@@Harmz1229 this is why i sometimes dont even film or take pics of the concerts or places i go to......sometimes i just live in the moment and let it take control.
I guess is just nostalgia because we were young, wild and free. But that is a loop of human race because every generation said the same thing about their era, we always remember our younger years as the best because we had no responsibilities... and all we do was to study (or not so much) and then go out to party with friends, doing fun activities together ,playing outside,playing games online together, was the time where you met new people and making new friends, falling in love with our first girlfriends/boyfriends and so on. Sure , music was better back in the days because music now is not evolving at all, music between 1960-2010 was always unique because everyone tried to do something different and innovative. Old artists really struggled 5 to 15 years to become what they become today and they worked the sh!t out of them because there was no other way , so when you struggling you do your best to do something original. Now in this era of social media everything is 100x easier, even a child without much experience can create an edm song with free tools on internet and become successful by luck when back in the days there was no such thing, so today nothing is innovative at all but just repetitive sh!t and remixes of remixes of remix.. Yeah, the life was simpler and 100x greater before this social media era, before 2010 , before 2000 , before 1990 and so on.. Games were better, movies were better, life was better.
@@fanesorin8927 damn great reply! You hit it spot on bravo. Especially the part about being young wild and free with low to no responsibilities. Just living day to day without a care. Now we are married, have kids, stress, etc. We all get emotional bc those were the days we wish we could always live. But we age and change. A lot for the better though! Even though we wish we could relive those times once again.
7 years old walking down las vegas strip with my parents. passed through the mgm casino. saw a stand selling some cool neon head with ears. bought a bracelet. saw the poster of a mouse pointing to some doors. i put my head against the wall. heard the bass chords of this song. immediately fell in love with what i was hearing. will never forget that feeling. love joel’s music, it always has a feeling i can’t explain. it makes me feel real.
the generation of us who experienced this amazing part of EDM with the most intense feelings and festivals and just overall vibes you can never repeat anymore, no one can. its even hard to explain into words, but i know that you know, and thats all that matters, cheers to those days and goosebumps..
I'm from Zimbabwe an African country I just wish one day I will get a chance to attend a deadmau5 concert with all that audio visual experience I see from the screen of my device
One of my late buddies loved this song when it first came out. We were only kids at the time, gotta love the memories attached. Got chills when this came on in my playlist, rest in peace Jacob ❤
@@nickkerr5714literally just not true but there’s always one insensitive ass per hundred. Hopefully your life gets better. Can’t imagine being so jealous over someone’s UA-cam comment
@@Kablooey81 bro you’re hopping on this guys lap 2 months after the fact, his name was “nickkerr” if you can’t tell that’s a troll, I truthfully feel bad for you
@@tpat90why y'all weird ass lames always gotta try to correct someone? I could be wrong but I'm pretty sure their comment was referring to this song coming out before dubstep became "mainstream" due to Skrillex bitch ass, ruining the genre. Who isn't even a dubstep artist, might I add. If you want to get technical, dubstep developed in the mid to late 90s (from the DnB genre) so your lil, condescending.."the dubstep era started in 01" is completely wrong...."mY gUy"
ya 4 years,,, detras de la Escena del Electro, y House is fantastic,, xqe solo se que las generaciones, ocas creceran con esa idea de... lo puro y que el Change no lo se detiene en pautas..... solo mi yo y la Conciencia de ser es la mira al espejo de lo que se toca y ase esa mezcla para tus Oidos.... luchando y anatomicamente,, sabras los significado de los mejores Beats,,, que ahora ya son historia de las pasados de los que son Minimalisticos de Corazon....😪😷😷😎
Mimi H i don't know if anything has to do with country but this song is obviously country i mean it's so obvious from the use of the harp and bagpipes in the song i have a phD for country music studies so i know.
Mimi H why do you insult me? i love country music and its the only thing i live for. it all started when i heard justin bieber's baby and fell in love with that work of art and decided to learn bagpipes to play the song. and jokes on you i'm doing well in life right now i'm actually putin's personal music tutor and i get paid $3 rubles per hour which is a lot i can afford a big mac and diet coke for very meal.
I still have my playlist on Spotify from that time. Almost 11 years ago and I still go back to it, flabbergasted. My ears and tastes have evolved so much 🥺
Why I everyone arguing about what genre it is? Doesn't matter if it's dubstep or techno, or glitch-hop, or whatever, all the matters is that it sounds dope
18 year old college kid who moved out of state to start a new life. Stumbled across this song and a whole bunch of others of his work, needless to say I fell in love with it easily. The nostalgia I get listening to this, remembering the days I walked to class since I didn't have a car since all my money went to my apartment. Walking to work everyday to help pay bills, all the while listening to Deadmau5. Cheers to everyone reading, may God bless.
Don't care what anyone says. 2009-2013 was peak for everything in life. Music like this just takes you back. I can't describe the feeling because it was more than just nostalgia. Everything just felt RIGHT. And then as the years went by, it slowly went away. Just glad to see that there are pieces of art and media that can take us back to that time. Thank you, Joel.
im 100% this as well. i was 19-23 during those years as a new army infantryman getting stationed in hawaii, then deploying to the war in afghanistan and coming back a year later to hawaii and having a new appreciation for life after combat with my friends. we came back and partied like no tomorrow while still being in. then i get sent to korea and continued my adventure until 2014. then yeah thats when life slowly felt like it was slipping me by. I havent heard this song in years and i broke down, it was like a time machine. i went back to those years and felt that excitement like i had back then with the feeling of the world completely infront of you. then reality kicked back in the present and then i realized im 34 now and dont have that same feeling as life has changed a lot since then. either way it felt good just to go back for that little bit of time.
+Pyper S if you think of mau5' music like that you clearly do not understand why it's good. Don't listen his music for the "drop". Go listen to skrillex or something.
WHAT? Deamau5 is great but he's not as important to electronica as you may think. Electronic music has been around for 60 yrs. And the late 80'/s and early 90's were the heyday! It's resurging now with the commitment of 30 yr dj/producers who are making incredible music and are still sharing it!
I just got one year clean yesterday! If you're reading this, you can do it too! It's not corny, this shit is real. It's time to step of to the crossroads of destiny
This song always reminds me of my boy Corey when he passed in a helicopter accident, I woke up that morning on the east coast after the accident had happened earlier that night in Cali, I heard he passed, I heard the word around 0630 east coast time and I put my ear buds in and went out to the flight line and watched the sun rise, I was learning to accept Corey was gone but life had to still go on. This song still sticks with me for Corey
@@joseph1845 Buddhism is sooooo unrelentingly truthful....I cannot imagine enlightenment. Being human is a MASSIVE accomplishment. Transcending it....well, I think u know.
