The Girl Who Came Gift Wrapped (ft. Farrah Fawcett) | Full Movie | Classic TV Rewind

  • Опубліковано 18 гру 2024


  • @celestialskye1
    @celestialskye1 23 дні тому +23

    I LOVE Karen Valentine! She's so darling.

  • @thehollyberry7975
    @thehollyberry7975 21 день тому +16

    Oh how I miss the 70s.

  • @salianni16
    @salianni16 22 дні тому +18

    What a great cast this is! Karen Valentine, Farrah Fawcett, "Mr. C.", and the Partridge Family's manager, Reuben Kincaid. Whoever put all these people together in the same movie deserved a huge raise!

    • @minx2528
      @minx2528 20 днів тому +2

      It's an Aaron Spelling production..

  • @richardyork4300
    @richardyork4300 22 дні тому +18

    Movies of the week, the good old days, this was a great one, TV today is garbage, not even worth turning it on. What happened to make television so awful, when it was once so good like this.

    • @kyereCat
      @kyereCat 6 днів тому

      What movies????? Only made for cable garage.

    • @richardyork4300
      @richardyork4300 6 днів тому

      @kyereCat no made for TV movies on TV network, not cable garbage.

  • @pamczech5984
    @pamczech5984 23 дні тому +15

    I remember this movie i was lucky. My mom and dad weren't home so I was able to watch it

  • @dougmilesmedia
    @dougmilesmedia 20 днів тому +5

    Sweet movie. Nice chemistry between Richard Long and Karen Valentine.

  • @RonGerstein
    @RonGerstein 23 дні тому +17

    Karen Valentine is STILL around (11/26/24).

  • @kewanw16
    @kewanw16 22 дні тому +14

    Karen Valentine of Room 222.

  • @kayh5390
    @kayh5390 22 дні тому +4

    The looks on the housekeeper's face (played by the brilliant Rita Shaw) make the movie!

  • @h.huffen-puff4105
    @h.huffen-puff4105 22 дні тому +9

    Haven't seen these people in decades.

  • @huson-7wk
    @huson-7wk 18 днів тому +2

    WOW- a lot of TV talent of that time.😊

  • @leonard7292
    @leonard7292 17 днів тому +1

    Warm and funny, what more can we wish for.

  • @andyharman3022
    @andyharman3022 5 днів тому

    Karen Valentine was one of my schoolboy crushes in the 70's. Very loveable. She was pretty popular. Even starred in a short-lived series.

  • @markstoll5881
    @markstoll5881 14 днів тому +1

    Great movie, to bad Farrah didn't have a bigger role

  • @MarkDillon-pb7rf
    @MarkDillon-pb7rf 21 день тому +1

    Jeff you are the best. Thank you for your content. All the best on thanks giving day

  • @thehollyberry7975
    @thehollyberry7975 15 днів тому +1

    It’s said to think, if this had been real life she would not have had long with him before he passed.

  • @robinswenson9045
    @robinswenson9045 22 дні тому +5

    This was pretty woman in the 70s

  • @kyereCat
    @kyereCat 13 годин тому

    Scrammed and Hustled.

  • @GYPSYG514
    @GYPSYG514 23 дні тому +2

    32:25 to 32:47 2 big lines across the screen.

  • @rturney6376
    @rturney6376 7 днів тому

    The age difference was inappropriate. Power and control dynamic 😢😢😢😢😢

  • @stephaniestanley8041
    @stephaniestanley8041 20 днів тому +1

    Adorable Karen. Too bad Farrah was cast.

  • @UncleDavesKitchen
    @UncleDavesKitchen 22 дні тому +1

    I see where The Lady In Red came from

  • @joeenglert
    @joeenglert 22 дні тому +3

    poor richard long died shortly after this,,here, he looks 60 years old

    • @thehollyberry7975
      @thehollyberry7975 21 день тому +2

      Noooo. He looks fine. Maybe a bit above late 40s

    • @E-Kat
      @E-Kat 20 днів тому


    • @walkawaycat431
      @walkawaycat431 2 дні тому +1

      He does not look 60. Maybe 40.