US Citizenship New N-400 Naturalization Interview 2024 Questions & Answers: Actual/Real Experience

  • Опубліковано 13 вер 2024
  • In this video, applicant Torres is interviewed based on her employment application. She is an immigrant applicant from the Philippines, a Filipina who works as a registered nurse in New York. An employment agency sponsors her for a work visa. She has been a lawful permanent resident for 6 years in the United States. In this mock video, you will see that she is ready for her naturalization interview when asked various questions by the USCIS officer. This educational video can help you prepare to become an American citizen. While it gives some ways on what to expect during your naturalization interview, remember that every N400 interview is unique, and yours might not be exactly like this UA-cam study and practice video.
    2024 N-400 Interview Tips:
    Know the USCIS Officer's Name and Badge Number: It's a good idea to ask for the name and badge number of the USCIS officer who will be interviewing you. This will help you follow up if you have questions, concerns, or complaints after the interview.
    Speak Clearly and Confidently: When answering questions during your interview, speak clearly and at a normal pace. This will help the officer understand you better. Also, maintain eye contact to convey confidence and honesty.
    Answer Directly and Truthfully: Answer each question directly, briefly, and truthfully. Don't interrupt the officer; if you need more time to think, just let the USCIS officer know.
    Expect Courtesy and Professionalism: The USCIS officer conducting your U.S. citizenship interview should be polite and professional. He or she should be willing to repeat or rephrase questions until you understand. If you encounter a strict officer, don't worry if you're prepared; you can still pass your citizenship interview.
    Know Your Rights: If you feel the officer is rude or has wrongly denied your N-400 application, you can complain to a supervisor. Remember, this won't affect your naturalization application.
    Entrevista de naturalización N-400 para la Ciudadanía Americana 2024:
    En este video, se entrevista a la solicitante Torres en función de su solicitud de empleo. Es una solicitante inmigrante de Filipinas, una filipina que trabaja como enfermera registrada en Nueva York. Una agencia de empleo la patrocina para obtener una visa de trabajo. Ha sido residente permanente legal durante 6 años en los Estados Unidos. En este video simulado, verá que está lista para su entrevista de naturalización cuando el oficial de USCIS le hace varias preguntas. Este video educativo puede ayudarlo a prepararse para convertirse en ciudadano estadounidense. Si bien brinda algunas formas de saber qué esperar durante su entrevista de naturalización, recuerde que cada entrevista N400 es única y la suya puede no ser exactamente como este video de estudio y práctica de UA-cam.
    Consejos para la entrevista de naturalización N-400 2024:
    Conozca el nombre y el número de placa del oficial del USCIS: es una buena idea preguntar el nombre y el número de placa del oficial del USCIS que lo entrevistará. Esto lo ayudará a hacer un seguimiento si tiene preguntas, inquietudes o quejas después de la entrevista.
    Hable con claridad y confianza: cuando responda preguntas durante su entrevista, hable con claridad y a un ritmo normal. Esto ayudará al oficial a comprenderlo mejor. Además, mantenga el contacto visual para transmitir confianza y honestidad.
    Responda de manera directa y veraz: responda cada pregunta de manera directa, breve y veraz. No interrumpa al oficial; si necesita más tiempo para pensar, simplemente infórmeselo al oficial del USCIS.
    Espere cortesía y profesionalismo: el oficial del USCIS que realice su entrevista de ciudadanía estadounidense debe ser cortés y profesional. Él o ella debe estar dispuesto a repetir o reformular las preguntas hasta que usted comprenda. Si se encuentra con un oficial estricto, no se preocupe si está preparado; aún puede aprobar su entrevista de ciudadanía.
    Conozca sus derechos: si considera que el funcionario es grosero o ha rechazado injustamente su solicitud N-400, puede presentar una queja ante un supervisor. Recuerde que esto no afectará su solicitud de naturalización.
    This educational video is for informational purposes only. The information in this video does not constitute any legal advice. Any reliance on the information contained herein is solely at the viewer’s risk. We try to include up-to-date and accurate information in all our published videos. However, with the constant change of immigration laws, fees, regulations, forms, procedures, and policies, the information herein may no longer be correct. Kindly consult any authorized immigration law expert before you make any decisions or take any actions that might affect your U.S. immigration status.
    #naturalizationtest #ciudadanía #examendeciudadaniaamericana #n400interview #ciudadaniaamericana #n400 #n400citizenshipinterview


  • @roseilunga179
    @roseilunga179 7 днів тому +1

    Thank you Sir for your help video .

