaster) to the co-reigning dukes of Weimar. Keyboard arrangements of Italian concertos were popular in Germany and the Netherlands, and Bach was not the only composer of such arrangements. E.g., Bach's Weimar cousin, J. Walther, also composed keyboard arrangements of Italian concertos.
Then how do you explain the obvious italian influence in the Brandenberg concertos? Bach's first historian said that it won't be an exaggeration if we said that Vivaldi taught Bach how to think musically .
Vivaldi was one of the most famous composers in his time and his concertos were constantly copied and transcribed , besides , Vivaldi was the one who popularized the concerto form , Allegro - Andante - Allegro for example , and Bach used this form a lot !!
There are many other examples in the composing technique as well , stop your " Bach is god " mentality , I agree that he might be the most genius composer of all time but that doesn't mean he figured everything out from scratch
@@alaaobaid3363 How do I explain it? Simple. In the early 18th century, the Italian concerto with its ritornelli was all the rage in Germany. Many composers in Germany, not just Bach, adopted FEATURES of the Italian concerto STYLE.
Bach was composing masterpieces long before he ever came across a Vivaldi score. So the notion that Vivaldi taught Bach how to think musically is surely an exaggeration, even if Bach himself said it.
Forkel, "Bach's first historian," had very limited knowledge of Vivaldi, so he was hardly in a position to claim "it won't be an exaggeration if we said that Vivaldi taught Bach how to think musically."
Furthermore, Forkel's chronological frame is wrong. He lumps the Vivaldi arrangements together with Bach's studying the music of Frescobaldi, Froberger, Kerll, Pachelbel, Buxtehude, and others. Forkel is off by at least a decade, since the Vivaldi arrangements date from 1713-1714. And Forkel, like you, ignores the fact that Bach also made keyboard arrangements of concertos by other Italians, e.g., Alessandro Marcello, Benedetto Marcello, and Torelli.
Bach transcribed six concertos by Vivaldi , and just like this concerto he didn't modify anything in 3 of them and if that doesn't say he respected and admired Vivaldi then I don't know what does.
And no italian composer used Ritornello technique like how Vivaldi did .
@@alaaobaid3363 Right, in Brandenburg concerto 4 I can hear it in violin solo
I'm just a rocker who enjoys classical music. It is amazing how much power this music and instrument has. Completely blown away.
There is a saying that says that the organ is the king of instruments.
I've heard that, and I would add to it that J.S. Bach was the king of all
pipe organists.
F*** yeah, man 😑
This is why Bach thought Vivaldi was a genius. And he was right.
@@MrJpocrevaStravinsky disagree 😅
A simply 1st rate top-notch performance...simply stunning!
MERCI et BRAVO à Bach, à Vivaldi … et à l'organiste.
I'm never sure which is more inspired: Bach's magnificent recreation of the music for the organ or Vivaldi's music itself. What a great performance.
I first heard this as scored for two violins. If that was Vivaldi, then I go with the Vivaldi. However, kind of hard to imagine anything more effective than this organ version. Fantastic piece of music.
@@andywomack3414sure you have good Musicals ears , compliments for your honesty and fairness. Indeed to many educated Listeners , the very geniality of BACH was to transcribe/copy Vivaldi Music to Organ , an instrument that can 'mimic' the sonorities of the violin ; Bach transcriptions for other instruments reach far less value, If any 😮😮😮 Nonetheless , BACH remains 'the Great' even and especially, if Musicians start naming these Masterpieces the proper educated way : VIVALDI-BACH 🎉🎉🎉
This is like the best collab ever. Bach v Vivaldi
Thank you for this moment of Paradise!
i'm all up in this channel like a bag of chips! every single video has blown me away! thanks for such gorgeous display of amazing talent and artistry. #GodBlessedBach
A bag of chips? Excuse me, as a swede I don´t understand the english way to tell something. But for me Bach is a lot more than a bag of chips. This said with a smile :-)
@@staffanolofsson8201 hahaha! the translation is that I am ADDICTED to this channel and i can't get enough...in America we clearly have an obesity problem because everyone eats more potato chips than they should ;)
@@perriyaniv I see, so now Im also a bag of chips. I also love this channel.
