Octavia Blake | I'M NOT A LEADER [HBD Thorny Rose]

  • Опубліковано 1 жов 2024


  • @ThornyRose13
    @ThornyRose13 5 років тому +150

    Оооооооо. Ну тут я точно не обойдусь парой слов. 9 минут почти! Ты мне подарила в этот день, считай 17 минут красоты, счастья, потрясающих эмоций, чувств…. Женщина, что вы творите?!))смерти моей хотите?) Отсыпьте мне порцию своей силы Флеша))))
    Любимая Октавия. Я не досмотрела Сотню, и после твоих слов о происходящем, я боялась в ней разочароваться. Но всё равно, этот персонаж настолько вырос в моих глазах, и боже мой, кто в Сотне не совершал ошибок?)) Это не повод отказываться от симпатии. Нет. Ведь все мы люди, все совершаем ошибки по каким либо причинам, которые затуманивают наш мозг. Но она шикарная женщина! Сразу скажу, то, что ты в видео включила Лексу, это прям спасибо. Её во многом преподносят как её замену, даже элементы одежды были Лексы. Её не заменить, но Октавия и не замена. Она всё равно другой персонаж, у неё другой путь, хоть и воин она отменный и их это объединяет. Окти до сих пор у меня на аватарке в myshows, и да, я до сих пор не сделала по ней видео, но я даже не знаю, как после такого что-то делать. Здесь вся история. Я не мастак в длинных видео, это по твоей части, и ты просто потрясающе рассказала её историю. До слёз. Теперь официально это лучшее видео по ней, потому что я вечно была в поисках нечто такого простого, но крутого, показывающего все, через что прошла данная героиня и теперь ТАДААААА)) ещё и мне в подарок. Просто умереть не встать.
    Начало, где какие либо фразы аля «расскажи свою историю» это просто лучшее для меня начало видео, я обожаю этот очевидный простой приём, но он так идеален.
    Девочка из под пола. Именно так всё началось. Жестоко, важный этап её жизни и я просто в шоке, сколько ты параллелей на эту тему подобрала, я даже не помню этого всего)
    К слову, кадры с рисунками, это тоже стало моей страстью, так красиво и эстетично выглядит!
    0:06-0:09 красавица воительница
    А потом кадр с лапусюськой мелкой))) вот тебе и колоссальная разница наглядно, считай.
    0:20-0:25 первый укол в сердце, это там жестко, а кадр с лицом Белла…оооох, сердечко разрывается
    0:29-0:35 прям её становление. Что стоит первый кадр и второй. Во втором она просто как капризный подросток, который хочет свободы и чтобы от неё отстали, а в первом, ух, берегись, чел, это уже угроза нефиговых масштабов.
    С 0:40 начинаются прекрасные Блейки и омг сколько параллелей!
    0:58-1:05 оооооох, там такая боль от этих фраз на душу свалилась как при аккорде в музыке в конце. Музыка вообще невероятно украсила и дополнила всё как надо.
    1:09 понеслась. Как там виртуозно начала играть скрипка, так ты так же играешь на эмоциях.
    1:16 а теперь и Линкольн!
    А дальше её превращение в землянку. Ооооооо, это прям мощно. 1:28-1:49 ВАААААААУ! У меня мурашки по всему телу вниз-вверх бегали нескончаемо, так сильно, так шикарно легло на музыку, а далее ещё и этот темп быстрый с ударами. Шедеврально! Браво!
    1:50 и конечно же Индра. Ты решила вместить всё, все важные этапы её жизни, всех людей, что повлияли на неё. За это я без сомнений считаю этот трибьют лучшим и самым полным.
    «этот день был лучшим», «ты дала мне силу быть чем-то большим, чем я могла мечтать» ООООО
    2:01 ох, в этом она хороша, как никто. Это меня в ней и восхитило и заставило полюбить. Её бьют, она встаёт и идёт напролом. Достойно уважения. Просто супер гёрл.
    Далее эти её метания, которые всерьёз не воспринимали. А посмотрите, чего эта девчонка из под пола добилась! Нашла свой новый дом в Трикру.
    Ну привет, моя боль. Фраза Линкольна и затем переход к новой музыке и его смерть. Переломный момент. Очень чётко! От её изменений в лице на фоне этой музыке у меня аж мурашки!!!
    Дальше даже выделить не могу, безумно шикарная дарк атмосфера, нескончаемые мурашки, переплетения кем была, а кем стала. Мощь! Ты, я думаю, знаешь, как я люблю подомного характера видео, и с Октавией это как нельзя кстати. Тьмааааааааа.
    Я выделю только 3:05-3:15 это было прям эпично и ритмично. Умница, Мариночка! Потрясающе вышло! Задала жару.
    3:28-4:12 да что же ты творишь?!!! Дыхание захватывает и уже просто с невероятной скоростью мурашки бегают от всей этой мощи и музыки, я влюбилась ещё больше, вспомнила те эмоции, когда увидела её такую бэдэсс в 5 сезоне. Это совсем другой характер видео, нежели остальные, ты снова добавила чего-то нового, как мне показалось. И это ошеломительно!!!!
    4:14 тааааак, где снова мой носовой платок?) нет, серьёзно, эта часть на которой у меня слёзы не сдержались. Все люди, что на неё так повлияли и сделали её такой, какой она стала, все эти важные слова, поступки… И потом её речь после победы, я безумно горжусь этой девочкой, а после той серии больше некуда.
    5:00-5:25 не командующая, не лидер, но вот она, наша великолепная Бладрейна!
    5:37-5:41 оооооооо, привет супер бэдэсс квин!!!
    5:42 эта фраза и искажённое лицо. Потрясающе!!!!