    • @USCitizenshipHelpGuide
      @USCitizenshipHelpGuide  7 днів тому

      @roseilunga179 🌸🌻 You are most welcome Rose Ilunga! ❤️Hello, Rose😊If you need help to know or verify your local United States state representative, governor, senators, and state capital since these questions could be asked for your 2024 civics test, you may inform us of the state where you live. When you go for your interview Rose, take your time to answer the questions, especially the ones from form N-400. If you don't hear a question clearly, don't hesitate to ask the USCIS officer to repeat it. Double-check the answers you wrote in your N-400 application. Some people fail because they do not understand the question, so stay focused during the interview.
      Bring your I-797C Notice of Action (interview notice letter), as you'll need it to enter the USCIS building. This letter also tells you which documents to bring. Remember to get all your essential documents, including the originals, as the officer may ask to see them. They'll give back the original documents after the interview.
      Rose, we have some helpful video links below to help you pass the U.S. Citizenship interview and test. To test your knowledge of the Civics Test, watch our playlist with all 100 questions you need to know:
      Check out our U.S. Citizenship Mock Interviews playlist to see how applicants handle their interviews:
      Learn from our Interview Guide Lessons, Tips, and Advice in this playlist:
      Most USCIS officers won't ask for definitions, but a few immigration officers will, so we have videos to help you understand keywords:
      Prepare for the Speaking, Reading, and Writing Tests with our playlist. You'll find practice materials and tips to help you succeed:
      You can join our channel to get access to perks:
      We sincerely hope you pass your naturalization interview and tests at the USCIS Field Office. Take care Rose, good luck, and may the loving God bless you! 🙏

  • @marcoquintero8103
    @marcoquintero8103 3 дні тому +1

    Thanks for help me in this video inportant them Thanks in again

    • @USCitizenshipHelpGuide
      @USCitizenshipHelpGuide  3 дні тому

      @marcoquintero8103 🌸 You are welcome❤️Hello, Marco Quintero😊and welcome to the U.S. Citizenship Help Guide UA-cam channel. If you need help to know or verify your local United States state representative, governor, senators, and state capital since these questions could be asked for your 2024 civics test, you may inform us of the state where you live. When you go for your interview Marco, take your time to answer the questions, especially the ones from form N-400. If you don't hear a question clearly, don't hesitate to ask the USCIS officer to repeat it. Double-check the answers you wrote in your N-400 application. Some people fail because they do not understand the question, so stay focused during the interview.
      Bring your I-797C Notice of Action (interview notice letter), as you'll need it to enter the USCIS building. This letter also tells you which documents to bring. Remember to get all your essential documents, including the originals, as the officer may ask to see them. They'll give back the original documents after the interview.
      Marco, we have some helpful video links below to help you pass the U.S. Citizenship interview and test. To test your knowledge of the Civics Test, watch our playlist with all 100 questions you need to know:
      Check out our U.S. Citizenship Mock Interviews playlist to see how applicants handle their interviews:
      Learn from our Interview Guide Lessons, Tips, and Advice in this playlist:
      Most USCIS officers won't ask for definitions, but a few immigration officers will, so we have videos to help you understand keywords:
      Prepare for the Speaking, Reading, and Writing Tests with our playlist. You'll find practice materials and tips to help you succeed:
      You can join our channel to get access to perks:
      We sincerely hope you pass your naturalization interview and tests at the USCIS Field Office. Take care Marco, good luck, and may the loving God bless you! 🙏

  • @meiqin7351
    @meiqin7351 4 дні тому +1

    Hi ! this is Chinese 大家好!今年我已经65岁,持有绿卡15年,在n-400表的第二部分第11条,我是不是可以选择yes,我找不到口译员,平时在你们的视频上学English test questions 同时也学习中文题。如果能回答我的请求!我将非常感谢🙏!

