model railway

  • Опубліковано 18 гру 2024


  • @Gilsreptiles
    @Gilsreptiles Рік тому +1

    👍🚂🚞🚞😎Great looking layout.

  • @collinsngauge5493
    @collinsngauge5493 Рік тому +1

    Hi Fantastic layout I have subscribed looking forward to watching your pass videos and catching up. Colin

    • @cossie118bmk
      @cossie118bmk  Рік тому

      thanks buddy ive subed to you too .... mick

  • @trackfanstv
    @trackfanstv Рік тому +1

    Nice video, there's something remarkably therapeutic about watching the trains go round, for spraying tips, happy to help you when you're ready pal! Enjoy that pizza 😂

    • @cossie118bmk
      @cossie118bmk  Рік тому +2

      cheers pete you a ledgend 👍👍👏👏

  • @karlharrison6544
    @karlharrison6544 Рік тому +1

    Your layout looks great. I would recommend searching for Iron Horse Railways Weathering videos, he seems to be very good and is easy to watch.

  • @SlotCar2021
    @SlotCar2021 Рік тому +1

    Those locos look great, nice runners. You can get weathering paints but I just mix up murkey acrylic colours with plenty of water and use that for weathering.

    • @cossie118bmk
      @cossie118bmk  Рік тому

      cheers buddy il get a old loco to try 👍👍

  • @pats-slots
    @pats-slots Рік тому +2

    Cos love your layout great work mate and wow what a control panel out of my league but a great video thanks again

  • @ShipCreekRailway
    @ShipCreekRailway Рік тому

    Wow, what a layout.. Very impressive 👍

    • @cossie118bmk
      @cossie118bmk  Рік тому +1

      thanks for that and the sub aswell 👍👍👌👌

  • @simonvolye613
    @simonvolye613 Рік тому +2

    Cossie try useing ak wethering pencils

  • @MrPaulhopkins
    @MrPaulhopkins Рік тому +1

    Lovely layout. Try practising weathering with a dark wash on some cheap/ scrap models. Very thin black enamel on the roof. Perhaps change the channel name to include modern image OO in the title to get more views. Keep it up ❤

  • @brettgrubey3164
    @brettgrubey3164 Рік тому +3

    ❤ you should be able to programme now I've shown you multiple times 😂😂😂 it's like riding a bike you never forget 🤣🤣🤣

  • @stephenollerhead5325
    @stephenollerhead5325 Рік тому +1
