definitely got a few that could have had figures. Lord Dregg Tempestra Carter (he would have been perfect in the mutations sub-line in the vintage figure line) Atilla the Frog Rasputin the mad Frog Lt. Granitor Roadkill Rodney Human Baxter with mousers Bugman
NECA is making a Leader 1!! They mentioned they have around 40 more characters coming in their cartoon line so here’s hoping some of these if not all make the list.
This character wasn’t in the TMMT cartoon but he was in Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles adventures comic . A fusion of the original universal monsters monsterex should have made an appearance in the cartoon. His designed a long would’ve made an interesting figure
What about Atilla and Rasputin from the Punk Frogs? Only Genghis Frog and Napoleon Bonafrog got figures (altough Napoleon figure didn't look like the show)
7:35 Carter was actually splashed with the same mutagen that mutated the Turtles ad Splinter (the last of which was supposed to have been used to demutate Splinter back in Season 2). Anyway, the mutagen is now unstable and that's why his mutation isn't permanent. It has similar effects on the Turtles too, turning them into hulking mutants temporarily, eventually sapping their intelligence each time they mutate.
I think what this video teaches me is I completely missed out on the later seasons of the teenage mutant ninja turtles, but thankfully I got that turtle van dvd set so hopefully one of those days I can watch all the episodes to completion so I can be aware of some of the characters that were mentioned in this video. Did they ever do a an action figure of lotus blossom from the earlier seasons of the tmnt cartoon show.
Lord Dregg was also voiced by Tony Jay probably my favourite VA ever for the work he did on Soul Reaver. The entire legacy of Kain cast were incredible.
Rex 1 was voiced by Jack Angel he was the voice of Astrotrain, Omega Supreme, Ramjet, Smokescreen, and Ultra Magnus from Transformers and Wet-Suit from G.I.Joe.
The Rex-1 is a good idea as you can easily repaint it as the bad guy to sell even more toys. FYI Rex-1 was voiced by Jack Angel of the Transformers (Astrotrain, Omega Supreme, Ultra Magnus, Ramjet, Cyclonus, Smokescreen, Sentinel Prime and more...
"Zak" because he was in too many episodes. "Big Louie" would have been good because he took shredders place as a villain in quite a few episodes. Did you notice in the episode Planet of the Turtleoids only the main character "Kirma (I think)" didn't get a figure. That episode featured "Tatoo" and "Groundchuck" and "Dirtbag".
Wow, UA-cam suggested this video that's now 3 years old. Now some of these exist! Thanks Neca. But a character i wanted as a figure was the old lady with the machine gun in her shopping cart from the 1st episode
Great vid man, I personally would have loved to see Titanus figure. I think it would have been a different look for a turtle figure and I have always loved that character.
Well here's the thing..I see Ed's Toy empire as you make these 5 figures Independently ...and rocket to the top of the Toy and figure world..will be on the look out for these as you ramp up..Thanks for showing these.
My list of most wanted toon figures. Roadkill rodney Human Baxter with scaled Mousers Granita. Pizza Monsters Lotus Blossom Arcade villianess (magestra? Magestrix?) Usagi that was more toon/comic accurate. Bugman would have been a great Mutations figure variant. That wave with Super bebop and mighty rocksteady would have been a great wave for bugman and his villian along with Nobody from Mirage comics and other superhero themed charecters. I never understood why Dregg and Carter didn't get a toy. Really botherrd me since that final season was my fav since season one. Even as a kud, i hated zach from previous seasons. Didn't Alpha get a figure? I remember a foot soilder with a robot face as a toy? REX1 would have made a great figure alongside Roadkill Rodney. I do not remember Berserker. I didn't much care for the cartoon from the 3rd season up till the red sky soft reboot. I felt it strayed to far into slap stick and not enough "serious" storylines for my matured (8-12 year old) self. LOL. I mich perfered the comics, video games and the first two films.
I've got the original TMNT Technodrome, Sewer Lair, and Turtle Blimp II new in their box. I'll put them all together one day. I never had the Technodrome or Sewer Lair back in the day. Though I did make a Sewer Lair out of wood. I did have the Turtle Blimp II for a few days, but it wouldn't hold air and so my mom returned it.