    • @USCitizenshipHelpGuide
      @USCitizenshipHelpGuide  4 дні тому

      @meiqin7351 🌹🙏你好,Meiqin!据我所知,入籍申请人必须参加考试的两个部分,但有些申请人可能根据其年龄和作为永久居民(绿卡持有人)的时间或某些医疗条件获得“豁免”。因此,在申请入籍时年满 55 岁并已在美国作为永久居民居住 15 年的申请人可以免于参加英语考试。这也被称为“55/15”例外。
      获得“55/15”豁免的申请人必须参加公民测试,该测试包含 100 个问题和答案,并使用其母语。如果申请人将以自己的母语参加考试,则申请人必须带一名翻译参加入籍面试。翻译必须精通英语和申请人的母语。
      由于您今年已 65 岁,并且已持有绿卡 15 年,因此您可以在翻译的帮助下以自己的语言参加 100 公民测试。我强烈建议您请一位能够很好地理解英语的人来帮助您填写 N-400 申请。我们不希望您提交的 N-400 申请中出现此重要表格的答案错误。寻找一个您可以信赖的、能够帮助您填写的、英语和中文都非常好的人。尝试找一位翻译。我很高兴您从我们的视频中学习了英语测试问题,也学习了中文问题。保重,愿仁慈的上帝保佑您!🙏

    • @meiqin7351
      @meiqin7351 4 дні тому


  • @magdarodnieto9619
    @magdarodnieto9619 8 днів тому +1

    Hello , if all my certificates are in Spanish , do I need to translate then into English … how do I get someone certified by you ?

    • @USCitizenshipHelpGuide
      @USCitizenshipHelpGuide  8 днів тому

      @magdarodnieto9619 🌸🌻❤️Hello, Magda😊and welcome to the U.S. Citizenship Help Guide UA-cam channel. Yes Magda, the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) requires certified English translations of any foreign language documents submitted with an application for immigration benefits. This includes birth certificates, marriage certificates, divorce certificates, police records, academic transcripts, and bank statements.
      Here is some information about translating foreign documents for the USCIS in 2024:
      The USCIS requires that all non-English documents submitted to them include a complete and accurate English translation. The translator must also certify that they are proficient in both the original language and the English language and that the translation is accurate.
      The translator must provide a certification letter that includes their name, address, phone number, signature, and date. No notarization is required.
      Translation process
      The process involves providing the original documents, reviewing the translations, and obtaining the certification statement.
      Translator selection
      When choosing a translator, looking for professional services, checking their credentials, and comparing prices is recommended.
      Avoidance of conflicts of interest
      It is best to avoid using friends or family as translators, as this can potentially create a conflict of interest.
      Avoidance of automatic translations
      Google Translate and other automatic document translation tools are unacceptable for USCIS-certified translations.
      Translation costs
      Translation prices vary by location, service provider, and the number and complexity of the documents. In the United States, professional translation services can cost between $20 to $40 per page.
      Translator certification
      The translator must certify that they are competent to translate and that the translation is accurate.
      Translator information
      The translator's name, address, and phone number must be included in the translation.
      Translator signature
      The translator must sign and date the translation.
      Document completeness
      The translation must be complete and unedited, with all seals, stamps, and footnotes easily visible.
      Magda, if you need help to know or verify your local United States state representative, governor, senators, and state capital since these questions could be asked for your 2024 civics test, you may inform us of the state where you live. When you go for your interview, take your time to answer the questions, especially the ones from form N-400. If you don't hear a question clearly, don't hesitate to ask the USCIS officer to repeat it. Double-check the answers you wrote in your N-400 application. Some people fail because they do not understand the question, so stay focused during the interview.
      Bring your I-797C Notice of Action (interview notice letter), as you'll need it to enter the USCIS building. This letter also tells you which documents to bring. Remember to get all your essential documents, including the originals, as the officer may ask to see them. They'll give back the original documents after the interview.
      Magda, we have some helpful video links below to help you pass the U.S. Citizenship interview and test. To test your knowledge of the Civics Test, watch our playlist with all 100 questions you need to know:
      Check out our U.S. Citizenship Mock Interviews playlist to see how applicants handle their interviews:
      Learn from our Interview Guide Lessons, Tips, and Advice in this playlist:
      Most USCIS officers won't ask for definitions, but a few immigration officers will, so we have videos to help you understand keywords:
      Prepare for the Speaking, Reading, and Writing Tests with our playlist. You'll find practice materials and tips to help you succeed:
      You can join our channel to get access to perks:
      We sincerely hope you pass your naturalization interview and tests at the USCIS Field Office. Take care Magda, good luck, and may the loving God bless you! 🙏

  • @lwinnyeinchan5620
    @lwinnyeinchan5620 9 днів тому +1

    My passport was expire but i have already got appointment for interview from uscis. Is goona be any problem to pass the interview? pls answer for me. Thank you!

