Talbinah is barley flour, two cups of water and two cups of milk, cooked while stirring Then add honey This food removes sadness from the heart A prophetic description
No matter where your journey takes you I love you guys and appreciate you guys learning and respecting Islam as a lot people look down on us because of what the media portrays us as but we are humans just trying to strive to become the best we can. May ALLAH SWT bless you guys with health and a long life ❤️☪️🆓🇵🇸
You should choose original honey, not traditional honey. It is made from sugar. Some people tell you that this is honey. You must choose the original honey, and the types of honey that originally come from Yemen.
Nahh...i buy my honey directly from bee keeper.it's authentic & original.a lot of imported honey from the middle east 99% is fake. Just buy from your local bee keeper.
And also there is a Hadith in general wellbeing is good to mention 'The human does not fill any container that is worse than his stomach. It is sufficient for the son of Adam to eat what will support his back. If this is not possible, then a third for food, a third for drink, and third for his breath."
Rasul (S) loves meat..lamb sheep camel or cow(personally for cow i never heard or read about)..he advised us to few handful of food is enough for muslim but if you want to eat more then 1/3 eat 1/3 drink & leave 1/3 for air.
Where did you get that he didn’t prefer meat. He called it master of the foods in this world and Ryne here after. He ate and loved meats. He drank milk near the late day. I didn’t see any source stating what you said.
@steve-g3j6b sorry brother..i heard "eat red meat less & drink milk more" this hadith from a religious speaker..normally i check all of information but i didn't check it.. it's my fault..this hadith didn't exist..i am going to edit it.
It’s important to mention today’s grapes are different than the grapes of 1400 years ago we GMO grapes to have much much more sugar than they used to likewise many many plants of today are very different than how they looked 1400 years ago.
Also dates help in labor that’s why Allah asked Mary to shake the tree so that she could eat the dates when she was giving birth to Jesus (PBUH) It’s now scientifically proven dates actually help in labor
Allah says eat one third food , one third water and leave your stomach one third empty as this is good for health. Allah has blessed the olive tree and says dip bread in olive oil as good for health. Prophet Muhammad pbuh said Blackseed oil is a cure for all illnesses apart from death. I take a teaspoon after breakfast and a teaspoon after dinner and have many benefits
Hi, thanku about the video. Honey is the best but the raw honey is the original just check the ingredients because in some honey they add sugar . I use honey for everything if you got soar throat jus drink one tbsp honey it heals it. If you have wound or cut while cutting veggies jus wash your wound apply honey keep five minutes n wash with lukewarm water in few minutes the cut closes, if there’s ulcer in mouth apply honey to it after five minutes swallow the honey do it twice a day ulcer shall go away. Apply honey on pimple n wipe it with lukewarm water. I have more for honey but I guess this is enough. Thanku
اذا كنت تريد الفائده عند اكل كل هذه الاشياء ان تقول قبل اكلها ( بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم ) وان تستشعر الشكر لهذا الاله الذي خلق لك هذه النعم واوجدها لك بدون حول منك ولا قوه عندها تحصل علي الفائده الحقيقيه في علاج الروح والبدن بارك الله فيكما
Every Muslim household got l these things they said in the video. We have dates every Ramadan and I do have that other times but not always but in Ramadan we have it right after we break our fast and we have it before we start our fastings it’s rich in energy give you back energy too it’s organic sugar
Yeah obviously there’s alot of benefits in these stuffs specially dates there are different kinds of dates in Saudi Arabia and also figs and olive mentioned in Quran sharif too.
