The Little Nyonya 小娘惹 Ep 1

  • Опубліковано 10 вер 2024
  • Deaf and mute Ju Xiang is born into a wealthy Straits Chinese family but she is treated as a servant as her mother Tian Lan is only a bondmaid in the family who was impregnated by Huang Yuan, the head of the household. 往马六甲的长途巴士。安淇因感情受挫,心情郁闷,趁学校放长假,到马六甲探望自幼照顾她长大的外祖母,男同学修文一路陪伴在侧。安淇的外祖母月娘是土生华人后裔,俗称娘惹。安淇吓修文,说月娘脾气古怪,随时会赶人离开。修文战战兢兢,见来应门的老妇,连声招呼,却把老妈姐阿桃错认是月娘。阿桃10多岁就在月娘祖居当女佣,一晃眼几十年过去,阿桃已是90岁的老妇,但老当益壮,思路清晰。 修文终于见到月娘。年已70的月娘慈眉善目,言语幽默,让修文放下心头大石。修文在月娘祖居发现一张经人工上色的照片,历史虽悠久,但照片中的女人却栩栩如生――她是月娘的母亲菊香。这张她手捧Kamcheng(盖盅)的照片,是月娘的父亲拍下的。月娘父亲是个叫江口洋介的日本人,30年代到了新加坡,开了间小照相馆。由于喜欢土生华人文化,到土生华人的发源地马六甲拍照。当时的马六甲,住了许多土生华人,他们是华人和当地土著结合的后裔,除了华人传统之外,也深受当地土著和欧洲文化的影响,形成独特的土生华人文化,有自己的服装、食物和语言。 菊香生在一富有的土生华人家庭,但是,由于是庶出,加上自幼聋哑,所以,在黄家被当成下人一般使唤。她生母天兰原是伺候黄家老太太的下女,被黄家独子黄元看上,诱奸成孕,生下菊香。黄老太太死后,天兰就被黄元的元配桂花百般刁难,生性懦弱的她唯有忍气吞声。菊香外表柔弱,但内心坚强,遇母亲被侮辱欺负,一定奋不顾身加以维护。黄元生一子金成,一女美玉。金成和小表妹秀娟情投意合,但双方家长想撮合的却是秀娟的大姐秀凤。秀娟刁蛮任性,欺负菊香又聋又哑,将她涂成大花脸推出大门,被又傻又痴的大傻误当妖怪,掐住她脖子。幸好洋介及时伸出援手,帮菊香解了围。 金成和秀娟亲热,被菊香看见,二人警告菊香守密。秀娟讥讽天兰是个勾引男人的贱货。菊香忽然冲过去,扯住秀娟……
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  • @jonathanwane7944
    @jonathanwane7944 4 роки тому +555

    I remember watching this when I was in primary school. There was no UA-cam nor Netflix so I could only watch television shows, and The Little Nyonya was one of my favourites! I used to watch it with my mum every night :D

    • @nicoleling7681
      @nicoleling7681 4 роки тому +15

      Omg, me too! O▽O

    • @Naomi-qx3kb
      @Naomi-qx3kb 4 роки тому +21

      yess exactly the drama i grew up to, this teach me so much value and i love how they emphasis the culture, Im a sabahan and I really love this drama.

    • @azwa65
      @azwa65 4 роки тому +6

      Me too.. but when i miss some episode it make me sad

    • @amilinadnan7407
      @amilinadnan7407 4 роки тому +9

      I watched this everytime I finished school, not remember around 2009-2010 smthing I guess. Fav all the times!

    • @NK_Khoo-Malaysian
      @NK_Khoo-Malaysian 4 роки тому

      @@amilinadnan7407 2008

  • @blobbybobi
    @blobbybobi 4 роки тому +227

    小时候很喜欢看,但是没有真正地欣赏过它的美。这种连续剧,绝种了。故事真的写的很好,主题曲和其他的歌和背景音乐也很独特,很配。满满的文化,有很多细节,也可以学到很多历史。有这部片非常难得,很值得看的一部 ❤