    • @USCitizenshipHelpGuide
      @USCitizenshipHelpGuide  8 днів тому +1

      @lwinnyeinchan5620🌸🌻❤️Hello, Lwin Nyein Chan😊and welcome to the U.S. Citizenship Help Guide UA-cam channel. Lwin, it's never a problem if you have an expired passport, and of course, it's not a problem to pass the naturalization interview. You should bring your expired passport to your naturalization interview with USCIS, even if it's expired. You should also bring any other valid or expired passports and travel documents, including any USCIS-issued travel documents. You should also bring other documents to your interview, like your Permanent Resident or Alien Registration Card, any state-issued identification, like a driver's license, and any Re-entry Permits you have
      Lwin, if you need help to know or verify your local United States state representative, governor, senators, and state capital since these questions could be asked for your 2024 civics test, you may inform us of the state where you live. When you go for your interview Lwin, take your time to answer the questions, especially the ones from form N-400. If you don't hear a question clearly, don't hesitate to ask the USCIS officer to repeat it. Double-check the answers you wrote in your N-400 application. Some people fail because they do not understand the question, so stay focused during the interview.
      Bring your I-797C Notice of Action (interview notice letter), as you'll need it to enter the USCIS building. This letter also tells you which documents to bring. Remember to get all your essential documents, including the originals, as the officer may ask to see them. They'll give back the original documents after the interview.
      Lwin Nyein Chan, we have some helpful video links below to help you pass the U.S. Citizenship interview and test. To test your knowledge of the Civics Test, watch our playlist with all 100 questions you need to know:
      Check out our U.S. Citizenship Mock Interviews playlist to see how applicants handle their interviews:
      Learn from our Interview Guide Lessons, Tips, and Advice in this playlist:
      Most USCIS officers won't ask for definitions, but a few immigration officers will, so we have videos to help you understand keywords:
      Prepare for the Speaking, Reading, and Writing Tests with our playlist. You'll find practice materials and tips to help you succeed:
      You can join our channel to get access to perks:
      We sincerely hope you pass your naturalization interview and tests at the USCIS Field Office. Take care, Lwin. Good luck, and may the loving God bless you! 🙏

    • @lwinnyeinchan5620
      @lwinnyeinchan5620 8 днів тому

      @@USCitizenshipHelpGuide Thank you!

  • @reynamain-o4v
    @reynamain-o4v 24 дні тому +2

    I have the interview coming up and i have some worries. I worked under the table the last 2 years, and im dependent on my fathers tax so i dont file my own taxes. How do i go about this?

    • @USCitizenshipHelpGuide
      @USCitizenshipHelpGuide  24 дні тому

      @reynamain-o4v 🌸🌻❤️Hello, Reyna😊and welcome to the U.S. Citizenship Help Guide UA-cam channel. In my understanding, "working under the table" is an illegal practice that refers to work that is not documented or taxed. It's also known as "working off the books," "cash-in-hand employment," "unreported income," or "unreported employment." So, in this type of arrangement, employers pay employees in cash without recording the payments in their business records. This makes it more challenging to trace income that is not eligible for taxation. Employers and employees may work under the table to avoid taxes and other laws or for convenience. If we see it in a positive way...for example, a small business could pay under the table if they are struggling financially or make most of their income in cash and find it easier to divide the money among employees. But if we see it in a negative way...penalties for paying employees under the table can include fines, interest, criminal convictions, and even jail time. Employers may also be required to pay back all the taxes that should have been deposited. Working under the table is when someone does work that isn't taxed or documented. You'll also hear it being called "unreported income," "working off the books," or "cash-in-hand employment." You "may" seek legal advice from an immigration lawyer about this. Please be careful of dishonest individuals or businesses who may claim to be attorneys or immigration consultants. They may take your money and harm your case. Don't pay for services or sign anything until you understand the contract, and don't trust anyone who asks you to act immediately.
      Reyna, if you need help to know or verify your local United States state representative, governor, senators, and state capital since these questions could be asked for your 2024 civics test, you may inform us of the state where you live. When you go for your interview Reyna, take your time to answer the questions, especially the ones from form N-400. If you don't hear a question clearly, don't hesitate to ask the USCIS officer to repeat it. Double-check the answers you wrote in your N-400 application. Some people fail because they do not understand the question, so stay focused during the interview.
      Bring your I-797C Notice of Action (interview notice letter), as you'll need it to enter the USCIS building. This letter also tells you which documents to bring. Remember to get all your essential documents, including the originals, as the officer may ask to see them. They'll give back the original documents after the interview.
      Reyna, we've got some helpful video links below that will help and guide you to pass the U.S. Citizenship interview and test. To test your knowledge of the Civics Test, watch our playlist with all 100 questions you need to know:
      Check out our U.S. Citizenship Mock Interviews playlist to see how applicants handle their interviews:
      Learn from our Interview Guide Lessons, Tips, and Advice in this playlist:
      Most USCIS officers won't ask for definitions, but a few immigration officers will, so we have videos to help you understand keywords:
      Prepare for the Speaking, Reading, and Writing Tests with our playlist. You'll find practice materials and tips to help you succeed:
      We sincerely hope you pass your naturalization interview and tests at the USCIS Field Office. Take care Reyna, good luck, and may the loving God bless you! 🙏