I love cow,s milk evert day. I love my milk( full cream) dates after diner. No pudding,no ice creams.Umm,Love all these foods.❤✌🏽🙏Merry xmas to you. God bless🌲
1. معجزة “لبثوا في كهفهم ثلاث مائة سنين وازدادوا تسعًا”: • الإشارة هنا إلى الآية 25 من سورة الكهف التي تتحدث عن مدة لبث أصحاب الكهف. • تم تفسير أن الـ300 سنة في هذه الآية تُحسب حسب التقويم الشمسي، بينما التسع سنوات الزائدة تُحسب حسب التقويم القمري. • الحساب الدقيق بين السنة الشمسية (365.25 يومًا) والسنة القمرية (354 يومًا) يعني أن 300 سنة شمسية تساوي 309 سنة قمرية، مما يظهر دقة مذهلة في ذكر هذه المدة قبل أكثر من 1400 عام، وهو ما يراه البعض بمثابة معجزة فلكية. 2. آية “وهو الذي خلق الليل والنهار والشمس والقمر كل في فلك يسبحون”: • الآية 33 من سورة الأنبياء تشير إلى حركة الأجرام السماوية في الفضاء، وهو أمر يبدو متوافقًا مع المفاهيم الفلكية الحديثة حول مدارات الشمس والقمر. • يشير البعض إلى أن هذه الآية تنبأت علميًا بحركة الأجرام السماوية وتواجدها في مداراتها، وهي فكرة لم تكن معروفة في زمن نزول القرآن. 3. آية “لا الشمس ينبغي لها أن تدرك القمر ولا الليل سابق النهار”: • الآية 40 من سورة يس تتحدث عن تعاقب الليل والنهار بطريقة علمية، وتوضح أن الشمس والقمر في مدارات مستقلة، ولا يمكن لأحدهما أن يتداخل مع الآخر بشكل فلكي. • هذه الآية قد تم تفسيرها في ضوء المعرفة الفلكية الحديثة حول حركة الشمس والقمر بشكل منفصل. 4. آية “ألم تر أن الله يولج الليل في النهار ويولج النهار في الليل”: • الآية 29 من سورة لقمان تُظهر الفكرة الفلكية حول تبادل الليل والنهار، وتُشدد على المدار الذي يدور فيه القمر حول الأرض والشمس حول النظام الشمسي. • تُظهر الآية التفاعل بين الليل والنهار من خلال المدار الكوني الذي يحدده الله. 5. علاقة التقويم القمري والتقويم الشمسي: • تم تقديم تحليل للأشهر القمرية (29-30 يومًا) والسنة القمرية (354 يومًا) مقارنة بالسنة الشمسية (365.25 يومًا)، مما يبرز الاختلاف بين التقويمين. • في القرآن، الآية التي تتحدث عن 12 شهرًا في السنة (سورة التوبة 36) تشير إلى الدورة الشهرية بشكل عام دون تحديد ما إذا كانت شمسية أو قمرية. 6. التقويم القمري والشمس: • تم التأكيد على أن التقويم الشمسي تطور من التقويم القمري، حيث بدأ الناس في إضافة أيام بين الأشهر الشمسية لتعديل الفروق. • هناك أيضًا إشارة إلى الاختلافات في التقويمات القمرية بين الحضارات القديمة مثل الصينية والهندية والعبريّة، مما يوضح أن التقويم الهجري كان يعتمد على الدورة الشهرية دون الحاجة إلى تعديل إضافي (كالبس). 7. إشارات القرآن حول الزمن: • بعض الأشخاص يرون أن القرآن يحتوي على إشارات فلكية وعلمية تتوافق مع الاكتشافات الحديثة حول المدارات و الأجرام السماوية. • كما أن الآيات التي تشير إلى الحركة المنتظمة للأجرام السماوية قد تؤكد الإلمام العلمي الذي لا يمكن أن يكون مجرد مصادفة. الخلاصة: الآيات التي تم الإشارة إليها، مثل تلك التي تتحدث عن حركة الأجرام السماوية والتقويم، تظهر توافقًا مدهشًا مع المفاهيم الفلكية الحديثة التي لم تكن معروفة وقت نزول القرآن. التفسير العلمي لهذه الآيات قد يعزز الإيمان بأن القرآن جاء من مصدر إلهي.
Black seed oil is good enough. And regarding honey, try to go for pure, organic mountain honey, which is honey taken from beehives located in high, deep mountains. and it would be excellent if you used it as a substitute for sugar. but always remember more important than the food itself is congesting and burning it through physical exercise to get the ultimate benefit.
it does mention yes, but does it really say "it's good for the human body"?? it just mentions it, it doesn't say if it's good or bad. I might be wrong tho!
@@AbdelFlix as a rule of thumb, if the prophet mentioned these foods or if they were amongst his favorites, then these can never be bad for the human body, let alone if some of these directly mentioned in the Qur'an.. I hope you got the drift.