    • @lamandouce
      @lamandouce 3 роки тому +1


    • @YYY787
      @YYY787 3 роки тому +6

      @@lamandouce 娘若其实翻译到中文应该是“女士”的意思。无论是椰子叶包裹的,或者没有叶子包的,都是“糕点”来的,有些是甜味的,有些是咸味的。这些都是印尼/新加坡/马来西亚式的早餐糕点的。

    • @YYY787
      @YYY787 3 роки тому +3

      @09何佳 HO JIA kueh =是糕点。你是华侨吗,哪里来的?我是印尼华侨。

    • @lokemooichen5201
      @lokemooichen5201 3 роки тому

    • @uniqhue3801
      @uniqhue3801 2 роки тому

      @@lamandouce 那个叶子卷起来里面是放槟榔还有其他香料,那是娘惹吃槟榔的一个方式~

  • @heidishiu
    @heidishiu Рік тому +42

    I am a Chinese living in the United States, December 2022 I visited Malaysia for the first time, I was very intrigued by the Nyongya culture, trying to learn more about it on internet and came across this tv show. Man, I was immediately hooked! I binged watched the entire series in a week during my trip. Didn’t realize this show was this old. I love the story and the uniqueness. The leading lady is breathtakingly gorgeous and elegant. I am hoping the tv show have Chinese and English subtitles so more people from different countries can enjoy it.

    • @MediacorpDrama
      @MediacorpDrama  Рік тому +5

      There are English subtitles, you can turn them on via the closed captions :)

    • @kikysusriporn386
      @kikysusriporn386 9 місяців тому +1

      USA girl good ma 😂

  • @naevitzy
    @naevitzy 11 місяців тому +10

    I lost my nana i few years ago, every year I watch back on this specific series to not just honor her love for chinese old folk admirations, but for the beauty in these messages. The opening songtrack itself gives me a bittersweet feeling of her smell and embrace, please dont ever delete this series, i want to show my future family. 😢 Whomever you are reading this, know you are loved 🫶💕

  • @wangjenny3694
    @wangjenny3694 4 роки тому +75


  • @user-dv7kp6pn5k
    @user-dv7kp6pn5k 4 роки тому +201


    • @wojiubugailaizheshijie
      @wojiubugailaizheshijie 4 роки тому +2


    • @pinglikwan6229
      @pinglikwan6229 3 роки тому +1


    • @user-cq2up8uf4g
      @user-cq2up8uf4g 3 роки тому +1

      对啊 可以玉珠还真可怜阿

    • @user-dv7kp6pn5k
      @user-dv7kp6pn5k 3 роки тому

      @@user-cq2up8uf4g 对,白薇秀演得玉珠最后得到最佳女主角

    • @user-cq2up8uf4g
      @user-cq2up8uf4g 3 роки тому +1

      @@user-dv7kp6pn5k 对,不过听说欧好像很不满

  • @charlottejessica
    @charlottejessica 4 роки тому +25

    I remember feeling ambivalent towards this show when I was younger, especially in view of the extremely high ratings/praise. Revisted it on Netflix about a week ago and I was entirely mesmerised. This is now quite easily one of my favourite dramas of all time. I admire the factual accuracy of the new Chinese remake of the show, but it can't hold a candle to the original, especially in terms of the casting. Charlie Zhang gives me extreme heebee jeebies here. Jeannette Aw, Joanne Peh, Dai Yangtian and Qi Yuwu are *chef's kiss* I also love the casting for Ah Tao, Liu Yidao, Da Sha, and Xiu Feng (which I personally feel the Chinese remake messed up on).

  • @slim6385
    @slim6385 3 роки тому +35

    I like the version from Media corp. They uses the actual Malay words for each food. Hope they can film more of such real life drama. The new version from china, they modify the script a little but I like the ending where chen xi and yue nian gets together.

    • @JoanKSX
      @JoanKSX 6 місяців тому

      There is another one, great production too.
      'Titoudao - Inspired by the True Story of a Wayang Star'
      It's on the same channel.
      Highly recommended.