  • @marway99
    @marway99 21 день тому +1

    is it ok my philippine passport my last name is maiden name? when i applying for citizenship. both my greencard and i.d same married last name.

    • @USCitizenshipHelpGuide
      @USCitizenshipHelpGuide  21 день тому +1

      @marway99🌸🌻❤️Hello, Marway😊and welcome to the U.S. Citizenship Help Guide UA-cam channel. It's okay if your Philippine passport's last name is your maiden name. The important thing is that both your green card and I.D. have the same married last name. Marway, if you need help to know or verify your local United States state representative, governor, senators, and state capital since these questions could be asked for your 2024 civics test, you may inform us of the state where you live. When you go for your interview Marway, take your time to answer the questions, especially the ones from form N-400. If you don't hear a question clearly, don't hesitate to ask the USCIS officer to repeat it. Double-check the answers you wrote in your N-400 application. Some people fail because they do not understand the question, so stay focused during the interview.
      Bring your I-797C Notice of Action (interview notice letter), as you'll need it to enter the USCIS building. This letter also tells you which documents to bring. Remember to get all your essential documents, including the originals, as the officer may ask to see them. They'll give back the original documents after the interview.
      Marway, we've got some helpful video links below that will help and guide you to pass the U.S. Citizenship interview and test. To test your knowledge of the Civics Test, watch our playlist with all 100 questions you need to know:
      Check out our U.S. Citizenship Mock Interviews playlist to see how applicants handle their interviews:
      Learn from our Interview Guide Lessons, Tips, and Advice in this playlist:
      Most USCIS officers won't ask for definitions, but a few immigration officers will, so we have videos to help you understand keywords:
      Prepare for the Speaking, Reading, and Writing Tests with our playlist. You'll find practice materials and tips to help you succeed:
      We sincerely hope you pass your naturalization interview and tests at the USCIS Field Office. Take care Marway, good luck, and may the loving God bless you! 🙏

    • @marway99
      @marway99 21 день тому

      @@USCitizenshipHelpGuide thank you so much.

  • @SabinKazi-h7j
    @SabinKazi-h7j 26 днів тому +6

    I lost my birth certificate is there will be a problem?

