Forerunner Patch Notes: December 19, 2024. || Watcher of Realms

  • Опубліковано 18 гру 2024


  • @MrSportOnline
    @MrSportOnline 20 годин тому +2

    Omg they actually listen to me and increased the mythic extract drop rate, I can't believe they did this when they told me that they will do something about this.

  • @chrisrobinson7450
    @chrisrobinson7450 19 годин тому +1

    Nice to see my birthday date in the title ☺️

  • @spurs2k10
    @spurs2k10 23 години тому

    Wake up, Samurais! Dan Heilman is BACK!

  • @fedeg9886
    @fedeg9886 День тому +2

    Lyra will be only obtainable by summoning spirits ? no divine?

  • @gamezone-mu1gi
    @gamezone-mu1gi 15 годин тому

    Можна попросити сайт де монтони публікують зміни?

  • @namp62678
    @namp62678 21 годину тому

    Finally! increase mythic extract drop rate😭😭😭