@@joseph1845 every bug I step on (I try not to) was my mother at one point....an initiated Mahayana practitioner told me that and way more. Easy to understand (4 me).....insanely difficult in practice. But enlightenment is the entire pt of Samsara n I H8 it....how do u release desire when u desire to release desire (a paradox I cannot get past)....I have no teacher anymore......allowed me more truth than I can integrate then she's gone. I'm hyper aware yet still....I don't have words to express what I'm trying to convey.
I think your music is the reason I don't let depression and anxiety get to me suicidal thoughts and thoughts of the future don't exist in my mind thanks to songs like this internally and forever in my head whenever I need them
I miss my daughter. She liked this song and I think of her when I listen to it. EDIT BELOW - 5-13-18 I just wanted to take a moment to say "THANK YOU" to all the kind, tenderhearted people who have taken time to respond and say something positive or uplifting. Because of you, I have listened to this song so many more times. Sometimes, the internet is so wonderful, and this is one of those times for me. To receive so much love and kindness from total strangers, across the globe is amazing. Music truly speaks to us all, and touches the soul. With tears in my eyes, again, I sincerely Thank you. If you're reading this far, hug your daughter. Hug your son, mother, father, grandparents, and anyone else you can. Hug and tell anyone you love how important they are to you. You never know or expect them to be taken from you. It happens to us all. Have a fantastic day, and thank you for being a part of this journey with me. ✌️
Everyone just remember you will look back 10 years later at these times you are living now with such nostalgia and joy. Life is the gift that keeps on giving, until it doesn’t. Enjoy it whilst it lasts. Make those memories.
already 9 years old.......damn bro. I was 21 and high as hell. Good times, met lots of people and had some insane parties that went to far sometimes lol And things are much more stable now in my life, but songs like this bring back all of those good memories with friends in high school and thru college into our real world lives where we get separated forever.
Lyrics Deadmau5- Raise your Weapons Rippin' my heart was so easy, so easy Launch your assault now, take it easy Raise your weapon, raise your weapon, One word and it's over Rippin' through like a missile, Rippin' through my heart, Rob me of this love Raise your weapon, raise your weapon, And it's over Love your ego, you won't feel a thing Always number one, The pen with a bent wrist crooked king Sign away our peace, for your war One word and it's over Dropping your bombs now, on all we've built How does it feel now to watch it burn, burn, burn? Raise your weapons, raise your weapons, And it's over Rippin' through like a missile, Rippin' through my heart, Rob me of this love Raise your weapon, raise your weapon, And it's over How does it feel now to watch it burn (burn)? Rippin' my…
Ripping my heart was so easy, so easy Launch your assault now, take it easy Raise your weapon, raise your weapon One word and it's over Rippin' through like a missile Rippin' through my heart Rob me of this love Raise your weapon, raise your weapon and it's over Love your ego, you won't feel a thing Always number one The pen with a bent wrist crooked kid king Sign away our peace for your war, one word and it's over Dropping your bombs now On all we've built How does it feel now to watch it burn, burn, burn? Raise your weapons, raise your weapons and it's over Rippin' through like a missile Rippin' through my heart, rob me of this love Raise your weapon, raise your weapon and it's over How does it feel now to watch it burn, burn, burn? Rippin' my heart was so easy, so easy Launch your assault now, take it easy Raise your weapon, raise your weapon One word and it's over Rippin' through like a missile Rippin' through my heart Rob me of this love Raise your weapon, raise your weapon and it's over Love your ego, you won't feel a thing Always number one The pen with a bent wrist crooked kid king Sign away our peace for your war, one word and it's over Dropping your bombs now On all we've built How does it feel now to watch it burn, burn, burn? Raise your weapons, raise your weapons and it's over
This is musical perfection. I feel sorry for anyone that doesn't know about the one and only Deadmau5. His music is so inspirational and uplifting and gotten me through some very difficult times.
I remember being 19 years old when I fist heard this song. I was going through my first break up, I had no idea how to handle it so I signed up for the gym and had this song on repeat. I remember being at the gym for HOURS, sad and depress but this song somehow gave me strength to push harder.
This blew my mind away when I first heard this back in my senior year of high school. Ah, 2011 was so long ago. Makes you wonder how many people shared a similar experience and can relate. Hopefully deadmau5 is aware of how much his music means to his fans. Listening to this is like coming back to see an old friend. One who has always been there, even if you haven't always stayed in touch. Its nice to be back here. Its a reminder that though life may get harder, it can also get better. Something to hold onto. A little something.
Hey you, yeah you scrolling through the comments. I want you to know you’re an amazing soul and I’m glad you’re here to share this song with me. I love you! ☺️
Rippin' my heart was so easy, so easy Launch your assault now, take it easy Raise your weapon, raise your weapon, One word and it's over Rippin' through like a missile, Rippin' through my heart, Rob me of this love Raise your weapon, raise your weapon, And it's over Love your ego, you won't feel a thing Always number one, The pen with a bent wrist crooked king Sign away our peace, for your war One word and it's over Dropping your bombs now, on all we've built How does it feel now to watch it burn, burn, burn? Raise your weapons, raise your weapons, And it's over Rippin' through like a missile, Rippin' through my heart, Rob me of this love Raise your weapon, raise your weapon, And it's over How does it feel now to watch it burn (burn)? Rippin' my heart was so easy, so easy Launch your assault now, take it easy Raise your weapon, raise your weapon, One word and it's over Rippin' through like a missile, Rippin' through my heart, Rob me of this love Raise your weapon, raise your weapon, And it's over Love your ego, you won't feel a thing Always number one, The pen with a bent wrist crooked king Sign away our peace, for your war One word and it's over Dropping your bombs now, on all we've built How does it feel now To watch it burn, burn, burn? Raise your weapons, raise your weapons, And it's over
Honestly had never heard this song until it was played on a local radio station recently. Aftrt the initial shock radio actually playing good music, I discovered it's my new favorite.
I was in high school when deadmau5 was in his PRIME, and let me tell you what a time to be alive that was o.O 2021, 12 years post high school , and this shit still rips ! Deadmau5 forever . Today’s music will never compare
generally that era will never compare to anything, technology booming while people were still functioning normally, after that got mainstream everything went to shit
Probably many reasons (as I'm not pretty sure about this song being good or bad either): 1. "This is so electronic, dubstep sucks ass" (not me, kind of pretentious anyway) 2. Associated acts (e.g. Skrillex, don't say that he is good or whatsoever, he is bad (he doesn't make dubstep either anyway) 3. Opinions about music (kind of like 1, but slightly different - people liking electronic music overall may not also like this if they like some other genres of it like trip hop and downtempo and etc.) 4. "The song didn't sound very nice to my ears." I'm quite neutral to him though, he is kinda ok but not my kind.