    • @USCitizenshipHelpGuide
      @USCitizenshipHelpGuide  26 днів тому +1

      @user-hb5pe1gc1b 🌸🌻❤️Hello, Sabin😊and welcome to the U.S. Citizenship Help Guide UA-cam channel. Were you able to receive your I-797C Notice of Action (interview notice letter)? This letter also tells you which documents to bring for your naturalization interview and if it does require you to bring your birth certificate, then you may be fine. Remember to get all your essential documents, including the originals, as the officer may ask to see them. They'll give back the original documents after the interview. Your I-797C Notice of Action (interview notice letter) is also needed as you'll use it to enter the USCIS building.
      Sabin, know your local United States state representative, governor, senators, and state capital since these questions may come up for your 2024 civics test. When you go for your interview Sabin, take your time to answer the questions, especially the ones from form N-400. If you don't hear a question clearly, don't hesitate to ask the USCIS officer to repeat it. Double-check the answers you wrote in your N-400 application. Some people fail because they do not understand the question, so stay focused during the interview.
      Sabin, we've got some helpful video links below that will help and guide you to pass the U.S. Citizenship interview and test. To test your knowledge of the Civics Test, watch our playlist with all 100 questions you need to know:
      Check out our U.S. Citizenship Mock Interviews playlist to see how applicants handle their interviews:
      Learn from our Interview Guide Lessons, Tips, and Advice in this playlist:
      Most USCIS officers won't ask for definitions, but a few immigration officers will, so we have videos to help you understand keywords:
      Prepare for the Speaking, Reading, and Writing Tests with our playlist. You'll find practice materials and tips to help you succeed:
      We sincerely hope you pass your naturalization interview and tests at the USCIS Field Office. Take care Sabin, good luck, and may the loving God bless you! 🙏

    • @SabinKazi-h7j
      @SabinKazi-h7j 26 днів тому +1

      They want me to bring evidence of selective service registration but I don’t have it

    • @USCitizenshipHelpGuide
      @USCitizenshipHelpGuide  26 днів тому

      @user-hb5pe1gc1b🌻❤️If you're a male applicant applying for naturalization and are between the ages of 26 and 31 and are required to provide proof of Selective Service registration but don't have it, you can try these steps:
      Submit a formal written statement and explain why you didn't register. Get a letter from the Selective Service System: This letter should indicate your status. You can get proof of registration online at or by calling (847) 688-6888. You can also print a form letter to use with USCIS if you're asked for a status information letter.
      It’s important that you show that your failure to register wasn't willful. You can use a preponderance of evidence to show that you didn't know you needed to register or that it wasn't your fault if USCIS or the Selective Service System didn't complete the process.
      If you're a male applicant who is 31 or older and didn't register, you might not need to provide any documentation to USCIS. If you were required to register and did not, you must bring both a written statement explaining why you did not and a letter from the Selective Service System indicating your status to your interview. For more information about Selective Service or to get proof of registration, visit or call 888-655-1825.

    • @SabinKazi-h7j
      @SabinKazi-h7j 26 днів тому +1

      I’m a female applicant so I don’t need this document right now?

    • @USCitizenshipHelpGuide
      @USCitizenshipHelpGuide  26 днів тому +1

      Female applicants don't need it for their naturalization. This is only for male applicants.

  • @Happy_adventures12
    @Happy_adventures12 25 днів тому +2

    I am Arabic can you help me for cotion for Yes or no thank you

    • @USCitizenshipHelpGuide
      @USCitizenshipHelpGuide  24 дні тому

      @Happy_adventures12 🌸🌻❤️مرحبًا، 😊ومرحبًا بكم في قناة دليل المساعدة للحصول على الجنسية الأمريكية على اليوتيوب. إذا كنت بحاجة إلى مساعدة لمعرفة أو التحقق من ممثل الولاية المحلي أو الحاكم أو أعضاء مجلس الشيوخ أو عاصمة الولاية نظرًا لأنه قد يتم طرح هذه الأسئلة لاختبار التربية المدنية لعام 2024، فيمكنك إبلاغنا بالولاية التي تعيش فيها. عندما تذهب للمقابلة، خذ وقتك للإجابة على الأسئلة، وخاصة تلك الموجودة في النموذج N-400. إذا لم تسمع سؤالاً بوضوح، فلا تتردد في مطالبة موظف USCIS بتكراره. تحقق مرة أخرى من الإجابات التي كتبتها في طلب N-400 الخاص بك. يفشل بعض الأشخاص لأنهم لا يفهمون السؤال، لذا حافظ على تركيزك أثناء المقابلة.
      أحضر إشعار الإجراء I-797C (خطاب إشعار المقابلة)، حيث ستحتاج إليه لدخول مبنى USCIS. يخبرك هذا الخطاب أيضًا بالمستندات التي يجب إحضارها. تذكر أن تحضر معك جميع مستنداتك الأساسية، بما في ذلك المستندات الأصلية، حيث قد يطلب منك الضابط رؤيتها. وسوف يعيد لك المستندات الأصلية بعد المقابلة.
      لدينا بعض روابط الفيديو المفيدة أدناه والتي ستساعدك على اجتياز مقابلة واختبار المواطنة الأمريكية. لاختبار معرفتك باختبار التربية المدنية، شاهد قائمة التشغيل الخاصة بنا التي تحتوي على 100 سؤال تحتاج إلى معرفتها:
      قم بإلقاء نظرة على قائمة تشغيل المقابلات التجريبية للمواطنة الأمريكية لمعرفة كيفية تعامل المتقدمين مع مقابلاتهم:
      تعلم من دروس دليل المقابلة والنصائح والإرشادات الخاصة بنا في قائمة التشغيل هذه:
      لن يطلب معظم ضباط USCIS تعريفات، ولكن بعض ضباط الهجرة سيطلبون ذلك، لذلك لدينا مقاطع فيديو لمساعدتك على فهم الكلمات الرئيسية:
      استعد لاختبارات التحدث والقراءة والكتابة من خلال قائمة التشغيل الخاصة بنا. ستجد مواد تدريبية ونصائح لمساعدتك على النجاح:
      نأمل مخلصين أن تجتاز مقابلة التجنس واختباراته في مكتب USCIS الميداني. اعتني بنفسك، وحظًا سعيدًا، وليباركك الرب المحب! 🙏

