Thank you very much! Excellent tutorial! I wish I looked it up earlier! Still I think the QTS is very far from intuitive as it requires a GOOD explanation first...
What folder location will the one touch copy or sync options copy to? If folders do not exist, will the jobs create them? Will a tree of folders be created, will subfolders and their contents be copied? Presumably the device from where I have triggered the sync or copy (for example my laptop) plays no role in the copy itself, so if back up is taking a while, I can shutdown my laptop or do something else with it? Some basic questions - be good to cover them off rather than leave users to find out.
Thank you very much! Excellent tutorial! I wish I looked it up earlier! Still I think the QTS is very far from intuitive as it requires a GOOD explanation first...
What folder location will the one touch copy or sync options copy to? If folders do not exist, will the jobs create them? Will a tree of folders be created, will subfolders and their contents be copied? Presumably the device from where I have triggered the sync or copy (for example my laptop) plays no role in the copy itself, so if back up is taking a while, I can shutdown my laptop or do something else with it? Some basic questions - be good to cover them off rather than leave users to find out.