    • @ThornyRose13
      @ThornyRose13 5 років тому +10

      5:45, 5:48-5:49 вы тока посмотрите на это воинственное лицо! Аааааааа обожаю
      5:53-5:57 бойтесь все. Но она великолепна. Её образ в 5 сезоне просто любовь моя.
      Red queen и этот обалденно красивый кадр с обмазыванием крови. Оргазмически прекрасно!
      УЗРИТЕ ГНЕВ БЛАДРЕЙНЫ!))) только рискни пойти против, и тебе не жить…так что…CHOOSE!
      6:25 хахах you’re Hydra!)))
      6:29-6:33 эта фраза, Лекса и её слова на деле. Просто спасибо!
      6:33-6:36 никогда не говори «никогда», особенно в условиях такого апокалипсиса))) ты шикарна, Мариночка!
      6:53 она дала выбор, решайте сами. Я вообще обожаю эти сцены с данной фразой, они супер мощные!
      7:09 фраза и параллели с беззаботной Окти, любующейся на бабочку, а потом Бладрейной, срывающей цветок. Бесподобно!
      7:22, 7:26-7:28 какая ж женщина, а!
      И снова Линкольн, прям на больное. Затем Бэлл…
      7:47-7:57 как говорил Окси «критикуешь - предлагай»))) говорить легко, а ты попробуй встать на её место, вот и полюбуемся, куда всё покатится. Она тянет эту тяжёлую ношу. И это показывает всю её силу.
      7:59 короче отсюда меня поломало, и я плакала.
      Власть портит людей. Превращает их совершенно в других.
      8:17-8:25 *плачу* Блейки!
      8:27-8:32 *плачу ещё сильнее* эти параллели с Линкольном…
      8:32-8:35 потрясающая параллель!
      8:41-8:43 разбитое зеркало и фраза. Лучше и не сделаешь.
      В итоге потрясающая концовка.
      Я попыталась быть более краткой, но у меня не очень вышло))) ну невозможно тут не выделить всё это. Ты проделала такую огромную работу, я восхищаюсь каждый раз твоим талантам. Теперь я восхищаюсь ещё скорости выпускания этих шедевров, что ты создаешь. И безмерно благодарю тебя за то, что ты посвятила всю эту красоту мне. Километровые комментарии и куча слов благодарности и восхищения - это единственное, чем я могу тебе ответить на всю эту шикарность. Но мысленно я тебя уже 10 тыщ раз обняла и расцеловала твои золотые, талантливые, добрые ручки. Просто спасибо в тысячный раз за эти минуты, что я провела в истинном наслаждении. И за вдохновение, что ты мне подарила. Надо его обязательно сохранить на будущий год.
      Невозможная девчонка!))))
      и да, я не уместилась в 1 комментарии :D

    • @MargaritaLife
      @MargaritaLife  5 років тому +7

      Ох, так много ты написала мне!!! Я очень рада, что угодила! Ты всегда говорила, что О тебе очень нравится, ну банер был доказательством, так что этот вопрос даже не оговаривался! И я не могла не поместить фразы Лексы, мне кажется это очень параллельно к тому что происходит с Октавией сейчас и во 2 сезоне))
      Я счастлива, что тебе так понравилось!!!

    • @kairetalvarez990
      @kairetalvarez990 5 років тому +30

      A need a translation for that. 😂😂😂

    • @rubyw.7830
      @rubyw.7830 5 років тому +4


    • @a.l.i.e9241
      @a.l.i.e9241 4 роки тому +5

      um what

  • @pali2297
    @pali2297 5 років тому +1849

    They blame her but they never gave her a better option...

    • @laklomp
      @laklomp 5 років тому +228

      That's why I like the fact, she said to Clarke she will never understand why she did the things she did. But now she is doing cruel stuff herself. Nobody gave Clarke and Octavia different options. They had to be the leader or they would all have died. Nobody can blame them :/

    • @mysteriousmercy3894
      @mysteriousmercy3894 5 років тому +103

      @@laklomp actually you could blame Clarke for the things she's done because she always had a second option. Octavia was the only one who didn't get better option.

    • @laklomp
      @laklomp 5 років тому +60

      @@mysteriousmercy3894 You Always have a choice, if someone points a gun to you and say money or your life. Then someone can be proud enough to say: Rather my life to let you steal from me.
      What I wanna say is, Octavia could have said no too. She could have said: No canibalism.
      But what I really wanted to focus on is that everyone blames the leaders but they're the ones who made them leaders, who made them choose in impossible decisions. I feel like no one can blame them bec everyone putted them in that situation

    • @mysteriousmercy3894
      @mysteriousmercy3894 5 років тому +23

      @@laklomp Nobody made Clarke their leader either... She appointed her and Bellamy leaders. Everyone just went with it.
      If that was the case , Clarke could have said no to killing the mountain people the innocent ones. And said no to taking the bunker during the conclave. But she didn't. She used the excuse she had to for her people when in reality she really didn't have to do it and it wasn't what was best for them either.

