Non volermi male - Carmen Consoli (Taormina, Teatro Greco, 2001)

  • Опубліковано 7 вер 2024
  • Troppo stanca
    per pensare
    forse ero al punto di capirci qualcosa
    Non so più
    forse è perché non ho niente da dire
    Non volermi male
    Quante cose
    per le mani
    in questo inspiegabile groviglio d'intenti
    Reggo con fatica
    le orrende e infondate accuse di ieri
    Non volermi male
    Certe volte
    l'importante è vedersi più belli
    Quanto basta
    per sentire che il mondo è vicino
    e non è perfetto
    Ammaliante percezione
    la notte conserva preziosi consigli
    Non so più domare
    gli istinti repressi da logiche incerte
    Non volermi male
    Certe volte
    l'importante è vedersi più belli
    Quanto basta
    per sentire che il mondo è vicino
    e non è perfetto.


  • @phoenix71l
    @phoenix71l 14 років тому +14

    una delle più belle! e comunque per lei quello è stato un periodo d'oro!

  • @mytony2005
    @mytony2005 9 років тому +11

    emozione pura, magnifica: Nel 2015, col nuovo tour, sei riuscita ad emozionare tutti. Unica in Italia

  • @yvisimon3514
    @yvisimon3514 11 місяців тому +2

    E strano ma questa cantante lo sentita à rimini cantate da une artista sconosciuta .E da quando o riuscito a sapere chi l'aveva scritta .Non smetto piu di ascoltarla .E vengo di scoprire questa bellissima e fortissima carmen consoli cantate autore é intepreta incredibile.

  • @MatVanDeKamp
    @MatVanDeKamp 13 років тому +9

    solo tu riesci a parlare al posto mio..continua così Carmen!!

  • @saramag80
    @saramag80 5 років тому +4

    Live capolavoro.

  • @Musca92
    @Musca92 14 років тому +6

    bravissimo anche il pianista :D

  • @fiorellafulco7406
    @fiorellafulco7406 3 роки тому +3

    Bellissima....ammaliante Fiorella

  • @francescosantoro4147
    @francescosantoro4147 5 місяців тому +1

    Non apprezzo la Consoli tout court, anzi tutt'altro, ma questa canzone, questa, è una cosa preziosa...

  • @ericamezzetti5084
    @ericamezzetti5084 4 роки тому +4

    non ti voglio male ti voglio bene

  • @brgnmic
    @brgnmic 9 років тому +6

    Oddio piango... Questa non la conoscevo

  • @tiziana-d7d
    @tiziana-d7d 5 років тому +3

    Ho i brividi 💜

  • @ericlive6908
    @ericlive6908 10 років тому +9

    Che spettacolo di donna che sei Carmen

  • @antri2189
    @antri2189 3 роки тому +5

    Madonna vent'anni fa

  • @129014d232
    @129014d232 6 років тому +4

    Periodo d’oro

  • @ThePorzic
    @ThePorzic 15 років тому +5


  • @diamondluisant
    @diamondluisant 14 років тому +4

    divina ...

  • @fiorellafulco7406
    @fiorellafulco7406 3 роки тому +3

    Non volermi Fiorella

  • @ephram85
    @ephram85 14 років тому +6

    carmen, quando torni a eseguirla? :(

  • @neniita779
    @neniita779 14 років тому +4


  • @silvestrum
    @silvestrum 13 років тому +8

    che donna con la D maiuscola!

  • @1978teodoro
    @1978teodoro 10 років тому +4

    sei un sogno

  • @julioagua
    @julioagua 13 років тому +9

    @thebruco1 Thanks a lot ^^ ...but is not literally "don't hate me", right? It's more like "Don't want me bad"?

    • @salvolondon
      @salvolondon 4 роки тому +2

      julioagua in English probably it’s don’t wish me harm . Volere male is the opposite of volere bene . It’s not as strong as hate but it’s still a negative feelings towards someone.

  • @thebruco1
    @thebruco1 13 років тому +2

    @julioagua the sense is:you don't to hate me or, maybe,you don't to deteste me. The sense is: I ask you don't to want my harm

  • @julioagua
    @julioagua 13 років тому +2

    @thebruco1 Thanks again!!! ;)

  • @thebruco1
    @thebruco1 13 років тому +4

    @julioagua It means don't hate me

  • @76gilliatt
    @76gilliatt 5 років тому +5

    Hello, could anyone tell me what the song is about ? I read the comments below about the meaning of the title, but does anyone know a little bit more about the song in general ? Thanks !

    • @salvolondon
      @salvolondon 4 роки тому +3

      Jonathan Paul I can translate for you : too tired to think , and maybe I was at the point to understand something about it , I am not able to talk anymore , and maybe it’s because I have nothing to say , don’t wish me harm ..., so many things between the hands , in this unexplainable mess of intents , I barely bear the horrendous and unfounded accusations from yesterday .... don’t wish me harm .... sometimes the most important thing is to see ourselves more beautiful , just enough to feel that the world is close and it’s not perfect ... bewitching perception , the night preserves precious advises , I am not able to domate anymore those instincts that have been repressed by uncertain logics ... don’t wish me harm .... sometimes the most important thing is to see ourselves more beautiful , just enough to feel that the world is close , sometimes the most important thing is to see ourselves more beautiful , just enough to feel that the world is close and it is not perfect . To me it’s a song that says that there are moment when we need to see ourself more beautiful ( inside too ) so to love ourself more as sometimes we closed down in ourselves . Also some lines have some hidden meaning , like the repressed instincts are probably about bisexuality .... she’s speaking with someone who has had told her not nice things .

  • @julioagua
    @julioagua 13 років тому +5

    Someone can translate me what exactly means "Non volermi male" in english?

    • @TheML75
      @TheML75 7 років тому +3

      Don't hate me

    • @salvolondon
      @salvolondon 4 роки тому +2

      julioagua don’t wish me harm is the correct translation

  • @demorastelli
    @demorastelli 8 років тому +2

    @julioagua Don't hold it against me

  • @Musca92
    @Musca92 12 років тому +4

    gli manca il pianista :P