A lot of kids grew up in the age of MLG memes, Dubstep, and the overall advent of new Electronic Dance Musics. They will carry this on to the generations that come after.
I miss 2000s-early 2010s music and how positive it was. It seemed like every song was about living life to the fullest, forgetting tomorrow and just having a damn good time. I wish we had more songs like these today
Nah it's because deadmau5 produces primarily progressive house and dubstep is a starkly different sub-genre. Us 'disco fruits' are more often referred to as 'informed music listeners'. :)
Ughh this song is the best.... And when the dubstep kicks in ooooooo chile! I remember being like 14 listening to this and omg how love it the same as the first time!
He hates the "sound production" part of it. He doesn't have a problem with the genre. He says a lot of producers just fuck with the mixing and make it loud af etc.
+zodiac909 how can you even compare today, which is much better to back then are you deaf or something? Listen to how the sound has evolved and come back when you caught up. Please. ffs
i remember this song but i forgot the name of the song and artist, but i only remember what the album cover looked like, so i searched "red mouse", and here i am! i was crying, this gives back so many memories!
guys, this isn't techno, its Ambient Ambient dub Ambient industrial Ambient house Dark ambient Drone music Isolationism Breakbeat Acid breaks Baltimore club Big beat Broken beat Nu skool breaks Florida breaks Nu-funk Miami bass Disco Cosmic disco Disco polo Euro disco Italo disco Nu-disco Space disco Downtempo Acid jazz Chill-out Flamenco Chill Ethnic electronica Psybient New-age music Nu jazz Trip hop Drum and bass Darkstep Drumstep Drill and bass Drumfunk Funkstep Hardstep Jump-up Jazzstep Liquid funk Neurofunk Sambass Techstep Electro music Freestyle music Electroacoustic music Acousmatic music Musique concrète Electronic rock Alternative dance Coldwave Dance-punk Dark wave Electronicore Ethereal wave Indietronica Krautrock New rave Nu-gaze Space rock Synthpop Synthpunk Electronica Berlin School Chillwave Vaporwave Dubtronica Folktronica Funktronica Laptronica Livetronica Hardcore 4-beat Breakbeat hardcore Bouncy techno Breakcore Digital hardcore Darkcore Gabber Happy hardcore Mákina Melbourne bounce Rave Speedcore Terrorcore Trancecore UK hardcore Hardstyle Dubstyle Hard house Hard bounce Hard NRG Nu-NRG Jumpstyle Lento violento Rawstyle Hi-NRG Eurobeat Eurodance Bubblegum dance Italo dance House music Acid house Balearic beat Big room house Chicago house Deep house Diva house/Handbag house Hardbag Electroclash Electro house Complextro Dutch house Fidget house Moombahton Moombahcore Electro swing Swing house Freestyle house French house Funky house Garage house Ghetto house Ghettotech Hip house Italo house Kwaito Latin house Microhouse/Minimal house New beat Progressive house Tech house Trap Tribal house Vocal house Industrial music Aggrotech Cybergrind Electro-industrial Dark electro Electronic body music Futurepop Industrial metal Industrial rock Japanoise Neue Deutsche Härte Power electronics Death industrial Power noise Witch house/Drag IDM Glitch Wonky Jungle Darkcore jungle Raggacore Ragga-jungle Post-disco Boogie Dance-pop Dance-rock Techno Acid techno Detroit techno Dub techno Free tekno Hardtechno Minimal techno Nortec Schranz Tecno brega Trance music Acid trance Dream trance Goa trance Hard trance Ibiza trance Nitzhonot Psychedelic trance Dark psytrance Full on Psybreaks Suomisaundi Psybient Progressive trance Tech trance Uplifting trance Vocal trance UK garage 2-step garage Breakstep Dubstep Brostep Purple sound Future garage Grime Grindie Speed garage Bassline/4x4 garage UK funky Video game music Chiptune Bitpop Game Boy music Nintendocore Skweee
I took a chance for a better life. I thought my father understood as he had went through several divorces. Well we are all growing no matter what age or experience level. Someone picked me up, dusted me up, allowed me to continue, and gave me the opportunity for an alternate life. I gifted him "The Girl Who Kicked The Hornet's Nest," and he gave me "The Virgin Suicides." He told me he saw me; that was very much me too. He helped me start all over again. In one of my adventures of trying to pick up the pieces I listened to his Pandora in his car so I could know him better especially as he could not attend anything with me; he was a soldier in the Army. This is one of the many beautiful songs he added to my library. Thank you Jason and DeadMouse; it's a beautiful song.
I went to Deadmau5's 25 year anniversary set at Brooklyn Mirage 5/2/24. I've never been more moved by a set, and when I heard this song specifically, I physically could not hold back the tears
Im almost 31. This dropped when I was a 17 & Junior, and at the time just got my new red Cobalt. Waiting to be a senior, driving around town at night blasting on my Aux cord which was mind blowing bc prior I was slapping Zeppelin III on tapes in my old Pontiac. I felt immortal.
*Miss this era so much. You don’t realize what a great era and time you’re in until it’s over* 💔
💔 :'(
thats why you gotta keep living in the moment!! otherwise you could be missing todays era!!!
Must be life's greatest lesson
I miss it so much too but this is still in UA-cam or Spotify, it'll never die
@@Harmz1229 this is why i sometimes dont even film or take pics of the concerts or places i go to......sometimes i just live in the moment and let it take control.
I was 12 when I first heard this song, now I'm 21. Damn time flies.
You got that right. Wait til 40, it'll come fast... o.O Live it up and find / follow your passion.
I was 21 when I first heard it haha, 31 now.
Wth I just wrote that above and I found the same exact comment 😂 I'm 21 and heard this when I was 12 too
Same was 14 now 25 👀👀👀👀
I was fckin 7 years old now I’m 16
It’s weird..you can’t really explain these amazing times, but you remember EXACTLY how it felt.
I know EXACTLY what you mean...
Bro it’s the women’s voice I swear….. This feeling is so strange
I guess is just nostalgia because we were young, wild and free. But that is a loop of human race because every generation said the same thing about their era, we always remember our younger years as the best because we had no responsibilities... and all we do was to study (or not so much) and then go out to party with friends, doing fun activities together ,playing outside,playing games online together, was the time where you met new people and making new friends, falling in love with our first girlfriends/boyfriends and so on.
Sure , music was better back in the days because music now is not evolving at all, music between 1960-2010 was always unique because everyone tried to do something different and innovative. Old artists really struggled 5 to 15 years to become what they become today and they worked the sh!t out of them because there was no other way , so when you struggling you do your best to do something original.