@@Advancedkid I’m talking about lentils, garlic, and onions brother. These foods are mentioned in the Quran yes but they are not mentioned as good foods, like Allah doesn’t praise them like the figs and olives, dates, pomegranates for example. Also the prophet himself never really ate lentils that much, and in fact he disliked to eat onions and garlic because they cause a bad smell and that’s why it’s forbidden to go to the mosque after eating these foods, they produce offensive odor.
@@AbdelFlixThe prophet didn’t dislike them. He only didn’t want ppl to eat it if they were going to the mosque bc it smells super strong. There’s a Hadith where he literally says “treat yourselves with garlic as it cures 70 different diseases”. Just bc the Quran doesn’t praise it doesn’t mean it’s bad. He even talks about lentils too. Foods like onions and such have been studied and proven to be healthy too. If it’s from nature then it safe too eat. Allah didn’t create such a food from nature to harm us. God bless brotha and have a nice day.
Tq to Allah SWT.... Tq to My Beloved PROPHET MUHAMMAD SAW...(PBUH) ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤ I LOVE MY PROPHET.....😭😭 Allahhumma Solli Ala Sayyidina Muhammad Wa Aalaa Aali Sayyidina Muhammad....🎉🎉☝☝☝Ashhadu Allah ilaha ill Lallah Wa Ash Hadu Anna Muhammadur Rasullullah.....(TAUHID) Means There Is No God But Allah SWT ...and Muhammad SAW (PBUH) is The Messenger Of ALLAH SWT.. 🥰🥰🥰 MY BELOVED PROPHET❤❤❤❤❤❤ MUHAMMAD SAW (PBUH) DONT LIES....😭😭😭....TELL THE TRUTHS ALL THE TIME....1400 Years AGo.... ALLAHHU AKBAR... TQ to My BeLoved PROPHET ❤❤❤❤❤Of All the Information 100 percentage Accurately.....🤲🤲🤲 NO DOUBT ABOUT IT.......🤩🤩
ALL FOOD IN THE QURAN ARE THE BEST FOR MANKIND otherwise Allah wouldn't mention it in the warning and blessing for the last of the Messages to all humans. 😇
There is something called Tawakkul. which is basically "relying on Allah with using or taking the means" and it's what a Muslim should do. What a Muslim SHOULDN'T do, is Tawaakul, "relying on Allah WITHOUT using or taking the means". So basically, a Muslim shouldn't just pray to Allah to escape the island they are stuck on and don't do anything else, they should also do their best using the means, at least trying to make the boat, then asking allah to help them escape the island. Similarly, you don't just ask Allah to keep you healthy, and you don't even eat healthy food or treat your body well, you have to eat healthy and ask Allah to keep you healthy. Tawakkul, is having a healthy relationship with you and Allah. while Tawaakul, isn't a healthy relationship, as you arent supposed to act like Allah will do for you this and that however you want. No, Allah does whatever he himself wills, not what others think or feel. And Allah is The Most Wise, and The Most Merciful.
I have watched revert story and i think you will like it Han video title “My Father Rejected me After Islam…” - Ex-Christian Found Islam in Prison! - ! Towards Eternity channel 30 minutes video but will be nice if u made reaction for it, thank you
Don't do ChatGPT cause as Muslims we would not consider what that app says acceptable because it's a app, it only relates the information it's programmed to relate islamically it would never be acceptable to accept what it says whether it's right or wrong. Hopefully you would read on how the Muslim scholarly works are acceptable or not according to our grading system which is more reliable than any historical books you have ever read even though most of you reacted to was reliable but it's better to react to actual respectable scholar of Islam. I am a Somali from east Africa and we have the most camels in the world and there's nothing like camel milk and I can't even tell you how that helps your immune system. I have been away from home for about 14 months and other than missing my wife, I actually miss drinking four to five cups of camel milk that was actually mulked few hours before I drank them and I am feeling weak being away from my wife and the milk. Feels like my second wife before my second wife which I am so scared to even think about cause you have not met my wife but how about that camel milk.
Van Damme's actor also recommends following the diet of the Prophet Muhammad, may God bless him and grant him peace. ua-cam.com/video/viaKLODJ39A/v-deo.htmlsi=LjT2ol01fGCcqVNJ
I am your sister from Gaza 🇵🇸 I ask you to pray for us.. 💔💔.
Im pray for you sister allah bless you and your family free palestine ❤
May Allah SWT grant you and your family with mercy and sabr sister.
Our hearts are with our brothers and sisters in Palestine.
