I pity those who have never climbed. Those who have never felt the pain of fingers without skin. Those who have never persevered trough an endless stream of failures. Those who have never set of on the journey trough pain towards perfection.
amen. Its been sooooo long since I last climbed... I miss it so much! I mostly climb indoors for simplicity reasons... I moved from Montreal, Qc, Canada a year ago. In Montreal there is like 3-4 different gyms... here at my new location we have only one and apparently its not that impressive... I'll have to give it a shot sooner or later!
+turmat01 Where were you going back in Montréal? I went at Horizon Roc for a long time but it ended up way too expensive for my student budget. Now I just use the crappy wall at CEPSUM...
Still beats not climbing at all I guess! I went to Vertical at the Cegep André-Laurendeau, and at Horizon Roc. I'm in Trois-Rivières now So I don'T climb no more. I have to go try out one place we have here, but apparently it's a pretty small place.
You just have to look beyond the obvious. Don't forget that a well executed deadpoint is just as much a display of climbing technique (i.e. precision manipulation of CG) as the footwork required to move from one hold to the next on a slab. The only difference is the speed at which the motion is executed. As for footwork, there are plenty of examples here just :38 in is a heel hook that is being used to control body position while the climber statically moves to the next hold for one example.
Luckily UA-cam abides by US laws and respect the fair use of material which rights you don't own. Even more so when the work is not for commercial purpose. Google "UA-cam Fair Use". So given that we made this video for the promotion of a sport we love and are crediting the original content owners, the use of
Would have been nice if you had ask the owners of the Vids if you can use it. You used some stuff of my Videos (World Cup Munich f.e.) and i do not think that it is okay without to ask. Would have been no problem. But a link to our channel or mention the real source of the clips i would have asked for... "All the video credits go to the climbers, their spotters, their cameraman..." - what does that mean, it sucks if you do not say exactly where you got the footage from.
Mikey Renwick Sure, so you can become unemployed cause your boss would fully understand you breaking your back trying to be a monkey. Excuse me while I work to pay off my mortgage. :)
Why so uptight? He's using maybe 2 seconds of each material source. People like you destroy creativity because your pride makes insignificant things like TWO SECONDS matter.
My hands will forever start sweating when I watch climbing videos...
Hahah this comment is spot on
If only this music would play when I climbed.
Love this video. Great job putting it together!
Climbing is a little painful but i love that pain.when you have no more skin on fingers.i just love it!😍
2:33 Jan Hojer beast mode :D
I pity those who have never climbed. Those who have never felt the pain of fingers without skin. Those who have never persevered trough an endless stream of failures. Those who have never set of on the journey trough pain towards perfection.
Pain is just the opposite of a tickle ;)
amen. Its been sooooo long since I last climbed... I miss it so much! I mostly climb indoors for simplicity reasons... I moved from Montreal, Qc, Canada a year ago. In Montreal there is like 3-4 different gyms... here at my new location we have only one and apparently its not that impressive... I'll have to give it a shot sooner or later!
+turmat01 Where were you going back in Montréal? I went at Horizon Roc for a long time but it ended up way too expensive for my student budget. Now I just use the crappy wall at CEPSUM...
Still beats not climbing at all I guess! I went to Vertical at the Cegep André-Laurendeau, and at Horizon Roc. I'm in Trois-Rivières now So I don'T climb no more. I have to go try out one place we have here, but apparently it's a pretty small place.
Henrik Sommerland so pretentious
great compilation.
Wouldl be awesome if you can provide link to some of the videos, especially the one arm climbing ones! Thanks for putting this together. Awesome vid
2:34 !!
Yes!!!! So pumped! !!!
Best climbing video i ever saw😍😍😍
Funny to see stuff I have filmed in this vid. Nice edit!
And my mobile slips from my hand... Damn it !!
Who are these people. They are awesome. And when they leap, it skips a heartbeat.