@@EdsRetroGeekOut Haha. I've got two TMNT Blimp II's brand new in the box. I got two to have a backup in case one of the blimps won't hold air. It was pretty expensive to get the Sewer Lair, Technodrome, and two Blimp II's brand new in the box. I also have brand new the box the Technodrome Scout. I only like getting things new. Whether sealed box or new open box. I also have two brand new in the box vintage Star Wars Millennium Falcon Hasbro/Kenner reissues from a few years ago in the "Original Trilogy Collection". My dream had always been to get the TMNT Sewer Lair and Technodrome.
She was not on the cartoon only show up on the comics, until the nickelodeon version but they changed it a lot there in the cartoon too, but both versions would do great figures! I am talking about Alopex! she provably did not got a release just for been a girl pretty much, but they did a Mona Lisa figure, also there is no Mona Lisa figure from the Nickelodeon turtles, and that would have been also a great figure totaly missed opportunities from playmates, I seen some custom made figures of her both Alopex and Monalisa and they kick ass! the neca line series should do some thing with dose characters.
Oh, man. I totally forgot about Rex-1. I remember wanting a figure of him because he looked cool. I was a big fan of the C.O.P.S. cartoon (and RoboCop) and he was another futuristic police officer like them.
I dont know why they didn't make an action figure of Rex-1, and they made an action figure of Metalhead. I would have love to see an action figure of Rex-1. They even gave Rex-1 a robocop girlfriend, Rexanne. I would have loved to see one of her, too.
Mr. Ogg would have been cool to get as a figure too. And the other Rock Soldier- the grey one with the pointed nose. Although his figure probably wouldn't have looked like him, much like General Tragg didn't.
Great vid dude. Defo Bananaman, this was a cartoon series we had ere in the uk, which featured a boy named Eric and every time he ate a banana he became a superhero named Bananaman. Don't know if you have ever heard of the series Bananaman, Lol but then again you might have ma man. It was just great fun to watch everyday after school. 🇬🇧
No 4 did get a later release with in the new Nickelodeon teenage mutant ninja turtles , but It would’ve been cool to get an 80s version I guess late 90s version of the action figure.
I only had three TMNT figures, and one doesn't count. I had regular Leonardo, Sewer Samurai Leo, and the 'gold,' numbered, Leo statue. If they had made a Tempestra figure, I probably could have been persuaded to... shell out for it.
Can't remember the name, but in the old cartoon there was a mafia mutant made of ooze/slime with dissolving powers, really gross. In fact, In that episode there's a visible murder of an innocent citizen.
I split my comment into 2 because I didn't want this to get buried. Here's an idea for a future video; top 5 or even 10 toy characters who never appeared in the cartoon. For me that's one of the show's 2 biggest faults. True, the demand from parents that the producers tone down the violence on the series arguably hurt it more; it made season 2 my least favorite season but it still had a few very good episodes and a couple decent ones. They did manage to adapt by the time of seasons 3-4 and were able to write stories that fell under this new tone but were much more entertaining than most of season 2, the only problem was that because they had to churn out 99 episodes over those 2 years (I count the European Vacation episodes as part of season 4) the quality varied wildly but there were still more good episodes than bad and a lot of the good ones were classic. Season 5 is one of my top 3 favorite seasons because at only 22 episodes they were able to show both a mastery of the lighter tone as well as much better quality control. But aside from that, the biggest failing of the show for me is how little they would use the toy characters and how many never appeared on the show at all. I look at all these cool characters like Walkabout and Scratch thinking how great it would have been to even see them just once in animated form. But even disregarding that, they didn't properly utilize the ones they did pick. Aside from Casey Jones, the Punk Frogs, the Rat King, Leatherhead and Baxter Stockman the remaining toy characters only show up once or twice and that's it; and even the ones with more appearances could have been used more often. I actually love the episode with Mutagen Man because he gets written out at the end so that's one character they have an excuse for not using again. And sometimes they aren't even used right. I had Wingnut and Screwloose as a kid and knew they were good guys but was disappointed seeing them cast as villains on the show. Merdude was also kind of bland, the version in the Archie comic was awesome and that's what we should have gotten on the show. I look at all the bad episodes with lame one-shot villains or weak scripts involving Shredder and his crew thinking how much better if they had spent them on one of the side characters. I think what's best would have been if Shredder's gang grew with each passing season as new characters from the toyline that year joined the ranks. You could still have him use Bebop and Rocksteady every time, but having a set of other villains aiding them that was different every episode would have done wonders for the show. I am still a huge fan of the original TMNT as just because it could have been better doesn't mean it's not great as it is. The flaws are only noticeable if you look at the series as a whole; just based on all the good episodes it's still one of the best cartoons ever. When you have over 190 episodes you can afford a significant number of bad ones.