Masha Allah sister ..We all Muslims around the world always pray for Palestine brothers and sisters,may Allah make victory for Gaza / Palestine soon
We love gaza sister 😭
Real honey from the forest is very good. Not factory-made honey.
Honey (Natural honey)
Black seeds (Nigella sativa)
Cow milk (Grass fed cows)
Meat (Lamb and chicken) is not mentioned but they were consumed as well.
Talbinah is barley flour, two cups of water and two cups of milk, cooked while stirring Then add honey This food removes sadness from the heart A prophetic description
No matter where your journey takes you I love you guys and appreciate you guys learning and respecting Islam as a lot people look down on us because of what the media portrays us as but we are humans just trying to strive to become the best we can. May ALLAH SWT bless you guys with health and a long life ❤️☪️🆓🇵🇸
Please react to, "When Our Beloved Prophet, Abu Bakr & Umar Were Hungry - Emotional True Story" by The Daily Reminder
You should choose original honey, not traditional honey. It is made from sugar. Some people tell you that this is honey. You must choose the original honey, and the types of honey that originally come from Yemen.
Nahh...i buy my honey directly from bee keeper.it's authentic & original.a lot of imported honey from the middle east 99% is fake.
Just buy from your local bee keeper.
Yes! Honey from Yemen is the ultimate honey
And also there is a Hadith in general wellbeing is good to mention 'The human does not fill any container that is worse than his stomach. It is sufficient for the son of Adam to eat what will support his back. If this is not possible, then a third for food, a third for drink, and third for his breath."
Rasul (S) loves meat..lamb sheep camel or cow(personally for cow i never heard or read about)..he advised us to few handful of food is enough for muslim but if you want to eat more then 1/3 eat 1/3 drink & leave 1/3 for air.
Where did you get that he didn’t prefer meat. He called it master of the foods in this world and Ryne here after.
He ate and loved meats.
He drank milk near the late day.
I didn’t see any source stating what you said.
@steve-g3j6b sorry brother..i heard "eat red meat less & drink milk more" this hadith from a religious speaker..normally i check all of information but i didn't check it.. it's my fault..this hadith didn't exist..i am going to edit it.
thank you for reminding me i forgt about all this stuff spcialy black SEED IT SO GOOD I NEED TO BUY SOME
And winters are the best season to consume tons of dates
It’s important to mention today’s grapes are different than the grapes of 1400 years ago we GMO grapes to have much much more sugar than they used to likewise many many plants of today are very different than how they looked 1400 years ago.
I really don't like those seedless grapes, they are dry and the taste doesn't even come close to the grapes I eat in Morocco, with seeds.
Black seed oil is pressed from black seed. High quality black seed is grown in India, Iran and egypt. If u use oil use cold pressed oil
He also said PBUH that the best meat is that is the closest to the bone. Like ribs.
What about shoulder?
We got some of the best dates in the world here in Algeria i think it's available worldwide so you should try some 👍
Dari semua itu semua ada jenisnya misalnya jenis Kurma tentu saja ada kurma yg istimewa cobalah cari kurma yg di senangi/suka Nabi Muhammad SAW
Also dates help in labor that’s why Allah asked Mary to shake the tree so that she could eat the dates when she was giving birth to Jesus (PBUH)
It’s now scientifically proven dates actually help in labor
Sepertinya seru. Tapi sy tdk mahir bahasa inggris.
Salam persaudaraan...
tinggal klik teks..setting otomatis pilih indonesia..
You guys should do a Q&A at 100k subs
Hope you guys Long life time together 💞
For Diabetics you can only consume 1 piece of date per day
Watching from Uganda 🇺🇬 africa
Salamu aleikum brother, I live in the Netherlands, but was born in Morocco.
Allah says eat one third food , one third water and leave your stomach one third empty as this is good for health. Allah has blessed the olive tree and says dip bread in olive oil as good for health. Prophet Muhammad pbuh said Blackseed oil is a cure for all illnesses apart from death. I take a teaspoon after breakfast and a teaspoon after dinner and have many benefits
It says black seed not black seed oil
In Ramadan , we always break our fasting with dates. It’s sunnah.