    • @ZainabProductions
      @ZainabProductions 5 років тому +45

      Nick Van Laere no to cannibalism meant the entire human race wouldn’t have survived

  • @dionmic
    @dionmic 5 років тому +1735

    With the complexity and development of Octavia Blake... people expect me to have someone else as my favourite character? Wild.

    • @laklomp
      @laklomp 5 років тому +15

      I hope she won't die but somehow I feel they might kill her off. Now she is a bit "crazy" and more Bloodraina than Octavia from Skaikru x Trikru. I think many will stay die, we still have many characters: Kane, Abby, Miller, Jackson, Clarke, Bellamy, Octavia, Raven, Murphy, Mori, Echo, Shaw, That colonel, Maddi. I somehow feel few of them will die eventually. I don't know if there will be a season seven or eight or if it ends this season but I truelly feel like many fav characters of mine will die (Octavia, Kane). I am glad they won't kill Clarke or Bellamy because they're the biggest main characters)

    • @kirakati1305
      @kirakati1305 5 років тому +28

      @@laklomp If they kill her i will stop watching this series. -.-

    • @hussainisaiduadamu3327
      @hussainisaiduadamu3327 5 років тому +3

      Nick Van Laere kane is dead now

    • @laklomp
      @laklomp 5 років тому +1

      @@hussainisaiduadamu3327 How do you know that they will kill him off next season? :o did the actor/cast said that? Because he is atm in coma but he will be awake in next season bec we saw that in the trailer.

    • @hussainisaiduadamu3327
      @hussainisaiduadamu3327 5 років тому +2

      @@laklomp sorry for the spoiler, but he is dying in the second episode heard from good source.

  • @cadenjay0997
    @cadenjay0997 5 років тому +689

    Octavia is the only person who changed the most

  • @crysb.654
    @crysb.654 5 років тому +438

    Goosebumps. You captured her whole development and fallouts perfectly. Incredible.

  • @camille0704
    @camille0704 5 років тому +628

    Best tribute of Octavia I've ever seen ♥

  • @HJMEdits
    @HJMEdits 5 років тому +315

    Well damn gotta say that was really impressive, great work :)

  • @9holly625
    @9holly625 5 років тому +612

    You have summarized her story perfectly. Really good video❤
    But it is really sad to whom Octavia had to become. She died together with Lincoln

    • @MargaritaLife
      @MargaritaLife  5 років тому +1

      Thank you very much!!!

    • @ShadowRavenGaming222
      @ShadowRavenGaming222 5 років тому

      9 holly facts

    • @yevgeniyaleshchenko849
      @yevgeniyaleshchenko849 4 роки тому +4

      9 holly No she didn't, and she saved Wonkru. All her choices were justifiable, she bore it so they didn't have to. You would broke sooner if you were in her place

    • @yevgeniyaleshchenko849
      @yevgeniyaleshchenko849 4 роки тому

      @@ShadowRavenGaming222 No

    • @yxng_max9569
      @yxng_max9569 3 роки тому +1

      She died when Lincoln died and was re born when hope was born

  • @Luc42
    @Luc42 5 років тому +443

    "We survived that because of me."
    Octavia just looks so sad in that scene. She made sure they survived the Dark Year and kept them together. But that, like all things, had a cost. For Octavia, it cost her the most. Her will to live and her spirit. Madi is the only one to realize that. Octavia bore the burden so Wonkru didn't have to.

    • @andyhx2
      @andyhx2 2 роки тому +1

      However, it is a bit as though she doesn't realize that she isn't that much hated for the Dark Year as for the Death March she forced on Wonkru after the Dark Year. And it was in a hindsight strategically simply a bad decision from her that cost a lot of lives that were all the more costly by that fact that those were some of the last people on Earth at that time in a valley that was know to be the only survivalble at that time. I think it is hard to argue she fucked up badly at that one and the only logic behind her decision to go through it could have been to not look weak among Wonkru and not make them separate once again into 13 clans, but which eventually made her look like power-hungry dictator in eyes of everyone but herself.

    • @ssd3904
      @ssd3904 Рік тому +7

      I’m 3yrs late but oh well. My opinion is that Octavia didn’t become Bloodreina all by herself, and she didn’t go mad-enough-to-destroy-food all by herself either. Octavia was a seventeen year old girl when she created and took control of Wonkru, she was a teenager who was very out of her element in every manner of speaking. She also had Indra, Kane, Abby, and Gaia advising her and they all pulled her in different directions. Indra advised her well, but she started fading off into the background in the Bunker and she just let her adoptive daughter fall through the cracks. Kane had absolutely no alternatives, solutions or ideas on how to fix their food shortage problem, and people were going to start to die from malnutrition if nothing was done and one thing nobody covers is that there probably was nowhere to put the bodies so what would have happened there? Abby is the one that suggested and then pushed for cannibalism, Octavia didn’t want to and wanted to find a different option, then Abby checked out and became an addict and blamed Octavia for everything. Then there’s Gaia, the person who basically helped give Octavia her title, when Octavia united Wonkru and was back in the office calming down, Indra tells her she needs to clean up and then address the people, and Gaia stops her and tells her to let them see Octavia covered in blood, because “the blood of our enemies is her armour.” And then we have Wonkru, members were committing petty crimes like stealing blankets, and Octavia wanted them to just return the blankets without punishment, because Grounder culture and Skaikru culture both believe in death or harsh punishment for small crimes and she didn’t want to do that all over again, but Wonkru put their foot in their mouths and really demanded harsher punishment, which then started this whole thing where Octavia starts the Ring. Lincoln’s death still remains the biggest thing, but she went dark because of very heavy traumas stacking up rapidly throughout her life.