  • @aldousvincentdejesus5379
    @aldousvincentdejesus5379 4 роки тому +53

    Amazing. I was looking for this 4 days ago and found out in Netflix. It's really nostalgic. I was 13 years old back then. It was aired in the Philippines on 2009 and we used to watch it with my mom and my siblings every lunch break. Funny thing is that we haven't witnessed the finale episode unfortunately because the time it was aired, there's a scheduled power interruption in our town, so we had the opportunity to see the final episode of this only after 11 years! 😂
    Only to find out that Chen Xi and Yueniang didn't end up together.

    • @jengjeng293
      @jengjeng293 2 роки тому +2

      wait damn, I was 8 when I watched this on TV 5 it's always 3pm in noon and thank god I know Phua chu kang, cause that's the only resort to know my answers.

    • @aldousvincentdejesus5379
      @aldousvincentdejesus5379 Рік тому +2

      @@jengjeng293 Yes it's aired on TV 5.

    • @md0991
      @md0991 Рік тому +1

      Same po 😢

    • @TheManabopo
      @TheManabopo Місяць тому

      Anyway chenxi and yuzhu got married in real life.

  • @user-eg2kb9hl2y
    @user-eg2kb9hl2y 3 роки тому +24


  • @miniyen1419
    @miniyen1419 4 роки тому +298

    woooooooooo 🙌🙌🙌🙌🙌🙌🙌🙌
    现在都上了大学也很想再看 ❤

    • @cytang1284
      @cytang1284 4 роки тому +1

      Mini Blood Yen 这是新的戏吗

    • @miniyen1419
      @miniyen1419 4 роки тому +8

      @@cytang1284 不是啊,已经很久了~~~ 😅😅

    • @cytang1284
      @cytang1284 4 роки тому

      @@miniyen1419 我看过了 忘记一开始 哈哈

    • @daydream2602
      @daydream2602 4 роки тому +1


    • @miniyen1419
      @miniyen1419 4 роки тому

      @@daydream2602 😂👍👍

  • @bonnieelmo
    @bonnieelmo 4 роки тому +229

    還是舊版來得有味道, 新版的演員看起來年輕, 但一口流利標準普通話, 少了幾句馬來西亞方言和新加坡口音就欠了點生動

    • @daeju9208
      @daeju9208 4 роки тому +38

      口音方面就算了 而且还用中国北方用词,也不用标准普通话用词,根本不把南方人放在眼里。

    • @Ult-to4tw
      @Ult-to4tw 4 роки тому +5


    • @daeju9208
      @daeju9208 4 роки тому +21

      @@Ult-to4tw 新马的演员当然可以,中国演员就不行。

    • @user-vu3gr7ul1h
      @user-vu3gr7ul1h 4 роки тому +6

      Tc 可是不是普通话我奶奶辈追剧的人会不好看懂啦,像楼上说的选角很重要,但也不好选毕竟制片是爱奇艺和北京的公司联合制片,除了语言,其他方面的元素感觉做的很不错

    • @Donny_Dong
      @Donny_Dong 4 роки тому


  • @kimleechara
    @kimleechara 4 роки тому +24

    Me and my mom love this show so much. I grow up in Malay community and I love watching this, i learn something new about the nyonya baba community through this show. I love ittt

  • @larrydestiny2184
    @larrydestiny2184 4 роки тому +18

    this is really one of the best MediaCorp drama that I've ever watched.

  • @lisaxlilies9848
    @lisaxlilies9848 4 роки тому +18

    I keep crying while watching even I watch the remake one stilk I couldn't move on to this drama😭
    Like I can feel their past(don't know and sorry for my bad English) and I promise this drama is the most unforgettable and memorable to me😭I still can't move on😭

  • @chenab427
    @chenab427 4 роки тому +16

    The only chinese series that stuck in my head. Thank you 8TV for casting this series. It was a big reminiscent of my life. That vibe was truly made me fall in love to chinese culture. I love this kind of malay-chinese vibe. Its so EXPENSIVE !

  • @MD196x
    @MD196x Рік тому +8


  • @minglee8894
    @minglee8894 2 роки тому +4


  • @enchemimpi4360
    @enchemimpi4360 2 роки тому +5

    Hamba amat menyukai dengan lagu latar belakangnya.Aura Melayu klasik yang penuh mendayu-dayu sehingga daku terbuai lena ke dalamnya.Bunyi gamelan serta biola nan indah benar-benar menggarit kenangan.Bak sampan dibuai ombak,persis seperti itulah saya terkesima tika mengahayatinya.Oh Tuhan.Sungguh ku bilang,inilah "MAHAKARYA" yang hakiki dan sesungguhnya.