    • @Happy_adventures12
      @Happy_adventures12 24 дні тому +1

      السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته
      انا عايشه في فرجينا هامتن ويهمني ان اعرف الاربعه الاسئله الخاصه في عاصمه والسناتور والريبرسنتور والكابنت وكذلك يهمني ان اعرف هل يعطوننا تعاريف ومعاني تبع yes او no
      شكرا للرد
      جزاك الله خير الجزاء يارب 🍃

    • @USCitizenshipHelpGuide
      @USCitizenshipHelpGuide  24 дні тому +1

      @Happy_adventures12 🌻❤️السلام عليكم أيضًا "مغامرات سعيدة"، ورحمة الله وبركاته أيضًا. أعضاء مجلس الشيوخ في فيرجينيا لعام 2024 هم تيم كين ومارك وارنر. يمكنك اختيار عضو مجلس شيوخ واحد كإجابة لسؤال اختبار التربية المدنية. ريتشموند هي عاصمة ولاية فيرجينيا. حاكم فيرجينيا لعام 2024 هو جلين يونجكين.
      للعثور على ممثل فيرجينيا الحالي لعام 2024، ما عليك سوى زيارة
      أدخل الرمز البريدي الخاص بك، وانقر فوق "اعثر على ممثلك حسب الرمز البريدي"، وسيظهر ممثل منطقتك الانتخابية. ستساعدك هذه الخدمة الرسمية من خلال مطابقة الرمز البريدي الخاص بك مع منطقتك الانتخابية، لذا فإن محاولة تقديم معلومات إضافية ستسمح بمطابقة دقيقة عن طريق إدخال عنوان الشارع الخاص بك.
      لن يطلب معظم موظفي USCIS تعريفات، 😊 ولكن بعض موظفي الهجرة سيفعلون ذلك، لذلك لدينا مقاطع فيديو لمساعدتك على فهم الكلمات الرئيسية:
      @Happy_adventures12، من المهم جدًا اختبار معرفتك باختبار التربية المدنية. شاهد قائمة التشغيل الخاصة بنا التي تحتوي على 100 سؤال تحتاج إلى معرفتها:
      شاهد قائمة تشغيل المقابلات التجريبية للمواطنة الأمريكية لمعرفة كيفية تعامل المتقدمين مع مقابلاتهم:
      تعلم من دروس دليل المقابلة والنصائح والإرشادات الخاصة بنا في قائمة التشغيل هذه:
      تحتاج إلى الاستعداد لاختبارات التحدث والقراءة والكتابة من خلال قائمة التشغيل الخاصة بنا. ستجد مواد تدريبية ونصائح لمساعدتك على النجاح:
      نأمل مخلصين أن تجتاز مقابلة التجنس والاختبارات في مكتب USCIS الميداني. اعتني بنفسك، وحظًا سعيدًا، وليباركك الرب المحب! 🙏

    • @Happy_adventures12
      @Happy_adventures12 24 дні тому

      @@USCitizenshipHelpGuide شكرا جزاك الله خير سوف اعمل كل ذالك والله الموفق