Now in this era of social media everything is 100x easier, even a child without much experience can create an edm song with free tools on internet and become successful by luck when back in the days there was no such thing, so today nothing is innovative at all but just repetitive sh!t and remixes of remixes of remix.. Yeah, the life was simpler and 100x greater before this social media era, before 2010 , before 2000 , before 1990 and so on.. Games were better, movies were better, life was better.
@@fanesorin8927 damn great reply! You hit it spot on bravo. Especially the part about being young wild and free with low to no responsibilities. Just living day to day without a care. Now we are married, have kids, stress, etc. We all get emotional bc those were the days we wish we could always live. But we age and change. A lot for the better though! Even though we wish we could relive those times once again.
I was 17 living young wild and free when this came out Senior yr of high school. I'm 30 now with two kids how time flies....
its such a crazy feeling
Mad respect
7 years old walking down las vegas strip with my parents. passed through the mgm casino. saw a stand selling some cool neon head with ears. bought a bracelet. saw the poster of a mouse pointing to some doors. i put my head against the wall. heard the bass chords of this song. immediately fell in love with what i was hearing. will never forget that feeling. love joel’s music, it always has a feeling i can’t explain. it makes me feel real.
2009-2012 was a great time for EDM
Or was that cuz MDMA was good and I liked it ;)
The best.
MMDA sucks
Sure was....
The nostalgia is insane...
Mr.BlackOps Editor I was like 10 when I first heard this now I’m 19... I kinda feel old lmao
Jis I fell you my bro
Imagine hearing this live at ultra it was actually fucking crazy bro
Mellow Jellow yo me too. This is crazy how fast time flies. The world will never be the same
the generation of us who experienced this amazing part of EDM with the most intense feelings and festivals and just overall vibes you can never repeat anymore, no one can. its even hard to explain into words, but i know that you know, and thats all that matters, cheers to those days and goosebumps..
No words to describe it.. those festivals before it was ALL about money I feel exactly what you mean. Makes me so happy I shed a tear.!
The feeling of these songs leaving high-school with the boys unforgettable
just a breeze of what awaits my friends
Ever Increasing
each night we sleep and grow so tomorrow were
ever increasing
The younger generation is getting older, and not many people nowadays realize what deadmau5 did for music today.
Facts brother 🙌👌
Brody N. This song gives me nostalgia :(
ill try keep in alive. if it stands the test of time its officially qualitative
I remember when I was in elementary school and my sister was in her EDM phase in college. It was fun while it lasted lol
I'm from Zimbabwe an African country I just wish one day I will get a chance to attend a deadmau5 concert with all that audio visual experience I see from the screen of my device
i believe in you
Keep going!
karsten5 doesnt sound like a zibabwe er du dansker eller noget mand ahaha
Soon bro..... Visualize and execute!!
And yes, the music with the visual aspect of it, is freaking awesome ✌️❤️👽
I hope you get to go to one of his concerts one day!
first dubstep song I ever listened to. opened me up to a whole new world of music ever since.
Welcome to the dubstep fam bud
+Evander003 it is dubstep but not that great of one
And to be clear I listened to this song when it first came out lol. I'm just saying it was the first one of it's genre I had ever listened to.
For 12 years occasionally, I close my eyes and blast this song, always therapeutic.
Me too. 😊
Me too man
It calms the mind.
me too mate
Do you cry
One of my late buddies loved this song when it first came out. We were only kids at the time, gotta love the memories attached. Got chills when this came on in my playlist, rest in peace Jacob ❤
Why does every deadmau5 video have a comment like this near the top?
@@nickkerr5714literally just not true but there’s always one insensitive ass per hundred. Hopefully your life gets better. Can’t imagine being so jealous over someone’s UA-cam comment
Condolehancies my good man
@@kance111 he was just wondering why these type of comments were at the top, god fucking damn
@@Kablooey81 bro you’re hopping on this guys lap 2 months after the fact, his name was “nickkerr” if you can’t tell that’s a troll, I truthfully feel bad for you
if you are listening to this and still remember the good old days you are a legend
your a legend
Lol.. I'm 52. This shit has been going on for decades. love it too.
4:07 still the biggest plot twist in EDM almost 10 years later
@@MrMate8869 he means the transition into the dubstep part
she raised her weapons!
I listened to deadmau5 before he was popular. Shout out to all the new fans.
Ayy thanks
That dubstep part is just insane
That’s why I Queued this one up. First time I heard that drop changed the way I understood music forever
This was before the dubstep era too. Deadmou5 is king
@@bretmckay9019 Dubstep era started 2001 my dude ...
No it's absolute shit. The track is the whole part before that. Fuck dubstep crap
@@tpat90why y'all weird ass lames always gotta try to correct someone? I could be wrong but I'm pretty sure their comment was referring to this song coming out before dubstep became "mainstream" due to Skrillex bitch ass, ruining the genre. Who isn't even a dubstep artist, might I add. If you want to get technical, dubstep developed in the mid to late 90s (from the DnB genre) so your lil, condescending.."the dubstep era started in 01" is completely wrong...."mY gUy"
The vocals on this song still send shivers down my spine
Really? I always thought she sounded a bit off. Maybe it was intentional.
@@bobbinette3368 Or you've got shit ears
@@liamarmstrong8082 lmao only my opinion buddy. Dont be a fanboy.
thanks to MDMA
ya 4 years,,, detras de la Escena del Electro, y House is fantastic,, xqe solo se que las generaciones, ocas creceran con esa idea de... lo puro y que el Change no lo se detiene en pautas..... solo mi yo y la Conciencia de ser es la mira al espejo de lo que se toca y ase esa mezcla para tus Oidos.... luchando y anatomicamente,, sabras los significado de los mejores Beats,,, que ahora ya son historia de las pasados de los que son Minimalisticos de Corazon....😪😷😷😎
I was 14 when I vibed to it. Now i am 25yo and this hits with the same energy 🔥😎
same shit here exactly lmao
I heard this song when I was playing Sims 3, and it just reignited my love for it
@@TerraShiro7 used to be a hardcore mau5head but no judgement here sims is rad
++( im 23 rn just cryin
time is just a concept, but yea same boat
Haven’t heard this song in 10 years, reminds me of simpler times before all this chaos going on in the world
Way better times
omg deadmau5 makes the best country music. i also like how his music are influenced by death metal.
Nice one:)
deserved thumbs up! ;)
Mimi H i don't know if anything has to do with country but this song is obviously country i mean it's so obvious from the use of the harp and bagpipes in the song i have a phD for country music studies so i know.
Mimi H It's a joke. DUH
Mimi H why do you insult me? i love country music and its the only thing i live for. it all started when i heard justin bieber's baby and fell in love with that work of art and decided to learn bagpipes to play the song. and jokes on you i'm doing well in life right now i'm actually putin's personal music tutor and i get paid $3 rubles per hour which is a lot i can afford a big mac and diet coke for very meal.