I think they and the toy creators really did different things as well as the comics, turtles was just a licensing machine and everyone did their own thing, but it would have been cool to see scratch or half court appear in the cartoon
@@EdsRetroGeekOut Yeah, they pretty much gave the creators of the show and comics free rein on deciding how many or how few toy characters to promote. It was a good thing for the comics as they only used characters they could write quality stories about, but like I said the show really could have used some more appearances from the toy characters. It's not like the Transformers comics, where Hasbro's insistence on cramming as many toys as they could strangled the comics' story. The show did a much better job at representing series 2 and 3 because they had a lot of episodes to spread them out over. They might not have included every character, but most of the ones they did were represented well and they had mostly good stories. The first 12 issues of the comic were quite good, but 13-37 were significantly weaker than seasons 2 and 3 of the cartoon although I do love issues 25-30. It was only when they had to cram the Headmasters and Targetmasters into the last 3 episodes of the cartoon that the comic succeeded where the show failed as the Headmasters miniseries was pretty good, and while the issues after that were still not as good as my 2 favorite seasons they were still showing signs of improvement but it wasn't until Simon Furman took over for the last 25 issues that the comic really got is grove back. If it weren't for the UK comic issues making up for the weaker US stories, I'd take the show over the comic any day.
0:47 That's not the Easter Bunny, that's the hare from the Aesop fable The Tortoise and the Hare; he just happened to show up in the Easter episode but yeah when I got the VHS tape as a kid just judging from the cover I thought that he was the Easter Bunny. This was a great idea for a video and I agree with most of your choices. I love both the Bugman episodes, I love The Foot Soldiers Are Revolting, I love Rex-1 (he was by far the best part of his first episode, but I really enjoyed his second appearance as a whole), and I am one of the biggest fans of Lord Dregg. It's funny, out of the last 3 seasons most people say 8 is the best but personally it's one of my least favorite seasons. It's not awful, it just doesn't feel right to me. The show before was at is best when it was able to balance the comedy and silliness with action and good stories (the first 5 episodes and the real 7 season representing what I wish the show was like all the time) and while it wasn't bad season 8 just doesn't feel like TMNT to me (Beserko was a cool character though). But when Lord Dregg debuts everything suddenly clicks into place. Of course it helps that I have very fond memories of watching those episodes on TV, but still there's something about him that makes the new tone feel right like this is a spin-off or a sequel series rather than a direct continuation. I have 2 choices that you didn't mention. One is Hokum Hare, because the first TMNT VHS I ever owned was The Turtles' Awesome Easter which had both his episodes on it. I loved both of them especially the first and which remains one of my favorite episodes to this day. However while a figure of him would have been nice, my #1 choice is Tempestra. Her episode was one of my absolute favorites, I rented the VHS tape it was on 3 times over the years. I thought that she was a really cool character with an awesome design. I was super happy to see her reappear in Night of the Rogues.
I was debating tempestra to pop onthe list but i wanted these other ones more 🤓 Lord dregg was pretty awesome in those last cartoons but the whole feel was gone
@@EdsRetroGeekOut That's understandable. Yeah I loved Lord Dregg but the last 2 seasons although I still like them aren't as good as seasons 1, 3-5 and 7. Those are the glory days when the show was firing on all cylinders at least half the time. I wish that they had continued on with the tone they established in the second half of 7, but it still could have been a lot worse.
How about the Terror Bears from the old board game. They did turn them into 'The Nightmare Beavers' for that 3-D Nic cartoon. Those got two figures, a purple and a red one.
Limiting things to just the Fred Wolf verse Turtles.... that's a challenge. But if that is the case... 5. Shredder's brother 4. Pre-Mutation Baxter 3. Same for Carter 2. Totally with you on Alpha 1. The creature from Attack of the Killer Pizzas
I always thought Bugman was a nod to the Sectaurs. Good list, Mona Lisa would have been on my list, but it's honestly hard to pick who from your list i would weed out.