@@staffanolofsson8201 hahaha! careful or I'll eat you too!
This conversation is hilarious 😂😂
Bach’s organ concertos are some of my favourite musical works, fullstop. God knows how Bach could have all these amazing ideas in his head!
in this case the ideas were Vivaldi's. But great arrangement for organ of the double concert in a minor RV 522 of Antonio Vivaldi.
Yesss , God knows . Fortunately WE TOO KNOW of this persisting creepy mendacious attribution ; the correct title should be VIVALDI 522 - BACH transcription for Organ 😮😮😮 Please stop this shameful misinformation
A beautiful organ played many times better than I have heard other organists play this piece!!
Man, Vivaldi was a striking composer at his times. Even so Bach arranged many Vivaldi's works into keyboard pieces, and I like his arrangement fou 4 harpsichords and string orchestra in A minor after Vivaldi"s Concerto for 4 Violins and string orchestra in B minor.
I first heard this scored for two violins and orchestra. I have a 50 year old memory that sounds symphonic. Eugene Ormandy possibly.
@@andywomack3414 A good memory you have indeed.
I think the second movement is just hauntingly beautiful. Absolutely fantastic!
I loved it as well the 2nd movement is my favourite
I agree, I rarely listen to it because it gets me very emotional. The Adagio of the D minor concerto is also very beautiful but a bit less moving in my opinion
Es ist was man hören muss um glücklich zu sein! Toller Organist!
Masterfully played! Vivaldi the wonderful creator. Bach the master of us all. “Allein Gott in der Höh sei Ehr!”
This is the trascription of the Vivaldi's Concerto in la minore for two violins Op III N 8
Did bach modify something or did he transcribe everything exactly as written?
It seems he transcribed everything exactly as written by Vivaldi
@@matteomagurno3068 Yes, Bach did modify it a bit. Already the first chord is fuller in the transcription.
Dear Matteo Bach gave the trascription of this concerto op III n 8 of Vivaldi as reported by various authoritative Bach' s biographers,in addition to other compositions of the Prete Rosso such as the Estro Armonico
Original del maestro Vivaldi obvio
Beste Reitze Smit. Ik heb dit werk van Bach door diverse organisten gespeeld .
Ik vind deze interpretatie wel de allermooiste .
Ik denk dat Bach het ook zo zou hebben gespeeld.
Met een hartelijke muzikale groet 🖖 vanuit Hoorn Nh.
Just what the doctor ordered.
Simply magnificent.
Thank you!
Quelle oeuvre grandiose ! Superbe interprétation, un très grand bravo à Reitze Smiths ! Et quel bel instrument avec de très belles sonorités ! 👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻
Walked down the aisle to the 3rd movement of this piece. Something I’ll always remember ❤
Gorgeous! Tears are in my eyes 🙏 Thank you! ♥️
Wat een beheersing over dit mooie orgel
Desde Costa Rica, gracias infinitas por su labor. Que Dios los bendiga!
Bravo Maestro ! Merci beaucoup pour ces merveilleux moments.
The Adagio has to be among the greatest pieces ever written. I first heard it scored for two violins and orchestra, possible a symphonic transcription. It would be worth trying to find that or something like it. Very effective in conveying the interweaving nature of the melodic lines.
It might have even been credited to Vivaldi, or at least mentioned Vivaldi in the liner notes.
This piece has resided in my memory for over 50 years. What a gift.
@Jacob Downer thanks
I also love what Ignatieva does in the Feinberg piano transcription.
Vivaldi is such an underrated genius. Sad to see him less valued than later classical composers like Mozart, Schubert, Brahms and the list goes on. Honestly, I didn't find that majestic musical composition with anyone other than Vivaldi. If I would name the 2 greatest composers for me, indeed they are Vivaldi and Bach with a HUGE distance to any other ones.
Великолепно! Один из самых любимых органистов, один из самых лучших органов! Бах, Вивальди- лучшие на все времена!
