Love *gtdupe* the way you show it! You really focus on showing off the bag. I don't think any other UA-camr can show off bags in as much detail as you.
My bags include fakes and genuine ones. I bought a replica bag at the well-known *condup* . As a second-hand bag, the price is only a fraction of the new bag. I don't want to spend $3,000 on a bag. And there are fakes...
Super fake package PTSD is real. I thought I bought an authentic LV Weekend Tote GM on eBay, when I opened the box I immediately thought I bought a fake: there was no foil stamping, the bottom did not match the picture, and the "dust bag" was torn and flimsy, but I The handbag I bought at *condup* looks authentic: the hardware, the zippers, and especially the canvas. I sent it back and only got a partial refund, but am glad I don't have a AAA super fake on my hands. I have never bought LV since then.
In fact, I've sold all of my original wallets now, I just don't think it's worth it anymore. I can get cheaper and more durable bags than the *condup* , depending on how I care for them.
For a long time, as the price of Chanel increased, I no longer thought I could afford it. I think I'll be happy that I have the D U P B A G Y as my travel bag that I don't have to take care of. By the way, I'm sure no one will have a hard time telling the difference. Thanks for the comparison.
Good 👍👍👍
Love *gtdupe* the way you show it! You really focus on showing off the bag. I don't think any other UA-camr can show off bags in as much detail as you.
My bags include fakes and genuine ones. I bought a replica bag at the well-known *condup* . As a second-hand bag, the price is only a fraction of the new bag. I don't want to spend $3,000 on a bag. And there are fakes...
Beautiful, the 2nd shop gave a good price, I love this .
I love ur tour bby girl
Such a great collection of vintage/pre owned bags! A vintage *gtdupe* is definitely also on my list
Super fake package PTSD is real. I thought I bought an authentic LV Weekend Tote GM on eBay, when I opened the box I immediately thought I bought a fake: there was no foil stamping, the bottom did not match the picture, and the "dust bag" was torn and flimsy, but I The handbag I bought at *condup* looks authentic: the hardware, the zippers, and especially the canvas. I sent it back and only got a partial refund, but am glad I don't have a AAA super fake on my hands. I have never bought LV since then.
Nice tour 👍
Good job
Good one
Good job
Well doing
Let’s go shopping🎉
In fact, I've sold all of my original wallets now, I just don't think it's worth it anymore. I can get cheaper and more durable bags than the *condup* , depending on how I care for them.
For a long time, as the price of Chanel increased, I no longer thought I could afford it. I think I'll be happy that I have the D U P B A G Y as my travel bag that I don't have to take care of. By the way, I'm sure no one will have a hard time telling the difference. Thanks for the comparison.
In what country where you shopping?
I was really hoping to know the price of that small Lv bag😢
Hello please I want to get that coffee colour that is 15k
Are the name brand bags real
Hi , can I get shop number 3 number