There is a type of Madinah dates called (Ajwa)
In Makkah it was hard for them to get hold on grapes they used to eat it dried
saya punya pohon buah ara atau tin , dan saya suka merebus daunnya yang mempunyai khasiat untuk menurunkan kadar gula darah
Hi, thanku about the video. Honey is the best but the raw honey is the original just check the ingredients because in some honey they add sugar . I use honey for everything if you got soar throat jus drink one tbsp honey it heals it. If you have wound or cut while cutting veggies jus wash your wound apply honey keep five minutes n wash with lukewarm water in few minutes the cut closes, if there’s ulcer in mouth apply honey to it after five minutes swallow the honey do it twice a day ulcer shall go away. Apply honey on pimple n wipe it with lukewarm water. I have more for honey but I guess this is enough. Thanku
Black seed = nigella sativa = habbatus sauda
you can react about fly byprophet muhammad saw....
Eat them but in moderation. You don't want to overeat and harm your health
I ask from allah to guide you all to real path (Islam )
You can eat chicken and beef plus the least that you just got.
pomegranate fruit u should discover this fruit
اذا كنت تريد الفائده عند اكل كل هذه الاشياء ان تقول قبل اكلها ( بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم ) وان تستشعر الشكر لهذا الاله الذي خلق لك هذه النعم واوجدها لك بدون حول منك ولا قوه عندها تحصل علي الفائده الحقيقيه في علاج الروح والبدن
بارك الله فيكما
Every Muslim household got l these things they said in the video. We have dates every Ramadan and I do have that other times but not always but in Ramadan we have it right after we break our fast and we have it before we start our fastings it’s rich in energy give you back energy too it’s organic sugar
In Morocco we often used oliveoil for breakfast, just dip bread in it, delicious and healthy.
Yeah obviously there’s alot of benefits in these stuffs specially dates there are different kinds of dates in Saudi Arabia and also figs and olive mentioned in Quran sharif too.
Ajwa dates are the best ?
I felt hungry 😅
I love cow,s milk evert day. I love my milk( full cream) dates after diner. No pudding,no ice creams.Umm,Love all these foods.❤✌🏽🙏Merry xmas to you. God bless🌲
Easy. Full cream milk contains too much fat. Get semi skimmed milk
Search about recipes of Talbina
Could you ask to gpt how to compile hadhist compare with bible
Oil not the 1 in the chop. organic.
all aspects touched by religion.
1. معجزة “لبثوا في كهفهم ثلاث مائة سنين وازدادوا تسعًا”:
• الإشارة هنا إلى الآية 25 من سورة الكهف التي تتحدث عن مدة لبث أصحاب الكهف.
• تم تفسير أن الـ300 سنة في هذه الآية تُحسب حسب التقويم الشمسي، بينما التسع سنوات الزائدة تُحسب حسب التقويم القمري.
• الحساب الدقيق بين السنة الشمسية (365.25 يومًا) والسنة القمرية (354 يومًا) يعني أن 300 سنة شمسية تساوي 309 سنة قمرية، مما يظهر دقة مذهلة في ذكر هذه المدة قبل أكثر من 1400 عام، وهو ما يراه البعض بمثابة معجزة فلكية.
2. آية “وهو الذي خلق الليل والنهار والشمس والقمر كل في فلك يسبحون”:
• الآية 33 من سورة الأنبياء تشير إلى حركة الأجرام السماوية في الفضاء، وهو أمر يبدو متوافقًا مع المفاهيم الفلكية الحديثة حول مدارات الشمس والقمر.
• يشير البعض إلى أن هذه الآية تنبأت علميًا بحركة الأجرام السماوية وتواجدها في مداراتها، وهي فكرة لم تكن معروفة في زمن نزول القرآن.
3. آية “لا الشمس ينبغي لها أن تدرك القمر ولا الليل سابق النهار”:
• الآية 40 من سورة يس تتحدث عن تعاقب الليل والنهار بطريقة علمية، وتوضح أن الشمس والقمر في مدارات مستقلة، ولا يمكن لأحدهما أن يتداخل مع الآخر بشكل فلكي.
• هذه الآية قد تم تفسيرها في ضوء المعرفة الفلكية الحديثة حول حركة الشمس والقمر بشكل منفصل.
4. آية “ألم تر أن الله يولج الليل في النهار ويولج النهار في الليل”:
• الآية 29 من سورة لقمان تُظهر الفكرة الفلكية حول تبادل الليل والنهار، وتُشدد على المدار الذي يدور فيه القمر حول الأرض والشمس حول النظام الشمسي.