    • @7ynxzs377
      @7ynxzs377 9 місяців тому

      @@andyhx2The only defense I can come up with for Octavia burning the farm, is the trauma of what she was forced to do in the bunker. Burning the farm forced them to leave the bunker behind.
      But it was entirely a terrible act, and even if Octavia refused to believe it herself at the time, it was definitely a power move. She was losing control of Wonkru, so she took away their choice. And that’s just that.

    • @7ynxzs377
      @7ynxzs377 9 місяців тому

      @@ssd3904Yeah, As Indra said, they were all Blodreina. Even Jaha convinced her to take extreme actions to force Wonkru to follow and listen to her. And also as Indra said, Gaia pushed commander teachings onto Octavia, “love is weakness.” I think Gaia really played a huge role in creating Blodreina. Tbh, Kane is probably the only person who had nothing to do with Octavia becoming Blodreina. He did his best to convince Octavia to take the moral choice, even if it resulted in them dying. Indra admitted that she just kind of let Octavia become Blodreina as well, instead of trying to be her compass or seda. Abby was the worst when it came to it, convincing Octavia to kill people for not eating. When it came down to it, it was necessary for survival, but it was just so messed up that she blamed Octavia for the Dark Year-for everything, when Abby was literally the one in her ear, saying that it was necessary.

  • @caroooo2621
    @caroooo2621 5 років тому +107

    She’s my favorite character even if she did horrible things, she’s still human

  • @lenakrupa5654
    @lenakrupa5654 5 років тому +192

    can someone bring me old and happy octavia and bellamy? when they were an amazing siblings ..

  • @sarahgrace9604
    @sarahgrace9604 5 років тому +161

    This is PERFECT! Her evolution is insane, I love octavia so much!!

  • @shadowfromthestars
    @shadowfromthestars 5 років тому +162

    I gotta say this feels so all encompassing of Octavia's story, the path she's taken, the circumstances that pushed her there, and the relationships of the people in her life. Truly a masterpiece of a video.

  • @kathleentoledo1071
    @kathleentoledo1071 5 років тому +70

    I like how you added clarke in the video saying one day she would understand. I also like that scene with madi and clarke where she reminds clarke that she too has done bad things for her people. With the latest episode out, I've been hoping they will have a moment in the next episode because ive always thought they made a badass team.(especially with Bellamy backing them up) it moved my heart to see her concern for Clarke even though they haven't been best friends

  • @daniparramore3949
    @daniparramore3949 4 роки тому +45

    I like how Octavia hated Clarke because she didn’t understand the pressure of being a leader until she became the hated along side Clarke

    • @TipsyLoveLetter
      @TipsyLoveLetter 2 роки тому +9

      Difference is Octavia learned and grew better because of it, Clarke failed at everything and continued to whine and fail again and again and never progressed character-wise at all 🤷‍♂️

    • @AC-ri2ph
      @AC-ri2ph Рік тому +4

      @@TipsyLoveLetter untrue

    • @JuanRodriguez-xf2if
      @JuanRodriguez-xf2if 10 місяців тому

      ​@@TipsyLoveLetterClarke was mucho better than Octavia

  • @nghtblccd
    @nghtblccd 4 роки тому +55

    "I'm Octavia"
    How innocent and naive she did sound...

  • @bo_chloer
    @bo_chloer 3 роки тому +16

    I love the link between clarke and octavia. both were forced to make impossible choices and both were blamed by the people who refused to accept they took part too. Octavia and Abby, Clarke and Raven.

    • @mitjamackenzie1219
      @mitjamackenzie1219 2 роки тому +1

      Ngl Raven had every right to say what she said to Clarke. Unlike Abby and Octavia.

  • @eceavgeropoulos6161
    @eceavgeropoulos6161 5 років тому +44

    "He was my home"😭😭😭

  • @JacobRyuu
    @JacobRyuu 5 років тому +102

    I love this so much. She’s my favorite on this show. You did such a great justice to her with this edit.

  • @Naomi_Spencer
    @Naomi_Spencer 5 років тому +66

    Octavia is my favorite character and I love her growth even if she did go down a dark path as blood Reina I know she'll recover. You really summarized her story so far well

    • @pamelaharris-murphy3668
      @pamelaharris-murphy3668 5 років тому +4

      I love octavia she's badass warrior and brutally honest I hope she keeps those traits when she gets a redemption I really hate abby and kane all of them gave her advice on what she needs to do as a leader she even said that she didn't want to become leader she was forced to be a leader it's like she getting all the blame assholes

    • @jessicagonzalez697
      @jessicagonzalez697 5 років тому +3

      Pamela Harris-Murphy everyone pushed her to do the things she did, starting with Jaha, Abby, Kane, Gaia, even Indra, but now they all point the finger and accuse her ofbeing the monster

    • @MistahJay7
      @MistahJay7 4 роки тому

      @@pamelaharris-murphy3668 Everytime she would say "im not a leader" id yell back
      YES YOU ARE! lol

  • @kaitlynnm3060
    @kaitlynnm3060 5 років тому +38

    She's been through sm and I miss the badass Octavia when she first lost Lincoln. I honestly think she hasn't fully mourned his death but I'm sure she will get a recovery. The other characters need to give her a break she's dealt with the most out of all of them.