Thanks for such a wonderful and timeless work of art performed by Mr. Reitze Smits, a gift to the World.
Pure wonderful interpretation
The shocking clarity of pedals at 9:06 is mind-blowing. Bravissimo!
Quelle interprétation magistrale de ce concerto de Bach d'après Vivaldi. J'ai beaucoup apprécié les tempi et surtout le choix des jeux choisis, en particulier pour le deuxième mouvement tellement aérien. L'orgue est magnifique. ❤👍👏👏👏
Excelente versión en órgano de este concierto para orquesta y continuo. Variedad en registros de acuerdo al movimiento abordado. Felicidades y gracias. Desde Puebla, México
Di solito non commento mai… ma questa volta non posso astenermi. Bella esecuzione. Tempo azzeccatissimo, abbellimenti al punto giusto. Brava Alessandra. ❤
This concerto is magnificent on organ as well as harpsichord and violin
Talent beyond measure. It's actually unbelievable...
Amazing as always!
Absolutely agree!
@Jacob H Yes, I won't ever explode Bach
@@MiScusi69 lmaoooo
@@MiScusi69 but hes blowing up
so lit
that is a beautiful interpretation
I have always loved this work.
Thank you very much.
I feel such a sense of space from this production. Amazing audio…. What a awesome performance
Netherlands Bach Society, may they all become incredibly wealthy.
Bravisimo. Impresionante Concierto.
impresionante Ejecución MAESTRO Smith eres Genial. GRACIAS DESDE MÉXICO
I love watching him play 🤩
I've got great admiration for organists. How they manage to play on two keyboards on different levels, as well as pedals, I don't know. What a perfect performance of a melodious work by first one, then another great composer. Thanks NBS! ❤
Fantastic organist AND fantastic musician.
C'est parfait, bel interpretation, bel instrument😊
Truly Magnificent! I hear this piece from Vivaldi the last time when I was 15. When I heard Bach's arrangement for organ at 61, I was speechless.
Beautyfull. Amazing!!!
Bachs transcriptions for organ are the best ever done.🎉
Hermoso y la vez divino el concierto en órgano¡¡¡😍 Gracias por compartirlo👏👏
The art of transcription is the best! And Bach is great at it. Transcription allows one to enhance his/her/its opus and the final test is performing endurance of the transcription, its popularity and appeal too! It's a limitless field.
Bach forever.
Just wonderful! 🎶
NBS scores a perfect 10 again, with this intensely sensitive performance by Reitze Smits, on this amazing tracker organ in Den Hague. Many thanks to all! Greetings from Canada!
Thanks a lot once more for your amazing work guys! Lovely performance! Lovely piece.
I waited this one many years !! Thank you so much !! 🥰
Superlative performance!!!
Perfettamente Vivaldiano! Bellissimo!
Děkuji, nádherné!
Fantastic - I was looking for an NBS performance of this piece; you uploaded just in time!
The last Christmas of Covid, after working away from home for nearly two years, I was driving home to see family, listening to the radio. The traffic was light, the weather fine. As I passed through a big mountain cutting, emerging to see the magnificent homeland landscape bathed in winter sunlight, this piece exploded into life at around the 8:33 point. Magnificent to be served with some exquisite music at a very emotional time.
Thank you for sharing the lovely organ music with the You Tube world.
Great performance by Mr.Smits of a great piece by Bach! Thank you NBS
@@gianlucabersanetti6454 I know but none can deny that Bach made this transcription with a twist of his own genius
To say this is beautifully played seems woefully inadequate. Take the emergence of the second theme in the left hand in the last movement at 9.50: if there are words to describe the beauty of this music and the art of its playing in this recording, let them be written by another more gifted in poetics than myself!
I do know a more powerful poem consisting of a mere word
Beautiful perfomance! This organist really knows to play!!!