Man 6th grade. I had some cheap mp3 and headphones. And illegally downloaded songs. Good times
I still had a walkman. Yes, a friggin' walkman.
OlafttheGreat1998 bruh, you mighta had a walkman but this track arrived for the general masses well after Walkman’s expired. Exaggerating much....
@@ruirex1243 well I liked it, ok? Nostalgia
The mp3 I downloaded had a Skype chat notification sound shortly after the kick came in.
@@OlaftheGreat Ah the good old days of turning into the Fonz and hitting your Walkman after it starts skipping
"How does it feel now, to watch it burn?" She sounds sadistic and gentle, I love it
Yeah and sorrow :X
It sounds like "VICTORY!" to me, a-la "KING KONG GOT'S NOTHING ON ME!" - Denzel Washington from "Training Day".
Yeah! You guys rule. Haha.
Actually not so sadistic because morely ıts like a gave up for all tries
Dude, this still slaps after all these years. Deadmau5, Wolfgang, Skrillex, Pendulum, Prodigy and Avicii defined a generation
10 years later I’m looking back at my saved videos realizing my taste in music as a child was impeccable
Haha same here, the music that I listened to still slaps
I still have my playlist on Spotify from that time. Almost 11 years ago and I still go back to it, flabbergasted. My ears and tastes have evolved so much 🥺
shocking news : any bookmarked thang will be lost once when the channel deletes it thence the last time your brain will remember it ever existing
@@Rob_Mike_Litterst SoundCloud baby the way to go and Apple Music
literally yeah lmao
Why I everyone arguing about what genre it is? Doesn't matter if it's dubstep or techno, or glitch-hop, or whatever, all the matters is that it sounds dope
Pejuta Osorio Mi two! They make best Dubstep
Pejuta Osorio Not a band
MrRyanDew of course it's a band, what do you think the "5" means?
18 year old college kid who moved out of state to start a new life. Stumbled across this song and a whole bunch of others of his work, needless to say I fell in love with it easily. The nostalgia I get listening to this, remembering the days I walked to class since I didn't have a car since all my money went to my apartment. Walking to work everyday to help pay bills, all the while listening to Deadmau5. Cheers to everyone reading, may God bless.
Don't care what anyone says. 2009-2013 was peak for everything in life. Music like this just takes you back. I can't describe the feeling because it was more than just nostalgia. Everything just felt RIGHT. And then as the years went by, it slowly went away. Just glad to see that there are pieces of art and media that can take us back to that time. Thank you, Joel.
im 100% this as well. i was 19-23 during those years as a new army infantryman getting stationed in hawaii, then deploying to the war in afghanistan and coming back a year later to hawaii and having a new appreciation for life after combat with my friends. we came back and partied like no tomorrow while still being in. then i get sent to korea and continued my adventure until 2014. then yeah thats when life slowly felt like it was slipping me by. I havent heard this song in years and i broke down, it was like a time machine. i went back to those years and felt that excitement like i had back then with the feeling of the world completely infront of you. then reality kicked back in the present and then i realized im 34 now and dont have that same feeling as life has changed a lot since then. either way it felt good just to go back for that little bit of time.
I was 11 when I first listened to this now I'm nearly 20 and still here
Long long time ago
Same bro lol
I am 11 when I heard this and now I am about to turn 19 so I feel ya
Just heard this the first time rn.
0:00 - 8:21 was really good.
Dylan agrees
0:00 - 4:02 because the drop is so shit
+Pyper S if you think of mau5' music like that you clearly do not understand why it's good. Don't listen his music for the "drop". Go listen to skrillex or something.
Honestly? I don't like the drop, but I was only here because of a certain game. Not pointing fingers, Goat Simulator...
There will never be anyone else as legendary as deadmau5, daft punk, and avicii with how the music industry is running things
Edit: rip daft punk
Forgot Armin in that list
WHAT? Deamau5 is great but he's not as important to electronica as you may think. Electronic music has been around for 60 yrs. And the late 80'/s and early 90's were the heyday! It's resurging now with the commitment of 30 yr dj/producers who are making incredible music and are still sharing it!
@@atineog I've never ever heard of Armin so I'm not too sure about that but I'll check them out and do some research
You forgot skrillex
@@mrcalmyourself5405 dw I didn't forget him, I was just listing a few of them
Been looking for this song for like 10 years now only knew the beat. Best feeling is finding a song after so long by seeing the name.
the best thing about deadmau5 is that his songs are long and smooth he lets you truly feel his songs but the beat drops when it needs to
Still better than 90% of edm releases nowadays...
skrillex is now producing trap...
The dubstep ones are back in 2012
Skrillex is ded music fam
sin duda
Eric Kauffmann yess the drop at 4:07 is amazing
Classic stitch up.. I genuinely hope you're pulling the piss.
This track is very intense. It's timeless and an instant classic.
4 Years..........it is a classic
Grow so fast :'D
This comment aged well.
Rip to all my homies and family who didn’t make it this far man ❤️ stay sober
I just got one year clean yesterday! If you're reading this, you can do it too! It's not corny, this shit is real. It's time to step of to the crossroads of destiny
This song always reminds me of my boy Corey when he passed in a helicopter accident, I woke up that morning on the east coast after the accident had happened earlier that night in Cali, I heard he passed, I heard the word around 0630 east coast time and I put my ear buds in and went out to the flight line and watched the sun rise, I was learning to accept Corey was gone but life had to still go on. This song still sticks with me for Corey
Cold Steel Truth Lots of people have experienced the death of their friends by 20.
@@Insertdice exactly, like people can't die before 20 or something? no one's invincible.
RIP Corey
Rest in paradise!
When she's says "and it's over" i get goosebumps, this song is Sooo complete.
dropping your bombs now, ON WHATT WE BUILTTTTTTTTTT
Same bro
complete is the word i was looking for :)
I get goosebumps specially at around 3:18
Damn, it hits in the feels, to a time where we were younger, not this separation in the world, everyone chilling to this together.
Every beng is YOU, that is what enlightenment IS
@@joseph1845 Buddhism is sooooo unrelentingly truthful....I cannot imagine enlightenment. Being human is a MASSIVE accomplishment. Transcending it....well, I think u know.
@@joseph1845 every bug I step on (I try not to) was my mother at one point....an initiated Mahayana practitioner told me that and way more. Easy to understand (4 me).....insanely difficult in practice. But enlightenment is the entire pt of Samsara n I H8 it....how do u release desire when u desire to release desire (a paradox I cannot get past)....I have no teacher anymore......allowed me more truth than I can integrate then she's gone. I'm hyper aware yet still....I don't have words to express what I'm trying to convey.
