Nice video, there's something remarkably therapeutic about watching the trains go round, for spraying tips, happy to help you when you're ready pal! Enjoy that pizza 😂
Those locos look great, nice runners. You can get weathering paints but I just mix up murkey acrylic colours with plenty of water and use that for weathering.
Lovely layout. Try practising weathering with a dark wash on some cheap/ scrap models. Very thin black enamel on the roof. Perhaps change the channel name to include modern image OO in the title to get more views. Keep it up ❤
👍🚂🚞🚞😎Great looking layout.
thank you verry much 👍👍
Hi Fantastic layout I have subscribed looking forward to watching your pass videos and catching up. Colin
thanks buddy ive subed to you too .... mick
Nice video, there's something remarkably therapeutic about watching the trains go round, for spraying tips, happy to help you when you're ready pal! Enjoy that pizza 😂
cheers pete you a ledgend 👍👍👏👏
Your layout looks great. I would recommend searching for Iron Horse Railways Weathering videos, he seems to be very good and is easy to watch.
thanks for the info 👍👍
Those locos look great, nice runners. You can get weathering paints but I just mix up murkey acrylic colours with plenty of water and use that for weathering.
cheers buddy il get a old loco to try 👍👍
Cos love your layout great work mate and wow what a control panel out of my league but a great video thanks again
cheers mate thanks alot 👍👍
Wow, what a layout.. Very impressive 👍
thanks for that and the sub aswell 👍👍👌👌
Cossie try useing ak wethering pencils
thank mate i will do 👍👍
Lovely layout. Try practising weathering with a dark wash on some cheap/ scrap models. Very thin black enamel on the roof. Perhaps change the channel name to include modern image OO in the title to get more views. Keep it up ❤
thank you 👍👍
❤ you should be able to programme now I've shown you multiple times 😂😂😂 it's like riding a bike you never forget 🤣🤣🤣
thanks alot mate 👍👍