  • @Stella-fo9hw
    @Stella-fo9hw 4 роки тому +262

    今天新版本上线了 来回忆一下小时候追过的旧版本哈哈

  • @seraphhaha5151
    @seraphhaha5151 3 роки тому +21

    I’ve literally rewatched this drama for 20plus times since I was young. Well, I’m not being exaggerated tho.😂😂
    Tbh, the little nyonya is one of the mediacorp’s dramas that I would rewatch so many times without getting tired of it. ❤️

  • @11karatmagic31
    @11karatmagic31 4 роки тому +124

    Omg, finally found the drama that I watched when I was 4. Watching this now feels like Dejavu, or a certain nostalgia I cannot recall. I always had this memory of just watching a show but I couldn't remember what it was...thank you for uploading this. Now I know, 小娘惹. Also is that lead actress (the one playing juxiang) Jeanette aw? Her acting is so good I hope she won an award for it that year :)

    • @wojiubugailaizheshijie
      @wojiubugailaizheshijie 4 роки тому +13

      I watch it when i was 9!! Anyways i rmb this is my favourite drama in the childhood then followed by 黄金路。I prefered mediacorp dramas last time but now lesser and lesser good dramas or plotline. Nonetheless, miss my childhood actors and actresses!! Especially Ouxuan, dai yang tian, qi yiwu!!

    • @11karatmagic31
      @11karatmagic31 4 роки тому +10

      @@wojiubugailaizheshijie I know! To be honest I've always liked CH8 MediaCorp dramas, but now all the plots are lackluster and even Jeanette Aw has left... became very boring...last time there was Dream makers, the journey, you can be an good

    • @mabelchoi3950
      @mabelchoi3950 4 роки тому +3

      Jeanette was nominated for Best Actress for Little Nonya but the award went to Joanne Peh. Jeanette was crushed. She revealed that she held back tears after the announcement but was deeply hurt.

    • @agnessaw5832
      @agnessaw5832 4 роки тому +1

      Sad to say that she didn't.
      The best actress that year went to the other actress in that show

    • @misschrisquekcc8082
      @misschrisquekcc8082 2 роки тому

      @@mabelchoi3950 , i was crushed too..Jeanette deserved it....
      My humble opinion

  • @shanamhanna
    @shanamhanna 3 роки тому +17

    I remember waiting so desperately for the weekend evenings to watch this masterpiece while in primary school. This was the first drama that i watched in my life and i am very glad. Bringing back a lot of memories now that i am rewatching thia again. 🥺🥺

  • @CongLingKaiShi
    @CongLingKaiShi 4 роки тому +11

    我是印尼华人,非常感恩, 能看到怎么优质的传统文化戏剧。。谢谢上传🙏

    • @user-sl8kb2bp7k
      @user-sl8kb2bp7k 4 роки тому +4


  • @clar4011
    @clar4011 4 роки тому +198

    When Mediacorp was producing good shows...

    • @Blueflag04
      @Blueflag04 4 роки тому +21

      Unlike nowadays where most of the dramas are bad

    • @chaingin91
      @chaingin91 4 роки тому +27

      Nowadays, all the actors speak proper Mandarin. Unlike the old shows where they speak very singaporean like using ‘la’ and ‘zomok’..... I prefer the old shows.

  • @rongrong5661
    @rongrong5661 4 роки тому +275


    • @user-nd5oo7mg2h
      @user-nd5oo7mg2h 4 роки тому +1


    • @Funami222
      @Funami222 4 роки тому +12


    • @user-vf3rm8cg4z
      @user-vf3rm8cg4z 4 роки тому +2


    • @YS-ue9jx
      @YS-ue9jx 4 роки тому +14

      @@Funami222 很多沒看過原版小娘惹,都覺得新版比原版好看。但是我看了新版的一些片段,還是沒原版有味道些。

    • @user-ci6zg3bz4o
      @user-ci6zg3bz4o 4 роки тому +4

      @@YS-ue9jx 对!我也这样觉得!