• تُظهر الآية التفاعل بين الليل والنهار من خلال المدار الكوني الذي يحدده الله.
5. علاقة التقويم القمري والتقويم الشمسي:
• تم تقديم تحليل للأشهر القمرية (29-30 يومًا) والسنة القمرية (354 يومًا) مقارنة بالسنة الشمسية (365.25 يومًا)، مما يبرز الاختلاف بين التقويمين.
• في القرآن، الآية التي تتحدث عن 12 شهرًا في السنة (سورة التوبة 36) تشير إلى الدورة الشهرية بشكل عام دون تحديد ما إذا كانت شمسية أو قمرية.
6. التقويم القمري والشمس:
• تم التأكيد على أن التقويم الشمسي تطور من التقويم القمري، حيث بدأ الناس في إضافة أيام بين الأشهر الشمسية لتعديل الفروق.
• هناك أيضًا إشارة إلى الاختلافات في التقويمات القمرية بين الحضارات القديمة مثل الصينية والهندية والعبريّة، مما يوضح أن التقويم الهجري كان يعتمد على الدورة الشهرية دون الحاجة إلى تعديل إضافي (كالبس).
7. إشارات القرآن حول الزمن:
• بعض الأشخاص يرون أن القرآن يحتوي على إشارات فلكية وعلمية تتوافق مع الاكتشافات الحديثة حول المدارات و الأجرام السماوية.
• كما أن الآيات التي تشير إلى الحركة المنتظمة للأجرام السماوية قد تؤكد الإلمام العلمي الذي لا يمكن أن يكون مجرد مصادفة.
الآيات التي تم الإشارة إليها، مثل تلك التي تتحدث عن حركة الأجرام السماوية والتقويم، تظهر توافقًا مدهشًا مع المفاهيم الفلكية الحديثة التي لم تكن معروفة وقت نزول القرآن. التفسير العلمي لهذه الآيات قد يعزز الإيمان بأن القرآن جاء من مصدر إلهي.
هناك رجل اامريكي تى للشيخ عثمان وقال له انه تعافى من الكورونا خينما استمر في اكل حبة البركة لمدة اسبوعين
Black seed oil is good enough. And regarding honey, try to go for pure, organic mountain honey, which is honey taken from beehives located in high, deep mountains. and it would be excellent if you used it as a substitute for sugar. but always remember more important than the food itself is congesting and burning it through physical exercise to get the ultimate benefit.
We always get raw honey from Morocco. It's good, Alhamdulillah
Koran also talk about Lentils, garlic, Onions are the good for human body.
the letter ق in the Arabic language corresponds with the latin letter Q. Hence it's more appropriate to spell the book: Qur'an. Jazak Allahu khayran.
it does mention yes, but does it really say "it's good for the human body"?? it just mentions it, it doesn't say if it's good or bad. I might be wrong tho!
@@AbdelFlix as a rule of thumb, if the prophet mentioned these foods or if they were amongst his favorites, then these can never be bad for the human body, let alone if some of these directly mentioned in the Qur'an.. I hope you got the drift.
@@Advancedkid I’m talking about lentils, garlic, and onions brother. These foods are mentioned in the Quran yes but they are not mentioned as good foods, like Allah doesn’t praise them like the figs and olives, dates, pomegranates for example. Also the prophet himself never really ate lentils that much, and in fact he disliked to eat onions and garlic because they cause a bad smell and that’s why it’s forbidden to go to the mosque after eating these foods, they produce offensive odor.
@@AbdelFlixThe prophet didn’t dislike them. He only didn’t want ppl to eat it if they were going to the mosque bc it smells super strong. There’s a Hadith where he literally says “treat yourselves with garlic as it cures 70 different diseases”. Just bc the Quran doesn’t praise it doesn’t mean it’s bad. He even talks about lentils too. Foods like onions and such have been studied and proven to be healthy too. If it’s from nature then it safe too eat. Allah didn’t create such a food from nature to harm us. God bless brotha and have a nice day.
Tq to Allah SWT....