That Bezerko looks like if they made a toy of him it would be trespassing on the copyrights for Predator, and thats why he was never made to a toy. And have the kid that "mutated" to a yellow big guy was like an anticlimax, he didnt really add anything to the team or story
I think they just weren’t lining up with the cartoon anymore for the toys, other toylines have had predatorlike toys like gijoe and gotten away with it also tmnt had an alien crossover toy lined up like the star trek or universal monster ones
Personally, I don't have any nostalgia for the 80's turtles at all. But I still do like them. But the ones I grew up with were the 2012 turtles. Since I was a kid 2000's kid to early 2010's kid. I do like the original turtles it's just not the ones that grew up. With
I thought MACC would have been a decent action figure from the "Attack of the big MACC" episode. I'm pretty sure he was inspired by Johnny 5 from Short Circuit.
definitely got a few that could have had figures.
Lord Dregg
Carter (he would have been perfect in the mutations sub-line in the vintage figure line)
Atilla the Frog
Rasputin the mad Frog
Lt. Granitor
Roadkill Rodney
Human Baxter with mousers
NECA is making a Leader 1!! They mentioned they have around 40 more characters coming in their cartoon line so here’s hoping some of these if not all make the list.
I really enjoyed this video man! I didn't even know a couple of these characters existed 😱
Thanks buddy 🕺🏻😍
That is a very racist white supremist comment
I remember all of them. I loved watching original TMNT growing up in the 80s and 90s.
@@Democraps_are_narrow-minded what-
This character wasn’t in the TMMT cartoon but he was in Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles adventures comic . A fusion of the original universal monsters monsterex should have made an appearance in the cartoon. His designed a long would’ve made an interesting figure
What about Atilla and Rasputin from the Punk Frogs? Only Genghis Frog and Napoleon Bonafrog got figures (altough Napoleon figure didn't look like the show)
Would have been great
I know Rasputin and the other frof where good.
Bezerko has the voice of Mandarin
Looks like Neca is making a Bug man soon!
7:35 Carter was actually splashed with the same mutagen that mutated the Turtles ad Splinter (the last of which was supposed to have been used to demutate Splinter back in Season 2). Anyway, the mutagen is now unstable and that's why his mutation isn't permanent. It has similar effects on the Turtles too, turning them into hulking mutants temporarily, eventually sapping their intelligence each time they mutate.
The whole Rex line would be good toys. The evil ones can be a good army builders.
It's totally unbelievable that they didn't make these characters...🤯💯✔
I think what this video teaches me is I completely missed out on the later seasons of the teenage mutant ninja turtles, but thankfully I got that turtle van dvd set so hopefully one of those days I can watch all the episodes to completion so I can be aware of some of the characters that were mentioned in this video. Did they ever do a an action figure of lotus blossom from the earlier seasons of the tmnt cartoon show.
Lotus blossom never got a figure 😭
Lotus Blossom should have had an action figure.
Yes they did. Early in the years
Lord Dregg was also voiced by Tony Jay probably my favourite VA ever for the work he did on Soul Reaver. The entire legacy of Kain cast were incredible.
Rex 1 was voiced by Jack Angel he was the voice of Astrotrain, Omega Supreme, Ramjet, Smokescreen, and Ultra Magnus from Transformers and Wet-Suit from G.I.Joe.
The Rex-1 is a good idea as you can easily repaint it as the bad guy to sell even more toys. FYI Rex-1 was voiced by Jack Angel of the Transformers (Astrotrain, Omega Supreme, Ultra Magnus, Ramjet, Cyclonus, Smokescreen, Sentinel Prime and more...
There was probably also 2 of the Punk Frogs who only had an action figure made of them. Gengis From and Napoleon Bonafrog.
I completely forgot about Bug Man! I remember getting really freaked out by him when I was little.
"Zak" because he was in too many episodes. "Big Louie" would have been good because he took shredders place as a villain in quite a few episodes. Did you notice in the episode Planet of the Turtleoids only the main character "Kirma (I think)" didn't get a figure. That episode featured "Tatoo" and "Groundchuck" and "Dirtbag".
The blue alien who took shredder and krang to the x dimension sounds like megabite from reboot love your videos keep up the good work
Thanks 🤓
@@EdsRetroGeekOut noprob your videos are the best how about doing a reboot toy thing some time
Wow, UA-cam suggested this video that's now 3 years old. Now some of these exist! Thanks Neca. But a character i wanted as a figure was the old lady with the machine gun in her shopping cart from the 1st episode
I would also like to add granitor (general traag's leutenent), and the wasp mutation of april.
Great vid man, I personally would have loved to see Titanus figure. I think it would have been a different look for a turtle figure and I have always loved that character.