  • @jinxapologist
    @jinxapologist 5 років тому +78

    Almost 9 minutes of Octavia awesomeness. This must've been an awful lot of work, great job!! I love her and you really retold her story perfectly!

  • @kyliecrabtree5932
    @kyliecrabtree5932 3 роки тому +11

    Octavia did what no commander could do she united everyone and kept them alive no madder the cost

  • @jenpearlypearl7782
    @jenpearlypearl7782 5 років тому +41

    The best Octavia vid i've seen. And i've watched a LOT of them... i love her ❤

  • @sarahmorais8278
    @sarahmorais8278 5 років тому +27

    That was amazing!! They blame Clarke and her for keeping them alive

    • @samaalhamwi178
      @samaalhamwi178 4 роки тому +5

      Sarah Morais exactly without them no one would be alive

  • @claraguanaes55
    @claraguanaes55 4 роки тому +8

    Everyone blames Clarke and Octavia for their decisions as leaders, but anybody wants to be in their places

  • @seraphusen344
    @seraphusen344 4 роки тому +10

    Different people have different ways of grieving. Jasper became an alcoholic, Clarke took her pain and used it to save her people and Octavia used her darkness to survive not only for herself but for her ppl too and it nearly cost her everything.

  • @Athanasiades__
    @Athanasiades__ 4 роки тому +4

    Clark said to octavia one day you will understand why i did what i did and she said no
    But she actually did

  • @blodripa8684
    @blodripa8684 5 років тому +14

    Octavia deserves so much more than what she gets. Bellamy needs to get over himself. He knows that losing his sister will be the worst thing possible. Even if Octavia is already dead. Octavia can come back. She deserves happiness.

    • @pamelaharris-murphy3668
      @pamelaharris-murphy3668 5 років тому +2

      I know right i hate bellamy I'm not saying the things she done is ok but he poisoned her first which made her put him in the pits I hope she gets a redemption I want to see her smile at least you would think he would understand he is dateing echo and he also went through period when he was power hunger he is able to forgive clarke even though she left him in the pits god i hate him

    • @7ynxzs377
      @7ynxzs377 9 місяців тому

      @@pamelaharris-murphy3668I don’t blame Bellamy for poisoning Octavia. It was the only thing he could think of without killing her. And if Miller didn’t take over and Octavia stayed sick just a little longer, they could have at least gotten to the valley and maybe have peace. That’s unless the prisoners pull what they did at the gorge. But if they did, at least Wonkru would already be in the valley and not vulnerable to automated weapons in an open gorge. Bellamy has good intentions, and Octavia only wanted war.

  • @cassiusfelix2805
    @cassiusfelix2805 4 роки тому +8

    I love how Kane blames When the women he loves is the one who suggest they become cannibals. That's crazy to me. Octavia is just a kid compared to them she never been a leader she needs guidance. And no one really give it to her yet she get's all the blame for what happened in the bunker. Her own brother left her behind on Sanctum. How is she suppose to do better when everyone looks at her like she's the devil.

  • @MariaGottstuck
    @MariaGottstuck 5 років тому +37

    The best character ever. I started watching The 100 after I found a video about Octavia and I was kinda dissapointed when I learned she's not the main character.

    • @ChylerLeighRock
      @ChylerLeighRock 5 років тому +12

      She's better than main. The 100 is nothing without her.

    • @tonyh2082
      @tonyh2082 4 роки тому +2

      ChylerLeighRock without clarke they all die from the beginning.

  • @xxbludger
    @xxbludger 5 років тому +30

    I love love love love this. Octavia is one of my favorite characters on The 100 and her story is so representative of many of the themes on the show. You've done a great job!

  • @sophiamorales6290
    @sophiamorales6290 5 років тому +4

    I feel like she was screwed the minute she was left to rule the bunker, Octavia isn’t meant for leadership, she’s a warrior.

  • @puarauehumatangi5584
    @puarauehumatangi5584 4 роки тому +7

    Octavia done a great job. She done something not even Clarke would or could do. Octavia is strong and her character development is extraordinary.

  • @anneboisvert7904
    @anneboisvert7904 5 років тому +15

    "She bore it so we didn't have to" I love that phrase

  • @alessandraarcodia9843
    @alessandraarcodia9843 5 років тому +16

    Oh my god, i love the 100, and Octavia is my favorite character I love her and her strength,i love this so much. I cry whit joy😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😢😢😢

  • @anushkasharma7088
    @anushkasharma7088 4 роки тому +14

    She's literally one of the strongest fictional characters of all times

  • @eyesclosed9656
    @eyesclosed9656 5 років тому +21

    3:05 I love that moment 😍

  • @tvandmovieedits4233
    @tvandmovieedits4233 4 роки тому +7

    My heart. This is beautiful. Especially the Lincoln moments and parallels. This is incredible, one of the best Octavia edits I’ve ever seen.

