江南情韵 Jiangnan Elegance[English lyrics]

  • Опубліковано 15 вер 2024
  • 这首词以江南的风景与情感为主题,描绘了典型的江南水乡画面。通过细雨、小桥、流水、荷花等元素,勾勒出一个梦幻般的江南世界。词中充满了诗意的自然景象,如柳依依、月如镜,融合了淡淡的忧愁与悠远的情怀。每一段都透过细腻的描述,展现了江南水乡的柔情与美丽,并通过风、雨、月、桥等意象,将人们的思绪带回故乡、带回过往的宁静岁月。整首词贯穿着对江南的深情眷恋,表达了对岁月无情而江南情韵长存的感慨。
    This lyric is centred around the landscape and emotional charm of Jiangnan, depicting a picturesque and dreamlike scene of the southern Chinese water towns. The imagery of misty rain, small bridges, flowing water, and lotus-filled ponds paints an ethereal picture of Jiangnan. The lyrics evoke a sense of distant longing with poetic descriptions of nature, such as willows swaying, and the moon reflecting on the water, blending soft melancholy with serene beauty. Each verse portrays the gentle elegance of the Jiangnan region, invoking memories of home and a quiet, peaceful past. The lyrics reflect a deep affection for Jiangnan’s timeless grace, expressing nostalgia for the passage of time, while Jiangnan’s charm remains eternal.