EVERYONE here can do that together :)
I think your music is the reason I don't let depression and anxiety get to me suicidal thoughts and thoughts of the future don't exist in my mind thanks to songs like this internally and forever in my head whenever I need them
I'm glad you are ok. I still share this song with as many people as I can.
Was trying to say what I needed and this is part of it.
Keep strong brother, we’ll get through it 💪
I miss my daughter. She liked this song and I think of her when I listen to it.
EDIT BELOW - 5-13-18
I just wanted to take a moment to say "THANK YOU" to all the kind, tenderhearted people who have taken time to respond and say something positive or uplifting. Because of you, I have listened to this song so many more times. Sometimes, the internet is so wonderful, and this is one of those times for me. To receive so much love and kindness from total strangers, across the globe is amazing. Music truly speaks to us all, and touches the soul. With tears in my eyes, again, I sincerely Thank you. If you're reading this far, hug your daughter. Hug your son, mother, father, grandparents, and anyone else you can. Hug and tell anyone you love how important they are to you. You never know or expect them to be taken from you. It happens to us all. Have a fantastic day, and thank you for being a part of this journey with me. ✌️
Melvin Nakavenzi what's F mean?
It's a sign of giving someone a respect
A decade after still loving this song. Happy 2020!
Same here!
Happy 2020 guys, still love this good old songs
Aye! I feel it
Im 43 and love deadmau5 and everything he's ever made. Pure genius.
Everyone just remember you will look back 10 years later at these times you are living now with such nostalgia and joy. Life is the gift that keeps on giving, until it doesn’t. Enjoy it whilst it lasts. Make those memories.
I'm already looking back ten years later feeling the nostalgia 😅
already 9 years old.......damn bro. I was 21 and high as hell. Good times, met lots of people and had some insane parties that went to far sometimes lol And things are much more stable now in my life, but songs like this bring back all of those good memories with friends in high school and thru college into our real world lives where we get separated forever.
Same here.
The many memories that will never be forgotten
Zombl337 dude this comment rings so true
im 18 for me this was like what 2013 when this came out? damn
This song litterally fills me with so many emotions at once. One day this song will be forgotten and it sadens me..
Or 200 or 300 hundrets years later will kids learn about this song in schools 😀
what if we forget these songs. I'm really afraid of loosing my memory.
The inevitable extinction of humans will mean everything *will* be forgotten
These songs will never be forgotten
What song?
Before marshmallow,Zedd,Calvin Harris
There was Deadmau5
Calvin Harris was out before Deadmsu5.
Craig Jones no bro he wasn’t deadmau5 had been around for 12 years and Calvin has been around for 10
Siti Farah yeah they help now but deadmau was making music before skillx
You forgot Skrillex'
Oh, calvin harris is good though. Man.
Bring back this time era 💔 .
Krewella, Deadmau5, Avicii, and Skrillex were my childhood
Afrojack Tiesto❤ DjBlend 😅
@@maryjanee3595 feed me, knife party
also hardwell, david guetta, sweedish house mafia.
dont forget about figure
Those were my teens💀
Lyrics Deadmau5- Raise your Weapons
Rippin' my heart was so easy, so easy
Launch your assault now, take it easy
Raise your weapon, raise your weapon,
One word and it's over
Rippin' through like a missile,
Rippin' through my heart,
Rob me of this love
Raise your weapon, raise your weapon,
And it's over
Love your ego, you won't feel a thing
Always number one,
The pen with a bent wrist crooked king
Sign away our peace, for your war
One word and it's over
Dropping your bombs now, on all we've built
How does it feel now to watch it burn, burn, burn?
Raise your weapons, raise your weapons,
And it's over
Rippin' through like a missile,
Rippin' through my heart,
Rob me of this love
Raise your weapon, raise your weapon,
And it's over
How does it feel now to watch it burn (burn)?
Rippin' my…
Isn't the word to end it "sorry"?
Thx for the lyrics dude 😂
this song spontaneously came to mind the other day
5o s day5 ago right? :P
Nice eyes
That's something Deadmau5 would love to hear!
Ripping my heart was so easy, so easy
Launch your assault now, take it easy
Raise your weapon, raise your weapon
One word and it's over
Rippin' through like a missile
Rippin' through my heart
Rob me of this love
Raise your weapon, raise your weapon and it's over
Love your ego, you won't feel a thing
Always number one
The pen with a bent wrist crooked kid king
Sign away our peace for your war, one word and it's over
Dropping your bombs now
On all we've built
How does it feel now to watch it burn, burn, burn?
Raise your weapons, raise your weapons and it's over
Rippin' through like a missile
Rippin' through my heart, rob me of this love
Raise your weapon, raise your weapon and it's over
How does it feel now to watch it burn, burn, burn?
Rippin' my heart was so easy, so easy
Launch your assault now, take it easy
Raise your weapon, raise your weapon
One word and it's over
Rippin' through like a missile
Rippin' through my heart
Rob me of this love
Raise your weapon, raise your weapon and it's over
Love your ego, you won't feel a thing
Always number one
The pen with a bent wrist crooked kid king
Sign away our peace for your war, one word and it's over
Dropping your bombs now
On all we've built
How does it feel now to watch it burn, burn, burn?
Raise your weapons, raise your weapons and it's over
One of the most beautiful songs of the decade. I still think "I Remember" wins the number one slot.
that song came out in 2008
@@INTEL-REDACTEDlol got em there
This is musical perfection. I feel sorry for anyone that doesn't know about the one and only Deadmau5. His music is so inspirational and uplifting and gotten me through some very difficult times.
I remember being 19 years old when I fist heard this song. I was going through my first break up, I had no idea how to handle it so I signed up for the gym and had this song on repeat. I remember being at the gym for HOURS, sad and depress but this song somehow gave me strength to push harder.
Ah man remind me of my last break up too damn it was bad big time and thanks to music 🎶 I'm alive
Inspiring i needed tthat
The girl who is singing, her name is Greta Svabo bech she is a singer from the Faroe islands. Amazing voice
This is the first time I've ever listened to these guys. I'm 1:23 in and I'm getting that "about to fall in love" feeling. I'm nervus.
Kiba Flame deadmau5 is actually just one guy :)
Nervious* fixed ur gramur
+Kuiken Van Zyl (nervous) no ya didn't.
RougeNinja08 You took the b8 m8
How did you feel at 4:04?
Playing Halo 3 and jamming to this at 12 am when I was in elementary brings back so mang memories
Yes lawdy oh geez the days were simple and good. Found weed around the same time ahhaha
Music was so much better when we used to get high. Now we just listen to good music.