  • @DylanSkie
    @DylanSkie 4 роки тому +2

    In my opinion, the only bad choice she made was burning the farm. It seems like everything else was necessary. Way more people would’ve died if Octavia hadn’t used the fighting pits as a source of food. As terrible as it was, it was necessary to survive

    • @jessicagonzalez697
      @jessicagonzalez697 4 роки тому +1

      And even that, as horrible as it was, has an explanation. Having the farm meant they would stay there, with every single ghost that lived inside that bunker. She had to do horrible things for all of them to survive but delivering her people to Eden was going to make all of that worth it, if she couldn’t have that then in her mind it was all for nothing.
      The fighting pits were pretty barbaric but, aside from being a source of food, which they needed or else everyone would’ve starved, they were also a way of controlling the grounders. The bunker was full with clans that has been at war for years, without something as brutal and drastic as that they would’ve ended killing each other in a matter of months

  • @adrimrie
    @adrimrie 5 років тому +72

    octavia became the leader clarke never could

    • @jhopefulflower9175
      @jhopefulflower9175 5 років тому +11

      although sometimes arguably not the best options, clarke did what she did for 'her people' or whoever she defined to be that in that time period. octavia first led for teh same purpose, but after the whole cannibalism fiasco, she lost her way and became evil. she got attached to power. she didn't want to step down, whereas if clarke was provided with a better option, i think she'd be more likely to give up leadership (clearly, all of them are kinda biased and trash in some ways but thats another story), which is why i have no life and wrote a wholeass paragraph disagreeing lmao

    • @tonyh2082
      @tonyh2082 4 роки тому +2

      clarke became the leader octavia would never hit the surface as

  • @lukejoyner9950
    @lukejoyner9950 4 роки тому +5

    I could probably write a paper on ocatvias character, but I'll just throw in this tidbit. Octavia didn't die with Lincoln. It just broke her. Lincoln was her whole world, her identity, the only thing she ever really felt a part of. But after he died, she was still there, just buried under pain and anger. Also, Octavia is not without conscience and unremorseful in season 5. if you pay attention, the Octavia who went into the bunker is still there. But her soul is broken. I don't have time to explain Octavia in season 5 fully, but the scene with her and the broken mirror is one of the most important scenes of the season. In it, she almost slits her wrist before cutting her elbow and smearing blood on her face. She almost killed herself. OCTAVIA HATED HERSELF BEFORE ANYONE ELSE DID

    • @7ynxzs377
      @7ynxzs377 9 місяців тому

      So true right here.

  • @bryanmcgregor1786
    @bryanmcgregor1786 3 роки тому +2

    Killing her boyfriend helped create the ultimate warrior to have ever lived

  • @UniTea__
    @UniTea__ Рік тому +2

    Never gonna forgive em for a bunch of adults making a child believe the survival of humanity was her responsibility, and then getting mad when she lost her mind believing that.

  • @ria_8616
    @ria_8616 4 роки тому +5

    I like Octavia, really, but after Licoln’s death, she became Blodreina, the sad, angry, broken queen. I don’t like this queen, I want Octavia come back 😭💔

    • @jessicagonzalez697
      @jessicagonzalez697 4 роки тому

      Did you watched season 6? Octavia is back

    • @ria_8616
      @ria_8616 4 роки тому

      Jessica Gonzalez I saw it, but when I posted this comment I had not seen it yet 😉

  • @abdulazizkodirov5323
    @abdulazizkodirov5323 5 років тому +18

    I love how you captured her character development

  • @heirannn_012
    @heirannn_012 4 роки тому +7

    I love how you edited this. The sequencing and the arrangement of the clips is absolutely astounding. I also love how you constantly put in clips from season 1, it rlly shows how far Octavia has gone as a character. I got goosebumps when Lexa suddenly showed up, the scene fit perfectly. You could really see Octavia struggle with being a leader, because she kinda wasnt one or atleast she wasnt supposed to be. But she was. She maybe more of a warrior but she's just as strong as Lexa and all the others, red-blooded or not. The transitions were amazing as well, and I love how you put Lincoln kneeling and Octavia kneeling next to each other. This is by far one of the greatest edits/tributes not only for Octavia fans but for the whole fandom itself. Kudos!

  • @sathish839
    @sathish839 3 роки тому +6

    Octavia is a true warrior, her choices was always right things and amazing edit thanks for the video, keep going.

  • @margoa619
    @margoa619 5 років тому +10

    Beautiful. Great progression of Octavia’s development!

  • @rosehub6726
    @rosehub6726 4 роки тому +4

    Octovia is my fave character,
    And still even after season 5 ,
    The only downfall is when she burn the farm ..
    She changed too much but i don't blame,
    She was forced to change.. :(
    I hope she can still redeem herself in s6( sorry haven't watched it)

  • @krystallynne0713
    @krystallynne0713 4 роки тому +3

    Can we talk about when Pike pulled the trigger, it didn’t only kill Lincoln, it killed Octavia. Lincoln was the light at the end of the tunnel for her, and that light disappeared, Lincoln was her Happily ever after, and that slipped between her fingers.

