The Mario Mashup Pack Is STILL Updated

  • Опубліковано 18 гру 2024


  • @GG-Grove
    @GG-Grove  23 години тому +10

    Thank you all so much for watching! I'm trying to get to 20,000 subscribers!!!

  • @anthonyoliver418
    @anthonyoliver418 15 годин тому +34

    The Breeze seems more like it is a twister from Mario maker than Ty-Foo

    • @GG-Grove
      @GG-Grove  3 години тому +2

      It's supposed to be Ty-Foo that's been confirmed

    • @anthonyoliver418
      @anthonyoliver418 Годину тому +2

      @ where was it confirmed?

    • @anthonyoliver418
      @anthonyoliver418 Годину тому +1

      Also if it was it could be seen as a mix since the Mecha Sonic wither in the Sonic texture pack of all the various robot Sonic’s similar to how like with robotic hedgehog, the Mario series has a lot of wind based cloud enemies.

  • @CerealShip
    @CerealShip 16 годин тому +9

    Cant wait for sm64 to be recreated with those paintings

  • @RTB-x2f
    @RTB-x2f 3 години тому +2

    I'm excited to see what they do with the creaking!

  • @D-miiweegee
    @D-miiweegee 5 годин тому +6

    I can finally finish my peaches castle build, thank the Minecraft and Nintendo GODS

  • @CarterKlauser
    @CarterKlauser 22 години тому +10

    I think the Creaking would be one of the ghosts from Luigi's Mansion.

    • @mastermata6973
      @mastermata6973 13 годин тому +2

      Probably Bogmire

    • @Fazbuds
      @Fazbuds 13 годин тому +2


    • @strangefishman7635
      @strangefishman7635 6 годин тому +1

      It's a shame they used Boo for Ghast (though it is a great choice), because Creaking acts JUST like a Boo

    • @timotheravetier9442
      @timotheravetier9442 6 годин тому +1

      However considering ​the mario mashup is mostly retextures it’d probably be cursed af@strangefishman7635

  • @qwacktrap
    @qwacktrap 3 години тому +1

    The bogged reminds me of the Shroobs from Mario & Luigi: Partners in Time

  • @andrewdalton2650
    @andrewdalton2650 5 годин тому +3

    Did anyone see that Mario painting in this time 3:17 is the trapped Mario from Luigi’s mansion

  • @Iggyhop_Koopa_5183
    @Iggyhop_Koopa_5183 23 години тому +5

    I think the mace is Morton’s hammer

  • @youyououmf8200
    @youyououmf8200 19 годин тому +3

    What does the wind charge represent ?

    • @GG-Grove
      @GG-Grove  17 годин тому +2

      I'm not sure actually

  • @douglewisamaanthro383
    @douglewisamaanthro383 10 годин тому +3

    i like how the trile spawners look like the timed challenges from super mario 3D land

  • @kainimojojinoha
    @kainimojojinoha 30 хвилин тому

    The skin pack for the mash up pack doesn't work for me on bedrock switch, idk why the skins are gone for me because a few friends have the pack still

  • @Cliffordlonghead
    @Cliffordlonghead 14 годин тому +1

    boo is the ghast

  • @adamkruze6918
    @adamkruze6918 35 хвилин тому

    Did someone make this texture up pack for Java yet?

  • @SupFederich
    @SupFederich 5 годин тому +1

    when the old mario texture pack has more dedication put than the (best selling) game itself

    • @GG-Grove
      @GG-Grove  3 години тому +2

      What does this mean

  • @dieselboy.7637
    @dieselboy.7637 5 годин тому

    Are you by any chance homosexual?

  • @the_real_sans15
    @the_real_sans15 17 годин тому

    don't you mean updatING?