This blew my mind away when I first heard this back in my senior year of high school. Ah, 2011 was so long ago. Makes you wonder how many people shared a similar experience and can relate. Hopefully deadmau5 is aware of how much his music means to his fans. Listening to this is like coming back to see an old friend. One who has always been there, even if you haven't always stayed in touch. Its nice to be back here. Its a reminder that though life may get harder, it can also get better. Something to hold onto. A little something.
I was in middle school
Same bro I was in grade 10 when this came out, I actually made my own mau5 head for Halloween that year lol I wish I still had it.
2007 here, still slaps
The nostalgia hit me like a truck. What a beautiful song, indeed. Enough to make a grown man cry
Electronic Anthem.
Say hello, I'm your fan, please always when I see you, I try to say hello but I can't ):
@@憂鬱-t9m lo hara amigo!!!
400th like!
Nostalgic for most
Reference for me
Hey you, yeah you scrolling through the comments. I want you to know you’re an amazing soul and I’m glad you’re here to share this song with me. I love you! ☺️
I love you too
Alright then
Love you back
This era was a spiritual awakening for so many of us ✊🏽
Mann! Thanks for this. Was scrolling down the comments and smiling with good ol memories. But your comment made me pause the scrolling ❤️
Blessed memories
Man your era is powerful, I was only 5 knew nothing about this stuff and feel it today when looking back for some reason
@@KyleUltima9189 yes
Joel almost died, twice. OD and the plane he missed crashed. Poor bastard is stuck here making music for us. Thanks Joel
Rippin' my heart was so easy, so easy
Launch your assault now, take it easy
Raise your weapon, raise your weapon,
One word and it's over
Rippin' through like a missile,
Rippin' through my heart,
Rob me of this love
Raise your weapon, raise your weapon,
And it's over
Love your ego, you won't feel a thing
Always number one,
The pen with a bent wrist crooked king
Sign away our peace, for your war
One word and it's over
Dropping your bombs now, on all we've built
How does it feel now to watch it burn, burn, burn?
Raise your weapons, raise your weapons,
And it's over
Rippin' through like a missile,
Rippin' through my heart,
Rob me of this love
Raise your weapon, raise your weapon,
And it's over
How does it feel now to watch it burn (burn)?
Rippin' my heart was so easy, so easy
Launch your assault now, take it easy
Raise your weapon, raise your weapon,
One word and it's over
Rippin' through like a missile,
Rippin' through my heart,
Rob me of this love
Raise your weapon, raise your weapon,
And it's over
Love your ego, you won't feel a thing
Always number one,
The pen with a bent wrist crooked king
Sign away our peace, for your war
One word and it's over
Dropping your bombs now, on all we've built
How does it feel now
To watch it burn, burn, burn?
Raise your weapons, raise your weapons,
And it's over
I wish they made a music video to this :/
Same could have been so sick
the dancers on the bass drop would die dancing like this
hell yeah and i would captivate and hypnotize everyone with timing and half steps of visual glow poi
They did. COD WW2 trailer
I remeber listening to this when I was around 11 with my dad in the car. I'm 16 now and this is still one heck of a song
Same. It brings back a lot of memories. I'm usually into metal these days but I had to go back to this song.
same bro, the memories man. Remember listening to this before a football game to get me going
Og Goop I do that now😂
same bro, haven't listened to this song in at least a few year.. memories are crazy
OMFG i got the same situation :D I wanna cry cuz i was young then , and now :|
at 4:08 I get chills every single time. I don't know if it's the pre-drop timing stumble or what but it's impressive.
So much feels with this one. The vocals are absolutely soul crushing. Can’t even describe it man
2021, and I'm 34 years old now, and STILL LOVE THIS SONG. It's even more accurate now with everything going on in the world. 💔
I’m 44 and I Love this song 😜
88 babyyyuy
YESSSS!!! 70s, 80s & 90s babies are the BEST 😆☺️☺️
Marko morrison Then your older than deadmau5 himself 😂
Am I the only one liking the house part more than the Dubstep but Still like the entire song?
Nope :)
+Etienne de Lange
lol that's a very specific kind of "am I the only one" like request
exactly me
+Etienne de Lange not me, i think all of it is fantastic.
Honestly had never heard this song until it was played on a local radio station recently. Aftrt the initial shock radio actually playing good music, I discovered it's my new favorite.
I was in high school when deadmau5 was in his PRIME, and let me tell you what a time to be alive that was o.O
2021, 12 years post high school , and this shit still rips ! Deadmau5 forever . Today’s music will never compare
generally that era will never compare to anything, technology booming while people were still functioning normally, after that got mainstream everything went to shit
@@eksquisitegood point actually. From a 31 year old that hits home, lol.
Still like this. Ill listen to it like its the dang national anthem.
I like the madeon remix
Zombz Salazar 1000 times fuck yes!!
So only on the 4th of July and at baseball games?
How often does anyone listen to the national anthem?
Chase Rowlett I remixed it.....
how could anyone not like this?
Because they don't listen through the whole thing
because 7k people thought it was mickey mouse.
Probably many reasons (as I'm not pretty sure about this song being good or bad either):
1. "This is so electronic, dubstep sucks ass" (not me, kind of pretentious anyway)
2. Associated acts (e.g. Skrillex, don't say that he is good or whatsoever, he is bad (he doesn't make dubstep either anyway)
3. Opinions about music (kind of like 1, but slightly different - people liking electronic music overall may not also like this if they like some other genres of it like trip hop and downtempo and etc.)
4. "The song didn't sound very nice to my ears."
I'm quite neutral to him though, he is kinda ok but not my kind.
braxium this is not dubstep
A lot of kids grew up in the age of MLG memes, Dubstep, and the overall advent of new Electronic Dance Musics. They will carry this on to the generations that come after.
This song will never get old :)
Never gets old :')
+No name common its not only this that never gets old all of his songs never gets old
Yeah so true
12y later, and I still listen to EDM. I can only hope that it never gets old.
Good on ya youngun. 51 y/o here. Aint nothing gonna change xxx
Dont worry, I am 51. Still ravin. 😉😉😉
It won't get old. EDM is the new Classical music.
You might, but the music, never. Good anything, is just good
I miss 2000s-early 2010s music and how positive it was. It seemed like every song was about living life to the fullest, forgetting tomorrow and just having a damn good time. I wish we had more songs like these today
the lyrics of this particular song don't really match up but you get what I mean lol
The second half of the song just really gives me chills I can understand why mau5 fans wouldn't like it but I love it
It's because it's"dark" and they're a bunch of disco fruits. ;)
+Ivo Maropo lol. I agree XD
DIsco fruits :D
Nah it's because deadmau5 produces primarily progressive house and dubstep is a starkly different sub-genre.