  • @anotidamuza8129
    @anotidamuza8129 Рік тому +3

    Murphy and Octavia
    My favorite characters

  • @bobalicon1000
    @bobalicon1000 Рік тому +2

    Yes I agree with that she is not a leader,, she is a warrior,,, without the guide and lead of Clarke she become a dictator.

  • @lindseyseliers7301
    @lindseyseliers7301 5 років тому +8

    Omg i love it so much. its makes me cry😭. But it is so good. This is the best movie ever on UA-cam. ❤❤like if its true❤❤

  • @whodis9128
    @whodis9128 5 років тому +7

    Octavia should get an award this is one of the most interesting and beautiful developments ive ever seen in a tv show.

  • @justynaferdzyn3389
    @justynaferdzyn3389 5 років тому +7

    ,,My life ending when you a born” - I’m crying, I’m not afraid :/

  • @ligneor5061
    @ligneor5061 5 років тому +6

    This is a fucking good work, at all of the other videos that I seen, this is the bessssst! You should be soo proud of your work, really good! Thanks it maked me smile!😉👌👌

  • @shayshay9965
    @shayshay9965 4 роки тому +2

    Clarke and Octavia were constantly blamed for the things they did but were never given a better choice.

  • @BaronAnon
    @BaronAnon 4 роки тому +2

    RIP Bellamy

  • @rubyl4480
    @rubyl4480 4 роки тому +7

    I love this. I love Octavia and this just tells her story so magnificently. One the most impressive and aesthetic edits there I've ever seen.
    And is it just me, or is "she bore it, so they didn't have to," much more powerful than "i bare it, so they dont have to"

    • @7ynxzs377
      @7ynxzs377 9 місяців тому +3

      It definitely is much more powerful, as you can really feel the way Octavia bore it as someone else other than herself recognized that. Clarke saying “I bare it, so they don’t have to,” is meaningful, but it doesn’t feel as strong as it’s only herself that’s recognizing that fact when she says it.

  • @madiehulen1199
    @madiehulen1199 5 років тому +2

    It's sad who Octavia had to become in order to save her people and keep them alive. Octavia should of had more time to be happy. She and Lincoln could have lead the people in the bunker and had a army of people who followed her out of trust and willinglyness not fear. The would have been a force to be reckoned with.

  • @gamer4l1f34
    @gamer4l1f34 Рік тому +3

    She bore it, so they didnt have to

  • @Gemini2244
    @Gemini2244 Рік тому +2


  • @redqeenedits1484
    @redqeenedits1484 4 роки тому +4

    This is by far my favorite Octavia Blake edit. It is just so amazing. Everytime someone asks me what an edit is, I show them this, because it's just such a good example of a well done edit. The way you captured the emotions and used the music to empathize the changes in her story just amazes me.

  • @dot8532
    @dot8532 Рік тому +3

    I miss her and the 100 casts

  • @adriannamandada
    @adriannamandada 4 роки тому +1

    They blamed her for everything... my goodness... as if it's not Indra, Gaia, Abby and Kane's fault as well.

  • @avinna5
    @avinna5 2 роки тому +3

    This is so amazing. I watched your video so many times because I Octavia journey. You did a very good job. I can just say again: That is so amazing.

  • @teaganhollabaugh2621
    @teaganhollabaugh2621 4 роки тому +3

    Octavia was broken from the day she set forth on the Earth and died with Lincoln. She was a warrior and she fought every battle as hard as she could. They all expected her to be someone no one ever gave her a chance to be. ❤️❤️Octavia

  • @the26local96
    @the26local96 5 років тому +5

    6:33 always gives me chills

  • @sharker7628
    @sharker7628 5 років тому +7

    One of the best video about Octavia that I have watched

  • @ΜαρίαΜουλτσιά
    @ΜαρίαΜουλτσιά 5 років тому +2

    i feel like if she didn't hate Bellamy after Lincoln's death she could come back to herself, just stronger

  • @MaryTyler
    @MaryTyler 5 років тому +2

    Великолепные трибьюты персонажам Сотни продолжаются :)
    Здесь ты так эмоционально и точно отобразила превращение девочки, что пряталась под полом в смертоносную красную королеву, что особенно тяжело смотреть на такое печальное изменение, надеюсь, что она оставит всю свою боль на Земле и в новом сезоне постарается начать все сначала. И ее семья, ее брат помогут и поддержат в этом непростом деле. Их отношения с Беллами очень сложные и ты очень хорошо указала на это одной параллелью, которая, лично для меня определяет их отношения - 1:09 - 1:14 Они могут конфликтовать, не соглашаться друг с другом, но они все равно семья и любят друг друга, и это самое главное. Но не один Беллами ее семья - Линкольн и Индра также стали ее частью, и Земля стала для нее домом, которого у нее и не было раньше. Потеря Линкольна действительно изменила ее, и мне страшно представить, что было бы, если Октавия все таки совершила самую свою главную ошибку и по собственному решению лишилась бы еще и Беллами с Индрой, мне кажется, что для нее не осталось бы надежды. Но они все еще живы, а значит жива и надежда на лучшее будущее для Октавии.
    Ты проделала такую большую работу и с Мерфи и с Октавией! Я редко смотрю
    длинные видео, но твоих я всегда очень жду и надеюсь, что ты продолжишь
    рассказывать своими видео истории и остальных персонажей (особенно
    надеюсь на Рейвен :D) Практически 9 минут поразительных параллелей и в истории Октавии и с другими персонажами (особенно, меня зацепил вопрос тяжести лидерства в параллели с Кларк и Лексой). Большое спасибо за этот шедевр!

