Is there mistake in trellis for turbocoder (first convolutional coder), how could it go from state 00 to state 01 ... this doesn't even match the scheme for the coder. Imho it should go from 00 -> 10
You are right oglop. At state 00, when the input bit is 1 the output bits are 11 but the next state is 10 not 01 as shown in the video. Thank you for pointing out the mistake. I really appreciate your interest in the subject. If u find any more mistake in future then please let me know. I will be very grateful to you. Thank you
THANK YOU so much Sir,plz upload more and more videos ..GREAT WORK!
very informative,appreciate your work,also provide video on BCH codes and Reed Solomon codes ,Golay codes
Good overview what the turbo code is all about.
Is there mistake in trellis for turbocoder (first convolutional coder), how could it go from state 00 to state 01 ... this doesn't even match the scheme for the coder. Imho it should go from 00 -> 10
You are right oglop. At state 00, when the input bit is 1 the output bits are 11 but the next state is 10 not 01 as shown in the video. Thank you for pointing out the mistake. I really appreciate your interest in the subject. If u find any more mistake in future then please let me know. I will be very grateful to you. Thank you
Sir solid line is for input 0 and dashed line is for input 1.
thanns you so much
please waheeduddin hyder..can you upload video on reed solomon encoding and wil be very helpful for me.
Thanks... But I think something is wrong in your solution