  • @juliebrown2949
    @juliebrown2949 3 роки тому +14

    I want to express my thanks for this series it is a great insight to how hard life was back then for some of the family members. They kept their dignity and pride, and still worked hard regardless of the hardships they endured. I love love this you should all be so proud of your heritage. Thankyou so much for sharing.

  • @user-cd9it6qy8m
    @user-cd9it6qy8m 2 роки тому +101


    • @eatshitenough
      @eatshitenough Рік тому


    • @jinma8881
      @jinma8881 Рік тому


    • @eatshitenough
      @eatshitenough Рік тому


    • @constancecheng9423
      @constancecheng9423 Рік тому +1


    • @MD196x
      @MD196x Рік тому +2

      感谢🙏以前八频道播的时候没有空看,现在看了才明白娘惹文化!新加坡拍出这个水准,恐怕是前无古人 后无来者了👍👍👍

  • @its_me_phoenix
    @its_me_phoenix 3 роки тому +3

    Finally after many years, I got the title of this drama because I do not remember the title. This drama was my fav drama when I was in primary school and always waited to watch it every afternoon on TV. I'm glad I found this drama after a long time of searching.
    Edit: I'm feeling sad that some episodes cannot play because of something but it's ok as long as I already found this drama.

  • @chengh4179
    @chengh4179 4 роки тому +41


  • @yingchunxu7229
    @yingchunxu7229 4 роки тому +6


  • @smile-qn1tq
    @smile-qn1tq 4 роки тому +11

    I really hope we have a new drama like this soon. One so full of history and culture.

  • @kikichin
    @kikichin 3 роки тому +11

    Talking about Tian Lan as the bondmaid, my great grandfather used to own a bondmaid for my great grand mother. All his sons were each given a bondmaid to serve them. Not all bondmaids serve their masters for life. My grandfather freed his bondmaid when she came of age at 23 years old to get married and have a normal family life. She was betrothed to a decent Ipoh guy.

  • @asianfindomtiffany7373
    @asianfindomtiffany7373 4 роки тому +136

    欧萱真美啊 那个戴天阳帅

  • @hocdantruong
    @hocdantruong 4 роки тому +22


  • @shannontsw
    @shannontsw 4 роки тому +59


    • @limkenny5190
      @limkenny5190 4 роки тому +6


    • @samuelyee4017
      @samuelyee4017 4 роки тому +2

      @@limkenny5190 当马来西亚astro有播新传媒的新剧时连智能手机都还没普及化

    • @poppop1059
      @poppop1059 Рік тому


  • @rabiatulmunashamsulbahar5284
    @rabiatulmunashamsulbahar5284 4 роки тому +7

    Very very nice drama series from S'pore, all this while my interested only the sitcoms especially Phua Chu Kang, n very happy to see Pierre Png here, fr 🇲🇾🇲🇾🇲🇾👍👍👍

  • @angeloclaude847
    @angeloclaude847 4 роки тому +6

    I remember watching this when I was still in Highschool. There are times that I choose not to go to school so I could watch the next episode. This was so reminiscing.

  • @Anz818
    @Anz818 3 роки тому +65


    • @ffcclala1369
      @ffcclala1369 3 роки тому +1


    • @pinglikwan6229
      @pinglikwan6229 3 роки тому


    • @Serena-ke3ji
      @Serena-ke3ji 3 роки тому +2

      哈哈 我也是

    • @chocolatococo657
      @chocolatococo657 3 роки тому +3

      Netflix 有这部剧 。😊 Little Nyonya .

    • @xuzhang9969
      @xuzhang9969 3 роки тому

      哈哈,me too。浪2唯一一首好歌。

  • @omar_omark
    @omar_omark 4 роки тому +9


  • @thepearlatelier4256
    @thepearlatelier4256 4 роки тому +13

    Many years ago when i was studying in Spore & there used to be SBC, i saw the Awakening & Spore's 1st actress, i can't remember her name but she is acting in this series, i really admire her for her beauty & acting ability, she was the first Sporean actress if i am not wrong. So glad to see her again. She deserves more recognition & accolade. She is still very beautiful.