  • @sushkapushka
    @sushkapushka 2 роки тому +2

    I am very glad that she found happiness in the seventh season

  • @lydiaa6114
    @lydiaa6114 9 місяців тому +1

    You could see her face when Lincoln died it was like she couldn’t feel anymore it’s so sad

  • @matshowa
    @matshowa 2 роки тому +3

    Octavia.. Best character.

  • @svetaanderson.b6773
    @svetaanderson.b6773 5 років тому +3

    Это просто...Не описать словами мой восторг!
    Настолько великолепное видео!
    Столько ностальгии! Обожаю эту малышку)))
    Самая сильная))
    Спасибо тебе огромное за такой труд,это невероятно,настолько сильная,грамотно продуманная работа,что я просто аплодирую тебе!
    Не знаю,шипперишь ли ты белларк или нет,но было бы просто идеально увидеть хотя бы наполовину подобную шикарную работу,буду безумно тебе признательна!

  • @abbystouffer
    @abbystouffer 5 років тому +5

    This is the most amazing thing I've ever seen omg 😍

  • @Nora-wx8ix
    @Nora-wx8ix 5 років тому +5

    This is perfect. I am legit crying this is amazing 😍

  • @Renate-ip8xf
    @Renate-ip8xf 2 роки тому +1

    After Lincoln died Octavia was never the same

  • @maxthenipplequinteros2521
    @maxthenipplequinteros2521 5 років тому +3

    You should do a tribute on John Murphy

  • @jacobmorrissey9721
    @jacobmorrissey9721 5 років тому +2

    Please update this edit with season 6!!!!!!! This is THE BEST edit I have honestly seen in my life and Octavia is my favorite character. She is different every season and seeing her trying to redeem herself added in this edit would be amazing!!

  • @MlleCassie3Ghalya
    @MlleCassie3Ghalya 5 років тому +4

    Already watch it twice, you did such a good work !

  • @estelaestela5942
    @estelaestela5942 5 років тому +6

    This is amazing! I love it❤️

  • @sofiariz9571
    @sofiariz9571 5 років тому +4

    От девочки которая слишком сильно хотела быть взрослой и свободной, но была еще в дуще ребенком. До девушки которая рано полюбила, и быстро потеряла любимого, от чего решила перестать чувствовать вообще. И стала диктатором. Она стала сильной. Она думает что фермеры не спасут мир, а спасут воины. Но не было бы воинов, не нужно было бы его спасать (от них же самих, по сути). Октавия Блэйк.. Девочка которая слишком быстро стала убийцей. Как и все остальные в принципе, но другие это уже отдельные истории.
    Работа шедевр, вся линия Октавии... Так хорошо подобраны фразы и моменты, шик

  • @karolinadvorakova6519
    @karolinadvorakova6519 5 років тому +8


  • @jessicagonzalez697
    @jessicagonzalez697 5 років тому +3

    Amazing video!! She was practically a kid when this started and her development has been one of the greatest things of this show. She is by far my favorite character and probably the main reason I keep watching The 100

  • @xlumityx1674
    @xlumityx1674 5 років тому +4

    Amazing. Love Octavia, so excited for April!!!

  • @Sila_drmz
    @Sila_drmz 4 роки тому +2

    J adore et merci davoir mis sous titre en francais

  • @alexahinton349
    @alexahinton349 3 роки тому +1

    She lost her humanity when lincoln died.

  • @drizzy8928
    @drizzy8928 4 роки тому +1

    Leksa and Lincoln were the best characters. Ong

  • @tamekkaknuth9612
    @tamekkaknuth9612 2 роки тому +1

    Operative word is "you" or they them

  • @jasmine7744
    @jasmine7744 5 років тому +1

    I still dislike Pike because of what he did.

  • @Mantikora100
    @Mantikora100 5 років тому +2

    OH. MY. GOD. How did you manage to do this? Unbelievible.

  • @andersonlima2373
    @andersonlima2373 4 роки тому +1

    This is the best video a octavia blake. Congratulations

  • @j.nx._269
    @j.nx._269 4 роки тому +1

    god how can octavia not be your favorite character? her development was amazing but so sad. part of her died with lincoln

  • @Joseph1NJ
    @Joseph1NJ 3 роки тому +1

    Octavia becomes skairipa, skairipa becomes Blodreina, Blodreina becomes Octavia again.

  • @maryanne3408
    @maryanne3408 5 років тому +3

    This is amazing, I love Octavia ❤️💞

  • @Lokithelowkey
    @Lokithelowkey 3 роки тому +2

    That was by far the best octavia edit that i have ever seen nice job👍

  • @carolinec4289
    @carolinec4289 4 роки тому +2

    Idc what anyone says she’s still one of my favorites

  • @djjam4340
    @djjam4340 2 роки тому +1

    She's like a real-life Katarina.