2023 Alumni Awards: Olivia Omega (Bus '01) - Alumni Recognition Award

  • Опубліковано 12 вер 2024
  • Olivia Omega (Bus '01)
    Alumni Recognition Award
    A proven leader in the Denver community, Olivia Omega has a passion for inspiring young people to make their dreams a reality. And her values of inclusion and access drive both her career and community contributions.
    As a TEDx speaker, diversity and inclusion advocate, author, branding strategist and seasoned entrepreneur, Olivia has over 20 years of brand positioning and digital marketing experience across startup, nonprofit, and public and private sectors. During this time she has studied the importance of authenticity for both brands and individuals - and what it means for personal brands to show up in a genuine way.
    As senior director of marketing and communications at the nonprofit Denver Scholarship Foundation (DSF), Olivia helps make college possible for students and builds the educational and economic future of Denver. She collaborates with Denver Public Schools high school students, families and partners statewide to increase access and completion of post-high school learning, while also expanding generational exposure to career and entrepreneurial opportunities.
    Olivia is tasked daily with communicating the importance of post-secondary education and the value of a college degree, as well as sharing the stories of students and scholars. Given her own familiarity of growing up in a single-parent, low-income home, she is personally dedicated to helping students receive the support, resources and guidance they need to access the educational and professional pathways of their choice.
    Her own journey and experience at CU Boulder also gives Olivia the ability to talk to students about the importance of a college education. Her life is a testament to the value of a CU Boulder degree, and CU’s close to 400 DSF Scholars continue to show the quality of students who can call themselves Forever Buffs.
    Beyond the personal value she has gained from her time at CU, Olivia has inspired hundreds of students by returning to campus for 15 consecutive years to host marketing and personal branding sessions in addition to coaching and mentoring.
    Throughout her career, Olivia has consistently volunteered for CU Boulder programs such as the Precollegiate Development Program, Leeds Diverse Scholars Program and Key Bank Business Leadership Program. She is also an alumna of the Presidents Leadership Class (PLC) - one of the oldest collegiate leadership programs in the United States - and now serves on its Board of Advocates and as chair of its DEI committee.
    As shared by nominator Stanley Hickory of CU Boulder’s Research & Innovation Office, “Olivia has spent 22 years giving back to the university and can now see the individual and collective impact of her dedication through the feedback of the former students she mentored and sponsored. She exemplifies ambassadorship and is a walking example of how the investment in students comes back full circle.”