    • @weegekfong7249
      @weegekfong7249 4 роки тому

      You mean Xiang Yun(向云)?

    • @thepearlatelier4256
      @thepearlatelier4256 4 роки тому

      @@weegekfong7249 I have forgotten her name. But she was the very first Singaporean actress (the main one) in the Awakening

    • @mabelchoi3950
      @mabelchoi3950 4 роки тому +1

      @@thepearlatelier4256 Xiang Yun is in the NEW CHINA version of Little Nonya, she plays the Wealthy Old Grandma from Singapore...

    • @thepearlatelier4256
      @thepearlatelier4256 4 роки тому

      @@mabelchoi3950 Thanks so much Mabel. I really love her amongst all the Sporean actresses. So classy and beautiful.

    • @NK_Khoo-Malaysian
      @NK_Khoo-Malaysian 11 місяців тому

      I sat at the next table of 向云 in a restaurant in my hometown, Muar around 1990. She was in her prime year and very beautiful.

  • @teleshopbb9218
    @teleshopbb9218 4 роки тому +10


    • @samuelyee4017
      @samuelyee4017 4 роки тому


  • @wenwen8589
    @wenwen8589 4 роки тому +14


  • @herlinnusantara2979
    @herlinnusantara2979 11 місяців тому +1

    I think is the best version of little Nyonya. I surprised with the ending, but I like it, because Yue Niang in this drama teach me to be a strong woman.

  • @bashmybrain
    @bashmybrain 4 роки тому +9

    这部戏真的带回来了好多好多的回忆 ❤️✨ 还记得当时九岁的我每晚九点都会开电视看这部戏, 一局都没错过! 十二年后还是一样被这部戏看迷了 🥺 菊香和山本洋介的爱情故事实在是太感人了啊, 真的是永不分离, 洋介也真的保护了月娘和菊香到最后 😭💔

    • @卢娟-n1y
      @卢娟-n1y 3 роки тому +1


  • @kookiemin9216
    @kookiemin9216 4 роки тому +19

    This is my most favorite movie back to my childhood when I was 6 years old💜

    • @himaririku5289
      @himaririku5289 3 роки тому +2

      same :) didn't expect to meet an army here

  • @user-ju6qq5ry2w
    @user-ju6qq5ry2w 4 роки тому +36


  • @lounaperez7275
    @lounaperez7275 3 роки тому +5

    Watching this series during lockdown and feeling suicidal, but still carry on watching it. Such a great piece of production.

  • @calynnping
    @calynnping 4 роки тому +11

    The best drama series from C8 in the longest time since Tofu Street. So glad to be able to watch this again! Thank you for uploading the whole series!

  • @evelynloo552
    @evelynloo552 7 місяців тому +1


  • @zhixnnn6656
    @zhixnnn6656 4 роки тому +46


    • @zhenghao4923
      @zhenghao4923 4 роки тому +7


    • @gsq8138
      @gsq8138 4 роки тому +1

      @@zhenghao4923 看完最後一集你就不會抑鬱了

    • @Dan-kh3fg
      @Dan-kh3fg 4 роки тому


    • @sybolchris2529
      @sybolchris2529 3 роки тому


    • @user-qq1ke4gz6l
      @user-qq1ke4gz6l 3 роки тому +1

      @@Dan-kh3fg 古代女性除非是母系社会,不然没有女性地位高的。你看现在欧美人还要冠夫姓呢。

  • @unicornmeow1483
    @unicornmeow1483 4 роки тому +15

    I'm thai fan. I watched this drama when i was in primary school. i love it. ❤❤❤

  • @choipengchin8746
    @choipengchin8746 4 роки тому +13


  • @madamcuriouss
    @madamcuriouss 4 роки тому +5

    i used to watch this in primary after completing my homework, this really brought back memories

  • @alexwoochaotieng8224
    @alexwoochaotieng8224 4 роки тому +8


  • @y15625
    @y15625 4 роки тому +20


  • @susantosanto1903
    @susantosanto1903 4 роки тому +5

    很久的电影也我跟我家人最喜欢的电影 , 最喜欢就是我妈妈 , 这部电影我小时候看 , 现在长大了 🤗 , 但是现在看这部电影就想起妈妈 , 妈妈妳安心上路吧 , 我会永远永远把你放在心里 , 爱妳妈妈 ❤️😇

  • @jl008
    @jl008 4 роки тому +2

    原版是经典。我喜欢新版的结局, 弥补了原版的遗憾,新版娘惹文化更丰富。Original version is classic especially the actors they all fit the character very well. Jeanette deserved Best Actress for this role. She aced the mother & daughter role. New version I love the ending and the Peranakan culture is richer in the new version.