Allahhumma Solli Ala Sayyidina Muhammad Wa Aalaa Aali Sayyidina Muhammad....🎉🎉☝☝☝Ashhadu Allah ilaha ill Lallah
Wa Ash Hadu Anna Muhammadur Rasullullah.....(TAUHID)
There Is No God But Allah SWT ...and Muhammad SAW (PBUH) is The Messenger Of ALLAH SWT.. 🥰🥰🥰
TQ to My BeLoved PROPHET ❤❤❤❤❤Of All the Information 100 percentage Accurately.....🤲🤲🤲 NO DOUBT ABOUT IT.......🤩🤩
ALL FOOD IN THE QURAN ARE THE BEST FOR MANKIND otherwise Allah wouldn't mention it in the warning and blessing for the last of the Messages to all humans.
Whenever you’re craving dates, make sure to look for Algerian dates-they’re the best in the world, haha! Trust me, you won’t regret it!
The right front leg of the lamb.
Where does it say that?
habbatus Sa'ada= black seed
Do you believe that Google Earth uses low resolution for its products, Sir & Madam? 🧑🏻💻❤👏👏👏👏
There is something called Tawakkul. which is basically "relying on Allah with using or taking the means" and it's what a Muslim should do. What a Muslim SHOULDN'T do, is Tawaakul, "relying on Allah WITHOUT using or taking the means". So basically, a Muslim shouldn't just pray to Allah to escape the island they are stuck on and don't do anything else, they should also do their best using the means, at least trying to make the boat, then asking allah to help them escape the island. Similarly, you don't just ask Allah to keep you healthy, and you don't even eat healthy food or treat your body well, you have to eat healthy and ask Allah to keep you healthy. Tawakkul, is having a healthy relationship with you and Allah. while Tawaakul, isn't a healthy relationship, as you arent supposed to act like Allah will do for you this and that however you want. No, Allah does whatever he himself wills, not what others think or feel. And Allah is The Most Wise, and The Most Merciful.
Ask chat gbt about this hadith
O rotten bones, O scattered flesh, arise to pass judgment.
meat yes but not pig thats all . Thats our prophet told us as muslims before thousand years ago .
The prophet favorite food is pumpkin
Kelly please islam convert please islam is good life after insha allah paradise insha allah
React or talk with muslim lantern
goat milk
ua-cam.com/video/tCNH7YcsS5I/v-deo.htmlsi=Qlp4MFWu3sc0--XQ this is about pulsar and one of very interesting miracles of Quran
I have watched revert story and i think you will like it Han
video title “My Father Rejected me After Islam…” - Ex-Christian Found Islam in Prison! - ! Towards Eternity channel
30 minutes video but will be nice if u made reaction for it, thank you
Try biryani ❤
Don't do ChatGPT cause as Muslims we would not consider what that app says acceptable because it's a app, it only relates the information it's programmed to relate islamically it would never be acceptable to accept what it says whether it's right or wrong. Hopefully you would read on how the Muslim scholarly works are acceptable or not according to our grading system which is more reliable than any historical books you have ever read even though most of you reacted to was reliable but it's better to react to actual respectable scholar of Islam. I am a Somali from east Africa and we have the most camels in the world and there's nothing like camel milk and I can't even tell you how that helps your immune system. I have been away from home for about 14 months and other than missing my wife, I actually miss drinking four to five cups of camel milk that was actually mulked few hours before I drank them and I am feeling weak being away from my wife and the milk. Feels like my second wife before my second wife which I am so scared to even think about cause you have not met my wife but how about that camel milk.
with all due respect,Kelly should wear a hijab atleast.Or Han will be punished for it in akhirat,If you Don't believe me do your research guys
They’re not even muslim yet give them time.
Don't be too harsh on giving advice. We are all still learning to be better humans.
@@Bechotz I am not being harsh Brother,This is a mandatory Responsebelity for every muslim Man to protect their wifes beauty
What are you on 🤦🏾♀️🤦🏾♀️🤦🏾♀️
You can't force someone to wear a hijab or pray, it's worthless if you do it forced by humans.
You guys missed ginger
These are clear signs of prophecy
We have discovered the benefits recently. How it was 1400 years ago?
There’s a big amount of wrong not in the comments.
Flawed logic and jump to conclusions.
It’s better to stick to authentic hadiths guys.
Van Damme's actor also recommends following the diet of the Prophet Muhammad, may God bless him and grant him peace.
I believe his best friend is Moroccan and they grew up together in Belgium. He plays Tong Po in the movie Kickboxer 2