Us 'disco fruits' are more often referred to as 'informed music listeners'. :)
Its just because its an absolutely different genre. Have you heard while 1
Ughh this song is the best....
And when the dubstep kicks in ooooooo chile!
I remember being like 14 listening to this and omg how love it the same as the first time!
grande chile y la buena musicaa
Deadmau5: "I hate dubstep for it's sound"
Deadmau5: **makes intense dubstep in "raise your weapon"**
he makes two versions, with Noisia extreme dubstep and this song
but its not a dubstep like skrillex he has put It his signed.
this track has at least 6 years
Skrillex wrote this song with him that's why there's dubstep.
He hates the "sound production" part of it. He doesn't have a problem with the genre. He says a lot of producers just fuck with the mixing and make it loud af etc.
I’m so proud of everyone that has survived these hard times it’s been a wild 12 years 😅
used to hate the dubstep part, now I absolutely love it
Still kind of a let down
Why you hated the dubstep part? Its because its not like the other music at that time?
@@pra6169 Because I was a huge Deadmau5 fan back in the days and he only made prograssive/electro house. Also, dubstep was not my thing a the time.
cant believe that this song is 7 years old!!!!!!!!! the mix sounds better than some of the songs even today
Music is timeless
Huntervault Lies
G-Ezuz Please name a song that merged two genres together like this.
bohemian rhapsody is an easy example.
"Even Today" A banger is always gonna be a banger mate..
This was the ONLY time Mau5 attempted dubstep, and it STILL manages to sound better than 90% of all dubstep these days, 6 years later O_O
zodiac909 With Skrillex help
err he has several dubstep-ish tracks like this: 'Dub5tep thingy' and 'Derp' being two of them
If we are talking official here....One Trick Pony and Raise Your Weapon are the ONLY 2.
Kialer fields you are sadly mistaken my kind sir.
+zodiac909 how can you even compare today, which is much better to back then are you deaf or something? Listen to how the sound has evolved and come back when you caught up. Please. ffs
i remember this song but i forgot the name of the song and artist, but i only remember what the album cover looked like, so i searched "red mouse", and here i am! i was crying, this gives back so many memories!
wow skrillex has such a good voice in this death metal/country style song.
Yeh that's a good one
+Endereye Animation lol
good one lol
+Endereye Animation
are you kidding me?
skrillex sings so well in this symphony by beethoven5
I had earbuds on and fell asleep for the fisrt few minutes ...but dang that drop got me scared and woke me up😂
🤣😂🤣😂😘😍🙏 Love you
m paria be nice to wake up to this
And it's oveerrr *wakes up* hole the fuck up
This is a masterpiece. Timeless
Reminds me of high school. Takes me back.
The emotions this provokes in me are a fusion of pleasure and melancholy - the definition of piece of art
that thing he does at 4:06 , how he drops without bass but then it kicks in a beat later, always confuses me in a positive way.
guys, this isn't techno, its
Ambient dub
Ambient industrial
Ambient house
Dark ambient
Drone music
Acid breaks
Baltimore club
Big beat
Broken beat
Nu skool breaks
Florida breaks
Miami bass
Cosmic disco
Disco polo
Euro disco
Italo disco
Space disco
Acid jazz
Flamenco Chill
Ethnic electronica
New-age music
Nu jazz
Trip hop
Drum and bass
Drill and bass
Liquid funk
Electro music
Freestyle music
Electroacoustic music
Acousmatic music
Musique concrète
Electronic rock
Alternative dance
Dark wave
Ethereal wave
New rave
Space rock
Berlin School
Breakbeat hardcore
Bouncy techno
Digital hardcore
Happy hardcore
Melbourne bounce
UK hardcore
Hard house
Hard bounce
Hard NRG
Lento violento
Bubblegum dance
Italo dance
House music
Acid house
Balearic beat
Big room house
Chicago house
Deep house
Diva house/Handbag house
Electro house
Dutch house
Fidget house
Electro swing
Swing house
Freestyle house
French house
Funky house
Garage house
Ghetto house
Hip house
Italo house
Latin house
Microhouse/Minimal house
New beat
Progressive house
Tech house
Tribal house
Vocal house
Industrial music
Dark electro
Electronic body music
Industrial metal
Industrial rock
Neue Deutsche Härte
Power electronics
Death industrial
Power noise
Witch house/Drag
Darkcore jungle
Acid techno
Detroit techno
Dub techno
Free tekno
Minimal techno
Tecno brega
Trance music
Acid trance
Dream trance
Goa trance
Hard trance
Ibiza trance
Psychedelic trance
Dark psytrance
Full on
Progressive trance
Tech trance
Uplifting trance
Vocal trance
UK garage
2-step garage
Purple sound
Future garage
Speed garage
Bassline/4x4 garage
UK funky
Video game music
Game Boy music
best comment ever
I don't even care about missing something its stupid. Like you list off everything and say he forgot something. 😑
Brotefel More Why does this make you mad? Jeez.
You said its not Techno, but you wrote Techno in the list...
this isn't techno or dubstep ! It is clearly death metal...
Nah it has more of a rap style
TurkishRider Unrelated comment going through
F***ing Badass Corgi got the point
TurkishRider It's Darude Sandstorm :D
TurkishRider its my mom :D
I took a chance for a better life. I thought my father understood as he had went through several divorces. Well we are all growing no matter what age or experience level. Someone picked me up, dusted me up, allowed me to continue, and gave me the opportunity for an alternate life. I gifted him "The Girl Who Kicked The Hornet's Nest," and he gave me "The Virgin Suicides." He told me he saw me; that was very much me too. He helped me start all over again. In one of my adventures of trying to pick up the pieces I listened to his Pandora in his car so I could know him better especially as he could not attend anything with me; he was a soldier in the Army. This is one of the many beautiful songs he added to my library. Thank you Jason and DeadMouse; it's a beautiful song.
😥 Nostalgia y a la vez paz interior 😌
October 2019
Demasiada nostalgia hermano se me ponen los pelos de punta y me trae demasiados recuerdos
Jonathan-Pc la verdad si 😔
Recordar viejos tiempos y ver que todo ha cambiado
2024 listeners where ya at???
Im here april 24/24
Im here 04/05/2024
We’re right here! 👋🏼
Presente 😊
I went to Deadmau5's 25 year anniversary set at Brooklyn Mirage 5/2/24. I've never been more moved by a set, and when I heard this song specifically, I physically could not hold back the tears
Hello to all of you. God bless you all. Take care, and have a wonderful day.
Im almost 31. This dropped when I was a 17 & Junior, and at the time just got my new red Cobalt. Waiting to be a senior, driving around town at night blasting on my Aux cord which was mind blowing bc prior I was slapping Zeppelin III on tapes in my old Pontiac. I felt immortal.