  • @rsquarepiesZ
    @rsquarepiesZ 4 роки тому +15

    The best drama produced by Mediacorp! I remember tuning in every day in the evening with my dad. :'D

  • @Nori-it6wo
    @Nori-it6wo 8 місяців тому +1

    What a great TV series, which I just found today. I love the soft song at the beginning of the show, followed by the charm of characters and the places in Asia. Reminds me of the charming places I visited in Malacca, Penang and Singapore ! :)

  • @abcabc-cj4fp
    @abcabc-cj4fp 4 роки тому +12

    I remember watching this I still work at Singapore
    10years ago,the time really pasar by!
    thanks GOD

  • @idku9714
    @idku9714 4 роки тому +7

    Thank you for publish 小娘惹 drama
    I love watching this video since i was a child

  • @rachelmao2939
    @rachelmao2939 4 роки тому +3


  • @asianfindomtiffany7373
    @asianfindomtiffany7373 4 роки тому +109

    那个时代的女人的地位真是太低了 很庆幸生活在现在

    • @driver3667
      @driver3667 4 роки тому +3


    • @Camiekate95
      @Camiekate95 4 роки тому +3


    • @mastercom167
      @mastercom167 4 роки тому +2

      @@Camiekate95 也对。有时候,看着看着....就有一种莫名其妙的伤感

    • @user-ln8fw2jl2t
      @user-ln8fw2jl2t 4 роки тому

      Damian Lim 你的意思是日本女人社会地位高?

  • @user-sr4dv2rn1o
    @user-sr4dv2rn1o Рік тому +6


  • @idagonchannel5681
    @idagonchannel5681 3 роки тому +2

    this one was much better than the remake one. not going to lie about it :(

  • @kimleang2462
    @kimleang2462 4 роки тому +5

    I really love this drama I want to watch it again it reminds me all of the memories when I was a child . Please make another episodes available in my country ( Cambodia ) please please

  • @novianalie
    @novianalie 4 роки тому +9

    Wow 谢谢您

  • @bugietonight3045
    @bugietonight3045 4 роки тому +5

    thank you for airing it freely on UA-cam. i remember one time i watch this with my late parents. we used to love it so much. watching this again brings so many memories to me even though right now i live all alone.

  • @hslee3977
    @hslee3977 Рік тому +1


  • @jamalparra5879
    @jamalparra5879 4 роки тому +9

    The story, the historical backdrop, the Peranakan culture and that beautiful theme song. It really is a masterpiece production, the pinnacle of mediacorp TV shows imo. Loved all the characters, rooted for the protagonists and hated the villains sooo much. The ending was gut wrenching, though, but that made the show even more memorable. Mediacorp! can y'all make a directors cut and give my Yueniang and Chenxi a better ending. Dammit they deserve it.

  • @ciaogiuditta
    @ciaogiuditta 4 роки тому +13

    omg i was 6 when i watched this and i've rewatched it 5 times ever since it appeared on netflix and managed to get like 5 of my friends from school to rewatch or start on this :)!! i've visited the chen's house in penang 3 times and bruh i love the peranakan culture so much ❤️

  • @ghiberti
    @ghiberti 4 роки тому +4

    This is the best Singaporean drama.

  • @agneschee9912
    @agneschee9912 4 роки тому +8


  • @biayofficial8850
    @biayofficial8850 4 роки тому +5

    This is my childhood, thank u so much for uploading this dramma

  • @HxfgxjXtujgx
    @HxfgxjXtujgx 2 місяці тому


  • @ellew8926
    @ellew8926 4 роки тому +3

    omg this is my childhood show. and when I'm like in primary school I watched this and I wanna rewatch but idk how to search this but omg now yassssssssssss

  • @enitaandriyanihartono9779
    @enitaandriyanihartono9779 4 роки тому +2

    Really nice its so much, feel sad for the past life. Hopes there no more war in this world, so no more people suffer because the war...thanks 4 share its in eng sub so we more understand about the cultures, lifes, and all.