Prachtig! meer kan ik er niet aan toevoegen
Fantastic performance of BWV 593 🎵🎹💯 Thank you 🌟🍃
No doubt EXCELLENT 😮😮 Please note : the music is VIVALDI 😊😊 thanks🌺🌺
This upload made my day!
same! 😀
One of my favorite Bach's piece ! Thank you for this wonderful performance !
It's by Vivaldi
Truly outstanding rendition!
Bellísimo, muchas gracias.
Bach's organ arrangement made after Vivaldi's Concerto in A Minor op. 3 n. 8 from "L'Estro Armonico" set.
Vivaldi sied à l'orgue , l 'alan et la gaieté de l'italien se parant d'une profondeur et d'une gravité à certains moments dû au génie de Bach ! Et NBS toujours au top , évidemment ! Merci pour ces partages quotidiens qui illuminent nos vie !
This is fantastic. The short interview with Reitze Smits is also very interesting.
Браво Вивальди, браво Баху, браво Смитсу.
Bellissima esecuzione e interpretazione. Complimenti
I've been waiting for this one, since you've started All of Bach ...Gott im himmel you never disappoint, utterly perfect..thanks again .
Genialne brzmienie, genialny Bach
Excellente interprétation toute en finesse, et choix judicieux des jeux sur ce si bel orgue !
Just lovely
Wonderfull ! Perfectly executed ! Bravo !
Brilliant! Very refreshing performance.
The concert sounds great on organ
Wonderful performance
I've heard this 1000 times.
Oh......so good!!!!!
Brilliant. Thank you.
What a marvelous piece, beautifully played on a wonderful instrument. Bach knew exactly how to exploit the acoustics and space of a big, stone church. Vivaldi's influence shows up all over in Bach's writings and he put it to good use here. I once had the privilege of taking lessons on and having access to a Metzler instrument, which like the organ in the video has no electric anything besides the blower. Seeing the long stop drawbars here reminded me of it! Thank you for sharing this beautiful performance.
@alistair .. sorry 😢😢😢 this is NOT Music inspired by others : this is EXACTLY VIVALDI MUSIC note by note 😮😮😮 very GENIALLY arranged by great BACH 🌺🌺🌺
Obviously, these are Bach's transcriptions- that hardly needs restating. What I was trying to convey (and apparently failed miserably in that endeavor), is how much Vivaldi's influence shows up in many of Bach's organ works that were most definitely his own. E.g. Aspects of his Toccata, Adagio and Fugue in C major, BWV 564
@@AlistairBostrom no , it's my bad ; I exaggerated it sorry 😔😔😔 So nice of you . Most welcome, have a good day 🏵️🏵️🏵️
So Vivaldi ! Great performance !
So very beautiful!
These Dutch have fabulous organists and even more fabulous organs!
Great ORGANIST great Organ 😮😮 ACKNOWLEDGED !! 🎉🎉 If ONLY they could dismiss attributing 'tout court' to BACH what's not his own 😢😢 it's CREEPY and uneducated to only 'furtively' mention it in the footnotes; the Title goes 'VIVALDI_BACH arrangement for Organ' 🥰😜🤪 as simple as that 🏵️🏵️🏵️
Thank you for an absolutely wonderful performance🍃
0:29 0:40 I hear the PURE SOUND of God's Kingdom. ⛪🤲🏼Drone note HITS me everytime! 😭😯
I love this music so much ❤❤❤
fabulous performance
Bach komt bij Vivaldi en luisterd naar deze meester. Na afloop loopt hij naar hem toe en vraagt .... mag ik de partituur? .... dan maak ik een fantastische bewerking voor orgel.
En zo hebben wij het rijkelijke genoegen om hiernaar te mogen luisteren en te genieten.
After listening to Bach for years (well over 70 for me); two things become prime in the interpretation, other than the music.
One in the clavier (keyboard) work and the other one (which I especially appreciate), the pedal work.
Both are well illustrated here in close-up.
Too many organ videos concentrate only on the artist!,
Bach played in a REAL vintage pipe organ.
Nothing like it for the soul!
Simply great!
Splendida esecuzione M°Smits!
Bach y Vivaldi Juntos! vaya que dos genios...
splendid! Thank you!