Wanted to add 4 video game only characters: Tora, Shogun, War, and Sisyphus.
Well here's the thing..I see Ed's Toy empire as you make these 5 figures Independently ...and rocket to the top of the Toy and figure world..will be on the look out for these as you ramp up..Thanks for showing these.
You will join the empire! 🕺🏻
The rex 1 episode was one of my fave too. I had a 3 hour bootleg videos of back to back episodes.
Tmnt vhs is the best 🤩🤘
They gave him a robocop girlfriend, Rexanne.
I'd kinda did want Zack, the 5th Turtle as an action figure when I was kid. But then many years realized, it's just Casey as kid.
My list of most wanted toon figures.
Roadkill rodney
Human Baxter with scaled Mousers
Pizza Monsters
Lotus Blossom
Arcade villianess (magestra? Magestrix?)
Usagi that was more toon/comic accurate.
Bugman would have been a great Mutations figure variant.
That wave with Super bebop and mighty rocksteady would have been a great wave for bugman and his villian along with Nobody from Mirage comics and other superhero themed charecters.
I never understood why Dregg and Carter didn't get a toy. Really botherrd me since that final season was my fav since season one. Even as a kud, i hated zach from previous seasons.
Didn't Alpha get a figure? I remember a foot soilder with a robot face as a toy?
REX1 would have made a great figure alongside Roadkill Rodney.
I do not remember Berserker.
I didn't much care for the cartoon from the 3rd season up till the red sky soft reboot. I felt it strayed to far into slap stick and not enough "serious" storylines for my matured (8-12 year old) self. LOL.
I mich perfered the comics, video games and the first two films.
Great list! So cool! Would’ve loved a RoboCop style figure!
That would be sweet 🤠
i always wanted the mutant cat april o neil
She was part of the mutations line 🤔 or am i wrongv
@@EdsRetroGeekOut ah, shows howmuch attention i was paying then :D
@@EdsRetroGeekOut YES!
I woulda loved to have maddog mcmutt, he used to crack me up so much haha
Yeah 🤣🤘
I love videos like this, I learned alot!
I love you 😎
Ed's Retro Geek Out 😘😘
LIEUTENANT GRANITOR! My number 1. General Tragg's partner
I've got the original TMNT Technodrome, Sewer Lair, and Turtle Blimp II new in their box. I'll put them all together one day. I never had the Technodrome or Sewer Lair back in the day. Though I did make a Sewer Lair out of wood. I did have the Turtle Blimp II for a few days, but it wouldn't hold air and so my mom returned it.
I still want the blimp in box 😇
@@EdsRetroGeekOut Haha. I've got two TMNT Blimp II's brand new in the box. I got two to have a backup in case one of the blimps won't hold air. It was pretty expensive to get the Sewer Lair, Technodrome, and two Blimp II's brand new in the box. I also have brand new the box the Technodrome Scout. I only like getting things new. Whether sealed box or new open box.
I also have two brand new in the box vintage Star Wars Millennium Falcon Hasbro/Kenner reissues from a few years ago
in the "Original Trilogy Collection".
My dream had always been to get the TMNT Sewer Lair and Technodrome.
She was not on the cartoon only show up on the comics, until the nickelodeon version but they changed it a lot there in the cartoon too, but both versions would do great figures! I am talking about Alopex! she provably did not got a release just for been a girl pretty much, but they did a Mona Lisa figure, also there is no Mona Lisa figure from the Nickelodeon turtles, and that would have been also a great figure totaly missed opportunities from playmates, I seen some custom made figures of her both Alopex and Monalisa and they kick ass! the neca line series should do some thing with dose characters.
Oh, man. I totally forgot about Rex-1. I remember wanting a figure of him because he looked cool. I was a big fan of the C.O.P.S. cartoon (and RoboCop) and he was another futuristic police officer like them.
COPS was cool indeed :-D
I dont know why they didn't make an action figure of Rex-1, and they made an action figure of Metalhead. I would have love to see an action figure of Rex-1. They even gave Rex-1 a robocop girlfriend, Rexanne. I would have loved to see one of her, too.
Mr. Ogg would have been cool to get as a figure too. And the other Rock Soldier- the grey one with the pointed nose. Although his figure probably wouldn't have looked like him, much like General Tragg didn't.
The pizza aliens that looked like xenomorphs, the cartoon version of Ray Fillet and not sure if it was made but if not, human Splinter (Hamato Yoshi).