  • @elimyong4384
    @elimyong4384 4 роки тому +9

    以前小时候小学的时候看很喜欢这部剧!也印象很深刻 😭真的是一部经典的剧👍🏻

  • @angahkau1583
    @angahkau1583 2 роки тому +1

    Beautiful lady, beautiful stories, am so into this drama. Love the oldies

  • @niphonchumsaengsri1716
    @niphonchumsaengsri1716 3 роки тому +3

    I am Thai.I can't understand.but this is one of my favourite series. I saw this series many years ago on Thai Tv.

  • @trinhtran1352
    @trinhtran1352 2 роки тому +2

    I am vietnamese i have been searching this movies for years.... The imaged of the lady when she carried her baby in the back and had to pick and ate the outside of the banana to keep herself and the baby from starving was stucking in my head. Such a relief that i found this... Glad that my english is not very good but luckily I am able to understand the English sub. Thank you very much.

  • @phonnirasukarjo3166
    @phonnirasukarjo3166 4 роки тому +3

    This old version is better than the new version.

  • @kiddovrevo6296
    @kiddovrevo6296 3 роки тому +2

    This origin one much more better than new one

  • @yiinn9855
    @yiinn9855 4 роки тому +48

    我小时候就觉得这部剧超好看,但是看着却很心痛 男尊女卑的世界啊……

    • @gsq8138
      @gsq8138 4 роки тому


    • @tansuehua5595
      @tansuehua5595 4 роки тому +4

      h x 什么传统国家 -_- 放在那个时代几乎每个国家都是男尊女卑的啊 -_-

  • @dragoniloveyou2097
    @dragoniloveyou2097 3 роки тому +2

    I am Thai. I watched this about 10 years ago. This killed me a lot. Best traditionally. Thank you for presenting again. 😭🙏 Khob khun krab

  • @myfyp2
    @myfyp2 2 роки тому +3

    主题曲 如燕 太好听了

  • @avrilliasihite2668
    @avrilliasihite2668 4 роки тому +2

    I remember whatching this when i was in malasya,the litlle nyonya was my favorite film
    I love the litlle nyonya.

  • @judyluo3694
    @judyluo3694 4 роки тому +4


  • @fujiapple6003
    @fujiapple6003 2 роки тому +2

    Best drama untill now watching

  • @doriswan8488
    @doriswan8488 4 роки тому +8


  • @user-bo2dh9ec4g
    @user-bo2dh9ec4g 4 роки тому +2


  • @LAU-wl3ke
    @LAU-wl3ke 4 роки тому +14


    • @tiffanywu6806
      @tiffanywu6806 4 роки тому +1


    • @Jo-tn3bb
      @Jo-tn3bb 4 роки тому


  • @user-gc5ny3hh2m
    @user-gc5ny3hh2m 2 роки тому +1

    这是一部经典的新加坡娘惹剧 👍👍👍

  • @SejunsGirl
    @SejunsGirl 3 роки тому +3

    Omg!!! I really love this series! Thank you for posting many memories coming back. 💙

  • @ritazhang8128
    @ritazhang8128 3 роки тому +2


  • @AJDC0106
    @AJDC0106 4 роки тому +7

    I've been searching for this for so long. Last time that I watched this was way back in Highschool around 2009 when our local tv network in the Philippines chose this to air it during lunch time. I hope that I'll find the tagalog dubbed version of this .

  • @nicoleling7681
    @nicoleling7681 4 роки тому +12

    Yahoo!! 这部戏我以前小学的时候和我妈妈很长一起看的! 没想到我还能再次看到这部戏 -w-

  • @maplesyrupppp
    @maplesyrupppp 4 роки тому +3

    最好看的娘惹剧!就这样过了十年 OMG

  • @baconpancakes8899
    @baconpancakes8899 3 роки тому +6

    I never expected an official account to post the full series with subtitles