You just have to look beyond the obvious. Don't forget that a well executed deadpoint is just as much a display of climbing technique (i.e. precision manipulation of CG) as the footwork required to move from one hold to the next on a slab. The only difference is the speed at which the motion is executed. As for footwork, there are plenty of examples here just :38 in is a heel hook that is being used to control body position while the climber statically moves to the next hold for one example.
i saw nalle hukkataival im happy!
Wow, really hadn't heard about this sport, but it looks awesome indeed!
Yeah, Broke my foot landing in a bad position s couple weeks ago, really wanna climb!
I have a 17 ft wall I want to make into a climbing wall for bouldering (no ropes). What size mats would be needed for a wall of that height?
Really amazing video..
That is awesome
This should be any climber's go to video when showing a non-climber what bouldering's about
These people has got awesome grip, so like a steel.
Who got the FA of the boulder @2:34?
very inspiring!
content owner has not made this available on mobile.
Well, I guess that saves me a few minutes today...
Nice video! :D
Lead is awesome too
I agree. You should prepare a "slabbing" video. Show people what some boulderers can do with microscopic holds :-)
Think i will stick to golf.
+danthemanwhocancan I think I will stick to the holds.
I think I will stick to the boulders.
Luckily UA-cam abides by US laws and respect the fair use of material which rights you don't own. Even more so when the work is not for commercial purpose. Google "UA-cam Fair Use".
So given that we made this video for the promotion of a sport we love and are crediting the original content owners, the use of
Where are you viewing the video from?
I wish one day i will be this good
where was the last move?
+christoph002 It's an 8a in Fontainebleau, France called Rainbow Rocket.
Yeah, but we had to use that music... Makes anything look epic :)
Would have been nice if you had ask the owners of the Vids if you can use it. You used some stuff of my Videos (World Cup Munich f.e.) and i do not think that it is okay without to ask. Would have been no problem. But a link to our channel or mention the real source of the clips i would have asked for... "All the video credits go to the climbers, their spotters, their cameraman..." - what does that mean, it sucks if you do not say exactly where you got the footage from.
look it is still up after 6 days ^^
It's Adam Ondra dude ;)
Who is that guy wth curly hair in 0:47, I can't find him in the description. Pleaaase help!
Adam Ondra
Adam Ondra
1:25 awesome.
That move @ 2:37 is so fucking epic!!! Awesome video!!!
Samuel Wood
where was batman?
Daniel Coats spelunking
2:54 oh no, you will run your nails!
Woah !!
woah dude
I need a crash pad :(
or if you dont use a crash mat maybe you will get good at bouldering a lot faster? :')
Mikey Renwick Sure, so you can become unemployed cause your boss would fully understand you breaking your back trying to be a monkey. Excuse me while I work to pay off my mortgage. :)
So I've got the Dark Knight on, and I put this youtube clip on at the same time, took me a good few minutes to realise what just happened
Awesome clips, great music but maybe they should use Spiderman OST instead LOL...
Nice video but you're using a whole bunch of copyrighted videos and I don't expect this to be up after a day or two.
Batman soundtrack is dominating yt :D
This just made water flood from my hands xD
palms are sweaty
knees weak
arms are heavy
would love "alpinism is awesome"
0.58 ?? wonderfull girl !
Her name is sierra Blair-coyl
Confirmed, bouldering is in fact awsome. Time to get of my sore ass fingers and back on some rock!
Copyright is a joke, it does not exist on the Internet.
You got buuuuuurned!
id love to be part of the audience @ 1:18
And my mobile slips from my hands. Damn it.
Bouldering is awesome!
*shows hands covered in blood*
Enter the Spider-verse
Batman Theme
Музыка вообще не подходит. Это не Интерстеллар.
watching this makes my fingers cringe. Looks so painful.
No, bouldering in Fontainebleau is awesome; the rest is meeehhh.
Boek ah lib
Fuckin sweet
Why so uptight? He's using maybe 2 seconds of each material source. People like you destroy creativity because your pride makes insignificant things like TWO SECONDS matter.
Je to kopírování videa ,,The beauty of climbing" 👎