I like those aliens too 🤠
4:30 It's 3 years Later and now Alpha 1 FINALLY Got his Action Figure!
Great video. Now I think I’ll work with the kids to construct these. If it turns out good maybe they’d be added to your collection
That would be awesome! 🤠
Always wanted a Zak toy as a kid. But even more than him I wanted a toy Monsterex! He’s from the Archie comics and he was very very cool 😎
This is really a cool video and great ideas. Great choises and holy crap, talk about memory LANE with #2
Thanks Lance🤠👌
The glob father would have been another good one.
Rex1 definitely one of my favorites
Great vid dude. Defo Bananaman, this was a cartoon series we had ere in the uk, which featured a boy named Eric and every time he ate a banana he became a superhero named Bananaman. Don't know if you have ever heard of the series Bananaman, Lol but then again you might have ma man. It was just great fun to watch everyday after school. 🇬🇧
Don’t remember him 😅
No 4 did get a later release with in the new Nickelodeon teenage mutant ninja turtles , but It would’ve been cool to get an 80s version I guess late 90s version of the action figure.
I only had three TMNT figures, and one doesn't count.
I had regular Leonardo, Sewer Samurai Leo, and the 'gold,' numbered, Leo statue.
If they had made a Tempestra figure, I probably could have been persuaded to... shell out for it.
How about a video of tmnt characters from the Mirage & Archie Comics that could've gotten their own figures or appeared on the show?
Could you do some top 5/10 Transformers figures lists?
I need to get more and become more knowledgeable on them 😅
Shell yeah!
Aw yeaaah 😏
Wow! I totally forgot about Rex 1 all these years until now!
He’s pretty cool! 🤠
Still think you should make a top 5 or top 10 video on toys or cartoon series that deserves there own epic live action movie!!!!
Dino riders has got to be number 1!!
Thundercats would be #1 for me.
Granitor :). He usually appears with general Tragg. Would have been awesome if they made an action figure of him.
Indeed 🤘
Can't remember the name, but in the old cartoon there was a mafia mutant made of ooze/slime with dissolving powers, really gross. In fact, In that episode there's a visible murder of an innocent citizen.
I LOVED Zak The Fifth Turtle
You have bad taste.
And Walt, his brother. The turtles made Walt an honorary sixth turtle.
i’m a late 90s kid but i remember watching TMNT show (Born in 1991)
Reruns 🎬🤘😁
Wouldn’t a small Mutagen in Canister to go with your tmnt action figures be cool.?
They had canisters for almost all mutations and moviestar turtles 🤓
Cool Top 5. Nice Video.
Thanks buddy
the other rock soldiers ,Polarisoid, Baxter Stockman not the fly, Crooked Ninja Turtle Gang, Mister X, Ray
April's friends
Alpha one and Rex looks awesome bro :D they would have been great figures :D great video as always :D stay safe
Rex1! 🤩🕺🏻
Great video!!
Thanks for watching 😁
I could have swore I had that figure Carter transform
Hey bud...please stay safe out there...wish you and your family the best of luck...stay indoors and play with your toys🙏🙏😁😁
Thanks buddy 🤘
I split my comment into 2 because I didn't want this to get buried. Here's an idea for a future video; top 5 or even 10 toy characters who never appeared in the cartoon. For me that's one of the show's 2 biggest faults. True, the demand from parents that the producers tone down the violence on the series arguably hurt it more; it made season 2 my least favorite season but it still had a few very good episodes and a couple decent ones. They did manage to adapt by the time of seasons 3-4 and were able to write stories that fell under this new tone but were much more entertaining than most of season 2, the only problem was that because they had to churn out 99 episodes over those 2 years (I count the European Vacation episodes as part of season 4) the quality varied wildly but there were still more good episodes than bad and a lot of the good ones were classic. Season 5 is one of my top 3 favorite seasons because at only 22 episodes they were able to show both a mastery of the lighter tone as well as much better quality control.
But aside from that, the biggest failing of the show for me is how little they would use the toy characters and how many never appeared on the show at all. I look at all these cool characters like Walkabout and Scratch thinking how great it would have been to even see them just once in animated form. But even disregarding that, they didn't properly utilize the ones they did pick. Aside from Casey Jones, the Punk Frogs, the Rat King, Leatherhead and Baxter Stockman the remaining toy characters only show up once or twice and that's it; and even the ones with more appearances could have been used more often. I actually love the episode with Mutagen Man because he gets written out at the end so that's one character they have an excuse for not using again. And sometimes they aren't even used right. I had Wingnut and Screwloose as a kid and knew they were good guys but was disappointed seeing them cast as villains on the show. Merdude was also kind of bland, the version in the Archie comic was awesome and that's what we should have gotten on the show. I look at all the bad episodes with lame one-shot villains or weak scripts involving Shredder and his crew thinking how much better if they had spent them on one of the side characters. I think what's best would have been if Shredder's gang grew with each passing season as new characters from the toyline that year joined the ranks. You could still have him use Bebop and Rocksteady every time, but having a set of other villains aiding them that was different every episode would have done wonders for the show.
I am still a huge fan of the original TMNT as just because it could have been better doesn't mean it's not great as it is. The flaws are only noticeable if you look at the series as a whole; just based on all the good episodes it's still one of the best cartoons ever. When you have over 190 episodes you can afford a significant number of bad ones.
I think they and the toy creators really did different things as well as the comics, turtles was just a licensing machine and everyone did their own thing, but it would have been cool to see scratch or half court appear in the cartoon
@@EdsRetroGeekOut Yeah, they pretty much gave the creators of the show and comics free rein on deciding how many or how few toy characters to promote. It was a good thing for the comics as they only used characters they could write quality stories about, but like I said the show really could have used some more appearances from the toy characters. It's not like the Transformers comics, where Hasbro's insistence on cramming as many toys as they could strangled the comics' story. The show did a much better job at representing series 2 and 3 because they had a lot of episodes to spread them out over. They might not have included every character, but most of the ones they did were represented well and they had mostly good stories. The first 12 issues of the comic were quite good, but 13-37 were significantly weaker than seasons 2 and 3 of the cartoon although I do love issues 25-30. It was only when they had to cram the Headmasters and Targetmasters into the last 3 episodes of the cartoon that the comic succeeded where the show failed as the Headmasters miniseries was pretty good, and while the issues after that were still not as good as my 2 favorite seasons they were still showing signs of improvement but it wasn't until Simon Furman took over for the last 25 issues that the comic really got is grove back. If it weren't for the UK comic issues making up for the weaker US stories, I'd take the show over the comic any day.
I have been wanting a bug man and the other frogs for so long neca made the frogs but neca NEEDS the make a bug man
0:47 That's not the Easter Bunny, that's the hare from the Aesop fable The Tortoise and the Hare; he just happened to show up in the Easter episode but yeah when I got the VHS tape as a kid just judging from the cover I thought that he was the Easter Bunny.
This was a great idea for a video and I agree with most of your choices. I love both the Bugman episodes, I love The Foot Soldiers Are Revolting, I love Rex-1 (he was by far the best part of his first episode, but I really enjoyed his second appearance as a whole), and I am one of the biggest fans of Lord Dregg. It's funny, out of the last 3 seasons most people say 8 is the best but personally it's one of my least favorite seasons. It's not awful, it just doesn't feel right to me. The show before was at is best when it was able to balance the comedy and silliness with action and good stories (the first 5 episodes and the real 7 season representing what I wish the show was like all the time) and while it wasn't bad season 8 just doesn't feel like TMNT to me (Beserko was a cool character though). But when Lord Dregg debuts everything suddenly clicks into place. Of course it helps that I have very fond memories of watching those episodes on TV, but still there's something about him that makes the new tone feel right like this is a spin-off or a sequel series rather than a direct continuation.
I have 2 choices that you didn't mention. One is Hokum Hare, because the first TMNT VHS I ever owned was The Turtles' Awesome Easter which had both his episodes on it. I loved both of them especially the first and which remains one of my favorite episodes to this day. However while a figure of him would have been nice, my #1 choice is Tempestra. Her episode was one of my absolute favorites, I rented the VHS tape it was on 3 times over the years. I thought that she was a really cool character with an awesome design. I was super happy to see her reappear in Night of the Rogues.
I was debating tempestra to pop onthe list but i wanted these other ones more 🤓 Lord dregg was pretty awesome in those last cartoons but the whole feel was gone
@@EdsRetroGeekOut That's understandable. Yeah I loved Lord Dregg but the last 2 seasons although I still like them aren't as good as seasons 1, 3-5 and 7. Those are the glory days when the show was firing on all cylinders at least half the time. I wish that they had continued on with the tone they established in the second half of 7, but it still could have been a lot worse.
Did they ever make toys of Super Bebop and Mighty Rocksteady?
I don't think so.
Don Turteli with a feather and April & Vernon's bare feet parts to swap with those figures' as his accessories!
How about the Krangazoids, Krang's clones?
What about Shredder's mom and brother?
I was about ready to cuss you out for not adding Lord Dregg , but you did so
How about the Terror Bears from the old board game. They did turn them into 'The Nightmare Beavers' for that 3-D Nic cartoon. Those got two figures, a purple and a red one.
🤯 indeed!
Another good vid Ed! I bought Krang,s Android 11” figure while I watched this. I always wanted it. I don’t see it in your background...
I have one 😏 wait for the room tour!
Limiting things to just the Fred Wolf verse Turtles.... that's a challenge. But if that is the case...
5. Shredder's brother
4. Pre-Mutation Baxter
3. Same for Carter
2. Totally with you on Alpha
1. The creature from Attack of the Killer Pizzas
No no no, we need to get Zach before we get Carter. 😂
Man what about sergeant granitor ???? He would have been the first one on my list. I cant believed tout havent even mentionned him.
I would have also like to have seen Zak the fifth turtle, Tempestra and a Granitor figure made in addition to your list.
Tempestra is pretty sweet would live to have seen that!
I always thought Bugman was a nod to the Sectaurs. Good list, Mona Lisa would have been on my list, but it's honestly hard to pick who from your list i would weed out.
Mona lisa was released and i just saw a customizer working on bugman 😎
I'm surprised there was anyone who DIDN'T get an acrion figure. They released so many!
Rex would be a awesome neca cartoon figure. They should be coming out with the big brain foot solider. I've seen it for a couple of years now. Haha
I need that big brain foot soldier then 🤩
That Bezerko looks like if they made a toy of him it would be trespassing on the copyrights for Predator, and thats why he was never made to a toy. And have the kid that "mutated" to a yellow big guy was like an anticlimax, he didnt really add anything to the team or story
I think they just weren’t lining up with the cartoon anymore for the toys, other toylines have had predatorlike toys like gijoe and gotten away with it also tmnt had an alien crossover toy lined up like the star trek or universal monster ones
I hope one day they get their own lightning collection style line by Hasbro, I would buy
🤔 are new tmnt toys done by hasbroo 🤯
Maybe NECA will do some of these
Lotus Blossom
Electro zapper look like the stone protectors
He does! 🤯
Aw yeaaah 🤠
Human Baxter Stockman with mouser companions and Granitor (the grey rock soldier from episode 4)
Great selection 🤘🤓
Granitor I think has now been released with Tragg.
They could have kept the Alpha 1 footsoldier around and have him upgrade and become an enemy of Rex-1.
Would have been cool indeed 🤓👌
Your wish comes true with the ultimate foot soldier
I would have liked the other two punk frogs
I had a buddy of mine customize them for me 🤓🤘
I agree. Never made sense to me that they had only one punk frog
@@geeked-outturtlesfan4288 technically 2 were made but one looks nothing like them
@@Andrews_Wrestling_Life they need to make accurate versions
@@geeked-outturtlesfan4288 yes they do one was accurate hell they could have re painted it gave em new accessories and it all be fine
Slash, (not the turtle but the karate instrutor from season 2, ep 1) and his Crooked Ninja Turtle Gang!
Yeah 🤣 he was also a good one!
I want figures of Zach, Renet, Cerebus, aunt Auggy, Don Turtelli, and Bugman
I own a early concept drawing of dregg
😯 dang that’s awesome!
Would have loved a Granitor to go with Traag
Killer Pizza Monsters
Personally, I don't have any nostalgia for the 80's turtles at all. But I still do like them. But the ones I grew up with were the 2012 turtles. Since I was a kid 2000's kid to early 2010's kid. I do like the original turtles it's just not the ones that grew up. With
Turtle power!
They definitely should have made the kid into an action figure
I thought MACC would have been a decent action figure from the "Attack of the big MACC" episode. I'm pretty sure he was inspired by Johnny 5 from Short Circuit.
I think so too 🤠
Love the cartoon ♥️♥️
Thanks buddy!
Granitor, Zak and Alpha 1...
bug man was so bad he was good!
Super7 should make a Bugman figure
Agreed 🤠
Well they made the smart foot soldier now neca toy brand